PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields PHYS 155: Final Tutorial The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law Eric Peach Saskatoon Engineering Students’ Society BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary April 13, 2015 Overview PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules 1 Magnetic Fields 2 The Three Right Hand Rules 3 Force and Torque On Wire BREAK Force and Torque On Wire 4 Ampere’s Law Ampere’s Law BREAK 5 Faraday’s Law of Induction Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance 6 Inductance Summary 7 Summary Tutorial Slides PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary These slides have been posted: Section 1 PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Magnetic Fields Magnetic Fields PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules Magnetic Fields have no start, no finish. There is NO point of origin. ∇·B=0 They are created by movement of charge. BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law ∇ × B = µ 0 J + µ 0 E0 Changing fields can incite EMF in other objects. BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary ∇×E=− dB dt dE dt Magnetic Field Lines PHYS 155: FINAL Magnetic Field lines have no start, no finish. Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Magnetic field strength B related to density of field lines. Three Right Hand Rules PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules Very Spatial Assume Positive Charge and Current BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Find magnetic field direction in various cases Find force on a moving charge or current carrying wire. RHR 1: Magnetic Field Around a Wire PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Magnetic field circles around wires, in a direction CCW when wire is coming out of page. Put your thumb along wire. Your fingers curl around wire along magnetic field lines. RHR 2: Magnetic Field Inside a loop or Coil of Wire PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Wire wound in a coil generates a magnetic field directed along the axis of the coil. Fingers wrap around the loop or coil, in the direction of the current. Thumb points in the direction of magnetic field. RHR 2: Additional Consideration PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary We can find RHR No. 2 by applying Rule No. 1 to a coil instead of a straight wire! RHR 3: Force on a Moving Charge PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules Charge or current moving in a magnetic field experiences a magnetic force. BREAK Perpendicular to direction of movement Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Perpendicular to magnetic field. RHR 3: Force on a Moving Charge PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Thumb Along Direction of Movement Index Finger along Magnetic Field Palm / middle finger points to the force! Remember, this is for POSITIVE Charge. For negative charge like electrons, the force is opposite! RHR 3: Force on a Moving Charge PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Right Hand Rules: Summary PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK RHR #1: Straight Wire Thumb Along Direction of Current Fingers curl the way the magnetic field does. RHR #2: Coil / Loop of Wire Curl fingers around coil of wire in direction of current Thumb tells you direction of magnetic field RHR #3: Charge Moving in Magnetic Field Thumb Along Movement of Positive Charge Faraday’s Law of Induction Index finger along magnetic field direction Inductance Palm or middle finger tells you direction of force on positive charge. Summary Some Helpful Magnetic Formulas PHYS 155: FINAL Magnetic Field for a long, straight wire Eric Peach Magnetic Fields |B| = Magnetic Field at Centre of Loop The Three Right Hand Rules |B| = N BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction µ0 I 2πr µ0 I 2R Magnetic Field Inside Solenoid N I ` Force on Moving Charge / Wire in Magnetic Field |B| = µo nI = µ0 Inductance F = q(v × B) Summary F = qvB sin θ PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Example 1 – Lorentz Force A proton moving at 4.00 × 106 m/s through a magnetic field of magnitude 1.70 T experiences a magnetic force of magnitude 8.20 × 10−13 N. What is the angle between the proton’s velocity and the field? PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields Example 1 – Solution Draw a picture showing this effect. Lorentz force is The Three Right Hand Rules ~ = q~v × B ~ F BREAK Force and Torque On Wire so ~ | = qvB sin θ |F Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Using magnitude of force, velocity and magnetic field, solve for θ. Answer: θ = 48.83◦ or 131.2◦ . PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields Example 2 – Cyclotron Motion The Three Right Hand Rules A singly charged ion of mass m is accelerated from rest by a potential difference ∆V . It is then deflected by a uniform magnetic field (perpendicular to the ion’s velocity) into a semicircle of radius R. Now a doubly charged ion of mass m0 is accelerated through the same potential difference and deflected by the same magnetic field into a semicircle of radius R 0 = 2R. What is the ratio of the masses of the ions? BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Example 2 – Solution Write the kinetic energy of the particle. 