Meter reading How do I read my meter? Some customers in remote areas, or where access to the property is restricted, read their own meters. Horizon Power uses the information you provide to issue an account every two months. If you read your own meter, Horizon Power will send you a self-addressed, postage paid self-read card every two months to record the meter reading. Self-read cards should be returned to Horizon Power within 10 working days to avoid an estimated account, based on previous electricity use, being issued. For example, the reading in Diagram 1 is 2-7-0-3-8 or 27,038 kilowatt hours (kWh) or units. When a dial hand appears to be exactly on a number as on dial D in Diagram 2, look at dial C to the right. If the hand on dial C has not passed 0, the number 5 has not been reached. In this situation, the reading for dial D would be 4. The reading in Diagram 2 is 0-4-9-8-1 or 4,981 kWh or units. If your property has more than one meter, or you have several properties, you will receive a self-read card for each meter. Please ensure you match the meter number shown on the card with the correct meter. Dial meters 2 7 Clock-face dial meters have four, five or six dials, which alternate in direction – or in other words, move both clockwise and counter clockwise. Each of the dials represents one digit of the present reading. To read these meters: • Stand directly in front of your meter. • Start from the right, write down the figures displayed for each dial. • If a dial hand points between two numbers, write down the lower number of the two. • If the hand points between 0 and 1, write down 0. If the hand points between 0 and 9, write down 9. 0 3 8 8 1 Diagram 1 0 4 9 Diagram 2 Digital meters The electro-mechanical digital display meters have a six-digit display similar to your car odometer. To read these meters, simply write down the figures that are displayed. 1000000 100000 1000 100 10 1 0 5 9 7 4 5 Electronic meters Electronic meters have a six-digit display register. The register can be static or can automatically step through a sequence of displays or registers depending on your tariff. A number that appears at the top right-hand end of the register identifies each display or register. If you are on a standard residential or commercial tariff (i.e. A2, L2, K2 or M2), where the registers stay static, read the numbers that are displayed. Please refer to your bill to see which tariff you are on. For meters that have multiple registers and for customers who participate in Horizon Power’s renewable energy buyback offer, the register you need to record depends on the type of meter installed: Single phase electronic meters Landis & Gyr EM1000 DISPLAY ID Three-phase electronic meters DESCRIPTION Positive number Usage amount Negative number Exported amount • The display will automatically cycle every five seconds between a positive and negative number. • The positive number displayed is your current usage amount in kWh. • To read the amount of electricity exported to the network, wait for the display to change. The negative number displayed is the amount exported in kWh. • Some older meters may have multiple display IDs (Total Export, A, B, C, D and Total Import). It is important you only read the Total Export and Total Import if you have one of these meters. Important: when completing a self-read card, it is important that you do not write the export amount as a negative number (ie. -1234 should be recorded as 1234). Elster A1800 Landis & Gyr EM3330 DISPLAY ID DESCRIPTION DISPLAY ID DESCRIPTION 003 Usage amount 007 Usage amount 006 Exported amount 107 Exported amount • You will find six dials with 0 decimal places. • The display will continually cycle through at a rate of five seconds per display ID. • To read your usage amount scroll through to ID 003. The figure displayed is your current usage amount in kWh. • To read the amount of electricity exported to the network, scroll through to ID 006. The figure displayed is the amount exported in kWh. Ampy A11 DISPLAY ID DESCRIPTION 007 Usage amount • You will find six dials with 0 decimal places. • The default display (ID 007) is your current usage amount in kWh. Landis & Gyr Q4W Elster G Rex DISPLAY ID DESCRIPTION Positive number Usage amount Negative number Exported amount • The display will automatically cycle every five seconds between a positive and negative number. • The positive number displayed is your current usage amount in kWh. • To read the amount of electricity exported to the network, wait for the display to change. The negative number displayed is the amount exported in kWh. Important: when completing a self-read card, it is important that you do not write the export amount as a negative number (ie. -1234 should be recorded as 1234). • You will find six dials with 0 decimal places. • The default display (ID 007) is your current usage amount in kWh. • To read the amount of electricity exported to the network, scroll through the display channels to ID 107. The figure displayed is the amount exported in kWh. • Some older meters may have multiple display IDs (Total Export, A, B, C, D and Total Import). It is important you only read the Total Export and Total Import if you have one of these meters. Landis & Gyr EM1200 DISPLAY ID DESCRIPTION 07 Usage amount • You will find six dials with 0 decimal places. • The default display (ID 07) is your current usage amount in kWh. • Some older meters may have multiple display IDs (Total Export, A, B, C, D and Total Import). It is important you only read the Total Export and Total Import if you have one of these meters. DISPLAY ID DESCRIPTION 007 Usage amount 107 Exported amount • You will find six dials with 0 decimal places. • The default display (ID 007) is your current usage amount in kWh. • To read the amount of electricity exported to the network, scroll through to ID 107. The figure displayed is the amount exported in kWh. • Some older meters may have multiple display IDs (Total Export, A, B, C, D and Total Import). It is important you only read the Total Export and Total Import if you have one of these meters. Ampy Polyphase Reporter DISPLAY ID DESCRIPTION 007 Usage amount 107 Exported amount • You will find six dials with 0 decimal places. • The default display (ID 007) is your current usage amount in kWh. • To read the amount of electricity exported to the network, scroll through the display channels to ID 107. The figure displayed is the amount exported in kWh. More information Should you have any questions please contact your local depot. Broome 2-4 McDaniel Rd, WA 6725 Phone: (08) 9192 9900 Carnarvon Cnr Robinson& Illes Road, WA 6701 Phone: (08) 9941 6299 Esperance Karratha Stovehill Road, WA 6714 Phone: (08) 9159 7250 Kununurra Lot 228 Messmate Way, WA 6743 Phone: (08) 9166 4700 Port Hedland 18 Anderson Street, WA 6721 Phone: (08) 9173 8281 HP-3-14524 143 Sims Street, WA 6450 Phone: (08) 9072 3400 This document is available in alternative formats on request.
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