HortusScope | What`s Up in the Central Indiana Gardening Community

IHortusScope | What’s Up in the Central Indiana
Gardening Community | Photo courtesy of hdwallsource.com
Wednesday, April 1 Indiana Native Spring Wildflowers In this coffee talk by Master Naturalist Colletta
Kosiba, you’ll learn how the flowers of our woodland were used in medicine, as a food seasoning, and in
everyday pioneer life. Lots are growing in Eagle Creek Park, but they’re easy to grow in your garden. A
charter member of the Indiana Native Plant & Wildflower Society, Kosiba will show photos, share
folklore, answer questions, and tell you where to get plants. Free and open to the public. 8:30 a.m.,
Earth Discovery Center, Eagle Creek Park, 7840 West 56th Street, Indianapolis.
Thursday, April 2 Fort Benjamin's Blossoms Garden Club “Dr. Dirt” Dick Crum will share his wisdom.
Public welcome. 1:00 p.m., Benjamin Harrison YMCA Annex Building, 5736 Lee Road, Indianapolis. Next
month: May 8 & 9, Plant Sale Fundraiser.
Saturday, April 4 Organic Gardening for Beginners Session Four: Save Fall Creek Gardens and the
Indiana Organic Gardeners Association (IOGA) present the fourth of a four-part class series preparing
you to grow your very own organic garden this spring. If you think of the harvest as one big event in late
summer or fall, join our final class and be prepared to think again! We'll discuss crop rotation and
succession planting, harvesting, seed-saving and seed storage, season-extension methods, and fall
preparation for spring planting. 1:30 to 3:00 p. m., The Platform at City Market, Indianapolis. Register at
Monday, April 6 Herb Society of Central Indiana Everlastings that Work with Herbs Ginny
Mazurowski of The Flower Barn will share her knowledge of everlastings (dried flowers), what they are,
and their uses in and out of the garden. Public welcome. 6:45, John Hensel Government Center, 10701
N. College Avenue, Indianapolis. Contact 317-834-8515 or visit www.herbsocietyofcentralindiana.org.
Monday, April 6 Indianapolis Hosta Society In Praise of Hellebores Chris Wilhoite, Owner of Soules
Gardens, will talk about growing hellebores, offering a glimpse at the various species, propagation, pests
and diseases, and the hybridization program at Northwest Garden Nursery. Learn why these harbingers
of spring have become so desirable for today’s gardens. Free and open to the public. 6:30 p.m., Holliday
Park Nature Center, 6363 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis. www.indianapolishostasociety.org
Tuesday, April 7 Indiana Daylily–Iris Society Bret Clement, Indiana daylily hybridizer and president of
Region 2 of the American Hemerocallis Society, will present a program on daylilies. 6:30 p.m., Holliday
Park Nature Center, 6363 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis, 317-327-7180. Next month (May 6): Siberian
Irises. http://www.indianadaylilyirissociety.org/
Thursday, April 9 Indianapolis Rose Society John Hefner, master rosarian, will present a program on
identification and treatment of common bugs and diseases. All rose gardeners and enthusiasts are
welcome to learn, enjoy refreshments, and talk about roses. 6:30 p.m., Contour Hardening, 8401
Northwest Boulevard, Indianapolis. www.IndianapolisRoseSociety.com.
Saturday, April 11 Herb Society of Central Indiana (Noblesville) Spring Symposium: Sweet and Savory
Celebrate the herb of the year, savory, with a day of learning and sociability. Presentations include
Exploring Medicinal Herbs, The World of Savory—Winter & Summer, Healthy Cooking with Essential
Oils, Bees and Herbal Infused Honey. Silent auction, shopping, and luncheon add to the festivities. 9:00
a.m. to 3:15 p.m., Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville. Find fees and
registration form at www.herbsocietyofcentralindiana.org. (Click on Symposium in the menu at the top.)
