April 2015 Inside this issue: Pastor’s Page 2 Faith in Action 3 Notes-N-News 4-5 Birthdays/Anniversaries 6 Worship Assignments 5 Calendar 7 Photo Roy P. Heart of Hope Sunday Holy Week Services Maundy Thursday Service April 2nd 7:00pm We will observe the night of Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples. The 30-45 minute service will be a dramatization by seven talented members, and then the congregation will be brought into the drama itself with the celebration of Holy Communion. This service will add to the rich depth of the Holy Week as we prepare for Easter. Good Friday April 3rd Tenebrae Service at 7:00pm Easter Sunday April 5th Services at 8:00 & 10:30am with Brunch at 9:00am. Our youth group will be playing a selected hymn with their brass instruments at both services. 1 On Sunday, April 12, Jennifer Klotz, (daughter of Myrin & Audrey Bentz; sister of George Bentz) will share her music and a sermon with us at both services. Jennifer, who is a professional musician, gives two weeks each summer to work with children at a camp in Romania called "Heart of Hope". The dictator Ceausescu ordered the Romanian people to fill the country with babies for apparent political reasons. The problem is that thousands of these babies did not have homes that could provide adequate care, and so orphanages were established throughout the country. Now these adolescents are released as "throwaways" and hit the streets with few options. "Heart of Hope" is an organization that provides a camp for many of these now older kids to provide them Christian hope and basic skills for their impending adult life. Dear Friends, As I write this we are just about to move into the Easter Season, and my thoughts are on life coming from death. It’s easy to see the signs of new life as daffodils and tulips erupt from the grown and trees burst forth with blossoms. Outside my office window I can see both the new FISH Food Bank building and the garden. So much work has gone into creating a place for the food bank here and building this marvelous new facility. It is so exciting that it will be opening in May. You all should be very proud of this amazing project. The garden, which has traditionally provided produce for FISH, is having a new beginning as well. Last year the soil was allowed to rest during construction, and it is ready now to start producing again. Inspired by the community partnerships that brought FISH to our campus, we are now engaging with the broader community to expand ministry opportunities in the garden. Master Gardeners and the Extension Office have been involved in reimagining what this garden space can be and do. A class at Hood River Middle School is working on a planting design of the entire campus, finding ways that more of our grounds can be used to produce food and provided teaching and learning opportunities. Thanks to special donations and grants, we are able to hire someone to coordinate volunteers and programs in the garden. Susan Randolph starts work this week. She brings with her both skill and passion to help bring this garden to new life. As you know, our congregation has been in a kind of chrysalis stage, as well. We have been working very hard over the last couple of years to come together and discern our new identity, and we are getting ready in the coming months and years to break forth into new life. Your board has been in deep prayer and discernment about where it is we find God leading us, and at our last meeting we were able to crystalize that call into a short statement. We believe that God is calling us to be a Living Bridge connecting community with God’s grace. The work of the food bank and garden have convinced us that God is asking us to engage more and more deeply with the community outside our doors. We want to continue finding new ways to partner with groups outside our congregation to do ministry in new ways. We want to be a place where Christians can find their path to engagement in the community, and we want to be a congregation that witnesses to God’s grace in the broader world. In this season of new life and new beginnings, I invited you to be in prayer about this new vision for our congregation. Together, let us explore just how it is that we can be a Living Bridge connecting community with God’s grace. Your Servant in Christ, +Pastor David Pastoral Emergencies 541-399-9020 2 daviddmking@gmail.com Faith In Action Faith in Action continues as an active group within our partnership, supporting various activities throughout the year. At present, we are actively urging participation in the Lenten soup and study evenings, to continue after