Volume 2 Issue 2 4 March 2015 Merit Ceremony Two students from our school received Subject Merits: Bethany Cox (Tourism and Research Project) and Callum Davies (Modern History). To mark this achievement the students and their proud parents attended the SACE Merit Ceremony, held at Government House on Tuesday, 10 February. The greatest number of Subject Merits (top 2% in their subject) ever achieved in the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) was awarded in 2015. The event, which marked its 27th year at Government House, saw 874 students awarded 1172 Subject Merits for outstanding achievement in Stage 2 subjects. In addition, the 25 students with the highest overall achievement were presented with the Governor of South Australia Commendation, by Governor Hieu Van Le. Congratulations to both Bethany and Callum. Children’s University Australia engages children between the ages of 7 and 14 years in extracurricular activities and rewards them for their participation through the awarding of formal certificates given out at graduation ceremonies at the University of Adelaide. Children’s University members can collect credits in their Passports through participation in activities held at Learning Destinations such as the Adelaide Zoo and the Migration Museum, to restricted Learning Destinations such as school clubs. The idea behind the programme is to engage children in learning in its broadest sense and to provide the scaffolding for children to develop self-efficacy, confidence and aspirations. A letter with more details will be sent home soon. - Mrs Rosanne Wolfendale College Open Day Hope Christian College is having its Open Day on Wednesday, 25 March from 3.30pm—7.00pm. This is an excellent opportunity for parents and friends of the College community to view both the excellent work of the students and a sample of the activities they participate in during their classes. There will be musical items by students of all ages during the course of the afternoon and the ‘food court’ where you can purchase and share a meal with your family and friends. It’s also a great opportunity for parents of preschool and school aged children, who are making the important decision about where to educate their children, to enjoy a tour of the College and its facilities. A letter will be sent home with more information shortly. HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Newsletter Junior School Displays Good Parenting Ideas The Junior School classrooms are where your child may spend a large portion of their week, but many do not have the opportunity to see the beautiful learning environments our Junior School students enjoy. Here are some of their classrooms and excellent work. - Mrs Michelle Eckert (Head of Junior School) As a parent of a Senior School student this year, be a supportive bystander. Sometimes stand back and let students do it their way. If they appear to be slacking off, let them take the consequences. If you do work for them, in the long run, you are doing them a disfavour. Don't compare your student to others. If they don't do as well as you or they hoped, it is not the end of the world. There are other options they can pursue. Their performance, good or otherwise, is not a reflection of your worth as a parent. Choose your battlegrounds wisely this year. Help your student to establish routines and to stick to them where possible. Help your student to establish a balance between work, rest and play. Provide your child with good conditions for study. Help to minimise study distractions. What's more, the last part of the brain to develop is the part responsible for planning, organisation and the ability to calm emotions - the brain does not fully develop until it is 23 years old. School Uniform: Grooming The standard of uniform and grooming at Hope Christian College is deliberately formal and not casual in nature. It is expected that parents will support this by ensuring that their children wear the College uniform correctly. A student who presents at College in breach of the uniform policy may be immediately removed from class which will result in them working in the College Office. All uniform items except shoes are to be bought from the Hope Christian College on-site uniform shop, open Mondays: 8am - 12pm, and Thursday 12pm - 4pm. A big 'thank you' to Paul Healy for coming in on the weekend to spray paint our Junior School playground fence. It looks amazing! - J S students & Miss Fairley The Student Uniform Policy can be downloaded and read via the College website: http://hopecc.sa.edu.au/ourcollege/policies.html A few aspects that particularly require attention: •Girls hair: ALL tied back and a solid natural colour •Boys hair: No facial hair. No extremes in styles such as uneven cuts, contours, shaving (no less than a number 2 or 6mm), dread-locks or experimental, angular, unconservative, partly shaved hair styles. Conservative, graded haircuts are acceptable. •Jewelry: girls are only permitted to wear one silver or gold stud or sleeper in the lowest hole of the ear lobe. We are thankful that the vast majority of our Hope CC students wear their uniform with pride, and thank you for doing your part in helping to ensure that the College maintains the highest possible of standards of dress. - Mr Phil Tarrant Page 2 HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Newsletter Special History Visitor Musical Achievement The Saint 5 Home Group were recently privileged to receive a visit from Salisbury RSL members, Mr Doug Freeman and