Saturday, April 11 Boone County Master Gardeners (Lebanon) 29th Annual Gardenfest Over 15
garden-related vendors will sell unique garden art, gifts, flowers, herbs, succulents and other garden
items. Highlights include a used tool and garden item sale, free soil testing, door prizes throughout the
day. Speakers include Constance Campbell Ferry on “Herbs of the Wildlands, Woodlands and the
Gardens”; Linda Kimmel on “Why Grow Hybrid Rugosa Roses?”; and Jeff Dittemore on “Honey Bees and
Pollinating Plants.” Children’s activities, free Q & A, and lunch and homemade desserts will also be
available. Free native tree seedlings will be given to the first 400 attendees. Free and open to the public.
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Farm Bureau Community Building, Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds, 1300 E. 100 S.,
Lebanon. Find more info at www.bccn.boone.in.us/mg or Facebook http://on.fb.me/1btX2af.
Sunday, April 12 Iris Growers of Eastern Indiana (Muncie) Grooming Irises for Show Presentations by
Chuck Bunnell and Kent Runbaugh. Free and open to the public. 1:30 p.m., Minnetrista, 1200 North
Minnetrista Parkway, Muncie. Information at 765-730-4786.
Thursday, April 16 Why Doesn’t My Hydrangea Bloom? We can grow many hydrangeas our
grandmothers never even dreamed of! Some hydrangeas are large shrubs blooming in midsummer. New
in 2003, the reblooming Endless Summer series adds color to the border. Hydrangeas are divided into
four main groups. To prune or not to prune? Learn their requirements. Friendly Garden Club invites you
to this program by member Colletta Kosiba. Free. 12:30 p.m., Brownsburg Library, 450 South Jefferson
Street, Brownsburg. Call 852-3167 to register.
Saturday & Sunday, April 18 & 19 Perennial Premiere at the IMA At the Indianapolis Museum of Art’s
annual salute to spring, listen to live music, bring the kids to participate in a gardening activity, hear
from experts on topics ranging from urban gardening to installing a bat house, and grab some grub and
coffee at onsite food trucks. Regional vendors will also be on hand, selling nature and gardening-related
merchandise. A large variety of plants, shrubs, and trees will be available for purchase at the Madeline F.
Elder Greenhouse. IMA horticulturists will be on hand to answer any questions, and visitors are invited
to take a guided garden walk and view a Bonsai exhibition. On Saturday, April 18, IMA members only can
preview and shop during the special hours of 9 to noon. Not a member? Join on the spot and receive a
20 percent discount on all IMA plants and merchandise. Open to the public noon to 5:00 p.m. Saturday
and noon to 4:00 p.m. Sunday. www.imamuseum.org
Saturday, April 18 Native Plant Sale at McCloud Nature Park (North Salem) Hendricks County Parks
and Recreation will be selling thousands of native plants and dozens of species in 2 3/8 “ pots for only
$4.00 per plant (online presale orders available for $3.50 per plant at http://pfohcplantsale.com/).
Native plant experts will give presentations every hour on the hour and be available to answer questions
about how to integrate beautiful native species into gardens and help wildlife thrive. There will also be
refreshments and giveaways. All proceeds go to the Parks Foundation of Hendricks County to improve
our parks. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., McCloud Nature Park, 8518 Hughes Road, North Salem.
Sunday, April 19 Grand Opening of IndyPL Seed Library The Glendale branch of the Indianapolis Public
Library is opening the city's first seed library. It will include a collection of common garden seeds that
anyone who holds a library card may “check out”; they don't have to be returned. IndyPL Seed Library is
powered by Master Gardener volunteers and includes a strong component of monthly programs taught
by Master Gardeners, Marion County Cooperative Extension, and community garden resources including
Fall Creek Gardens, Indy Urban Acres, and others. The grand opening features a resource fair with many
of the above-mentioned groups as well as resources for vermicomposting, Marion County Soil and
Water District, and others. 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., Glendale Public Library, Glendale Town Center, 6101 N.