Easter for a few weeks. Our first designated giving Sunday corresponds with Palm Sunday, and we will ask for our 5th Sunday giving to go to Lutheran World Relief and One Great Hour of Sharing. We are supporting the effort of the youth while fundraising for their trip to Detroit, helping with their potato bake in March. Don’t forget to purchase a coupon offer from them worth money off at various business. World Malaria Day is April 25, and we need to reflect on how our offerings have helped our world neighbors fight this prevalent disease. Food on the fourth will continue April 19th. Continue to donate always needed items such as cooking oil, protein items, flour, sugar, peanut butter and jam, as well as canned beans and vegetables. Earth Day is April 22. Help celebrate with us, by continuing to bring your non-curbside recyclables to church. Reduce waste! Our next meeting is: April 6, 10:15 in the office complex. Please join us if interested and support our efforts! Sharon, Debby, Vicki, Pat P., Gigi, and Linda Earth Day April 22 2015 Let’s Celebrate!! Help with our FISH garden! Compost-at home, at church! Scott Fitch has great knowledge.. Walk more as able. Plant more native plants!! Eat lower on the food chain.. Participate in the non-curbside recycling program at our partnership AORL… Save worn shoes and take to a NIKE store where they will recycle them into playground surfaces!! Get out side more- hike, watch birds, learn about your world. Commit to fewer pesticides and herbicides. Consolidate errands, and carpool when possible. Ask the Faith in Action Committee members about participation in this effort. 3 Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) - March Highlights Please take a moment this month to encourage the following people: Craig Terry and Dave Radley for the tremendous job they are doing with the FISH building, church building and grounds. Cindy Murahashi for her amazing dedication to nurturing our children’s faith. Garden Volunteer Coordinator hired: Susan Randolph will join our staff on March 30 to coordinate our garden volunteer program. This is a part-time, temporary seasonal position funded by a generous anonymous donation and grants. Opportunities for congregation to get to know Pastor David: Adult Sunday School led by Pastor David at 8 a.m. Sunday mornings. Out-of-office hours at 10 Speed Coffee on State Street, April 1 from 1-3 p.m. Drop by and chat with Pastor David over a cup of coffee. Dessert and Discussion, April 20. Details to be announced. Folks new to the church or those who may have missed earlier opportunities to meet Pastor David are invited for informal conversation. Questions? Currently serving on SPRC are George Bentz, Rick McBee, Nancy Radley, Doug Swanson, Gigi Siekkinen, and Pastor David. SAVE THE DATE! For FISH distribution volunteers and those who have thought about volunteering , there will be three opportunities in April to experience what distribution will be like in our new building. We'll have a mock walk through and hopefully, answer all questions. Dates are tentative right now but we will have firm dates in early April. I hope you'll choose a date to learn more about serving in the new building. Please let me know your choice of training date so that there will be enough handouts, etc. The tentative dates are: April 21-10:30 am, April 25-10:30am, and April 28-5:30pm Thanks, Kathy Terry 541-386-2308 Good Neighbor Saturday is coming! Every year the Volunteers in Action-Providence Community Caregivers program (formerly Faith in Action) organizes a day to do yard work for seniors or those with long-term health concerns in both Hood River and Klickitat counties. This year's event will be held on Saturday, May 16th. Many in our congregation have participated over the years and have found it very rewarding.. Here's how you can help: Contact your congregational coordinator Donna Fitch with names of any deserving senior or other person with health concerns who could use some assistance with yard work that day. Consider volunteering to help as an individual or part of a team. It's lot of fun and an opportunity to make a big difference in someone's life. Bring your whole family! Applications for both potential volunteers and potential care receivers will be available at worship or in the church office beginning Sunday, April 5. Thanks for your help! Donna 4 NOTES-N-NEWS Men's Fellowship Activities Men's retreat at Morning Song Acres, April 9, 10. 