1 KE = q∆V = mv 2 2 Write the conditition for centripetal acceleration Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary (1) Fm = Fc , qvB = mv 2 R (2) PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields Example 2 – Solution Sub (1) into (2) and solve for m in terms of q, B, ∆V and R. The Three Right Hand Rules m= BREAK Force and Torque On Wire B2 qR 2 2∆V Solve for m0 in terms of q, B, ∆V and R. Note that all you have to do is tweak your q, B & R values. Ampere’s Law BREAK m= Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Answer: m0 = 8.00 × m. B2 (2q)(2R)2 2∆V PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Example 3 – Hold Straight Condition A velocity selector consists of electric and magnetic fields described by the ~ = Bˆj, with B = 15.0mT. Find the value of E such that ˆ and B expressions ~E = E k a 750-eV electron moving in the negative x direction is undeflected. PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law Example 3 – Solution Draw your picture. Which way will the magnetic field try to direct the electron? (Up) Which way does the electric force need to apply? (Down). Which way should the field be pointed? (Up) Solve for electron velocity using KE = 12 mv 2 Draw FBD and write the condition for no deflection: BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary F~M + F~E = 0 PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules Example 3 – Solution Figure out the magnitude of the magnetic force on the electron. ~ = 3.90 × 10−14 k ˆN F~M = q~v × B BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Note that ˆ = −F~M F~E = E k Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Solve for E. Answer: 244 kV/m Break PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary See you in 10 Minutes Section 4 PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Force and Torque on Wire due to Magnetic Field Force on a Wire PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Extension of RHR #3. ~ F = I (~` × B) F = I `B sin θ ` is length of wire, whose direction is the direction of the current. For 2 parallel wires, the force of attraction/repulsion is |F| = µ0 I1 I2 L 2π d Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Attraction if current in same direction Repulsion if current in opposite direction Torque on a Loop PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary A loop of wire in a magnetic field expriences a torque, according to ~ × B] ~ ~τ = NI [A τ = NIAB sin θ the A vector has magnitude equal to area of loop, direction points in direction of magnetic field generated by loop (use RHR 2). PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Example 4 – Torque on Wire A current of 17.0mA is maintained in a single circular loop of 2.00 m circumference. A magnetic field of 0.800 T is directed parallel to the plane of the loop. What is the torque exerted on the loop by the magnetic field? PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields Example 4 – Solution 1 Draw a picture of the loop of wire and the field. Conceptualize: if current flows in the loop, and the magnetic field is parallel to the plane of the loop, which side will try to lift up? Which side will be pushed down? 2 Solve for area of the loop using circumference. 3 Use Torque Formula to solve for torque. The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law ~ × B] ~ ~τ = NI [A BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Answer: 4.33 ×10−3 N·m. PHYS 155: FINAL Example 5 – Attraction Between Wires Eric Peach The current in the long, straight wire is I1 = 5.00 A and the wire lies in the plane of the rectangular loop, which carries a current I2 = 10.0 A. The dimensions in the figure are c =0.100 m, a = 0.150 m, and ` = 0.450 m. Find the magnitude and direction of the net force exerted on the loop by the magnetic field created by the wire. Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary PHYS 155: FINAL Example 5 – Solution Eric Peach Magnetic Fields 1 Ask yourself: Which way will each part of the loop try to move? 2 Find the strength of the magnetic field due to the long wire at the left side of the loop. µ0 I1 B= 2πc Find the Lorentz force on the left side of the loop The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire 3 ~ = I2 ~` × B ~ F Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction 4 Find the magnetic field strength and the force on the right side of the loop. Inductance Summary B= µ0 I1 2π(c + a) ~ = I2 ~` × B ~ F PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules Example 5 – Solution BREAK Note that the top and bottom parts of the loop experience forces too, but they cancel out. Force and Torque On Wire Subtract the force of the right side of the loop from the force of the left side of the loop to find net force. Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Answer: −2.7 × 10−5ˆi N Section 5 PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Ampere’s Law Ampere’s Law PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Let’s us find the magnetic field around an enclosed loop of wire. Comes from ∇ × B = µ 0 J + µ 0 E0 dE dt H ~ · d` ~ = µ0 Ienc . This simplifies to B Pick some sort of symmetry, usually circular, around some source of current. Then you can find the magnetic field strength. PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Example 6 – Ampere’s Law A packed bundle of 100 long, straight, insulated wires forms a cylinder of radius R = 0.500 cm. If each wire carries 2.00 A, what are the (a) magnitude and (b) direction of the magnetic force per unit length acting on a wire located 0.200 cm from the centre of the bundle? PHYS 155: FINAL Example 6 – Solution Eric Peach 1 Recall Ampere’s Law: I Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK 2 3 Force and Torque On Wire ~ · d` ~ = µ0 Ienc B Figure out the current enclosed by a radius of 0.2cm. (It’s 32 amps). ~ will be If we integrate around a circle, centred at the centre of the wire, B constant because of radial symmetry. So you get B · (2πr ) = µ0 Ienc Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction 4 ~ Solve for B Inductance 5 Multiply by 2A, the current of 1 wire at that radius. (F/`=IB) Summary Answer: F/` = 6.4 mN. Break PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary See you in 10 Minutes Section 7 PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Faraday’s Law of Induction and Lenz’s Law Lenz’s Law PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary A loop or coil of wire that is exposed to a change in magnetic flux through the loop will induce an EMF whose corresponding magnetic field will oppose the original change in flux. Faraday’s Law of Induction PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Mathematical Representation of Lenz’s Law E = −N dΦ d = −N (AB cos θ) dt dt So we get Back EMF for one of three reasons: Change in Area, Magnetic Field Strength or Angle. Usually only one will change at a time in any given question. PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Example 