Attachment A-1: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 1 of 4 SPA #: Lead Agency: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Enter Number Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date PROJECT BUDGET FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the Project Budget, which is not only a critical component of the application, but also – should funding be approved – will provide key information to be integrated into progress reports. There are four tabs to the Project Budget. Tab 1 includes instructions, Tab 2 requests an overview of the proposed budget, Tab 3 requests a summary of the proposed budget with a relevant Budget Narrative, and Tab 4 requests the organizational budget and list of resources committed by the lead-agency and sub-agencies. Once completed on Tab 1, the SPA # and other header details will auto-populate on other tabs. All portions of the Project Budget must be completed . Additional instructions regarding specific sections of the budget form follow. Staffing Administrative Needs Additional Support Document Collection Transportation Outreach This funding is available to attain personnel to oversee the communications, logistics, and project management of the Coordinated Entry System in their respective Service Planning Area (SPA). This person could also carry out the matching functions. These funds may be used to cover administrative costs associated with planning and expansion for the Coordinated Entry System during the grant period. Examples include, funding for food or a facilitator at CES SPA-wide meetings and costs related to the copying and mailing of a manual compiling a list of SPA-wide resources. This funding is available for other supports needed to further CES Coordination in your SPA. Examples include, funding for data entry. This funding is available for fees associated with obtaining official identification documents, primarily California State identification, which are required by the Housing Authority of the City or County of Los Angeles, or other Public Housing Authority, for completion of a housing application. Applicants should access state resources, through AB 1733, for birth certificates and, in 2016, for other identification. This funding may be utilized for transportation of clients to and from appointments concerning the client’s permanent supportive housing preparation and placement. This funding may be used to supplement outreach efforts for vulnerable clients. Organizations may have this be a function of the above Housing Navigation role or independent of that role dependent upon organizational structure. Housing Navigation Housing Navigators are responsible for supporting clients from the street to home. These duties may include obtaining necessary housing documentation, scheduling and attending housing appointments, completing applications, connecting clients with supportive services before housing, as well as additional tasks necessary for housing. This funding may be allocated for personnel time associated with these functions. Move-in Funds This funding can be used to support a tenant’s move into permanent housing. This funding can be used to provide timely security deposits, purchase furniture and other household goods, make utility deposits, pay utility arrears if the client does not qualify for another program through the utility provider or if such qualification may not occur in a timely manner, and support other costs needed by the tenant to secure a new housing unit. Supportive Services Supportive services dedicated to chronically homeless tenants placed during the grant period and include case management, mental health, substance abuse services, mobile intervention teams, and retention activities. Property Keeping Measures This funding is available for safe and appropriate storage of clients’ personal belongings while working with CES teams to secure housing. This funding may be used to retain those clients housed in the 2014-2015 grant year (year 1) up to the contracted amount. Indicate the percentage of personnel and non-personnel costs that cover indirect expenses. Indirect expenses generally are overhead costs that are difficult to attribute to any single project of an organization (e.g., accounting and legal services, administrative oversight, fundraising, IT support, and utilities). Indirect cost shall be justifiable, minimized, and separate from costs related to the Administrative Needs detailed above. Retention Services Indirect Costs Budget Summary Budget Narrative On Tab 3, please provide a summary of the budget found on Tab 2. The form should auto-populate. Provide a written summary briefly describing how the funds requested through this proposal will be spent to support the project design. Include brief descriptions of staff positions, program activities, purchase of special equipment or other unique features that will be supported through this grant request if funded. Describe how Home For Good Funders Collaborative funds will leverage other funding sources for this project. All expenses must be justified, including indirect costs. Attachment A-1: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 2 of 4 SPA #: Lead Agency: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Enter Number Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date PROPOSED BUDGET: CES Coordination and Implementation Total Project Budget Position (% FTE) Benefits Taxes Administrative Needs Additional Support Subtotal CES Coordination and Implementation - Requested Amount Other Committed Resources - - Remaining Funds Needed if Request Granted - CES Housing Outreach, Navigation, Placement, and Retention ENTER NUMBER OF AVAILABLE OF UNITS Available units (e.g., Vouchers) in