his wife Lynne. Doug is a direct descendant of one of the 645 Naval Officers, Able Seaman W.E.A Freer, who perished at sea after the German raider 'The Kormoran' torpedoed the HMAS Sydney II on 19 November, 1941. This is an event that is often overlooked in terms of WW2 History, and Doug is keen to ensure the story transcends future generations. He presented the class with a hand-made model of the ship and a biography of the sailor, which was written by his daughter. The College's 'War Museum' will add these precious items to its ever-growing collection of war ephemera. Students are being provided with the unique opportunity at HCC to research first-hand accounts of war experiences and it is becoming an increasingly popular topic for our Year 12 Research Project students. Parents are also more than welcome to view our museum, which is situated in Room 47 in the Senior School area. For further information, please contact Mrs Davies. - Mrs Cat Davies (Senior History/English) Congratulations to one of our music tuition students, Joshua Riggs (Year 7) for his excellent achievement in Preliminary Grade Piano for Leisure. The AMEB (Australian Music Examination Board) awarded Joshua Riggs the results of an "A" (Honours) in his recent exam. Well done to Joshua. Keeping Safe Online Are you the parent or carer of a 10 – 15 year old? Are you worried about their online safety? A free parenting seminar (Parenting SA, Women's and Children's Health Network) will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre (North Terrace, Adelaide) in the Panorama Room, on Tuesday 17 March 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Come and hear internet safety experts and a child and adolescent psychologist talk about: - how teens connect online - how to talk with them about safety - making agreements and setting limits - dealing with cyberbullying. Register to attend: parentingsa.eventbrite.com.au Further information email Parenting SA, (Women's and Children's Health: health.parentingsa@health.sa.gov.au Changed Details Lately? Please don't forget to notify the School Office about changes to addresses, email addresses or phone numbers. It is vital that we have up to date information in case you need to be contacted unexpectedly. Drama Props Required Did you love the 80's? Well, you will enjoy the upcoming Year 11/12 drama. Do you have 80s' stuff at home? Items like: parachute pants/jumpsuits or overalls, leg warmers, bright and patterned shorts, sweaters or stuff with shoulder pads, old Nike/Reebok sneakers (that look 80's) and ‘statement’ earrings (bright, big shapes). If anyone has these or other 80s props and could loan them to the College for the drama, please contact Ms McInarlin at jane.mcinarlin@hopecc.sa.edu.au Page 3 HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Newsletter New Staff for 2015 We welcome Miss Ballard who will be teaching Year 6 at Hope Christian College this year. “Hi, I am Lisa Ballard and I recently was appointed at the school as a staff member - after applying for a position late last year. I attended Torrens Valley Christian School as a student and after completing school, I attended the University of South Australia. After four years of studying a Bachelor of Primary and Middle Education, I started my first teaching position at Hope Christian College. I attend Oakden Baptist Church and I am involved in various ministries there. In other news, I recently was engaged (Australia Day weekend) and now I will also be planning a wedding. I feel like I have entered a very exciting time in my life and I am very hopeful about what this year may bring.” Child Studies ‘Buddies’ As part of Year 10 Child Studies curriculum, the students work with Reception students for a term, offering support with class work and organising outdoor small group activities. Students observe as their ‘buddies' progress throughout the term and complete an assignment documenting and highlighting their experiences. - Mr James Hutchison As part of our Library lessons in the Junior School, Years 1-5 participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. In the past years, many medals and certificates have been awarded to students for completing the Challenge, so join the ranks and become involved! You have until 5 September 2015 to complete it. If a Reception or a Year 6-12 student wishes to participate, forms are available from the Library, or you can print one yourself from the website: www.premiersreadingchallenge.sa.edu.au HCC 1500m Results The inaugural Hope Christian College 1500m race was held on 18 February. It was a beautiful day for a run and the competitors were all keen to start at the Eastern Park Oval. Mr Penn and I ran three races, junior boys, all the girls and senior boys. There were some excellent individual performances Prisca Issa beat all the other competitors in the girl’s race as an U14. Alaak Alaak broke the 5 minute barrier finishing with a time of 4.46 minutes. Congratulations to all on a very competitive and positive event, and thanks to all competitors. Girls 1st Place Achievers were: Leah Pashalidis (U12), Charlotte Churcher (U13), Prisca Issa (U14), Mantalena Pashalidis (U15), Anna Inyasio (Open) Boys 1st Place Achievers were: Yuot Alaak (U12), Alex Trifu (U13), Jordan Galloway (U14), Magok Manyang(U15), Daniel Hammersmith (U16), Alaak Alaak (Open) - Mr Jory Parking at Craigmore Please remember that the Craigmore Shopping Centre carpark is for the convenience of the shoppers and not for the College community’s use. In an effort