Volume 15, Issue 7 Color version available at http://home.ct.metrocast.net/~dfbsr/yaha.pdf The YAHA July, 2015 YAHOO JENSEN’S RETIREMENT COMMUNITY-3 HILLCREST DR., UNCASVILLE, CT 06382 President’s Message BINGO NEWS, P. 9 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES, P. 5 BOCCE GALA. P. 7 CALENDAR EVENTS, P. 13 CLASSIFIEDS, P. 12 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE MTG, P. 4 COMMUNITY SERVICE, P. 9 DUST CATCHERS, P. 9 FOYER DECORATIONS, P. 9 GARDEN CLUB, P. 9 GOLF OUTING, P. 7 HOSPITALITY, P. 10 ICE CREAM SOCIAL, P. 8 MANAGERS CORNER, P. 4 MEN’S CLUB NEWS, P. 10 MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING, P. 2+3 MONTVILLE SENIOR NEWS, P. 10 RECAP OF YAHA EVENTS, P. 6-8 SMITH TONER DINE OUT, P. 11 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, P. 8 TEXAS HOLD’EM, P. 11 WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS, P. 11 YAHA MEETING, Monday, July 13, 2015 @ 7:00 PM Summer has finally arrived and the gardens, both flower and vegetable are thriving; we look forward to hearing who has the bragging rights for the first ripened tomato! Nothing like freshly picked vegetables straight from the garden to dinner table….delicious. Hope everyone will celebrate Independence Day with friends and family, remembering those who gave us freedom; picnicking or watching spectacular fireworks; just be careful if you choose to have your own personal display! As usual there are some silly national holidays but there are two I would like to mention; Tell the Truth Day, which should be celebrated every day, and National Paperback Book Day which I celebrate daily, whether it be a paperback or hard cover, books are a great source of enjoyment, relaxation and education. If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit our library you must do so, the volunteers have worked very hard and there is a vast selection to choose from. Lastly, I don’t know who said this but I read it recently and it hit home: “It was a whole lot easier to get older than it was to get wiser” Peg Muscarella Regular Events Bingo: Thursday afternoons 2:00 pm Bocce: Tuesday AM Co-ed, Wednesday PM Men’s Dust Catchers: Suspended until September Game Night: Wednesdays, 7:00 pm Garden Club: 1st Wednesday of each month, 10:30am Line Dancing Lessons: Every Thursday Night 7:00 pm Low Impact Aerobics: Monday, Tues. & Thurs. mornings, 9:00 Mah Jongg: Tuesday afternoons 1:00 pm Needle Workers: Suspended until Wednesday, September 2nd Pitch/Cribbage: Tues. 1:00 pm Smith/Toner Dine Out Club: 2nd Thursday of each month 6:00 pm @ rest. Swim Robics: Weekday mornings 7:50 & 9:00 am TGIF Chat: Friday nights, 7:00 pm Water Color Paint Classes: Suspended until September Women’s Weight Management: Fridays, 10:00 am See the calendar on the last page for times and additional calendar events or changes. Linda MacNeill “Editor @ Heart”, 25 Looking Glass Circle, 860-367-9165, cariesmom@hotmail.com YAHA Volume 15, Issue 7 July, 2015 Minutes from June 8th Meeting Bingo Communications Community Svc. Dust Catchers Foyer Decorations Garden Club Handymen (backup) Library Karen Angelo Dave Bally Nancy Toner Laurene Shewan Connie Stoll Anne Martino Mike Fecher Peg Muscarella Robin Siragusa 860.848.3205 860.848.6972 860.848.3326 860.848.3631 860.367.0522 860.892.8633 860.848.1039 860.848.8892 860.848.9321 Men’s Club Needle Workers Newsletter Spotlight Water Color Class Welcoming Women’s Club Tom Fitzgerald Sherry Hyatt Linda MacNeill Peg Muscarella Linda MacNeill Gail Hollingsworth Pat Smith John Poole Gail Hollingsworth 860.367.0130 860.367.9111 860.367.9165 860.848.8892 860.367.9165 860.848.0290 860.367.0713 860.367.0045 860.848.0290 President's Comments: Peg Muscarella called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. She welcomed everyone and was happy to see the room almost filled. Maybe we'll have to enlarge the meeting room, just joking. Vice President's Comments: Gail Hollingsworth commented that the Bocce Gala, held on Sunday June 7th, was well attended. There was plenty of good food and wine and the weather was perfect. A couple of bocce games were played. Everyone had a great time. Secretary's Comments: Please everyone sign the attendance list. Treasurer's Report: Jim MacNeill gave the treasurer's report. The beginning balance was $7,579.59. Income for the month of May was $235.00. Expenses were $829.48. The ending balance of $6,985.11, less amount in reserve for the 2015 budget of $4,802.37, leaves a discretionary fund amount of $2,182.74. COMMITTE REPORTS Bingo: Al Tuchman reported that the bingo jackpot is growing. No one has won it in a while. Come to bingo and try your luck. Bocce: Peg Muscarella reported that outside bocce starts tomorrow, June 9, and there are 16 