7 – Faraday Law of Induction A coil formed by wrapping 50 turns of wire in the shape of a square is positioned in a magnetic field so that the normal to the plane of the coil makes an angle of 30.0◦ with the direction of the field. When the magnetic field is increased uniformly from 200 µT to 600 µT in 0.400 s, an emf of magnitude 80.0 mV is induced in the coil. What is the total length of the wire in the coil? PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields Example 7 – Solution 1 Recall Faraday Law of Induction The Three Right Hand Rules E = −N dΦ d = −N (AB cos θ) dt dt BREAK Force and Torque On Wire 2 Here, only the magnetic field is changing, so this simplifies to E = −NA Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary 3 dB cos θ dt Solve for A, then find side length, then multiply by 4N to get length of wire. Answer: 272m. Bar and Rail Problems PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields 1 Figure out the induced EMF Lenz’s Law to find direction. Faraday’s Law for magnitude. The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK 2 Using EMF, find current in loop (Ohm’s Law, KVL) Force and Torque On Wire 3 Using I and Lorentz force law, find magnetic force on bar. 4 Draw FBD of Bar, solve unknowns. Find any input force required. 5 Watch out for directions of B, v and F, especially on angled rails! Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary PHYS 155: FINAL Example 8 – Bar and Rail Eric Peach The picture shows a bar of mass m = 0.200 kg that can slide without friction on a pair of rails separated by a distance ` = 1.20 m and located on an inclined plane that makes an angle θ = 25.0◦ with respect to the horizontal. The resistance of the resistor is R = 1.00 Ω and a uniform magnetic field of magnitude B = 0.500 T is directed downward, perpendicular to the ground, over the entire region through which the bar moves. With what constant speed v does the bar slide along the rails? Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary PHYS 155: FINAL Example 8 – Solution Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules 1 Solve for EMF using E = −`vB cos θ 2 Use Ohm’s Law to find current through loop. I = E/R 3 Lorenz Force Law (F = qvB) to find the back EMF force on the bar (* Watch out for direction here *). 4 Draw FBD to find relation between FM , N and Fg . 5 For constant velocity, you can relate FM and Fg . Solve for v BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK v= Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Answer: 2.80 m/s mg tan θR `2 B 2 cos θ Section 8 PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Inductance Inductance PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Self Inductance E = −N dΦ dt EL = −L dI dt Mutual Inductance Force and Torque On Wire Es = −M Ns Φs = MIP Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary L = µ0 Energy In an Inductor 1 U = LI 2 2 dIP dt N2 µ0 µr N 2 A A= ` ` PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields Example 9 – Mutual Inductance The Three Right Hand Rules Two solenoids A and B, spaced close to each other and sharing the same cylindrical axis, have 400 and 700 turns respectively. A current of 3.50 A in solenoid A produces an average flux of 300 µWb through each turn of A and a flux of 90.0 µWb through each turn of B. (a) Calculate the mutual inductance of the two solenoids. (b) What is the inductance of A? (c) What emf is induced in B when the current in A changes at a rate of 0.5 A/s ? BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary PHYS 155: FINAL Example 9 – Solution Eric Peach Magnetic Fields 1 NS ΦS = MIP The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Use the mutual inductance formula that has all the variables you know. 2 Force and Torque On Wire To find self inductance, use self inductance formula relating flux and current. NΦ = LI Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary 3 To find EMF, use EMF formula with mutual inductance. ES = −M dIP dt PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Example 9 – Solution It might be helpful to pay attention to the directions of the coils here. Remember that the ’-’ serves to remind you that it is back EMF, but the winding of the coil actually decides the direction of current. Answer: 0.018 H, 0.0343 H, -9mV. Transformers PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Just remeber the transformer turn ratio formula, relating current, voltage and number of turns in the Primary and Secondary coils. VP IS NP = = NS VS IP Use Ohm’s Law and P = VI to solve for everything else. PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Example 10 – Transformers In the transformer shown, the load resistance RL is 50.0 Ω. The turns ratio N1 /N2 is 2.50, and the rms source voltage is ∆Vs = 80.0 V. If a voltmeter across the load resistance measures an rms voltage of 25.0 V, what is the source resistance Rs ? PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields Example 10 – Solution Remember the big important transformer equation. The Three Right Hand Rules VP IS NP = = NS VS IP BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Using the secondary coil voltage and Ohm’s law, find current in secondary coil. Using turns ratio, find the current in primary coil and voltage in primary across the transformer. KVL to find voltage across resistor, and Ohm’s Law to find resistance. Answer: 87.5 Ω Summary PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules 1 Go through the slides (both mine and the ones on blackboard) and make up a solid formula sheet. 2 Have a good section on unit conversions, and what units you can expect from certain formulas. 3 Do the assignments. Each question has a recipe to solve it. Practise your Lenz Law to anticipate direction of magnetic fields and back EMF. 4 Watch out for weird units on the exam. BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary Good Luck! PHYS 155: FINAL Eric Peach Magnetic Fields The Three Right Hand Rules These slides have been posted: BREAK Force and Torque On Wire Ampere’s Law BREAK Faraday’s Law of Induction Inductance Summary
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