www.oses2015.com Day 1 Wednesday 1st July Time 0830 0900 0915 Activity Registration and coffee Welcome: Win Rampen, Conference Chairman Keynote Presentation: Rebecca J Barthelmie - Offshore Wind Energy: Perspectives and Prospects Rebecca Barthelmie is Croll Fellow and Professor in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell University. Her research focuses on wind energy resources and wind turbine wakes with an emphasis on large offshore wind farms. She is author of more than 110 journal papers, 11 book chapters and 400 conference papers and reports and is co-chief editor of the journal Wind Energy. In 2009 she received the annual scientific award from the European Wind Energy Academy for ‘her extraordinary efforts and achievements in the field of wind energy research’. 1000 1120 1140 1300 1340 Parallel Session Wed_1a Parallel Session Wed_1b Energy Storage and Economics and Cost Analysis Wind Energy Refreshment break Plenary Session Wed_2: Thermal Storage and Power to Gas Lunch Keynote Presentation: Alastair Martin - What Electricity Utilities Want from Energy Storage Alastair Martin is the founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Flexitricity a Scottish company which partners with businesses throughout the UK to provide a low carbon source of reserve electricity to the National Grid. He is a professional energy engineer with experience ranging from large coal and nuclear power stations, through industrial energy efficiency, to small wind, solar, biomass and hydro generators. 1420 Plenary Session Wed_3: Control Strategies 1540 1550 1600 Industry pitches Refreshment break Demonstration at FloWave, Ocean Energy Research Centre www.oses2015.com Day 2 Thursday 2nd July Time Activity 0900 Arrival and coffee 0915 Keynote Presentation: Eric Ingersoll – Can We Get Back What We Put In? Eric Ingersoll is an entrepreneur, inventor, policy expert, and strategic advisor with more than 20 years experience in the energy sector. Until 2013, he was a founder, the lead inventor and CEO of General Compression, a utility-scale energy storage company, which raised $100M. He is currently a Senior Advisor to the Global Innovation Division of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; a Managing Partner of Zenergy Holdings; a member of the board of the Clean Air Task Force; a founder and Director of the Energy Options Network; and was honoured as a Champion of Change at the White House for his work in renewable energy. 1000 1120 1140 1300 1340 Parallel Session Thu_1a: Parallel Session Thu_1b: Compressed Air Energy Thermal Storage and Materials Storage Refreshment break Plenary Session Thu_2: Energy Storage Technologies Lunch Keynote Presentation: Simon Forrest – Practical Commercial Applications for Energy Storage and Marine Energy Simon Forrest is the founder and Managing Director of Nova Innovation Ltd. with over 20 years’ industrial experience. Previously he worked in hi-tech manufacturing for IBM across Europe and Asia and in investment banking in London and New York. Nova Innovation is a world-leading tidal energy technology company. In 2014 the company delivered the world's first community owned tidal energy project and in 2015 will deploy the world's first in-sea tidal turbine array in the Bluemull Sound in Shetland. 1420 Plenary Session Thu_3: Energy Storage and Tidal Energy 1540 Industry pitches 1600- Industry exhibition and networking - drinks and canapés 1700 1900 Conference banquet at Edinburgh Castle and private viewing of the Scottish Crown Jewels and Stone of Destiny www.oses2015.com Day 3 Friday 3rd July Time Activity 0900 Arrival and coffee 0915 Keynote Presentation: Richard Green – Storage in the Energy Market Richard Green is the Alan and Sabine Howard Professor of sustainable Energy Business at Imperial College Business School. He has been studying the economics and regulation of the electricity industry for 25 years. He has written extensively on market power in wholesale electricity markets and has also worked on transmission pricing. More recently, the main focus of his work has been on the impact of low-carbon generation (nuclear and renewables) on the electricity market, and the business and policy implications of this. 1000 1120 1140 1250 1300 Parallel Session Fri_1a: Parallel Session Fri_1b: Energy Storage for Grid Energy Storage and Wave Energy Integration Refreshment break Panel Discussion: Affordable Dispatchable Offshore Energy Panel Members: Representatives from Carbon Trust, Energy Technologies Institute, Green Investment Bank, Scottish Government Closing Comments: Win Rampen, Conference Chairman Lunch www.oses2015.com Partners and Associates For more info, email enquiries@oses2015.com www.oses2015.com
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