teams. This is a record number of teams. Consequently there are games scheduled at 9, 10, 11, and 12 noon. If it is too hot at noon your team may choose to play indoors. The indoor court will be available, just let the MacNeills know. Community Service: Nancy Toner reported that the May clothing drive went well. Thank you for your donations. In June we are collecting food for Montville social services. We've been told it is really needed and have been given a list of the most needed food items. Some are: tuna, soup, ramen noodles, juice boxes, cereal, rice, tomato sauce, canned fruit and macaroni and cheese. Hygiene items are also appreciated, such as diapers, laundry detergent, toilet tissue, shampoo and toothpaste. Put donations in the blue box in the foyer. Dine Out: Jim Toner reported that dine out for June is at The Main Street Grill in Niantic. Please come if you want to be with your friends or meet new friends and just have a good time. In May we went to Go Fish and a good time was had by all including the "twin fisted" drinkers. Come see what it's all about. The signup sheet is always on the bulletin board in the foyer. Dust Catchers: Joyce McCormack reported that dust catchers will meet on June 10th at 10:30. There will be no July or August meeting. A reminder to please check the pockets of any clothing that you bring to the meeting. Foyer: Connie Stoll reported that Anne Martino is planning for June to honor fathers. If you have some pictures or memorabilia that you would like to share of your father, please call Anne and she will display them in the foyer. Garden Club: Linda Stirling reported that the vegetable gardens are looking good. The plots are already producing vegetables to eat. The club will replace the flowers in the front of the clubhouse. Handyman: Mike Fecher reported that there were 11 jobs completed. Hospitality: Connie Stoll thanked Nina Ponte, Jeanne Wittkofske and Linda Stirling for the treats and plenty of coffee. Library: Robin Siragusa reported that all is well in the library. We do not accept VHS tapes for the library. The garden books will be moved because the library is tight on space. Men's Club: Peg Muscarella reported for Tom Fitzgerald. The June 6th breakfast had a Philadelphia theme. Namely, we indulged in eggs to order, a mystery meat, home fries, turkey gravy, fruit cup, juice and coffee. The consensus of opinion was that a Philadelphia breakfast is fine. But when learning that the mystery meat was actually Scrapple, and after hearing a description of what constitutes the product, some thought we should go back to a more healthy meal such as oatmeal. Next breakfast meeting will be at 0800 Saturday July 11, 2015. Please note that because the first Saturday falls on July 4th, this breakfast meeting is on the second Saturday of the month. Card games will follow breakfast. A visit to the McPherson Outdoor Education Center of the Waterford Country School took place on Saturday, 30 May 2015, under beautiful weather conditions. A total of 21 residents got a first-hand look at the Otto Graham Gymnasium and toured the Center. We all walked away with a much better understanding of the school, located on Hunts Brook Road, which many of us pass by on a daily basis. Each Participant was asked to donate $5 which was ultimately donated to the school. A thank you letter was sent, along with a $110 donation on behalf of YAHA. A copy of the letter is posted on the bulletin board. 2 Volume 15, Issue 7 Minutes from June 8th Meeting, Cont’d July, 2015 Newsletter: Linda MacNeill reported that the deadline for the June newsletter is Thursday the 25th at noon. If you put a classified in the newsletter and the item sells, please let Linda know so that she can delete it from the next newsletter. Welcoming: Pat Smith and John Poole were not there to report. Woman's Club: Jeanne Wittkofske reported that the third Wednesday this month the women are going to the Florence Griswold Museum and lunch at the Hideway in Old Lyme. Old Business: Connie Stoll reported the committee is on schedule for the Strawberry Festival on Tuesday, June 16. Connie will purchase the strawberries. Volunteers will slice them in the morning and another crew of volunteers will bake the shortcake. The cost is $2. Please bring a food item for the Community Service collection. New Business: Peg Muscarella reported that YAHA will sponsor two activities this summer. The first is an ice cream social on July 18th at 7 o'clock. The other will be a spaghetti and meatball dinner on Saturday, August 15. We will be looking for volunteers for both events. Please see Peg or any officer to volunteer. Announcements: Pat Hemingway reported on two articles of interest to our residents. First the good news. Of