Keystone Avenue, Indianapolis. Questions? Call 317-275-4410.
Friday, April 24 Free Trees for Arbor Day Indianapolis Power & Light Company, along with a number of
community partners, will distribute 1,000 free redbud trees on Monument Circle in front of the IPL
building. The redbud trees will be in one gallon containers, which are normally 2-3’ in height. Trees will
be given away on a first-come, first-served basis, one per family. The Indy Free Tree Program raises
awareness and educates the public about planting the Right Tree in the Right Place. Experts from a
variety of organizations will provide tips on tree planting, pruning, and site selection and will explain
how people can improve their environment by caring for our natural resources. 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
in front of the IPL Building, Monument Circle, Indianapolis. Questions? Call Jeri at 317-261-8641.
Saturday, April 25 The 50 Mile Bouquet Debra Prinzing, award-winning author and outdoor living
expert, will share the "big picture" story about the resurgence of American flower farms and the
emerging eco-floral design movement. Debra's visually elegant presentation explores the “slow-flower”
concept featured in The 50 Mile Bouquet, her 2011 book. She discusses local, seasonal, and sustainable
ways to use flowers that often times grow right in your own backyard. The presentation will also feature
the personal projects from Debra's new DIY book, Slow Flowers: Four Seasons of Locally Grown Bouquets
from the Garden, Meadow and Farm. A book signing follows the presentation. Noon, The Toby,
Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 North Michigan Road, Indianapolis. Note: Followed by afternoon
hands-on workshop at 3:00 p.m., Multi-Purpose Room; $75 per person; limited to 24. Register for the
floral arranging workshop at 317-955-2339.
Saturday & Sunday, April 25 & 26 Les Belles Fleurs Cirque, A GCA Flower Show The Indianapolis
Garden Club in collaboration with the Indianapolis Museum of Art Horticultural Society will present Les
Belles Fleurs, a Garden Club of America flower show. The show will feature elements both French and
circus-related, and have four major divisions including Floral Design, Horticulture, Photography, and
Conservation. Awards will be presented by judges from across the country. Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m.; Sunday noon to 5:00 p.m.; Deer Zink Pavilion, Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 North Michigan
Road, Indianapolis. www.imamuseum.org
Saturday, April 25 Earth Day Indiana Festival The largest one-day environmental event in the state,
and the first free outdoor festival in Indianapolis each year. Features exhibitors promoting sustainability,
environmental protection, and resource conservation. Activities, workshops, green vendors, music, local
food. Free. 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., White River State Park, 801 West Washington, Indianapolis.
Saturday, April 25 Hendricks County Master Gardeners (Danville) Gardening for All Ages A terrific day
of learning and fun for kids to senior citizens, with free admission and good parking, plenty of gardenrelated exhibits, speakers on horticultural topics, live demonstrations and more – the first 500 visitors
can pick up a free tree – and there will be lots of free vegetable and flower seed packets available this
year. See more than 40 garden-related vendors under one roof, offering plants, garden décor, a
children’s booth full of crafts, games and activities. Get your gardening questions answered at
the Master Gardener Information Booth. Meal service all day by Stream Cuisine, a local favorite from
Courthouse Grounds. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Hendricks County Fairgrounds Complex, 1900 E Main
Street, Danville. http://www.hendricksgardeners.com/
Tuesday, April 28 Summer Bulbs Do you want easy-to-grow plants with great flowers in all sizes and
colors? We will explore the wide world of summer bulbs. Asiatic and tiger lilies, oriental and trumpet
lilies are all easy—plant the bulb, enjoy the flowers. There is even a lily to help with your arthritis!
Caladiums are great bulbs for color in the shade garden. Master Gardener Colletta Kosiba has beautiful
photos of summer bulbs, plus all the information you need to get started with them this year. Free. 6:30
p.m., Brownsburg Library, 450 South Jefferson Street, Brownsburg. Register at 852-3167.