the SPA that will be used for placement through CES *For new clients, SPAs may request up to $3,000 per unit for 3s and 4s, and up to $2,000 per unit for 1s and 2s. To retain clients housed in the 2014-2015 grant year (year 1), SPAs may request up to $1,000 per clients for 3s and 4s, and up to $500 per client for 1s and 2s. Total Project Budget Requested Amount Other Committed Resources Flexible Funds Move-In Costs** Retention Funding (to retain those housed in yr 1) Subtotal Housing Outreach, Navigation, Placement, and Retention **A maximum of 30% of the "Subtotal Housing Coordination and Placement" may be allocated for Move-In Remaining Funds Needed if Request Granted - - - Total CES Budget - - - - Indirect Costs @ up to 8% GRAND TOTAL - - - - Attachment A-1: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 3 of 4 SPA #: Lead Agency: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Enter Number Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date BUDGET SUMMARY AND NARRATIVE: CES Coordination and Implementation Total Project Budget Requested Amount Subtotal CES Coordination and Implementation Please provide a Budget Narrative below regarding how the requested funds will be used: CES Housing Outreach, Navigation, Placement, and Retention Total Project Budget Requested Amount Subtotal Housing Outreach, Navigation, Placement, and Retention Please provide a Budget Narrative below regarding how the requested funds will be used: Total CES Budget Indirect Costs @ up to 8% GRAND TOTAL - - Other Committed Resources - Remaining Funds Needed if Request Granted - Other Committed Resources Remaining Funds Needed if Request Granted - - - - Attachment A-1: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 4 of 4 SPA #: Lead Agency: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Enter Number Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date ORGANIZATIONAL BUDGETS AND RESOURCES COMMITTING TO CES: Organizational Budgets Organization Budget (Current FY) Agency Name Portion of the Grant Received by Agency (Percentage of dollar amount) Value of Briefly List CES Coordination and Coordination and Implementation Resources the Agency is Implementation Committing to CES Resouces Agency is Committing Briefly List Housing Outreach, Navigation, Placement, and Retention Resources Agency is Committing to CES (e.g., include number of FTEs, existing units, vouchers, move-in resources, supportive services, other resources leveraged) Value of Housing Outreach, Navigation, Placement, and Retention Resources Agency is Committing Lead Agency Sub-Agency*** Sub-Agency*** Sub-Agency*** Sub-Agency*** Sub-Agency*** Sub-Agency*** Sub-Agency*** Total - - ***Each Sub-Agency Must be Listed and Provide the Requested Information - Attachment A-2: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 1 of 3 Organization: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Project Title: Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date Enter Title PROJECT BUDGET FORM INSTRUCTIONS*: Please complete the Project Budget, which is not only a critical component of the application, but also – should funding be approved – provides key information to be integrated into progress reports. There are 3 tabs to the Project Budget. Tab 1 includes instructions, Tab 2 requests the proposed budget, Tab 3 requests the Budget Narrative. Once completed on Tab 1, the Organziation and other header details will auto-populate on other tabs. All portions of the Project Budget must be completed. Additional instructions regarding specific sections of the budget form follow. Personnel Please list the titles of the primary staff involved in the project and, in parentheses following each title, indicate the percentage of time devoted by that individual to the project. Supplies & Materials Refers to the purchase of consumable, non-durable office and construction supplies that require frequent replacement. Travel & Transportation Travel and Transportation refers to the costs associated with traveling to meetings, conferences, trainings, project sites and other locations essential to the program’s implementation. Costs may also include fuel and maintenance for the organization’s vehicles being used for the program. Please indicate the percentage of personnel and non-personnel costs that cover indirect expenses. Indirect expenses generally are overhead costs that are difficult to attribute to any single project of an organization (e.g., accounting and legal services, administrative oversight, fundraising, IT support, and utilities). For Funding Area 2, indirect costs it must be from the $1,500 per tenant to augment grantee personnel costs of providing transition support services and may not more than 20% of that $1,500. Equipment refers to the purchase or rental of such items as computers, vehicles, office furniture, tools, and other infrequently purchased, non-consumable, non-durable items. Indirect Costs Equipment Other Justify expenses for other categories. This justification must be included in the Budget Narrative. Budget Narrative Provide a written summary briefly describing how the funds requested through this proposal will be spent to support the project design. Include brief descriptions of staff positions, program activities, purchase of special equipment or other unique features that will be supported through this grant request if funded. Describe how Home For Good Funders Collaborative funds will leverage other funding sources for this project. All expenses must be justified, including indirect costs. *For the Moving-On Initative portion of the RFP (i.e., Funding Area 2), indirect costs are limited, as detailed above. **For the California Community Foundation (CCF) Innovations portion