interest to military retirees, the State of Connecticut will no longer tax any portion of military retired pay. And the bad news, the maximum property tax credit will be reduced from $300 to $200 in 2016. In effect this is a tax increase of $100 for most homeowners. There is an aggressive and sophisticated phone scam targeting taxpayers. Residents are receiving calls from people claiming to be IRS employees. The callers will try to intimidate you into believing that you owe money to the IRS or you have an unexpected refund. This way they can get personal information from you that will enable them to collect money from you or use your personal accounts to take money from you. Note that the IRS will never call to demand immediate payment or demand payment without giving you the chance to question or appeal. They will never require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes or ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone. And they don't threaten to bring in the local police to have you arrested. These two announcements will be posted on the bulletin board for you to read. The golf tournament is being organized with the help of Andy Smith. Please call him for more information. Happy Dollars: $55.00 was collected. Jim Toner gave a thank you for a handyman job to Robin and Ginny; a thank you to Andy and Ron for scrapple and crispy home fries; and a warm welcome back to Pam Mormino. Pam Mormino had a thank you for all the prayers; they really helped. Ron Benoit was thankful for having a quiet house in the evening when all the construction stops. Ellen Marnell thanked a very talented Andy Smith and Jim Toner for fixing her windows. Liz Binger thanked her personal handyman who redid her bathroom. Pat Rondeau had a happy dollar because she won and her grandson graduated Xavier High School with high honors. Kate Davis was thankful that she walked 26 miles in the relay for life and for her cancer survivor husband, Paul. The Lunds thanked the handyman for fixing their outdoor faucet. Joyce McCormack thanked Tony and Robin Siragusa and Tom Fitzgerald for always helping her. Rhonda Labenski had a happy dollar for her husband who celebrated his birthday on Sunday. Andy Smith was thankful for his 11 year old grandson who hit a home run out of the park in his little league game. Jim MacNeill is thankful that Linda's car is being repaired after a messy accident. Drawings: $47.00 was collected for the 50/50 drawing. Denise Bower's name was drawn in the nametag drawing. The 50/50 drawing was won by Deanne Brennan and Manny Ponte. Attendance at the meeting was: 47 The meeting was adjourned to enjoy fellowship and dessert. Respectfully Submitted, Pat Hemingway, Secretary Y.A.H.A. Officers President—Peg Muscarella Vice President– Gail Hollingsworth Secretary– Pat Hemingway for Pam Mormino Treasurer—Jim MacNeill 3 Volume 15, Issue 7 MANAGERS CORNER July, 2015 The prize lot contest will be judged in July with two winners selected for Hillcrest each receiving one month’s lot reimbursement. Winners will be chosen by an outside contractor or another outside source. A nice kept lawn and clean neat colorful plant beds are some key components. The overall appearance also includes well-trimmed shrubs, Sharp edging, and clean house siding, walkway and driveway. Remember its not how much is planted, but how well it presents itself. Good luck to everyone! When visiting the Recreation Center, please make sure your guests (grandchildren) are supervised at all times... Mop the shower area after each use, and also please return the furniture to the original location after use in the pool area. For those who utilize the chair lift, please make sure the chair is in the off position when exiting the pool. Instructions are attached to the chair to guide you. If the chair is not completely shut down after use, water flows into the pool causing temperature changes in the water and wasted amounts of water which will be drained off. Please do not allow children who do not need the chair, to play with it. Lastly please turn off the lights! Consider the center as an extension of your home. Any functions private or YAHA; if the kitchen is being used; please clean the stove; refrigerator and the entire kitchen after use and empty the trash. When using the exercise equipment; please read the instructions first. Please contact us @ 860-848-4204 if you need assistance or e-mail me if you have any questions with the center. If you are planning any structural changes to your home: remediation needs: generators, satellite dishes, awnings, exterior color changes, additional propane tanks or propane fireplaces, installation of trees, flower beds etc. approval is required. Please plan ahead and seek proper