Tuesday, April 28 Planting Your Garden Indy Urban Acres will do this presentation as part of the IndyPL
Seed Library (see above). 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Glendale Public Library, Glendale Town Center, 6101 N.
Keystone Avenue, Indianapolis. Questions? Call 317-275-4410.
Saturday, May 2 Johnson County Garden Club and Purdue Master Gardeners (Franklin) 11th Annual
Garden Celebration This year we will be celebrating Indiana Farmers’ Markets. There will be a tree give
away; first come, first served. Guest speakers will present programs throughout the day. In addition to
plant and garden related vendors indoors and out, there will be food and drink available for purchase all
day. Admission is $2.00 at the door. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Scott Hall, 250 Fairground Street, Johnson
County Fairgrounds, Franklin. Call Lynne Schuetz at 317-736-5609 or Carolyn Williams at 317-736-8080
for more information.
Sunday, May 3 Ambassador House and Heritage Gardens (Fishers) Things Your Mother Never Taught
You Experienced gardeners will lead small groups through a series of stations covering topics designed
for the beginner and/or occasional gardener. Such topics include proper watering, mulching, pruning,
and deadheading of perennials, bushes, and trees. There will also be information about dividing,
planting, and fertilizing your garden along with tool usage and care. Free, open to the public, no
reservations needed. It will take place rain or shine! 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., 10595 Eller Road, Fishers.
Wednesday, May 6 Slow Meat: An Introduction “Slow meat” is a simple mantra: eat better meat—but
eat less. This unique event pairs local sustainable meat producers with amazing local chefs that will
convince you slow meat is the only way to eat! A tour of Smoking Goose begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by
a panel discussion, then an amazing tasting at 7:30 p.m. featuring three dishes prepared and served at
the Flat 12 Bierworks patio. Tickets are $15 for Slow Food Indy members and $20 for non-members. No
beer is included in the ticket price, but it is available for purchase at Flat 12. Get tickets.
Saturday, May 9 INPAWS Native Plant Sale & Auction Something for everyone at this popular annual
event sponsored by the Indiana Native Plant & Wildflower Society. On offer will be native plants for
shady, sunny, and wetland settings, a different selection every year. The choicest, rarest plants are set
aside for the plant auction, an entertaining and informative opportunity to learn about Indiana natives.
The pre-sale speaker is M.J. Meneley, Landscape Architect and Principal of Blue Marble Design LLC, who
will speak on “Designing with Natives." The $10 fee for the talk entitles ticket holders to start shopping
15 minutes before the general public and get a discount off an auction purchase. Alongside the plant
sale, INPAWS will sell select books on plant families, naturalistic gardening, conservation, and related
topics. Pre-sale talk begins at 9:30 a.m. Plant and book sale open 10:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Live auction
begins at 11:00 and continues until every plant is sold. Indiana Forest Council will be selling native trees
in the parking lot at the same time. Park Tudor School, Upper Gymnasium, 7200 N. College Avenue,
Indianapolis (use the 71st Street entrance). www.inpaws.org
Advocacy Op Proposed Dam Project on White River The controversial Mounds Dam project would
destroy 1,000 acres of mature hardwood forest, eliminate an extremely rare wetland nature preserve,
and threaten Indiana's premier archeological site. There’s lots of info online about the dam proposal and
about an alternative vision, the Mounds Greenway. Get involved and make your voice heard! Heart of
the River Coalition Mounds Lake Reservoir Mounds Greenway Plan
Events at Holliday Park Labor and Learn Garden Workshops: Join the volunteer effort that has
transformed the historic rock garden at Holliday Park. The first Friday of every month, skilled
horticulturalist Chris Turner will begin the work session with a discussion of a popular gardening topic.
Other sessions are open for questions and answers, all sessions include time working in the
garden. Tools and refreshments provided. Free. April 10 & 24, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Garden Work Days:
The diverse landscaping and gardens of Holliday Park provide visitors beauty no matter what the season.
