International Journal of Quantum Information c World Scientific Publishing Company CALCULATING A MAXIMIZER FOR QUANTUM MUTUAL INFORMATION T.C. DORLAS∗ and C. MORGAN† Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Theoretical Physics, 10 Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland. Received Day Month Year Revised Day Month Year We obtain a maximizer for the quantum mutual information for classical information sent over the quantum amplitude damping and depolarizing channels. This is achieved by limiting the ensemble of input states to antipodal states, in the calculation of the product state capacity for the channels. We also use these results to demonstrate that the product state capacity of a convex combination of two channels is not given by the minimum of their respective capacities. Keywords: product state capacity; maximizing ensemble; memoryless channels. 1. Introduction Holevo 1 has introduced a measure of the amount of classical information remaining in a state that has been sent over a noisy quantum channel. The capacity of a channel is given by the maximization of this Holevo quantity over an ensemble of input states, and can be interpreted as the amount of information that can be sent reliably over the channel. We focus on obtaining the maximizer for classical information transmitted in the form of product states over noisy quantum channels. In this case the fact that the capacity is given by the maximum of the Holevo quantity is known as the Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland (HSW) Theorem. Here we consider in particular the problem of determining this maximizer in the case of the amplitude damping channel. It is known in general that the maximizing ensemble can always be assumed to consist of at most d2 pure states if d is the dimension of the state space, but we show that in the case of the amplitude damping channel, the maximum is in fact obtained for an ensemble of two pure states. Moreover, these states are in general not orthogonal as in the example considered by Fuchs 2 . We also consider a convex combination of a depolarizing channel and ∗ † 1 2 T.C. Dorlas and C. Morgan an amplitude damping channel and show that the corresponding product state capacity, which was shown in Ref. 3 to be given by the supremum of the minimum of the corresponding Holevo quantities, is not equal to the minimum of their product state capacities. 2. Classical information over a quantum channel The transmission of classical information over a quantum channel is achieved by encoding the information as quantum states. To accomplish this, a set of possible input states ρj ∈ S (H) with probabilities pj are prepared, describing the ensemble P {pj , ρj }. The average input state to the channel is expressed as ρ = j pj ρj . For a channel given by a completely positive map E : S(H) → S(K), the average output P state is ρ˜ = j pj E(ρj ) 4 . When a state is sent though a noisy quantum channel, the amount of information about the input state that can be inferred from the output state is called the accessible information. The Holevo bound, Ref. 5, Ref. 6, provides an upper bound on the accessible information and is given by X X pj S (E(ρj )) . (1) pj E(ρj ) − H(X : Y ) ≤ S j j The right-hand side of equation (1) is called the Holevo-χ-quantity. The second term in the Holevo bound is often referred to as the output entropy. 