approvals 7 to 15 days ahead and refer to your lease or resident guide book as needed. Plantings in the rear buffer areas are permitted as it will enhance everyone’s privacy; please do not clear those areas. As a reminder to all of the homeowners about the “FINDERS FEE” program: It’s a great time to buy if you know of someone who just might be thinking of a move to a 55+ community, be sure to sign them up at our sales office. When they purchase either a new home or a resale home, you will be entitled to the appropriate Finders Fee. Remember, the prospect must be originally registered by you with accurate names and addresses so don’t miss out on this easy chance for cash. The second application of fertilizer will be applied 1 st week in July or sooner; it will be a slow release fertilizer. Please do not feed stray cats or wild animals if you do, you will have guests forever. Please adhere to the policy of only one small dog or an indoor cat, exceptions can be made however its somewhat rare. Don’t forget to pick up the pets droppings, regardless of the location in the community. Look for our new TV adds on WFSB, call if you have any questions. Thank you, enjoy the summer and have a Happy Fourth; Nick OPEN MEETING FOR ALL HILLCREST RESIDENTS WITH THE HILLCREST COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015 @ 7:00 PM HILLCREST RECREATION CENTER This meeting is held to help the committee recognize items which our neighbors feel would benefit the community as a whole. We seek your active participation to ensure we are representing your wishes and your suggestions to enhance our community. Even though you may not have a specific suggestion yourself, you may provide valuable insight relative to another suggestion. Any questions, please call one of the committee members. Hillcrest Communication Committee Members Dave Bally Bob Bergdoll Tom Fitzgerald Peg Muscarella John Poole Tim Sullivan 4 July 2015 Volume 15, Issue 7 JULY ANNIVERSARIES JULY BIRTHDAYS 2 Grace Santaniello 13 George Dowker 1 Jim & Pat Rondeau 1961 54 2 Bruce Lund 13 Barbara Monarca 11 Dennis & Karen Pratt 1964 51 2 David Blades 14 Jeanne Fletcher 12 Walter & MaryLou Bielaska 1958 57 3 Patty Hancock 20 Gary Carter 13 Larry & Joan Vallee 1968 47 3 DeeAnne Brennan 20 Joan Vallee 26 Charlie & Connie Stoll 1958 57 4 Bruce Lorking 27 Doris Horochivsky 6 Francis McMahon 28 Peggy Dubois 6 Jack Marcus Nancy Moros and Francis McMahon—18 Mountain Laurel Ridge NEW DENTIST A newly licensed dentist had just opened his own practice in a popular strip mall. He spent a lot of money on fancy signage and furnished his office with expensive antiques in the hopes of attracting and making a good impression on prospective clients. One day as he sat in his office with nothing to do he saw a man approaching the front door. Wanting to appear busy he picked up the phone and pretended to consult with a client and arrange an appointment. “I’ll be with you in a second.” the dentist whispered to the man. After a few moments the dentist wrapped up his faux call and turned his attention to the man in the waiting room. “So sorry about that.” the dentist said. “Clients have been calling all day. So how can I help you?” The man had a confused look on his face. “Uh, I’m from the phone company,” he said to the dentist. “I was sent here to connect your phone.” Adapted from Jokes4Us.com 5 Volume 15, Issue 7 RECAP OF YAHA EVENTS July, 2015 Waterford Country School Visit On Saturday, May 30, 2015, twenty-one of us had the pleasure of touring the Waterford Country School on Hunts Brook Road in Waterford. Most of us have passed this school many times on our way to the various shopping centers. Few of us had any idea of what was taking place on the grounds of this 350 acre facility. On this particular day, the weather cooperated completely and we laced up our sneakers and what followed was truly eyeopening. Our guide for the morning was Ben Turner, the Director of the McPherson Outdoor Education Center at the school. We started out by entering the recently opened Otto Graham Gymnasium, the bright red structure we see as we pass along Hunts Brook Road. In here, Ben proceeded to give us a general description of the school’s mission, programs, and services. We learned how the highly skilled staff of more than 200 members works with the needs of students to accomplish their mission of enriching the lives of their students and family members. Because of our own diversity and inquiring minds, Ben was asked dozens of probing questions which he very capably answered. After leaving the gym, we made our way to the farm animal and wildlife sanctuary areas. All of the farm animals and wild critters are used in the school programs to provide real life work experience