Sunday, WELCOME TO HOPE CHURCH! WELCOME, GUESTS, to Hope Church. Please ask an usher for one of our special 1st Time Guest Bags. Any questions please call the church office at 612-521-3547 x110. Children are always welcome at our worship services. If you need to take noisy children out, the Parenting Room, located in the Library, is available during the 10:45am service for ages 5 and under. A Nursery is available for the 10:45am service today for children under age 3. Sunday, June 7, 2015 June 7, 2015 Today’s Worship Interim Senior Pastor: Gene Enderlein Please prepare yourself for worship with quiet prayer in the sanctuary. Gospel Reading: SERMON: Mark 10:46-52 Guard Your Deposit 1 Timothy 1:1-11 Pastor Gene Enderlein 8:00am Traditional Worship Service Opening Hymn: #187 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Sermon Hymn: #485 All To Jesus I Surrender Closing Hymn: #453 Take My Life and Let It Be 10:45am Contemporary Worship Service Song 1: O Jesus, I Have Promised Song 2: In Christ Alone Communion Songs: Be Unto Your Name How Deep The Father’s Love For Us Take My Life and Let It Be Executive Pastor: Ben Sollie Hope Lutheran Church 5200 Emerson Ave. N., Mpls, MN 55430 612-521-3547, Hope Lutheran Church Mission Statement Guard Your Deposit To present the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ to those who do not know him, assist believers to grow up in Jesus as His disciples,* and equip them to use their spiritual gifts and talents for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. (*Mark 12:30-31) This Week At Hope Today: Confirmation Sunday_______ 8:00am Communion Worship Service 9:15am Adult Bible Studies 9:15am Puppet Team Practice 10:45am Communion Worship Service 1:30pm United Hmong Alliance Service Monday:________________________ 9:00am Staff Calendar Planning offsite Tuesday: _______________________ 8:00am Quilting Group 12:00pm HLCW Salad Luncheon 6:30pm Staff/Elder/Deacon Meeting Wednesday:_____________________ 7:00pm Prayer Thursday: _____________________ 1:30pm Birthday Bingo 6:45pm Worship Practice Friday:_________________________ Saturday: ______________________ 8:00am Organ Practice Sunday: Benevolence Sunday_____ 8:00am Communion Worship Service 9:15am Adult Bible Studies 9:15am Puppet Team Practice 9:15am Nominating Committee—F. Hall 10:45am Worship Service/Baptism 1:30pm United Hmong Alliance Service WELCOME TO HOPE CHURCH! OFFICE HOURS—Monday-Thursday 9-5, Sunday 7-11, closed Friday and Saturday. PICK UP A TAKE-A-TASK CARD TODAY! There are cards on the poles by the doors in the Narthex with a variety of tasks, volunteer and donation opportunities that you take and do. There is something for EVERYONE. We can accomplish SO MUCH for God’s Kingdom and for Hope Church! SUMMER SANCTUARY BIBLE AND PRAYER HOUR is hosting Jay Perske with Sarreen Ministries. He will be sharing at the 9:15 hour today in the sanctuary, Acts meets in the Library and Trinity of Man meets in the Conference Room. SUMMER SANCTUARY BIBLE AND PRAYER HOUR will meet at 9:15am on Sunday, except July 5th, from June 7 through August 30. We will focus on learning about active ministries in the Twin Cities and the Jore family’s work with Ambassador Institute in Uganda. Each speaker will give an overview of their ministry and then lead us in praying for the ministry. JOIN US FOR PRAYER ON WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AT 7PM IN THE SANCTUARY. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. 