2.1. The Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland (HSW) theorem If the possible input states to a channel are prepared as product states of the form ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 ⊗ · · · , then the associated capacity is known as the product state capacity. This implies that the input states have not been entangled over multiple uses of the channel. The capacity for channels with entangled input states has been studied 7 , and it has been shown that for certain channels the use of entangled states can enhance the inference of the output state and increase the capacity (e.g. Ref. 8). We concentrate here on the product state capacity for noisy quantum channels. The HSW theorem, proved independently by Holevo 1 and by Schumacher and Westmoreland 9 , provides an expression to calculate the product state capacity for classical information sent through a quantum channel, E, and can be calculated using the following expression, X X pj S (E(ρj )) χ∗ (E) = max S E (2) pj ρj − {pj ,ρj } j j where S is the von Neumann entropy, S(ρ) = −trace (ρ log ρ). If ρ has eigenvalues P λi , then S(ρ) = − i λi log(λi ). The capacity is given by the maximum mutual information calculated over all ensembles {pj , ρj } 6 . Calculating a maximizer for quantum mutual information 3 The maximum is always attained for an ensemble of pure states ρj . Indeed, we can decompose each ρj as convex combinations of pure states: ρj = P not change the first term of (2), but by concavity k qk |ψj,k ihψj,k |. This does P of the entropy, S(E(ρj )) ≥ k qk S(E(|ψj,k ihψj,k |)). Moreover, it follows from Carath´eodory’s theorem (see Ref. 10, Ref. 11, Ref. 12), that the ensemble can always be assumed to contain no more than d2 pure states, where d = dim (H). 2.2. Convex combination of memoryless channels In Ref. 3 the product state capacity of a convex combination of memoryless channels was determined. Given a finite collection of memoryless channels E1 , . . . , EM with common input Hilbert space H and output Hilbert space K, a convex combination of these channels is defined by the map M X γi Ei⊗n (ρ(n) ), E (n) ρ(n) = (3) i=1 where γi , (i = 1, . . . , M ) is a probability distribution over the channels E1 , . . . , EM . Thus, a given input state ρ(n) ∈ S(H⊗n ) is sent down one of the memoryless channels with probability γi . This introduces long-term memory, and as a result the capacity of the channel E (n) is no longer given by the maximum of the Holevo quantity. Instead, it was proved in Ref.3 that it is given by # "M ^ (n) χi ({pj , ρj }) , (4) C(E ) = sup {pj ,ρj } i=1 where χi is the Holevo quantity for the i-th channel Ei . 3. The amplitude damping channel and the Holevo-χ-quantity. The amplitude damping channel models the loss of energy in a qubit quantum system and is described by the following operation elements, √ 0 γ 1 0 √ , E1 = E0 = (5) 0 1−γ 0 0 for 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 6 . The amplitude damping channel can therefore be expressed as Eamp (ρ) = E0 ρ E0† + E1 ρ E1† . (6) a b Acting on the general qubit state ρ, given by ρ = ¯ , the channel Eamp b 1−a √ a + (1 − a)γ b 1−γ is given by Eamp (ρ) = ¯b√1 − γ (1 − a)(1 − γ) . The eigenvalues of Eamp (ρ) are easily found to be q 1 2 2 1 ± (1 + 2a(γ − 1) − 2γ) − 4|b| (γ − 1) . (7) λamp± = 2 4 T.C. Dorlas and C. Morgan The Holevo-χ-quantity is defined as X X pj S (E(ρj )) χ(E)({pj , ρj }) = S E p j ρj − j (8) j and in the case of the amplitude damping channel, p X pj (aj + (1 − aj )γ) pj bj (1 − γ) p χ(Eamp )({pj , ρj }) = S pj ¯bj (1 − γ) pj (1 − aj )(1 − γ) j − X j pj S √ aj + (1 − aj )γ bj 1 − γ √ . ¯bj 1 − γ (1 − aj )(1 − γ) To maximize Eq. (8) we show that the first term is increased, while keeping the second term fixed if each pure state ρj is replaced by itself and its mirror image a bj in the real axis, i.e. if we replace ρj = ¯j associated with probability b (1 − aj ) j aj bj aj −bj ′ pj , with the states ρj = and ρj = , both with b¯j (1 − aj ) −¯bj (1 − aj ) probabilities pj /2. As remarked above, the maximum in Eq. (2) can be achieved by a pure state ensemble of (at most) d2 states, where d is