as well as therapeutic care to the students. We encountered typical farm animals such as work horses, a mule, ponies, llamas, miniature horses, a pig, goats, chickens, and geese. Some of the wild critters that are being rehabilitated with the hope of returning them to the wild included barn owls, a raven, a seagull, red-tailed hawks, and a swan. Even more surprising was the indoor rehabilitation area for wildlife that required an area protected from the outside elements. It was like a zoo. We saw an iguana, squirrels, chinchilla, birds galore-African Grey, cockatiels, parakeets, among others, snakes, hamsters, and gerbils. The school has Federal and State certification to handle wildlife rehabilitation. The animals are brought in by State and Municipal authorities as well as the general public. The farm area also has gardens that were in the process of being planted. The school participates in the FRESH community garden program. After leaving the farm area we went into their outdoor camp and team-training area. It was noted that a Boy Scout Troop was camped on the site for the weekend. It was also noticed by all that we saw a food catering truck heading to that area. We couldn’t draw a conclusion from that sighting but it sure made us wonder if the scouts today receive the same training as we did in our day. We walked the entire team-building trail which is an obstacle-laden course that would challenge the best fit athletes. There were wall and rope climbing hurdles to master, rope webs to pass through, and enough other obstacles to tire a Navy Seal. We did attempt one of the team challenges which was that of balancing a 15 square foot deck that teetered on a log. Some of us went to one side, others to the other and some in the middle. In less than 30 seconds we successfully balanced the deck, surprising even our guide. We Hillcrest residents are already a team that should not be messed with! After thanking Ben for a wonderful tour, we meandered down the road to the Outback Steak House in New London for lunch, some refreshing beverages, and socialization. It was agreed by all that this was a great outing as we walked away feeling that we had learned a lot and will have a totally different mindset when we pass by the red gym and the Waterford Country School. In a follow-up matter, each participant (and even one that didn’t join us) donated $5 for a total of $110 which was given to the school on behalf of YAHA. A copy of the thank you letter that forwarded the donation is posted on the Recreation Center bulletin board. Submitted by Tom Fitzgerald 6 Volume 15, Issue 7 July, 2015 RECAP OF YAHA EVENTS BOCCE SUMMER GALA On Sunday, June 7th bocce season officially began with beautiful weather, fabulous food and happy participants, ready to eat, drink and compete for big bucks, well maybe not big but enough to have a friendly competition The “closest to the pallino” game was a tough fight between twenty eight contestants and in the end Tom Fitzgerald took first place with Marie DePalma a close second. Twenty three people ventured on the court for “rigaletto”, Rich Santoro grabbed first place and Denise Bowers came through placing second. League play began the following week and will continue through the third week in July. The coed games are played on Tuesday mornings, beginning @ 9:00 and the men’s on Wednesday afternoons from 3:00. Stop in to cheer the teams on, it’s fun to watch. If you would like to learn the game there is “drop in” on Sundays @ 1:00. Come join the fun even if you’ve never played before! “Closest to Pallino” Tom Fitzgerald and Marie DePalma “Rigaletto” Rich Santoro and Denise Bowers RESULTS OF THE 20TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING The Outing was held on Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 at 8 AM at CEDAR RIDGE Golf course. Fifteen of the “best” golfers from Hillcrest had signed up to play, and once again, Andy made certain that the weather was perfect. We had a shotgun start of a sort, and most of us finished in good time. We did conflict with a senior ladies league that held us up slightly. The “closest to the pin” was won by Bob Bergman. As it turns out, of the fifteen golfers, he was the only one to even hit the green! Go figure. Anyway, congrats to Bob. The winning team, posting a score of 59, was the threesome of : Fred Zuck, Ron Bowers, and Bill Garbati. We all returned to the rec ctr for a luncheon prepared expertly by Bob Bergdoll.