ECE 6560 Quadrature Mirror Filters & Project Simulations

ECE 6560
Quadrature Mirror Filters
Project Simulations
Dr. Bradley J. Bazuin
Western Michigan University
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1903 W. Michigan Ave.
Kalamazoo MI, 49008-5329
Filter Bank Processing
Observing Narrowband and Reforming Wideband
Significant filter restriction are required if the output is required to approximate the input!
Quadrature Mirror Filter Definition and Requirements
h0 m 
y0 m 
x0 m 
h0 m 
h1 m 
y1 m 
x1 m 
h1 m 
xn 
y n 
h2 m 
hM 1 m 
ECE 6560
y2 m 
x2 m 
y M 1 m  xM 1 m 
h2 m 
hM 1 m 
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.
Filter Bank Equations
• Analysis
  k    1
yk m    exp j 2 
  
 r 0
M 1
• Synthesis (substitute –t and L=M)
 
t m
xˆ s  M  t    ht r    exp  i  2 
  ym s  r 
M 
r 0
m 0 
 1
M 1
• Inverse mathematical processes
– IFFT with inverse FFT
– Broadband to narrowband and back to broadband
– Filters are critical for overall performance.
ECE 6560
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.
Perfect Reconstruction Applications
• Frequency domain filtering or equalization
• Time-Spectral Analysis with reconstruction
• Arbitrarily take signals apart and then reconstruct them
– Partial-Band Synthesis to one or more arbitrary bandwidths
(universal base station receiver)
– Partial-Band Analysis with frequency domain summation and fullband synthesis (universal base station transmitter)
– Applications: cellular telephone base stations, satellite relay
stations, etc.
ECE 6560
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.
Quadrature Mirror Filters
• Architecturally, the structure is mirrored across the central
axis in terms of the analysis and synthesis processing
• Perfect Reconstruction of the input signal is desired, but …
– Quasi-Perfect is usually accomplished
– Look for PR-QMF or Quasi-PR QMF
• The QMF operation is typically described in terms of two
H 0 Z 
w0 n 
H 0 Z 
xˆ n 
xn 
H 1 Z 
ECE 6560
w1 n 
H 1 Z 
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.
2-Bank QMF
H 0 Z 
w0 n 
H 0 Z 
xˆ n 
xn 
H 1 Z 
w1 n 
H 1 Z 
• Perfect Reconstruction Conditions
Xˆ  z    H 0  z   H 0 z   H1 z   H1 z  X  z 
  H 0  z   H 0  z   H1  z   H1 z  X  z 
H1 z   H 0  
Xˆ  z    H 0  z   H 0 z   H 0  z   H 0  z  X  z 
  H 0  z   H 0  z   H 0  z   H 0  z  X  z 
Xˆ z    H 0 z   H 0  z   H 0  z   H 0  z  X  z 
ECE 6560
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.
2-Bank QMF
• Perfect Reconstruction Conditions
Xˆ z    H 0 z   H 0  z   H 0  z   H 0  z  X  z 
H1  z   H 0  z 
T w   H 0 w   H 0 w     1
  1
H0  
2 2
Error Mag 1
Error Mag 1b
• Additional Conditions (optimization)
H 0 w  1,
for 0  w  wPassband 
H 0 w  0,
for     w  
Error Mag 2
ECE 6560
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.
Project Assignment Discussion
Find a paper describing the implementation of a filter that can be used in a
Quadrature Mirror Filter
Implement the filter using MATLAB
Look in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital
Signal Processing
Dr. Bazuin must approve of all papers/filters selected.
Provide a function that generates the filter coefficients based on a desired set
of input criteria (i.e. filtercoef=Name(inputparameters))
Verify that you have generated the correct filter coefficients by comparing
them to values or curves provided in the paper.
Use the QMF analysis-synthesis MATLAB script that will be developed
or provided in class to characterize the results of your filter.
ECE 6560
Post-analysis filter ripple, bandwidth, stopbands, etc.
Post-synthesis input to output error, error frequency response, etc.
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.
Project Test Code
Multi-band/bank operation – 64 in the code provided.
– Mx where M = 64 and  = 4, 8, 12, or 16 should be sufficient
– Sinc function interpolation of smaller filters up to Mx where necessary
(used in project code - qmf_NxM(weights,win_size))
Operate analysis bank to provide twice as many samples as a critically
sampled filter bank.
– Nyquist rate of output supports bandwidth better.
– Filter can be ½ of output sample rate
– Limit aliasing and avoid synthesis cancellation requirements
Operate Synthesis bank at ½ the critical sample synthesis rate.
– Nyquist rate of bandlimited input supported.
– No requirement for adjacent band cancellation or “unwrapping” an alias
ECE 6560
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.
Performance Comparison
• Execute the random sample test and determine your signalto-error ratio from the results.
– Insure that your filter can be loaded and used in chan_filt
– Can you perform better than the “4 weight” or 8-coefficient type 2
FIR filters provided ? (e.g. better than 53.5 dB)
• Can you generate the same filter values that are present in
the paper?
• Can you plot the same performance curves?
ECE 6560
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: fredric j. harris, Multirate Signal
Processing for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. ISBN 0-13-146511-2.