the dimension of the input to the channel. In fact, we do not need to use the bound on the number of states here. However, it follows that we can take each ρj to be pure for the maximization of the Holevo quantity. In general, the states (3) must lie inside the Poincar´e sphere 2 a − 21 + |b|2 ≤ 41 and so, the pure states will lie on the boundary 2 1 1 + b2 = ⇒ b2 = a(1 − a). a− 2 4 We first show that the second term in (8) remains unchanged when the states are replaced in the way described above. Indeed, since the eigenvalues (7) depend only on |b|, we have S (E(ρj )) = S E(ρ′j ) and therefore, X pj X S E(ρj + ρ′j ) = pj S (E(ρj )) . 2 j j P p ρ is in fact increased by replacing each Secondly, we prove that S E j j j state with itself and its mirror image, each with half their original weight. Indeed, as S is a concave function, X pj X X 1 S E(ρj + ρ′j ) ≥ S E pj ρj + S E pj ρ′j 2 2 j j j Calculating a maximizer for quantum mutual information 5 P P and again, since S E( j pj ρj ) = S E( j pj ρ′j ) , X pj X S pj ρj . E ρj + ρ′j ≥ S E 2 j j We can conclude that the first term in Eq. (8) is increased with the second term fixed if each state ρj is replaced by itself together with its mirror image. 3.1. Convexity of the output entropy We concentrate here on proving that, in the case of the amplitude damping channel, the second term in the equation for the Holevo-χ-quantity is convex p as a function of the parameters aj when ρj is taken to be a pure state, i.e. bj = aj (1 − aj ). Thus S (E(ρj )) is a function of one variable only, i.e. S(aj ). It is given by, S(aj ) = S(Eamp (ρaj )), p a a(1 − a) where ρa = p , that is, a(1 − a) 1 − a p √ a + (1 − a)γ a(1 − a) 1 − γ √ σ(a) = Eamp (ρa ) = p . a(1 − a) 1 − γ (1 − a)(1 − γ) Given the eigenvalues for the amplitude damping channel p 1 1 ± 1 − 4γ(1 − γ)(1 − a)2 , λamp± = 2 p denote x = 1 − 4γ(1 − γ)(1 − a)2 . Then 1+x 1−x 1−x 1+x log − log . S(a) = − 2 2 2 2 (9) (10) (11) We prove that S ′′ (a) is positive. A straightforward calculation yields 2γ(1 − γ) 4γ(1 − γ) 1+x S ′′ (a) ln 2 = − ln 3 x 1−x x2 1 1+x 2γ(1 − γ) − 2 . ln = x2 x 1−x As the first term in the above equation is positive, the problem of proving the convexity of S(a) reduces to proving that, 1+x ln ≥ 2x. 1−x This is an easy exercise. We conclude that S ′′ (a) is positive and therefore S(a) is convex. 6 T.C. Dorlas and C. Morgan Now notice that if ρ¯ = P j pj ρj then a ¯= P j χ({pj , ρj }) = S(Eamp (¯ ρ)) − pj aj and hence X pj S(aj ) j ≤ S(Eamp (¯ ρ)) − S(¯ a). The capacity is therefore given by 1 χ(Eamp ) = max S (σ(a) + σ ′ (a)) − S(σ(a)) , 2 a∈[0,1] (12) where σ(a) is given by σ(a) = Eamp (ρa ) = and hence p a + (1 −√a)γ a(1 − a) 1 − γ 1 (σ(a) + σ(a)′ ) = 2 p √ a(1 − a) 1 − γ , (1 − a)(1 − γ) a + (1 − a)γ 0 0 (1 − a)(1 − γ) . We have proved that S(a) is convex. Therefore −S(a) is concave. On the other hand, it follows from the concavity of S that the first term is also a concave function of a. It follows that χAD (a) = S 21 (σ(a) + σ ′ (a)) − S(σ(a)) is a concave function, and its maximum is achieved at a single point. The maximizing value of a is given by (a) the transcendental equation dχAD = 0 and can only be computed numerically. da The maximizing a for fixed γ ∈ [0, 1] is plotted as a function of γ in Figure 1. Note that amax ≥ 0.5 for all γ. This is easily proved: The determining equation is χ′ (a) = −(1 − γ) ln a + γ(1 − a) 4γ(1 − γ)(1 − a) 1 + x + ln = 0. (1 − γ)(1 − a) 2x 1−x (13) ′ ′ 1 Since χ(a) is concave, the p statement follows if we show that χ (0) > 0 and χ ( 2 ) > 0. But, if a = 0 then x = 1 − 4γ(1 − γ) = |1 − 2γ| so 2γ(1 − γ) 1 + |1 − 2γ| 1−γ 1−γ 1−γ + ln = ln > 0. γ |1 − 2γ| 1 − |1 − 2γ| 1 − 2γ γ p we have x = −1γ + γ 2 and χ′ (0) = (1 − γ) ln For a = 1 2 χ′ (0.5) = −(1 − γ) ln γ(1 − γ) 1 + x 1+γ + ln . 