Spring 2015 - hope alive clinic haiti

Sharing the love of Jesus to the
Haitian people
in Haiti
Well and Pump Update
at our Tricon Clinic
I had opportunity to visit
our Tricon clinic in January
and February to assist with
the new well and pump.
Water is again flowing to
the clinic building, and we
are installing a manual
pump for the community
as well. Things are moving
along, and the system
should be finished in a few
short weeks. We thank
Protestant Community
Church in Medford Lakes
for funding and prayer
support for this project.
Pastor Todd Mozingo
and son-in- law
Tony Chillemi from
Revive Church in Florida
visited Hope Alive in March.
They ministered to patients,
orphans, and even played
soccer with the local kids.
since 1998 through medical and dental care,
nutritional and hygiene programs,
clean water projects, & evangelism. 2015
Solace Hospital Wing
The Smallwood Team
… “Do you think Haiti
could use a chiropractor?”
was the first thing Pastor, Dr.
Greg Smallwood asked at our
The New Hospital Wing!
first meeting last year. The
answer was a resounding
In January, we broke ground for construction of a new
“yes!” Dr. Greg with his wife,
addition at our main clinic in Mariani. The Solace
Nurse Cynthia, treated well
Urgent Care Facility will be a multi-purpose area for
over 500 patients, and gave
expanded clinic services. It will feature a room for light
out donated vitamin and
surgery and procedures, along with a 12-bed hospital
supplements to
for overnight stay. Digging the footings for the walls
100’s more. Each evening we
was intense because of the new construction rules
held a crusade, and God’s love
since the Earthquake. Places were dug down 4 feet
through solid limestone to make it level. An additional was shared. Many came up for
4 feet was needed to be dug for the footings! This new prayer and rededication. Along
with the Smallwoods was Bob
venture has been on our hearts for a couple of years.
Reilly, whose electrical knowlWe originally wanted to purchase land nearby to build.
edge helped a great deal. He
But after much prayer and research, we decided to just installed sockets and re-wired
expand the main clinic. This makes much more sense,
items in the kitchen. Kristy
as we already have water, electric, and a secure wall in Assink, on her second trip to
place. Although we already use the building, we are
the clinic was such a blessing!
planning a “grand opening” June of this year. The word
Her prayers and spiritual
solace is defined as “comfort in sorrow.”
support were vital. This was a
great trip, and many folks
On a personal note, my father was in the Navy during
were ministered to. They also
the battle at Iwo Jima. He was a medical corpsman
plan to return this November!
stationed on a small landing craft that was used as an
ambulance to pick up the wounded from the beach,
and take them out to the hospital ships a few miles out.
One of those hospital ships was The USS Solace.
Thank you!
We thank God for His
love, provision, mercy
and grace. We also
thank folks like you for
your prayers and
financial support.
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The Visiting Nurses from Montana and Colorado
Heidi Efinger from Montana has blessed Hope Alive Clinic by
visiting Haiti over a dozen times. As a nurse, Heidi’s experiences
in Haiti recently led her to become a Nurse Practitioner. She
brought Nurse Practitioner Teacher, Deanna Babb, and a team of
nurse practitioners (happy to take a break from the freezing cold
up in Montana). What an amazing blessing they were! Morning,
noon, and night they tirelessly treated about 1,000 patients at
makeshift mobile medical clinics, even performing minor surgeries.
Those they helped would not have received medical care without
their sacrifice.
Medicine is “tro cher”, very expensive; and as you can imagine,
a lot of medicine was dispensed by this team. They generously
gave funds designated to buy medicine to replenish much of what
they gave to their patients.
If you are a medical professional, and you would like to donate
your time, please come to Hope Alive in Haiti. Or, please
consider becoming a Pharmacy Partner for only $10 a month to
help Hope Alive Clinic buy more medicine.
Heidi and her team also bought many sacs of rice and beans,
and distributed food to hungry and needy people in the area. At a
movie matinee at the Clinic, they served local children a hot
cooked meal of beans and rice. They used the sound system Rob,
Heidi’s husband, donated last year. It has been used regularly as a
tool for ministry delivering the Gospel message and reaping souls.
Thank you!!
Please continue to pray and support Hope Alive! Clinic Ministries
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Leslee and Frank are happy to announce that they are now full-time missionaries
to Hope Alive. Frank is busier now than he was before he left the chemical
industry (after 32 years). There is a lot of work to do! If you would like to
support Frank and Leslee, please be sure to clearly designate your gift. Thank you!
Video Night at Hope Alive!
Every morning, the benches are full of patients
waiting to be seen by one of Hope Alive’s medical
doctors. But on Friday evenings, this area is transformed into a movie matinee, complete with popcorn!
The “Jesus Film” played at the Clinic was probably
the first movie these kids ever saw. They could clearly understand the Gospel message, because it was in Creole! Many
of these kids gave their lives to Christ during Pastor Greg Smallwood’s Crusade. We feel privileged to nurture them
with the love of Christ, and we thank God for the Joy that he gives us.
The Sewing Project and Fashion Show!
The 3rd annual graduation, emceed in proper French, was a
formal event, attended by friends and family of 17 proud Sewing
School graduates on March 14. Songs and skits held everyone’s
attention, and eyes were glued to the women as they modeled
beautiful dresses they tailored during their year of classes. A
reward for each student is a treadle sewing machine. (About 45
treadle sewing machines have been donated for this project.)
The 4th sewing class has begun, and more women will be trained
in a career that will change their lives. Penny Miller envisioned
this program, and she oversees it in its entirety. God bless her!
Why not consider a Hope Alive! Trip to Haiti?
This is the view from the upper deck looking out to the water. Each day there is a nice breeze, and each
night, the stars look 10 feet away! This area is a nice spot for prayer, fellowship, or relaxing after a hard day’s
work. Behind is the men’s dorm room, on top of the ladies’ dorm (pictured below right) - secure, cool,
comfortable, and neat as a pin. Call us at 609-922-0802 or e-mail for trip info: hopealive@comcast.net
Come to
in Haiti
A Hope Alive! Missions trip to Haiti will probably be the most challenging but most rewarding event you have
experienced in your life! This is NOT a vacation, but you will be blessed “beyond measure”.
It is rough and it is tough...it is heartbreaking but heart lifting!
You will be an important blessing to the Haitian people, and you will really make a difference!
Trips are happening all this year. Why not join us?
If you are interested in going, please call or email us for details.
Hope Alive! Clinic Ministries, Inc. - PO Box 964 - Medford, NJ 08055
www.hopealiveclinic.org - hopealivehaiti@yahoo.com - 609-922-0802
Sharing the love of Jesus to the Haitian people since 1998 through medical and dental care,
nutritional and hygiene programs, clean water projects, & evangelism.
Remember, for 25
dollars a month, you can
provide medical care,
food, and parenting
education for a mother
and infant through our
“Mom-Tot” Program.
For just 10 dollars a
month, you can help
provide much needed
medicine by becoming a
“Pharmacy Partner”.