2015 ST. LOUIS RAILROAD PROTOTYPE MODELER'S MEET Co-Sponsored by the Gateway Division National Model Railroad Association The NINTH ANNUAL St. Louis RPM Meet will be held on Friday, August 7th and Saturday, August 8th at the Gateway Convention Center, One Gateway Drive, Collinsville, IL 62234. Collinsville is 12 miles east of metro St. Louis on I-55/70. Meet starts at 9 a.m. both days. Our biggest meet to date! Now over 16,000-sq.ft. of high-quality models, displays, visiting layouts, and hands-on learning stations in the modern, professional Gateway Convention Center. Presentations by nationally-recognized historians and modelers. Railroad Historical Societies and scale model vendors will also be in attendance. The largest attendee model display in the nation. Evening home layout tours. Fellowship, Door Prizes and much more! Two Days! August 7th & 8th in Collinsville, IL The Heart of this event is YOUR MODELS! Bring your models, finished or in progress, for display and discussion. All scales, gauges, and models from all eras are welcome; bring locomotives, structures, freight cars, dioramas, vehicles or other models. There are no contests. The purpose of our event is to share and learn new techniques, and meet your fellow modelers from St. Louis and around the Nation. We had over 1,400 models brought by attendees in 2014! Featuring the 65 x 15-foot Modutrak N Scale Layout! Learn about Modutrak at http://www.modutrak.com/ DIRECTIONS TO THE GATEWAY CENTER - Traveling North on I-55/70: Take Collinsville Exit 11. At traffic light, turn left onto Highway 157/Bluff Road to Eastport Plaza Drive, turn Left. Continue to Gateway Drive, turn right. Gateway Center is located on your left. - Traveling East on I-40 or 44: Take Interstate 55/70 North, to Collinsville Exit 11. At traffic light, turn left onto Highway 157/Bluff Road to Eastport Plaza Drive, turn Left. Continue to Gateway Drive, turn right. Gateway Center is located on your left. - Traveling East or West on I-64: Take Exit 9 and then drive North on Hwy 157, approximately 7 miles, to Eastport Plaza Drive which is located off Hwy. 157. Turn left on Eastport Plaza Drive, then right on Gateway Drive. Gateway Center is located on left. and then left onto Gateway Drive. Gateway Center is located on right. Gateway Convention Center: 1 Gateway Drive, Collinsville, IL 62234. info@gatewaycenter.com 1-800-289-2388 Need a Hotel? See our website at http://icg.home.mindspring.com/rpm/stlrpm.htm. We have discounts! ** BRING YOUR MODELS—ALL SCALES, ERAS AND GAUGES—for DISPLAY! ** Admission: $25.00 Fri & Sat, $20.00 Sat only. Kids under 13 free with paid adult admission. Vendor set-up begins at 7:00 a.m. Fri. Sales end at 5:00 P.M. Sat. Contact John Golden at Golden1014@yahoo.com (812) 929-7181 or Lonnie Bathurst at bathurst@litchfieldil.com (217) 556-0314 for meet info. This is a not-for-profit event. CLINICS St. Louis RPM’s presentations begin at 9:30 a.m. on Friday and 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. Schedule will be available at the meet. Jared Harper: Operating on Santa Fe's Alma Branch, May 1943, as seen in Model Railroad Planning, 2000. Keith Jordan: Modeling ATSF Refrigerator Cars in HO scale, with emphasis on the Post-WWII transition era. Dave Roeder: St. Louis’s Master Model Railroader presents How to Modify and Detail Diesel Critters in HO and HOn3. David Lehlbach: CEO of Tangent Scale Models, presents Prototype & Modeling PRR’s Iconic X58 Box Cars, 1964-Present Mont Switzer: Flat Car Loads & Cars That Haul Them, showcases late-50s era models and how to build then in HO scale. Clark Propst: Small Layout Planning, showing a survey of small towns and how to model them in HO. Charlie Duckworth: Update on the Bagnell Branch, showing scenery and ops updates on his popular Missouri