2ND TIME AROUND SALE—donations for our annual garage sale can now be dropped off. Please bring saleable items to the church and place them in the designated rooms. Remember this is a fundraiser so please don’t drop off any junk. Thanks for your help in making this a success. ALL CHURCH PICNIC AND BBQ coming Wednesday, June 17th from 5:30pm -8:30pm at River Park, 83rd Ave. North in Brooklyn Park, 55444. We are asking everyone to bring a salad or side dish to share and your own chairs. Meat, beverages and utensils provided. Hope to see you there for food, fellowship and FUN! Maps available at Information Booth. DEAR KNITTING WARRIORS—We are in need of prayer shawls. Please pick up yarn from Juanita or Steph. Your prayers as you knit are a HUGE blessing to so many hurting hearts. Thanks to all of you who have been helping to build our supply! SUMMER COFFEE TIME We are still looking for people interested in making coffee, slicing bagels (or making cookies or bringing donuts-your choice) on a scheduled weekly basis. Set up and tear down/clean up is also a part of the duties. If interested please call the office. THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE continues to ask for your input on Elders and Servant/Steward Deacons. Please write your suggestions on the yellow form. Ever wish you had an opportunity for overseas ministry? Graduate/undergrad students from China are arriving in late July through August to study at the U of MN. They need a place to stay for several days while they find regular housing. By offering a practical demonstration of Christian love in this way and by building relationships, you can be part of a journey that often ends in faith and radically changed lives. If you are interested in opening your home or would like more information please contact Bob and Joanne Kraftson with China Outreach Ministries at or 651-437-6806 (cell is 651 303 7683) or check out GIVING for Sunday May 31: $8,099.24. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: the following who are sick, healing, and/or hospitalized: Dolores Torres, Aidan Kinney, Laura Ann Lewis, Francis Frisch, Marian Barthel, Shirley Block, Ora Roberts, Tora Hanson, Juanita Vanderpoel and Brooke Filson. Serving in Hope’s Nursery today: 10:45am Geena Lawrence, Danielle Thompson, Ariel Lawrence, Denise Lawrence June 14th 10:45am Phil Bernards, Shari Hanka, Maddy Hanka, Quincy Jensen LADIES: Join us at Noon this Tuesday, June 9th for our HLCW Salad Luncheon. Our program this year is “Power Shopping the Thrift Stores”. Our speaker will be Paula Leach. Bring a salad and friends! Nursery care will be available for children up to age 3. Please sign up on the yellow card in the bulletin. SUMMER TEENS (7-12 grade) – Beginning June 17 we will meet every Wednesday at 12:30pm for a midweek study and fellowship in the youth room. After the study we will head out to play disc golf at a local course (free). NURSERY VOLUNTEERS WANTED! If you are interested in volunteering with Hope’s littlest ones on Sunday mornings, please contact Heidi Nelson or Shari Hanka. FLY – remaining balances are due June 10. Our next meeting is Sunday, June 21 at 9:15am. We will also be prayed for at both services that day. Congratulations to our CONFIRMANDS!!! COMO ZOO - Whole families are invited to join us June 23 at Como Zoo. We leave church at 10am and return at 2pm. Kids 10 and under will need a parent with you. Permission slips will be on the front office bulletin board. Isaiah Kozicky DISCOVER YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS, PERSONAL STYLE AND GOD-GIVEN PASSION this summer at LIVING HOPE. Living Hope meets Wednesday evenings July 1st, July 15th, July 29th and August 12th at 6:30pm. Even if you’ve taken it before, you are welcome to attend. Please join us! OUR DAILY BREAD devotionals are available in the Narthex. Please take enough to share with your friends this month. We have extras! Today’s altar Flowers are in honor of Christopher and Jillian Warner’s 6th anniversary. HOPE YOUTH AND FAMILY NEWS HOPE KIDS NEWS 5TH & 6TH GRADE PUPPET TEAM begins this morning, June 7th at 9:15am in the lower Sunday school classrooms. See Heidi for information. SUMMER SPLASH! dates are Tuesday-Thursday, July 7-9; 21-23 and August 4-6! Check out the table in the Narthex for more information and to see how you can help this year. There will be a volunteer meeting Thursday, June 25 at 9:30am. Please contact Heidi Nelson with questions or for more information. THE CHILDREN’S OFFERING in June is for Good News for Israel. Geena Lawrence Jack Steele Zephaniah Roberts
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