11 Thursday after lunch, visit with and discussion with Rev Kirk Thomas, Arch Druid, White Salmon Druid Center: Friday morning, journey to and visit with Rev Kozen Sampson, Mt. Adams Zen Buddhist Temple Friday afternoon--Visit with and discussion with Kalama Rueter, Khalifa Sufi Community. Cost is $105 and includes two nights and 5-6 meals. More details see Marv Turner 541 386 1587 May 1, 2015 - May 3, 2015 Alder Creek Guest House - Sisters, Oregon (see: www.vrbo.com/331741) Email or telephone Bob White for details. goirishcream@embarqmail.com (541) 352-7429 YOUTH nEwS Sunday, April 5th. Easter!! Discount Card *Brass rehearsal at 7:30 for Jed, Grant, Zach, Ethan, Alden, & Maddy) “Have any of you ever ordered pizza? How about gotten an oil change? Been bowling? Well, with this discount card you can save money doing the things you already do AND support the youth missions of our church. One card is only $20 and can be used an unlimited number of times through next March. Just purchase one from any of the youth and get started on saving money this afternoon! Better yet, buy one for yourself and one for a neighbor unassociated with Asbury Our Redeemer. Give it to them so that they can start to hear about all of the amazing things happening at our church. Thank you!” *Brass plays at 8:00 Service *Breakfast between services. *Brass plays at 10:30 Service!!! *No Youth Group in the evening!!!!!!!!! Potato Lunch Thank you “Thank you so much for helping support our mission trips to Portland and Detroit this summer. Donations from the potato lunch raised $450! That brings our overall total to over $6,000! We are well on our way to our goal thanks to you!” Melissa Mimier King 5 Happy Hands Blossom Day Sale Saturday April 18, 10am-3pm at the church Here are some pictures from the 2015 Mt. Angel Retreat: Rivers of Our Lives. They were taken when we did our art project that now hangs in the Fellowship Hall. 6 April Lector Greeter/Usher Coffee Hour Altar Care Flowers 5 Easter Debby Chenoweth Vicki Wartalski Doug Swanson Eater Breakfast 12 19 26 Tom Hart Kathy Terry Marlene Lahti Sharon & George Pantely Kathy & Craig Kris & Bob Terry White Happy Hands Methodist WELCA Rose Miller Rose Miller Barbara Beardsley Barbara Beardsley Dottie Gilbertson Chuck and I want to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and visits during our 2 month stay at Hawks Ridge. We are going back to our home on March 20th. My fractured ankle is healed and I can walk with a ankle brace in place. Chuck has gotten stronger and getting around with help and a walker. We feel blessed to be members of ORLC ASBURY. Chuck and Della Henderson Debby Chenoweth 2 Curt Kyger 4 Zach Boris 9 Ethan Fowler 13 Tori Jacobson 16 Ruth Akiyama 20 Esther Harris 22 Robin Hindahl 23 Dean Kleinsmith 24 Patti Ludwig 28 David King 29 Debby & Art Chenoweth 7 Audrey, George, Emelia 7 April 2015 SUN MON TUE Communion for 9am service is the 1st and 3rd Sunday THU 2 1 9am Quilting 4:45 Bell Choir 7pm Maundy Thurs Service 6:00 Lenten Study 4:30pm 1-3pm Out of Office Celeb. Serv Prac w/Pastor David 6pm Choir Communion for 10:30 service is the 1st Sunday 5 EASTER 6 8am Traditional 9 Breakfast 10:30 Celebration WED 7 10am Men’s Coffee @ Rosauers 9am Happy Hands 10:15 Faith In Action 9 8 FRI 3 SAT 4 11am Brass Prac. 7pm Tenebrae 12:00 Frances Service Woody Service 10 11 17 18 4:45 Bell Choir 4:30pm 6:00 Lenten Study Celeb. Serv Prac 1-3pm Out of Office NO Choir w/Pastor David 7pm Financial Meeting MEN’S RETREAT 12 Heart of Hope Service 13 14 10am Men’s Coffee @ Rosauers 9am Happy Hands 8am Adult Study 9am Traditional 10 Fellowship 10:30 Celebration 10:45 Children’s Sun Schl 11:45 Brd Meeting 6:30 Conf yth grp 19 9am Traditional 10 Fellowship 10:30 Celebration 10:45 Childrens Sun Schl 6:30 Conf yth grp 20 26 Food on 4th 27 9am Traditional 10 Fellowship 10:30 Celebration 10:45 Childrens Sun Schl 11:45 SPRC meets NO Youth Group 21 10am Men’s Coffee @ Rosauers 9am Happy Hands Dessert and Discussion TBA 9am Happy Hands 15 Newsletter Items Due 28 16 9am Quilting 4:45 Bell Choir 6:00 Lenten Study Pastor David @10 Speed Coffee 1-3pm 8am Men’s breakfast at Charburger 22 23 4:45 Bell Choir 4:30pm Celeb. Serv Prac 6pm Choir 6:00 Lenten Study EARTH DAY 29 30 10am Men’s Coffee @ Rosauers 2-4pm WELCA Women’s Bible Study 8 BLOSSOM DAY SALE 10am to 3pm 4:30pm Celeb. Serv Prac 6pm Choir 24 25 World Malaria Day Office Hours - Closed Fridays Rev. David King Mon to Thurs 9-Noon; by appointment Jennifer Fowler M 9:30-2 T 8:30-11:30 W 8:30-2 Th 8:30-2 Linda Boris Tues 10-1 April Newsletter submissions Due: March 20, 2014 Asbury Our Redeemer Partnership Pastor David King 1140 Tucker Road Hood River, Oregon 97031 Phone: 541-386-3993 office@hoodriverchurch.com hoodriverchurch.org 9
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