( and Barbara too.) He does a fine job, with sandwiches, beer, coffee, and dessert. Next June, we all decided that a 10 AM start time would be better. Make it so, Andy! Watch the bulletin board and newsletter for the chance to play in October. Respectfully submitted by Andy Smith 7 Volume 15, Issue 7 RECAP OF YAHA EVENTS July, 2015 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL 40 lbs of strawberries, 10 cans of whipped cream and 100 biscuits were enjoyed by 90 of our resident on Tuesday, June 16th. Thanks to MaryLou Bielaska, Marcia & Andy Anderson, Paul Davis, Gail Hollingsworth, Barbara Lund, Denise Bowers, Dot Cooper, Peg Muscarella and Cathy and Fred Zuck for their help in preparing, setting up and cleaning up. UPCOMING YAHA EVENT SATURDAY, JULY 18th @ 7:00 pm $2.00 per person * payable at the door VARIETIES OF ICE CREAM, TOPPINGS AND WHIPPED CREAM OFFERED MAKE UP YOUR OWN COMBINATIONS AND INDULGE YOURSELF I made an impromptu visit to the Community Garden and I have to say that I was totally taken back by what I saw our residents are keeping busy doing. Far to numerous to list here; but what was impressive was raised beds, mound planting, vegetable beds that have no hay but are weeded, what would have to be daily to be in the condition that I saw. Every plot was strategically planted to utilize the fencing that is already there or with the intentions of adding something at a later date to support what is growing. Even the traditional scarecrow and an owl perched on top of a windmill structure. L. MacNeill 8 July, 2015 Volume 15, Issue 7 TOPICS OF INTEREST AND OTHER THINGS BINGO: Come over to the recreation center at 2:00 p.m. on Thursdays and have fun playing. You never know———you may be a winner!!!!! COMMUNITY SERVICES: The food drive is doing well, thank you for your support. Our next project is school supplies for Montville’s children. We will be collecting the last two weeks in July and the first two weeks of August. Please put your donations in the Blue Box in the Rec Center foyer. DUST CATCHERS: Joyce McCormack stood in for me again and did a great job coordinating the “swapping”. Which isn’t an easy task among 16 women. There was much “bidding” activity over several coveted items including teapots, glassware, etc. Ladies took everything that Gail Hollingsworth brought; a goal to which we all aspire! We used the full hour and left by 11:30 AM. Clothing, linens, kitchenware, bric a brac, lighting, toys and games, jewelry, books, CD’s and items from Crabtree and Evelyn were just a few of the types of goods offered. We’ll be taking July and August off and reconvene in September. For the new residents, Dust Catchers meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, and is a recycling group for the women in the households. You can bring clean items that are small enough to fit into our car but nothing that Goodwill won’t accept, as that’s where the leftovers are usually taken. Questions: Laurene Shewan 860.848.3631. FOYER DECORATIONS: Thanks to Anne Martino for the June foyer decorations. GARDEN CLUB: Summer is here and the garden club members are in full swing. The flowers were planted in front of the Rec. Center at our last meeting. Thank you to the members that worked on this project. The Hillcrest Community vegetable garden is quite impressive this year with all the plots planted with beautiful and healthy looking vegetable plants. Good Job! to everyone that has been putting so much time and energy in caring for their plants. We have a few critters that got into the garden, but thanks to the help of Tim we are able to catch them. We have a catch and release cage up at the garden and I even was able to catch one of the little critters. It's very important that we keep the gate closed at all times, even when we are working in the garden. At our July meeting we will be planning a trip to visit the gardens at the Waterford Country Day School. It would also be fun to visit some of our member gardens that they have hidden in their back yards. A special thank you to JoAnne Kobelski for a job well done, watering the plants in the pool area all year. Since she is moving we need another volunteer. It's a simple job and we appreciate any help! A very special thank you to all the Hillcrest residence that works so hard planting flowers and caring for their property that keeps Hillcrest looking so BEAUTIFUL!!! Next meeting: Wednesday, July 1st at 10:30am, Rec. Ctr. 9 July, 2015 Volume 15, Issue 7 TOPICS OF INTEREST AND OTHER THINGS Cont’d HOSPITALITY: Connie Stoll thanked Nina Ponte, Jeanne Wittkofske and Linda Stirling for the treats and plenty of coffee. MEN’S CLUB NEWS: A visit of the McPherson Outdoor Education Center of the Waterford Country School took place on Saturday, 30 May 2015, under beautiful weather conditions. A total of 21 residents got a first-hand look at the Otto Graham Gymnasium and toured the Center. We took up a collection and made a donation to the school on behalf of YAHA. A thank you letter was sent, a copy of