1−γ x 1−x This is also positive because x > γ and the function 1 1+x tanh−1 (x) ln = 2x 1 − x x is increasing. Calculating a maximizer for quantum mutual information 7 0.62 0.6 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.2 Fig. 1. 0.4 0.6 1 0.8 Γ Maximising a’s for 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 for the amplitude damping channel. 4. Convex combinations of two memoryless channels 4.1. The depolarizing channel The depolarizing channel for qubits has the form I EDep (ρ) = (1 − α)ρ + α . 2 Explicitly, the channel EDep (ρ) can be written as, b(1 − α) (1 − α)a + α2 EDep (ρ) = ¯b(1 − α) (1 − α)(1 − a) + α 2 . The product state capacity of this channel is well-known of course, and given by α ∗ χDep = 1 − H 2 , where H(p) = −p log p − (1 − p) log(1 − p) is the binary entropy. (In fact, it was proved by King 13 , that this is also the capacity of the channel.) Note, that the above argument for the amplitude damping channel also applies here: replacing each ρj as described for the amplitude damping channel the Holevo quantity increases. The second term of the Holevo quantity is then independent of the input ensemble, since for pure states, the corresponding eigenvalues are λDep+ = α α 2 and λDep− = 1 − 2 . We can therefore again maximize over a minimal ensemble of two mirror image states with equal probability 21 . The maximum is attained at a = 21 . 5. Convex combinations of two channels Let us now consider a convex combination of two memoryless channels. It was shown in Ref 3 that the product-state capacity is given by (4). In case both memoryless 8 T.C. Dorlas and C. Morgan channels are depolarizing channels with parameters α1 and α2 , we can write ) = χ∗ (α1 ) ∧ χ∗ (α2 ) = χ∗ (α1 ∨ α2 ). C(Eα(n) 1 ,α2 (14) Indeed, we always have C(E (n) ) ≤ χ∗1 ∧ χ∗2 (15) and on the other hand, since the maximizing ensemble for both channels is the same, namely two projections onto orthogonal states, this also maximizes the minimum χ1 ∧ χ2 . A convex combination of amplitude damping channels is similar. In that case, the maximizing ensemble does depend on the parameter γ, but as can be seen from Figure 2, for any a, χAD (a) decreases with γ, so χ(γ1 ) ∧ χ(γ2 ) = χ(γ1 ∨ γ2 ) and we have again, In fact, for γ ≤ Clearly, if 1 2 ) = χ∗ (γ1 ) ∧ χ∗ (γ2 ) = χ∗ (γ1 ∨ γ2 ). C(Eγ(n) 1 ,γ2 (16) this can be seen as follows. The derivative w.r.t. γ is given by: a + γ(1 − a) (2γ − 1)(1 − a)2 1 + x ∂χ = −(1 − a) ln + ln . ∂γ (1 − γ)(1 − a) x 1−x (17) x ≥ (1 − 2γ)(1 − a) (18) a 1−a > 1 − 2γ both terms are negative. Otherwise, we remark that so that it suffices if x > y = 1 − 2γ − 2a(1 − γ) > 0. This is easily checked. In case γ > 0.5, we need to show that f (a, γ) = ln a + γ(1 − a) (2γ − 1)(1 − a) 1 + x − ln ≥ 0. (1 − γ)(1 − a) x 1−x Now, if a = 0, then f (0, γ) = 0, and the derivative is easily computed to be ∂f (a, γ) 1−γ 1 2γ − 1 1 + x 2(1 − a)2 (2γ − 1) ln . = + + − ∂a a + γ(1 − a) 1 − a x3 1−x x2 This is positive since the first two terms are positive and the other two are bounded by 2γ − 1 1 1 + x 2γ − 1 1 + x 2(1 − a)2 (2γ − 1) ln ≥ − ln − 2 ≥ 0. x3 1−x x2 x2 x 1−x We now investigate the product-state capacity of a convex combination of an amplitude damping and a depolarizing channel. Let χ1 and χ2 denote the Holevo quantity of the amplitude damping and depolarizing channels respectively. They are plotted in Figure 2 for 0 ≤ γ, α ≤ 1. The plot in Figure 2 indicates that, for certain values of γ and α the maximizer for the amplitude damping channel lies to the right of the intersection of χ1 (a) and χ2 (a) for the depolarizing channel, Calculating a maximizer for quantum mutual information 9 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a Fig. 2. 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