of the RFP (i.e., Funding Area 3), eligible uses include, staffing or consultant costs for program planning, research, data analysis or testing of demonstration projects or specific plans. If a consultant is used, the Proposed Budget must include costs related to the consultant and the Budget Narrative must include the type of consultant, the name and relevant description of the consultant, and the proposed scope of work of the consultant. Attachment A-2: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 2 of 3 Organization: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Project Title: Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date Enter Title PROPOSED BUDGET: Total Project Budget Year 1 Year 2 TOTAL - - Dates (Mo/Day/Yr-Mo/Day/Yr) Personnel Position (% FTE) Position (% FTE) Position (% FTE) Position (% FTE) Position (% FTE) Benefits Taxes Subtotal Personnel Non-Personnel Supplies & Materials Printing & Postage Telephone & Internet Travel & Transportation Conferences & Meetings Training Evaluation Other (see instructions): Subtotal Non-Personnel Total Personnel & Non-Personnel Indirect Costs (see instructions) @ ____ % - - Request to Home For Good Funders Collaborative - - Year 1 1/0/1900 - - Year 2 1/0/1900 TOTAL - - - Other Consultants Equipment Capital Other: Other: Other: Total Other GRAND TOTAL - - - - Enter Amount Here Organization Budget (Current FY) Total Request to Home For Good Funders Collaborative % of Project Budget % of Annual Organizational Budget Year 1 #DIV/0! #VALUE! Year 2 #DIV/0! TOTAL #DIV/0! #VALUE! Other Funding Sources for Project Committed Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Total Committed Projected Name source Name source Name source Name source - - Year 1 Year 2 - - TOTAL - NOTE: If you are completing the form electronically, this table includes formulas for the percentages requested. Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Total Projected GRAND TOTAL - - - Attachment A-2: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 3 of 3 Organization: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Project Title: BUDGET NARRATIVE: Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date Enter Title Attachment A-3: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 1 of 3 Organization: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Project Title: Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date Enter Title PROJECT BUDGET FORM INSTRUCTIONS*: Please complete the Project Budget, which is not only a critical component of the application, but also – should funding be approved – will provide key information to be integrated into progress reports. There are 3 tabs to the Project Budget. Tab 1 includes instructions, Tab 2 requests the proposed budget, Tab 3 requests the Budget Narrative. Once completed on Tab 1, the Organziation and other header details will auto-populate on other tabs. All portions of the Project Budget must be completed. Additional instructions regarding specific sections of the budget form follow. Personnel Supplies & Materials Travel & Transportation Rental Assistance Indirect Costs Equipment Other Budget Narrative Please list the titles of the primary staff involved in the project, and in parentheses following each title, indicate the percentage of time devoted by that individual to the project. Refers to the purchase of consumable, non-durable office and construction supplies that require frequent replacement. Travel and Transportation refers to the costs associated with traveling to meetings, conferences, trainings, project sites and other locations essential to the program’s implementation. Costs may also include fuel and maintenance for the organization’s vehicles being used for the program. Applicable to amount of funding that will be used to subsidize rent for incoming tenants during the project year. Please indicate the percentage of indirect expenses, which are generally overhead costs that are difficult to attribute to any single project of an organization (e.g., accounting and legal services, administrative oversight). Under this funding area, indirect costs are ONLY available for applications seeking U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care Competition funds. In those instances, indirect costs are limited to up to 3%. Equipment refers to the purchase or rental of such items as computers, vehicles, office furniture, tools, and other infrequently purchased, non-consumable, non-durable items. Justify expenses for other categories. This justification must be included in the Budget Narrative. Provide a written summary briefly describing how the funds requested through this proposal will be spent to support the project design. Include brief descriptions of staff positions, program activities, purchase of special equipment or other unique features that will be supported through this grant request if funded. Describe how Home For Good Funders Collaborative funds will leverage other funding sources for this project. (NOTE: City of Pasadena funds are included within the resources for the Home For Good Funders Collaborative.) All expenses must be justified, including indirect costs. * For the City of Pasadena, Rapid Rehousing portion of the RFP (i.e., Funding Area 4), indirect costs are ONLY available for applications seeking U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care Competition funds. In those instances, indirect costs are limited to up to 3%. Attachment A-3: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 2 of 3 Organization: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Project Title: Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date Enter Title PROPOSED BUDGET: Total Project Budget Year 1 TOTAL - - - - Dates (Mo/Day/Yr-Mo/Day/Yr) Personnel Position (% FTE) Position (% FTE) Position (% FTE) Position (% FTE) Position (% FTE) Benefits Taxes Subtotal Personnel Non-Personnel Rental Assistance Supplies & Materials Printing & Postage Telephone & Internet Travel & Transportation Conferences & Meetings Training Evaluation Other (see instructions): Subtotal Non-Personnel Total Personnel & Non-Personnel $0 - Request to Home For Good Funders Collaborative Year 1 1/0/1900 - - - - $0 - TOTAL $0 - $0 - Indirect Costs (see instructions) @ __ % Other - - - - - Year 1 - TOTAL - Equipment Capital Other: Other: Other: Total Other GRAND TOTAL - Organization Budget (Current FY) Total Request to Home For Good Funders Collaborative % of Project Budget % of Annual Organizational Budget #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Other Funding Sources for Project Year 1 Committed Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Total Committed Projected Name source Name source Name source Name source - TOTAL - NOTE: If you are completing the form electronically, this table includes formulas for the percentages requested. Name source Name source Name source Name source Name source Total Projected GRAND TOTAL - - Attachment A-3: Project Budget Home For Good Funders Collaborative Tab 3 of 3 Organization: Date Prepared or Revised: Project Start/End Dates: Project Title: BUDGET NARRATIVE: Enter Organization Name Enter Date Enter Date - Date Enter Title CES ResourcesWorksheet INSTRUCTIONS In order to help quickly review the important pieces of information from your proposal, we are requesting that you complete the sheets for Housing and Resources committed to CES. Below are terms you will find in the following sheets to assist with the process. Terms Developer/Agency Number of Units/Beds Committed Type Rental Subsidy Type Organization providing the unit(s) of permanent supportive housing Number of units being offered of same type by same Developer/Agency Type of unit(s) committed by Developer/Agency (TBV, PBV, MR, Affordable, Shelter Beds, etc.) Supportive Services Provided for Unit Type of rental assistance provided for the unit(s) (HOPWA, VASH, Shelter + Care, etc.) Type and level of Supportive Services accompanying unit(s) as well as organization/agency providing the services if different from Developer/Agency Target Population (If Any) Chronically Homeless Placements Specific population the unit(s) must serve (Veteran, TAY, 65+, etc.) Number of chronically homeless clients placed into housing by Developer/Agency annually 12-Month Retention Outcomes Developer/Agency total annual retention rate percentage for specified years Organization/Agency % FTE Dedicated to CES Value Funding Source Description of Duties/Resource Place where the staff position is housed for work on CES or where the resources are provided from Amount of the staff position dedicated to work on CES Value of the staff position/resource dedicated to CES (most important for leveraged personnel) The source of funding for the staff position (if partially funded by multiple options in drop down, please note in Description of Duties section) Description of role and duties of staff position Regions Region where staff position or resource is dedicated (may be multiple regions and SPA-Wide, or SPA-Wide only if SPA operates as such) CES HOUSING INVENTORY HOUSING Please list all the resources identified & secured to house persons referred by CES during the grant period. Please note that agency retention rates for 2013 and 2014 will be cross referenced with the Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority HMIS for all programs in the LAHSA continuum. 12-Month Retention Chronically Homeless Outcomes Placements (#) (% retention) Developer/Agency # of Units/Beds Committed Type: Shelter Beds, Motel Supportive Services Provided Rental Subsidy Type: (Shelter Plus Vouchers, Tenant-Based, for Unit: (please also include name Target Population (If Care, PBV, Homeless Section 8, HOPWA, Project-Based, Marketof service provider if different from Any) Senior, VASH, N/A, etc.) Rate, Affordable Developer/Agency) 2013 2014 2013 2014 CES STAFFING INVENTORY SPA-WIDE AND REGIONAL SUPPORTS & RESOURCES SPA-WIDE AND REGIONAL SUPPORTS AND RESOURCES GENERAL INFORMATION The purpose of this section is to provide a better understanding of the resources committed by each provider in your SPA (i.e., the depth of resources). It may be helpful to reference this area when completing the "Org Budgets and Resources to CES" section of your budget, which section more broadly examines the resources committed (i.e., the breadth of resources). Please list all resources and clearly identify: (1) those specific to SPA wide coordination, and (2) those specific to each separate region of the SPA. For staffing, please list organization and FTE percentage (i.e., % FTE), including if positions or portions of positions are being funded by other sources, and provide a description of duties for the role, if it is specialized. If organizations or people are serving multiple regions or SPA wide, please note that information in this chart. (NOTE: We understand some regions may be more operational than others. Please enter whatever information you presently have.) Feel free to delete or add sub-sections as necessary. Organization/Agency Coordination & Support Staff Outreach & Housing Navigation Assessment/Access Sites Supportive Services ( not already tied to voucher or unit ) Others ( like Flex Funds ) % FTE Dedicated to CES Value Funding Source Description of Duties/Resource (e.g., target population or how they relate to other resources) SPA-Wide Region #1 Region #2 Region #3 Region #4 Region #5
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