The HIG Dual Injector Upgrade Kit ® Installation & Owner’s Manual Overview This user’s guide will describe the procedure for assembling, installing, aligning, and using the HIG Dual Injector Upgrade Kit. Please keep in mind that not all GC’s are identical, and there may possibly be some adjustments that need be made to your individual instrument before this kit can be installed or used. In most cases, these adjustments are minimal and can be done in a matter of minutes. If however, you happen upon a problem that is a little more serious in nature, or if you need some sort of technical assistance, you can call Horizon Instrument Group at (225)296-4966. Our hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm Central time. If there is an emergency after hours or while our office is closed then please leave voice mail and one of our on-call technicians will be in touch shortly afterwards. NOTE: This kit is designed for use with the Agilent® 5890 series GC, Shimadzu® AOC20i Auto Injector Tower, and the AOC-20s Auto Sampler. It is not intended for use with any other types of instruments. Horizon Instrument Group assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damages that might occur as a result of misuse of this product. Shimadzu® is a registered trademark of Shimadzu Corporation. AOC-20® is a registered trademark of Shimadzu Corporation. Agilent® is a registered trademark of Agilent Technologies, Inc. Horizon Instrument Group® is a registered trademark of Horizon Instrument Group. HI-1200® is a registered trademark of Horizon Instrument Group. Diplomat® is a registered trademark of Horizon Instrument Group. ©2002 Horizon Instrument Group – Patent Pending Parts List Qty. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1* 1* 1* Reference # A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 G H I See Appendix I * = Optional Item Part Number HI1201-1 HI1201-2 HI1201-3 HI1002-1 HI1003-1 See Appendix II HI1000-1 HI1000-2 HI1000-3 HI1000-4 HI1000-AL DIPLOMAT HI1201-T HI1000-S Description Main Plate Assembly Front Mounting Plate Assy. Rear Mounting Plate Assy. Start Out/Ready In Cable Standoff Mounting Pin #1 Mounting Pin #2 Mounting Pin #3 Mounting Pin #4 Alignment Tool The Diplomat Translator AOC20s Tray Bracket Single Mounting Plate Installation NOTE: Before beginning installation, please check to make sure that the kit arrived with all of the components. If there are any damaged or missing components, please contact Horizon Instrument Group. Step 1 – Mounting the Base Plate To mount the plate to the instrument, you will need a Phillips screwdriver, 4 mounting screws, the Base Plate Assembly, and two standoffs (Also provided.). Remove the existing injector plate if there is one, in a manor consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions. If there are standoffs being used to support the original plate, they may be used to support the HI1200 Base Plate Assembly as well. If there were no standoffs or no previous plate, then screw in the standoffs (HI1003-1) provided in the kit in the appropriate holes on the top of the instrument as illustrated below. Stand-Off Positioning Set the Base Plate Assembly in the proper position so that the injection ports sit directly in the center of the large holes in the plate. The mounting screw holes in the plate should directly line up with the holes in the instrument and in the standoffs. Use the provided mounting screws to fasten the base plate to the instrument. Do not put screws into the stand-offs yet. They will be added later in the installation. (NOTE: If there is any split inlet tubing routed to the injection port(s), it should be removed until later in the installation.) Step 2 – Preparing And Installing The Mounting Plate Assemblies You are now ready to install the two mounting plate assemblies. For this procedure you will need a Phillips screwdriver, 8 fastening/mounting screws, 2 alignment tools (HI1000-AL), both front and rear mounting plate assemblies, and mounting pins. First, the sliding plates must be prepared for installation. Secure the mounting pins in the correct places on each of the plates as shown in the picture below. Correct Pin Layout (see Appendix I for alternative model) NOTE: Pins 2 and 3 on both plates are very similar. They can be distinguished by closer examination and noting that pin #2 has a slightly larger diameter than pin #3 has. Once the pins are correctly positioned, the plates can be mounted to the base plate and properly aligned. Due to the placement of the injectors and limited walk-around space with most GC’s, it is suggested that the rear plate is installed first. Start by setting the rear mounting plate assembly on top of the base plate at the rear position. Once the rear plate is in place the alignment tool can then be used. Place the alignment tool so that the septa nut fits closely inside the inner diameter of the tool. The alignment tool should also seat in the mounting plate and at this point will not move. Make sure the opening in the bottom of the alignment tool is aligned with the channel in the mounting plate so that gas lines may be routed through if needed. The illustration on the next page shows what the plates should look like once they are in place with the alignment tools. Correct Plate Installation Step 3 – Mounting The Injectors The auto injectors are now ready to be installed. For this procedure, you will not need any tools. However, it is recommended that you install the injectors from rear to front. This will simplify the procedure a great deal. Mount the rear injector on the rear mounting plate with the injector facing the rear of the GC. The injector should sit all the way down on the alignment tool and pins. The top