to keep a good relationship with these businesses, please only use their carpark if you are genuinely using their shopping facilities or services, and do not occupy their carpark for longer than is necessary. Page 4 HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Newsletter Focus on VET Tax File Numbers Vetamorphus (Certificate III in Christian Ministry) is a national discipleship programme which focuses on raising up a generation of young leaders to reach beyond the potential they see in themselves into the potential God has prepared for them. This popular program offers Years 11 & 12 students the opportunity to invest in their spiritual development whilst working toward their academic goals. Vetamorphus gains secondary students academic credit towards their SACE (Stage 2 credits). If completed, this certificate may contribute to an ATAR for university entrance. The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Programme between the Australian Taxation Office and schools has ceased from 2014 as the Government is strengthening proof of identity (POI) processes through a standardised national approach for government agencies and this programme does not comply with the new guidelines. Students undertaking Vetamorphus this year are: Daniel Burleigh, Sarah Caruana, Kaitlyn Harkness, Daniel Hammersmith, Jonathon Munson and Mikayla Thomas. They are pictured here at their peer group. - Mrs Alford How can students apply for a TFN? Applying online and presenting POI documents at a participating Australia Post Office is the fastest and most convenient way for students to obtain a TFN. More information on applying online can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for ’QC27248.’ Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form Tax file number - application or enquiry for individuals form (NAT 1432). More information about lodging this form can be found at ato.gov.au - Steve Vesperman (Deputy Commissioner of Taxation) OSHC Dress Ups Online Photos A reminder that posting photos of children on any social media site causes major Child Protection issues, especially when the school they are attending is visible. Anything posted online is effectively available forever, available immediately to a very wide audience, can be replicated endlessly, and sent to recipients who may view it out of context. I must therefore insist that parents only publish photographs online which contain only their own children, and do not contain any other students. It would also be advisable that photographs do not identify where your children attend school, i.e. school logos on clothing, books, etc. should not be visible. - Mr Dominic Hopps (Principal) Child Dental Benefits All babies, children and young people under 18 years are welcome to attend the School Dental Service. Dental care is FREE for most children. SA Dental Service participates in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. To locate your local School Dental Clinic, or for more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, please visit www.sadental.sa.gov.au Page 5 In HOPE Christian College Out of School Hours Care this term, we have had a strong focus on dramatic play in our Home Corner using dress ups. One of our families kindly donated some extra dress up clothes to booster our resources. From ‘pirate fairies’ to Christmas trees, the children have had lots of fun creating wonderfully imaginative scenarios. - Emma Duffield OSHC & Vac Care Hours Our Hours of Business and Fees: Before School Care 6:30am - 8:30am $14.00/session After School Care 3:20pm - 6:30pm $19.00/session Vacation Care 6:30am - 6:30pm Enquiries to the School Office Phone: 8255 4838 or Hazel Duffield 0490 113 631 (Childcare Benefit Refund available where applicable.) HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Newsletter School Calendar - Important Dates Term 1 SUN MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT 1 2 Playgroup 9.30-11am 3 4 5 6 Year 6-12 Sports Day 7 6 12 13 R-5 Sports Day 14 7 21 8 28 9 4 1 0 11 1 1 Yr 12 Lawn Bowls M 8 9 10 11 Yr 12 Lawn Bowls Adelaide Cup 6-12 CHAPEL (Worship Team) A 15 16 Yr 8 Camp 17 Yr 8 Camp Playgroup 9.30-11am 18 Yr 8 Camp 19 20 Yr 12 Lawn Bowls 6-12 CHAPEL (E3) 25 Year 6 Camp 26 Year 6 Camp Year 8 ASO Music Excursion 9.30-11.30am 27 Year 6 Camp Yr 12 Lawn Bowls OPEN DAY 3.30-7pm Yr 7-12 Secondary Athletics (SANTOS STADIUM) 6-12 CHAPEL (Worship Team) 1 2 R-12 CHAPEL 3 R 22 23 24 Playgroup 9.30-11am A 29 30 31 Playgroup 9.30-11am 5 R Year 12 Lawn Bowls JS Easter Hat Day (Easter) Good Friday 6 7 8 9 10 Easter Monday R - 5 Parent/Teacher Interviews Yr 12 Lawn Bowls R - 5 Parent/Teacher Interviews LAST DAY OF TERM 1 R-12 CHAPEL (Worship Team) School Holidays: 13—24 April z12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Anzac Term 2 A P R SUN MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT 26 27 28 29 30 1Yr 3-7 Primary Athletics (SANTOS) 2 1 9 2 16 3 23 4 Playgroup 9.30-11am 8-12 CHAPEL FIRST DAY OF TERM 2 3 (Worship Team) 4 5 Playgroup 9.30-11am Yrs 6–12 P/T Interviews 6 7 8 Yrs 6–12 P/T Interviews HCC Cross Country Yr 3-12 Yr 8 Immunisation M NO CHAPEL 10 A 11 12 13 Year 10 Camp 14 Year 10 Camp 15 Year 10 Camp Playgroup 9.30-11am NAPLAN NAPLAN NAPLAN 6-12 CHAPEL (S4+5) Vetamorphus Retreat Y 17 18 Playgroup 9.30-11am 19 20 21 22 Yr 11 Careers Expo 6-9 CHAPEL 213 Yorktown Rd, Craigmore, SA, 5114 | Ph: (08) 8255 4838 | Fax: (08) 8287 3236 | www.hopecc.sa.edu.au | admin@hopecc.sa.edu.au
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