Amundi Funds Equity Brazil 1 . This is an equity fund. 2 . Investing in this fund may expose investors to market, liquidity, volatility, exchange and developing countries risks as well as to risk of small and medium companies. Share price and currency volatility are generally higher in developing markets. The use of financial derivative instruments for hedging and efficient portfolio management purposes may lead to exposure to credit risk of the issuer. 3 . The investment focus of the fund might give rise to increased risk over more diversified funds. 4 . The value of the fund can be extremely volatile and could go down substantially within a short period of time. It is possible that your investment value could suffer substantial loss. 5 . The investment decision is yours, but you should not invest in the product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has advised you that the product is suitable for you and explained why including how buying it would be consistent with your investment objective. Performance from 31/05/10 - 31/05/15 May 2015 Investment objective: To seek a medium-term capital growth by investing at least two thirds of the assets in Brazilian equities and Equity-linked Instruments diversified at sector level. Benchmark: MSCI Brazil 10/40 Index Cumulative performance Key data Fund manager Lionel Bernard Fund size USD 33.76mn NAV per unit USD 59.29 Class A2U Fund launch date 6 Mar 2008 Fund currency USD Unit class Acc.Shs / Dis. Shs ISIN code Acc. Shs LU0823039101 ISIN code Dis. Shs LU0823039283 Subscription fee ¹ 4.50% max. Redemption fee None Switching fee ¹ 1.00% max. Management fee 1.85% p.a. max. Dealing date Daily Orders executed on forward pricing Bloomberg ticker AMEACUA LX / AMEADUI LX NAV publication Portfolio Benchmark 3 months -8.06% -7.20% YTD -13.42% -10.89% 1 year -29.55% -25.92% 3 years -33.49% -26.17% 5 years -40.60% -32.32% Since 6 Mar 2008 -40.71% -38.10% 2013 -17.38% -14.48% 2014 -16.19% -12.04% All performance figures are calculated in USD based on NAV to NAV with dividend reinvested. Calendar year performance Portfolio Benchmark 2010 11.73% 10.34% 2011 -23.74% -19.91% 2012 2.07% 2.33% All performance figures are calculated in USD based on NAV to NAV with dividend reinvested. Top 10 companies Banco Bradesco Petroleo Brasileiro Itausa-Investimentos Itau Ambev Itau Unibanco Holding Suzano Papel e Celulose JBS Cielo BRF-Brasil Foods Embraer Sector breakdown 8.54% 7.83% 6.10% 5.65% 4.77% 4.63% 4.56% 4.51% 3.25% 