which is posted on the Recreation Center bulletin board. (See an accompanying article elsewhere in this newsletter.) Westchester Broadway Theater in Elmsford, NY. We asked Kathie Peck at the Senior Center to consider a bus trip to the WBT dinner theater. She’s coming through but it isn’t finalized yet. I communicated with her last week and she told me the senior center sponsored trip will probably be in late July or early August. Next breakfast meeting will be at 0800 Saturday July 11, 2015. Please note that because the first Saturday falls on July 4 th, this breakfast meeting is on the second Saturday of the month. GUYS-TAKE NOTE! You do not want to miss this event. You will be surprised and pleasantly pleased. Card games will follow breakfast. A tour of the Norwich Public Utilities 10th Street hydroelectric generation facility is planned for 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, July 8, 2015. We are limited to 12 people. A sign-up sheet is posted on the Recreation Center bulletin board. Following the site visit we will have lunch at a local establishment. Planning is in process for a visit to the New London Custom House and possibly a lighthouse in late summer or early fall. Watch the bulletin board. If you have suggestions for places to visit, let your thoughts be known. Our day-trips have proven to be very popular, enjoyable, and generally educational. Don’t be shy. You might be surprised that others have the same interests that you do. In most cases, we have tied a lunch in with the event and it in itself has provided a period of socialization where we get to know our neighbors a little bit better. Submitted by Tom Fitzgerald (860)-367-0130 or tandafitzy@gmail.com MONTVILLE SENIOR CENTER NEWS: Our 1st BBQ of the Season was a huge success! We had tons of people, great food, great entertainment & more! Please join us for our second, which promises to be just as good: Wednesday, July 29 th at 4:00 PM! Come join us for foot-long hot dogs, fries, salads, ice cream & more! Entertainment by John Banker, Raffles & more! $7.00 donation request & tons of fun. Our Special BINGO (s) this month will be on Friday, July 10 th and Tuesday, July 28th. * Bunco Game Night, back by popular demand, will be on Tuesday, July 14th! Our Dinner & Movie will be on Tuesday, July 7 th and will be homemade meatloaf, mashed potatoes, & more! Our movie is American Sniper (from last month as it was not available) * Please look for our July newsletter for more details and come or call to sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend the events! # 860-848-0422 We are always having a good time at the Center! I would like to give a special THANK YOU to Mrs. Nancy Toner and all of the members of the Community Service Committee for all that you do each month for our Montville Social Services Department and the clients we serve! Your time, effort, collections & donations are truly appreciated! Thank you!!!! Thank you for supporting the Montville Senior Center! We have one of the best Centers around because we have some of the best seniors in Town! 10 July, 2015 Volume 15, Issue 7 TOPICS OF INTEREST AND OTHER THINGS Cont’d SMITH TONER DINE-OUT CLUB: Last month we went to the Main Street Grill. Not only did a large group of people talk with one another; but a lot of things happened that I am not permitted to talk about. Some people were drinking “twin fisted”…..Our food was good, and we had a good time. If you want to be with your friends, talk to everyone, learn more about your neighbors, eat good food, and just have a good time……… You need to sign up and join us for the Dine-Out. The address is 130 Granite St, Westerly, RI. Place: “Vetrano’s”, in Westerly, RI Date: Thursday, July 9, 2015 (note 2nd Thursday) Time: 6:00 PM, at the restaurant TEXAS HOLD’EM TOURNAMENT NEWS: We had our $20 event on Saturday, June 6th. Fourteen participants squared off, and Ed Belinski came out in 4th place. Tony "The Hot Water Guy" came in 3rd, with Bruce "Almost Got- Em" Royce as 2nd, and the ever popular Joe " The Shark" DePalma won it all! Congrats to all of us runner ups, we will be back to try again! WOMENS CLUB NEWS: In June, the Women’s Group ate lunch at the Hideaway Restaurant and then visited the Florence Griswold Museum. A dozen or so women attended and viewed the original artist’s “Boarding House” owned by Florence Griswold and the art exhibition. This month’s exhibition included works on loan from the Marine Art from the Museum of the City of New York, entitled All The Sea Knows. Gail Hollingsworth presented info to the group as they toured. This month’s activity was coordinated by Jean Wittkofske, Gail Hollingsworth and Laurene Shewan. A highlight of this museum is their annual Wee Faerie