Here’s your chance to become a steward of these beautiful grounds. Whether you are looking to fulfill
Master Gardener requirements or just want to give something back to the park, everyone is welcome.
Tools and refreshments provided. Free. April 4, 8, 18 & 22, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Holliday Park
Volunteer Work Day: Volunteers will work on park improvement projects such as trail maintenance,
non-native plant control and more. Individuals and groups are welcome; please call 317-327-7180 to let
us know you’re coming. Free. Saturday, April 18, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Spring Wildflower Hike: Join Norma
Wallman, author of Wildflowers of Holliday Park, for a leisurely hike to see what’s blooming.
$5/individual, pre-registration required. Saturday, April 11, 10:00 to 11:30 am. Indiana Daffodil Society
State Daffodil Show: Free. Friday, April 17, from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, April 18, from 9:00 to 3:00
p.m. Indianapolis Hosta Society: Join IHS for their monthly programs on shade gardening. Free. April
15, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Indianapolis Daylily/Iris Society: Join IDIS for their monthly programs dedicated to
the promotion of daylilies and iris. Free. April 7, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Holliday Park is located at 6363 Spring
Mill Road, Indianapolis. For questions, call 317-327-7180. www.hollidaypark.org
Events at Garfield Park Family Garden Day—The Early Spring Garden: Saturday, April 11, 2:00 to 3:30
p.m. $6, all ages. April isn’t too early to be thinking about your garden. In fact, your family can start
crops now, so you can enjoy them and then replace them with a summer crop. Discover hardy cold
crops that you can plant in early spring and fall such as spinach, Swiss chard, and kale. Learn how to get
more out of your garden by taking advantage of every season. Registration required. Orchid Show:
Saturday and Sunday, April 18-19, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., $3 per person or $8 per family. This weekend,
the Conservatory will be filled with displays of blooming orchids from across the Midwest, all competing
for awards. Vendors will also be available with orchids for sale. Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens,
2505 Conservatory Drive, Indianapolis. www.garfieldgardensconservatory.org
Volunteer Op Work Days at First Friends Church We established an urban woods in 2002 and are now
focusing on removing invasive species such as wintercreeper and amur honeysuckle and then planting
woodland natives in the understory. Good hearted, self-taught, and probably less knowledgeable than
is ideal, we keep moving forward. We welcome native plant donations and volunteers to help in the fun.
Our remaining spring work days are April 18 and May 9. 9:00 a.m. to noon, 3030 Kessler Boulevard East
Drive, Indianapolis (right next to Glendale Mall). www.indyfriends.org
Spend and Save Slow Food Indy suggests you use a portion of your tax refund to buy a CSA share or
bulk meat order from a local farm and get a price break that benefits your family all year long. Check out
the list of participating farms on the Slow Food Indy website. Have questions about CSAs or the Tax to
Table promotion? Just hit reply and ask away!
Volunteer Op Binford Redevelopment and Growth, Inc. BRAG is looking for a person to serve as
Landscape and Beautification Committee Chair, a board position. BRAG has planted and maintains 14
planting beds and 250 trees on Binford and adjacent streets. The committee chair is responsible for
planning the spring and fall beautification projects in the BRAG area, monitoring and maintaining the
planting beds and trees on Binford, working with area companies to “adopt” sections of Binford to
maintain, proposing and supervising BRAG landscaping and beautification projects, and other tasks. If
interested, contact Kas Vargo, Board Chair, at kas@binford71.org or 317-690-8559.
Go Native Native Plants Unlimited 2015 Catalog Now Available Our friend George Peregrim is once
again offering native plants for sale in quantity through preorders. Order by Saturday, April 4, for pickup
starting Friday, May 1. Additional native plants will be for sale Friday, May 1, through Saturday, May 16.