3.08% South China Morning Post Hong Kong Economic Journal All information is as of 31 May 2015 unless otherwise specified. For more information, please visit us at Risk indicators (over a 3-year period) Annualised volatility Tracking error Information ratio Sharpe ratio 24.95% 3.07% -0.97 -0.51 Source of statistical information: Amundi All statistical information calculations are based on NAV. 1) Each of the subscription and switching fees includes a fixed fee amounting to 0.90% for the subscription and/or switching in Shares for the Brazil Sub-Fund. These fixed fees accrue to the corresponding class of Shares of the Brazil Sub-Fund. No fixed fee is taken for the combinations of redemptions and subscriptions carried out on the same Net Asset Value. Changes that may impact Fund performance: Effective 12 February 2013, holdings of Hong Kong sharesholders in the AU Class of the Fund were automatically converted into share class A2U, which replicated the fee and costs structure applied in AU Class at that time. Prior to 12 February 2013, the performance of A2U share class of Amundi Funds Equity Brazil is that of AU share class of the Sub-Fund. The AU share class is not authorized by the Commission in Hong Kong and not available to the public of Hong Kong. Effective 24 June 2011, Amundi Funds Brazil has changed name to Amundi Funds Equity Brazil. Effective 2 March 2010, CAAM Funds Brazil has changed name to Amundi Funds Brazil. The issuer of this document is Amundi Hong Kong Limited. This document and the mentioned website have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong (the "SFC"). Investors should not only base on this document alone to make investment decisions. Investment involves risk. The past performance information of the market, manager and investments and any forecasts on the economy, stock market, bond market or the economic trends of the markets which are targeted by the fund(s) are not indicative of future performance. Investment returns not denominated in HKD or USD is exposed to exchange rate fluctuations. The value of an investment may go down or up. The offering document(s) should be read for further details including the risk factors. The fund(s) may use financial derivatives instruments as part of the investment strategy and invest in securities of emerging markets or smaller companies, or fixed-income securities. This involves significant risks and is usually more sensitive to price movements. The volatility of fund prices may be relatively