Pacific layout. Steve Funaro: CEO of Funaro & Camerlengo resin models, Steve will describe an all-new freight car project for St. Louis RPM. Mike Skibbe: Better Modeling Through Peer Pressure! examines the design standards for Modutrak’s N scale modular layout. Bill Welch: Xxtreme Modeling. Bill demonstrates extreme freight car modeling and super-detailing in HO scale. Mike Wise: St. Louis in Transition, 1962-1982 slide show - Special Presentation, Friday Evening at 7:30 p.m. Kurt Kruse: Modeling Steel Without The Mil; focuses on modeling steel handling ops, ca. 1980s, with emphasis on CNW lines. Brian Banna: Modeling MP GP-35 Diesels—a special 90-minute presentation focusing on modeling techniques and processes. HANDS-ON LEARNING STATIONS Jason Klocke, from Model RR Planning 2014, will provide hands-on static grass & scenery demonstrations throughout the meet. Clark Propst’s Allied Mills 2 x 8-foot layout will be at the meet for you to try your hand at small-layout ops. Dr. Jeremy St. Peter and his crew from The Weathering Shop will demonstrate weathering techniques as seen on their website at http://theweatheringshop.com/. Bring your models or buy models at the meet to weather and finish. Sergeant John Lee will be here from Badger Airbrush, demonstrating Badger's latest airbrushes for you to try, hands-on. Brian Post from the Gateway Division will be on hand with Decoder Pro for simple programming of your DCC-equipped engines. He can do all brands--including LokSound! VENDORS Our superlative scale train show is back, featuring Athearn, American Model Builders, Badger Airbrush, Big Four Graphics, Black Swamp Shops, Bob’s Photos, Cannon, Chad Boas Castings, CRM Hobbies, Ed Stoll Photos, Fox Valley Models, Funaro & Camerlengo, ICG Custom Decals, Iowa Scaled Engineering, Lake Junction Models, Mask Island Decals, Mike Gruber Photos, Moloco, Moon Dog Rail Cars, Motrak Models, Norris Hobbies, Palace Car Company, Plano, Prairie railway Display, Protocraft, Q Connection, Rails Unlimited, Railshops Ltd., Red Board Hobbies, Resin Car Works, Spring Creek model Trains, St. Louis Microtools, Tangent Scale Models, Yarmouth Model Works, and more! DOOR PRIZES! RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETIES St. Louis RPM features one of the largest annual gatherings of railroad historical societies in the U.S. This year the CB&Q, Illinois Central RHA, New York Central System, Pennsylvania, Wabash, Missouri Pacific, C&EI, Nickel Plate, Illinois Terminal, Terminal RR Association, GM&O and C&NW will be here to aid your modeling and research efforts. 25+ tables! ** BRING YOUR MODELS—ALL SCALES, ERAS AND GAUGES—for DISPLAY! ** LAYOUT TOURS The Litchfield Train Group layout will be open for visitors on Thursday, Aug 6th, 3-5 p.m. Contact Lonnie Bathurst at bathurst@litchfieldil.com (217) 556-0314. Home layouts in St. Charles, MO, including John Russell’s O Scale CRI&P and Eric Brooman’s Utah Belt will be open for tours on Friday evening starting at 6 p.m. for registered RPM guests. Directions and info will be available at the meet. PRE-RPM BBQ SOCIAL Meet us at Bandana’s BBQ at 6 p.m. on Thursday, August 6th for our annual pre-RPM bull session. Bandanas BBQ is located near the Gateway Center at 4 Commerce Drive, Collinsville, IL 62234. Phone is (618) 344-4476. No reservations necessary. ST.LOUIS AREA ATTRACTIONS Come early and visit the National Museum of Transportation (http://www.transportmuseumassociation.org/exhibits.html) and the John W. Barriger National Railroad Library at the campus of the University of Missouri (http://www.umsl.edu/barriger/). Check out St. Louis attractions at http://www.stlouisattractions.com/ and weekend events at http://explorestlouis.com/. SEE YOU AT ST. LOUIS RPM!
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