of the alignment tool should fit tightly into the bottom of the injector. Once this is achieved, no further means of alignment or installation is necessary. Keep in mind this will be a tight fit due to the precision dimensions of the alignment tool, mounting pins, and the injector. Refer to the following illustration to get an idea of what it should look like and how these components should mate up to each other. To mount the front injector, repeat the previous steps. The only difference is that you will need to have the front injector facing the direction as the GC. As above, once the injector is correctly seated, no further alignment is necessary. You are now ready to begin connecting the cables to the system. Step 4 – Connecting The Cables NOTE: BEFORE CONNECTING ANY CABLES TO THE SYSTEM, MAKE SURE THAT THE POWER IS TURNED OFF. First you will need to find a suitable place to put the injector controller. Once this is done, you will need to connect the controller cables from the front and rear ports of the controller to the front and rear injectors, respectively. NOTE: Make sure that the front and rear controller cables are connected to the correct corresponding injectors. Failure to do so may result in improper operation of the auto sampling system. Next, connect the Ready In/Start Out cable between the controller and the corresponding plug on the GC which is located on the top-right hand side. You may need to remove the panel to access this area. You are now ready to begin installation and configuration of the Diplomat® Translator Device. For this installation, you will need to refer Step 5 – Installing and Configuring The Diplomat® Translator Device. Step 5 - Installing and Configuring The Diplomat® Translation Device The Diplomat® Translator Device allows your chromatography software package to communicate via RS-232 to the Shimadzu® controller module. This is accomplished by accepting the Agilent® control commands and translating them to the appropriate Shimadzu commands. This means that if you are using a LIM system, you can use any chromatography software that is compatible with the Agilent 7673® Auto Sampling System thru RS-232 communications protocols. If your system uses GPIB or HPIB as a protocol, the Diplomat can be configured to function with these as well by switching DIP-switch #5 to the ON position (See next page). One configuration setting that needs to be made by the user is for baud rate. This is the speed at which the PC communicates with the Diplomat® Translator Device. This is set up through a series of DIP-switches that are located on end of the device. The baud rate on the Diplomat should be set to match that of the work station it is connected to. The following table illustrates the different combination of switch positions and their corresponding baud rates. NOTE: If you’re not sure what the baud rate is on your workstation, consult the appropriate technical personnel or the manufacturer’s software manual to learn how to view this setting. HPIB 1 2 3 4 Address Position 5 on DIP-switch = OFF (RS-232 Mode) Baud Rate Settings (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) Switch Position 1 2 3 Baud Rate 0 0 0 300 1 0 0 600 0 1 0 1200 1 1 0 2400 0 0 1 4800 1 0 1 9600 0 1 1 19200 1 1 1 28800 Switch 4: 1 = No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit 0 = Even Parity, 7 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit HPIB Mode If your system utilizes the HPIB/GPIB protocol as a means of communication, then the following will apply to you. To set the Diplomat for HPIB mode set position 5 on the DIP-switch to ON. This will allow the Diplomat to receive commands from an HPIB to RS-232 converter. When switch 5 is set to ON, then the other positions determine the HPIB address of your instrument, rather than the baud rate and parity settings. The following table describes how to adjust the address setting for HPIB mode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other Configuration Notes In many cases, it may be necessary to make some changes to the configuration of the Shimadzu injector tower. Below is a small table listing some of these functions and what they do. You should refer to the Shimadzu AOC20i Instruction Manual for directions on how to change these settings. Function F80 Set To 004 Description Baud Rate (1=1200, 2=2400, 3= 4800, 4=9600) F81 F82 F83 F84 F91 0 0 0 0 1 Parity (0=No Parity, 1=Even Parity) Stop Bit (0=1 Stop Bit, 1=2 Stop Bits) Protocol (0= Simple Procedure, 1=Level 2) 0=Transmission By Simple Procedure, 1=AOC-17 Compatable Ready Signal Polarity (0=Open, 1= Closed) A Note On Injection Volume Due to differences in the way that an Agilent 7673 system and the Diplomat handle certain information, you must make sure that the nano-liter adapter option in your software configuration settings is enabled. Failure to do so will result in the injection volumes being inaccurate. As long as the nano-liter adapter option is enabled, then the volume specified in the software package will be the volume injected. A Note About The Sample Racks… In the event that you are using an AOC-20s Auto sampler tray, there are a few things you will need to keep in mind. In order for the AOC-20s to work properly, the sample racks for the injectors had to be slightly modified. This is so that the AOC-20s will reach the sample vial position. The two figures below show the proper places for the sample module (1) and the Wash/Rinse vial modules (2), depending on whether you are using them on the front or rear. Note: If you are using one injector for both ports on the GC by moving it from front to back (requires plate #HI1000-S), then the front rack configuration will be used for regardless of whether