Village, which is on display from Oct. 1—Nov, 1, 2015. This year’s theme is Whimsical Kingdoms and includes The Prince Charming, Cinderella, Aladdin, King Arthur, Robin Hood, The Little (Petite) Prince, Price Caspian (Narnia), Snow White, Mulan, Belle, the Little Mermaid, The Princess and the Pea, The Snow Queen, The Frog Princess, Tiger Lily (Peter Pan), Rapunzel, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Dracula… the list goes on. There will be no Women’s Club activities during July and Aug. Our next event we will be going to Harkness in Sept. 11 July 2015 Volume 15, Issue 7 HILLCREST SERVICES & CLASSIFIEDS Anna Hansen 1 Indian Hill Rd 860.884.0345 NOTARY SERVICE: There are four Notaries Residing at Hillcrest. Ginny Marion 29 Hillcrest Dr. 860.848.9512 They all offer the notary service free of charge. Robin Siragusa 39 Hillcrest Dr. 860.848.9321 Ron Hathaway 23 Indian Hill Rd 860.367.3822 JUSTICE of the PEACE: Jim Toner has been sworn in as a Connecticut Justice of the Peace. He can perform marriages, civil unions, and renew your vows. Call Jim @ 860.848.3326 NRA Certified Instruction for CT Pistol Permits and Personal Protection in the Home-Anyone wanting a CT pistol permit must take a certified training course. Jim Toner is a certified instructor. Call him @ 860.848.3326 to set up training. FOR SALE Tiffany "style " chandelier. Shades of mauve, blue, green and white. Size is about 20 inches across and about 8 inches high, not counting the top. Price $150.00. Call Beverly Schroeder (860. 848.3430). Colors are very pretty. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I’M LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGE: Have a vacuum cleaner that’s not working up to par? Lamps, coffee maker, toaster oven, power tools, or iron on the fritz? I enjoy troubleshooting them and repairing them. VCRs, TVs, and other electronics are not on my challenge list. But I will take a look at most household appliances or power tools. I will identify the problem and then let you know if: (1) it is cost effective to repair it and how long it will take, (2) you should replace it, or (3) I can’t fix it and you need to bring it to a repair shop. The only cost is for any repair parts. So give me some challenges! Tim Sullivan 860.848.7427 YARD WORK—I LOVE YARD WORK: I will Trim your shrubs, Mulch your beds, Edge, Weed and do other yard work. I am very reasonable. I am a resident. I share your pride in our landscape. PLEASE CALL DENNIS @ 860.885.4944 12 July, 2015 Volume 15, Issue 7 July, 2015 YAHA Calendar Lots to do!! Come and join your neighbors and make new friends. Ginny’s Pole Art Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Remember, Sundays are not listed on this calendar unless there is a Sunday event. This allows more space for week events. 1 2 3 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc 7:00 Game Night 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 2:00 BINGO 7:00-8:00 Line Dancing 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 10:00 Women’s Weight Mgmt 7:00 TGIF Chat 10;30 Garden Club Bocce—PM Men’s 6 7 8 9 10 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 2:00 BINGO 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 10:00 Women’s Weight Mgmt 7:00 TGIF Chat Bocce—AM Co-ed 1:00 Mah Jongg 1:00 Pitch/Cribbage 10:00 Men’s Club— Norwich Public Utilities Bocce—PM Men’s 6:00 Dine Out 4 11 8:00 Men’s ClubBreakfast 9:00 $10 Texas Hold’em 7:00-8:00 Line Dancing 7:00 Game Night 13 14 15 16 17 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc 7:00 YAHA Meeting Bocce—AM Co-ed 7:00 Game Night 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 2:00 BINGO 7:00-8:00 Line Dancing 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 10:00 Women’s Weight Mgmt 7:00 TGIF Chat Bocce—PM Men’s 1:00 Mah Jongg 1:00 Pitch/Cribbage 18 7:00 Ice Cream Social 7:00 Communication Committee Mtg 20 21 22 23 24 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc Bocce—AM Co-ed 7:00 Game Night 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 2:00 BINGO 7:00-8:00 Line Dancing 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 10:00 Women’s Weight Mgmt 7:00 TGIF Chat Bocce—PM Men’s 1:00 Mah Jongg 1:00 Pitch/Cribbage 27 28 29 30 31 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 1:00 Mah Jongg 1:00 Pitch/Cribbage 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc 7:00 Game Night 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 9:00 Low Impact Exerc. 2:00 BINGO 7:00-8:00 Line Dancing 7:50 & 9:00 Swim Exerc. 10:00 Women’s Weight Mgmt 7:00 TGIF Chat 25 “A lot of impulsive mistakes are made by people who simply aren’t willing to stay bored a little bit longer.” Paul Aurandt 13
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