Pickup point is Geist Nursery in Fishers. Find advance order discounts, the advance order form, and
directions to Geist Nursery at http://www.nativeplantsunlimited.com/plantsale.htm.
For questions, call George at 317-506-5456.
Volunteer Op Herron High School Gardening Club Herron High School is a tuition-free, public charter
school located in the Herron-Morton neighborhood in downtown Indianapolis. Our fledgling Garden
Club was recently selected to be the Seed Keeper Home Farmer school for the state of Indiana by the
Seed Keeper Company. We are looking for volunteers to help our small Garden Club grow! The Garden
Club meets on Mondays after school, at 4:15 p.m. and may schedule a weekend work day. To volunteer
or learn more about how you can help, contact Garden Club sponsor Lyndsey Mason at
lmason@herronhighschool.org. Inch by inch, row by row, we’re gonna make this garden grow!
Volunteer Op Conservation Days at Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab at Marian University Come out to the
EcoLab and help out! Our Saturday work days are a great opportunity for you or a group of your peers to
immerse yourselves in nature. The projects that we work on complement more than 10 years of
restoration done on the property. Common projects are invasive plant removal, native plant installation,
basic trail maintenance. Everyone is invited. We have attendees as young as grade-schoolers through
retirees. We give detailed instructions on each individual project, so no experience is
necessary. Upcoming workdays are April 11, May 16, June 13. Meet up at 9:00 a.m. at the St. Francis
statue next to Allison Mansion on the north end of Marian University campus. Please RSVP to
sschuck@marian.edu if you plan to attend. NMP EcoLab Website
Now on YouTube Central Indiana Wildflowers Through the Seasons Titled “Blooming Through the
Seasons,” this just-released video is a “prequel” to the book Wildflowers of Holliday Park: A Pictorial
Field Guide Organized by Blooming Season, by Norma Bangel Wallman. The 23-minute video shows the
wildflower season unfolding in three-second “days.” More than 200 wildflowers each appear and
disappear according to bloom dates, as Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” provides musical accompaniment.
Common names of the flowers and corresponding bloom dates are presented at the end of the video.
Buy Local New Antique Mall Features Vintage Garden Things The recently opened SoBro Vintage
Market is featuring vintage benches, planters, and such in April. There are ten vendors and it is run as a
coop. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 1051_B 54th Street (54th and
Monon), Indianapolis.
Be a Voice for Conservation Indiana Conservation Alliance (INCA) urges you to make your voice heard in
the state legislature advocating for public funding for land, water, and wildlife conservation. Your talking
points: (1) Ask legislators to continue the $2 million general fund biennial appropriation for the Clean
Water Indiana program (CWI). (2) Ask legislators for increased funding for the Indiana Heritage Trust
(IHT) to $2.5 million in the second year of the biennium. (3) Ask legislators for an overall increase in the
budget for the Department of Natural Resources. (4) Express INCA's opposition to HB 1453, legislation
which legalizes shooting deer behind fences. Senators can be contacted at 1-800-382-9467.
Democratic Representatives can be contacted at 1-800-382-9842 and Republican Representatives at
1800-382-9841. Fact sheets on the INCA priorities are available on the website. www.inconservation.org
Photo Notes I thought spring would never happen, but here it is, just a little behind schedule. My Tête à
Tête daffodils are just blooming, lightening my mood but signaling the end of rest from garden chores.
Now begins the heavy work of readying the garden for the growing season, best done on balmy days
with no wind. May the weather gods favor us with many such in the coming weeks.
HortusScope, an e-bulletin for the Central Indiana gardening community, is published the first of every
month as a public service by Wendy Ford. To submit news items, add or update your e-mail address, or
remove your name from the HortusScope e-mail list, please drop me a note at
hortusscope@comcast.net. Your supporting donation gratefully accepted at 6911 Cabernet Way,
Indianapolis, IN 46278, check made out to Wendy Ford. (Thanks, Matt Newell and Christine Carlson!)