the injector is on the front or rear position. Installing the Auto Sampler Tray (Optional) In applications that use more than six samples, it becomes necessary to use an auto sampler to handle the vials. If this is the case, Horizon Instrument Group has developed a bracket that will allow for use of the AOC-20s Auto sampler. Below is a summary of how to install this piece of equipment. Mount the bracket onto the bottom of the Shimadzu AOC-20s Sampler. Remove the screws on the left side of the Main Plate Assembly. Mount the bracket assembly to the GC so that the screw holes correspond to the holes in the bracket. Replace the mounting screws so that they stabilize both the main plate assembly and the auto sampler tray bracket. Make sure the auto sampler tray is resting at a level position by adjusting the cushioned levelers on the underside of the bracket. Plug the auto sampler cable into the back of the Shimadzu controller. Refer to the Shimadzu AOC-20s manual for further preparations. Refer to the page titled Training The AOC-20s Of Vial Locations for instructions on how to train the auto sampler of where to pick up and drop the vials.. Training The AOC-20s Of Vial Locations 1) Turn off power to AOC controller module. 2) Depress and hold both the [MONITOR] and [FUNCTION] buttons on the main AOC-20i injector for 10-15 seconds as the controller is powered up. *Before doing anything else, allow the AOC to complete the self-test which usually lasts 50-55 seconds. 3) Set FUNCTION 78 on the main AOC-20i unit to “000”, then press enter. 4) Place sample vial (assembled with septum and cap) in the left-most position of the AOC-20i rack. 5) Center the AOC-20s gripper over the vial, without raising or lowering the gripper’s arm assembly. 6) On the main AOC-20i, use the [SAMPLE WASH] button to lift, or the [NUMBER OF INJECTIONS] button to lower the gripper’s arm assembly. Use the [SOLVENT WASH] button to stop the raising or lowering motion. Position the lower tips of the gripper approximately 2-4mm below the top of the vial cap. 7) Set FUNCTION 78 on the main AOC-20i unit to “001”, then press [ENTER]. *Before continuing allow the AOC to complete the programming process which lasts ~5 seconds. SUB-Injector 8) Set FUNCTION 78 on the main AOC-20i unit to “002” then press [ENTER]. (Allow the sub AOC-20i to position it’s vial rack toward the AOC-20s.) 9) Remove the sample vial from the main AOC-20i rack and place it in the left-most position of the sub AOC-20i vial rack. 10) Center the gripper over the vial, once again making sure not to raise or lower the gripper’s arm assembly. 11) On the main AOC-20i, use the [SAMPLE WASH] button to raise or the [NUMBER OF INJECTIONS] button to lower the gripper’s arm assembly. Use the [SOLVENT WASH] button to stop the raising or lowering motion. Position the tips of the gripper to approximately 2-4mm below the vial cap. 12) Set FUNCTION 78 on the main AOC-20i unit to “003” then press [ENTER]. (Once again, allow the AOC to complete the programming process which lasts ~5 seconds.) 13) Recycle the power on the entire AOC/GC/Data processing system. Note: If you are using only one injector and switching it between the front and rear ports on the GC, then use steps 1-7 of each position. If you are using a dual injector configuration use steps 1-7 for the front and steps 8-13 for the rear. Appendix I For those customers that wish to use only one tower so that they may move it from the front to the rear injection port, we have designed a plate that will allow such an application. If you have this plate, then both of the autosamplers will be facing the front of the GC rather than opposite ways. Below is an illustration showing the pin configuration for this model. ****NOTE: You will notice that for the rear configuration, there isn’t a threaded hole for pin 2A. We have included a special pin with no threads for this position. Simply fasten the other pins in their proper positions, then, as you’re setting the autosampler on the pins, place pin 2A in the proper spot, and let the autosampler rest on it. If you should happen to misplace or loose pin 2A or any of the others, call Horizon Instrument Group to order replacements. Appendix II Below is an illustration of the mounting pins so that you may be able to distinguish pins 1-4 from each other. WARRANTY INFORMATION: Installation & Use: Before beginning installation, please verify that the HIG1300 Sampler Controller arrived with all of the components. If there are any damaged or missing components, please contact the Horizon Instrument Group ®. Limit of Liability: The HIG Diplomat™ is designed for use with the Shimadzu AOC 20i/s ALS and the 5890 GC. Horizon Instrument Group ® assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages that may occur as a result of normal use, misuse, or abuse of the HIG-1300 (HIG Diplomat™) Sampler Controller. Warranty: The HIG-1300 (HIG Diplomat™) includes a One Year Warranty sampler controller exchange. We do not warrant your autosampler or gas chromatograph. Support: Please keep in mind that not all GC’s are identical, and it is possible some adjustments are needed for your individual instrument before the HIG-1300 can be installed and used. In most cases, these adjustments are minimal and can be done in a matter of minutes; however, if you happen upon a problem that is more complicated and need technical assistance, please contact the Horizon Instrument Group ® for support. Service: Horizon Instrument Group® offers an exchange program for the HIG1300 during the warranty period. Post one year “Extended Warranty” Exchange Agreements may be purchased after the original product warranty expires.
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