increased. Issuers of fixed-income securities may default on its obligation and the fund(s) will not recover its investment. Additional risk factors are described in the offering document(s). Investors are advised to be aware of any new risks that may have emerged in the prevailing market circumstances before subscribing the fund(s). This document is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or to any «U.S. Person» , as this term is defined in SEC Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and in the Prospectus of the Fund. ֱࣟႪߓ٨ഗ८ ֣۫ഗ८ 1 . ءഗ८᥆࣍ैปഗ८Ζ 2 . ދᇷءڇഗ८ࢨᄎࢭ࠹ؑΕੌ೯ࢤΕं೯ΕႪ܋Ε࿇୶խഏ୮֗խ՛ীֆհଅᙠΖैปᏝ֗ຄኞհं೯ࢤڇ࿇୶խؑԫለΖሎش८ᘜسՠࠠאሒࠩኙ֗ޱயጥދᇷิٽհؾऱࢨױ౨Ꮑ ࢭ࠹࿇۩ऱॾ၊ଅᙠΖ 3 . ഗ८ऱދᇷྡྷរ֧ױીᇠഗ८ઌኙ࣍ለ։ཋދᇷऱഗ८հଅᙠለՕΖ 4 . ءഗ८ऱᏝଖױ౨ᄎॺൄं೯Δױ౨ڇழၴփՕ༏ՀၓΔދחᇷृ፞࠹ૹՕჾ؈Ζ 5 . ຍਢ൞ଡԳऱދᇷެࡳΔೈॺංտᇠދᇷข൞ऱംբਐנᇠขᔞٽ൞ءԳ֗բٻ൞ᎅࣔᇠขڕ۶ฤٽ൞ऱދᇷؾᑑΔܡঞ൞լᚨދᇷ࣍ᇠขΖ 2015 31/05/10 - 31/05/15 5 Κ ຘመല۟֟Կ։հԲᇷขދᇷ࣍ሙ܉լ۩ٵᄐ ऱ֣۫ैป֗ैป㾣ปᖕΔ༈ޣխᒵᇷءᏺ ଖΖ Κ MSCI Brazil 10/40 ਐᑇ ഗ८ 3ଡִ -8.06% ۟ॣڣվ -13.42% 1ڣ -29.55% 3ڣ -33.49% 5ڣ -40.60% ۞ֲمګ 08ڣ3ִ6ֲ -40.71% ਐᑇ -7.20% -10.89% -25.92% -26.17% -32.32% -38.10% 2011 -23.74% -19.91% 2012 2.07% 2.33% 2013 -17.38% -14.48% 2014 -16.19% -12.04% ഗ८ᆖ Lionel Bernard ഗ८ᑓ 33.76ۍᆄભց ޢۯᇷขଖ 59.29ભց ᣊܑ A2Uᣊܑ ࢬڶ।ᇷறאભցΕᇷขଖኙᇷขଖΕैஒ٦ދᇷૠጩΖ ഗ८ֲمګཚ 2008ڣ3ִ6ֲ ഗ८ຄኞ ભց ۯᣊܑ ีᗨैٝ0ஒैٝ ISINᇆᒘีᗨैٝ LU0823039101 ഗ८ ਐᑇ ISINᇆᒘஒैٝ LU0823039283 ࢬڶ।ᇷறאભցΕᇷขଖኙᇷขଖΕैஒ٦ދᇷૠጩΖ ᎁ၄!¹ ່4.50% ᦱڃ၄ ྤ ᠏ང၄!¹ ່1.00% ጥ၄ ່ڣޢ1.85% ᇷขଖૠጩ᙮ ֲޢ ਐאחቃૠૡᏝֱڤച۩ ༙໑זᇆ AMEACUA LX / AMEADUI LX তဎڰ ॾ ࢬڶᇷறኲ۟2015ڣ5ִ31ֲΔೈॺ؆!ࣔع Ζ ڶᣂᇡൣΔᓮោᥦጻܿ 10 Banco Bradesco Petroleo Brasileiro Itausa-Investimentos Itau Ambev Itau Unibanco Holding Suzano Papel e Celulose JBS Cielo BRF-Brasil Foods Embraer 2010 11.73% 10.34% 8.54% 7.83% 6.10% 5.65% 4.77% 4.63% 4.56% 4.51% 3.25% 3.08% )א3ڣཚૠጩ* ंڣ༏ 24.95% ༛૩ᎄ 3.07% ᇷறֺ -0.97 ཏਐᑇ -0.51 อૠᇷறࠐᄭΚֱࣟႪᇷขጥΖ ࢬڶอૠᇷற݁ᖕᇷขଖૠጩΖ Ѿαޢႈᎁ֗᠏ང၄شΔץਔઌ֣࣍۫ഗ८ᎁ֗Яࢨ᠏ངᠰѽΗ҆ѽиհࡳᠰ၄شΖຍࠄࡳᠰ၄شᐸូ֣۫ഗ८հઌᚨᣊܑΖڇਊઌٵᇷขଖ֗ڃᦱࠓٽᎁழΔլࡳ࠷گᠰ၄شΖ ױ౨ᐙഗ८।ऱޏ೯ΚൕԲሿԫԿڣԲִԼԲֲದΔଉཽैࣟڇഗ८ऱҝұᣊܑհैٝբ۞೯᠏ང۟ҝѿұᣊܑΔࠀආشፖҝұᣊܑᅝழऱ၄گ֗ش၄ዌΖڇԲሿԫԿڣԲִԼԲֲছհഗ८ҝѿұᣊܑऱ ।ࠉᖕֱࣟႪߓ٨ഗ८֣۫ഗ८ҝұᣊܑհ।ૠጩΔۖҝұᣊܑբॺᢞᄎᎁױऱഗ८ᣊܑ֗ࠡլ౨ٻଉཽֆฒ࿇ഇΖ ֱࣟႪҟҝҝҩߓ٨ഗ८֣۫ഗ८࣍ԲሿԫሿڣԿִԲֲ࣐ټֱࣟႪߓ٨ഗ८֣۫ഗ८Ζ ֮ءԯֱࣟطႪᇷขጥଉཽૻڶֆᒳ፹Ζ֗༼ࢬ֮֗ءհጻీࠀآࠩଉཽᢞࠦ֗ཚຄࠃ೭ኘࡡᄎΰψᢞᄎωαऱᐉᔹΖދᇷृլױᔾދנ܂֮ۖءᇷެࡳΖދᇷ௫֗ଅᙠΖؑΕഗ८ᆖދ֗אᇷ ऱመ।֗ٚ۶ഗ८ދᇷऱᆖᛎؑΕैؑΕ႘ؑࢨᆖᛎႨቃྒྷࠀॺലࠐ।ࠉᖕΖދᇷڃཽॺאցࢨભցױۯ౨ڂႪं೯ۖދחᇷ᜔ଖՀၓࢨՂ֒Ζދᇷױၓ֒ױΔދᇷृؘႊᔹᦰᔭഇ֮ٙ࠷אޓ ᇡጐᇷறΔ֠ࠡᅝխࢬ٨ሉދᇷଅᙠհຫ૪Ζഗ८ࢨױ౨ދᇷ࣍८ᘜسՠࠠΔ܂ࠡދᇷฃऱࠡխԫຝٝΔٍױڶ౨ދᇷ࣍ᄅᘋؑΕ՛ীֆᢞࠦࢨࡐࡳگ墿ᢞࠦΖຍᣊীދᇷᄎ௫֗ለՕދᇷଅᙠΔኙᏝ ߨႨٍᄎለඕტΖഗ८Ꮭऱं೯ࢤઌኙٍᄎᏺףΖࡐࡳگ墿ᢞࠦհ࿇۩Գױ౨ྤऄᐌ۩ࠡᆠ೭֗ڶᣂഗ८ྤऄދࠡڃگᇷΖᔭഇ֮ٙփڍޓڶଅᙠైڂհຫ૪Ζދᇷृؘႊఎრԫࠄڂᅝழؑൣउۖขسऱᄅଅ ᙠΔֱࡳެױᙇڶᣂഗ८Ζ ֮ءլᚵ༼ࠎ࣍ભഏֆاΕભഏࡺࢨاٚ۶ᖕભഏѾ҆ҀҀࠦဳڣऄՀऱঞүࢨഗ८ᎅࣔխࢬࡳᆠऱψભഏԳՓωΖ
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