Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2014-2018 Acknowledgements Horizon Power acknowledges the valuable contribution from the various community groups and individuals during the development of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). Special thanks to Susan Henson from the Disability Services Commission, Horizon Power’s employees and members of the Western Australian community. Contents 1. Background.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Horizon Power........................................................................................................................................................................2 1.2 Planning for better access..............................................................................................................................................2 1.3 Review of progress............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Access and inclusion policy statement..................................................................................................................4 3. Development of the DAIP.............................................................................................................................................4 4. 3.1 Responsibility for the planning process.................................................................................................................4 3.2 Consultation process..........................................................................................................................................................4 3.3 Responsibility for implementing the DAIP...........................................................................................................5 3.4 Communicating the plan................................................................................................................................................5 3.5 Review and monitoring ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Reporting the DAIP..........................................................................................................................................................6 4.1 5. Strategies to improve access and inclusion........................................................................................................6 Contact ..................................................................................................................................................................................9 Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 1 1. Background 1.1 Horizon Power Horizon power is a State Government-owned, commercially-focused Corporation that provides high quality, safe and reliable power to approximately 100,000 residents and 10,000 businesses, including major industry, across regional and remote Western Australia. Horizon Power is responsible for generating, procuring, distributing and retailing electricity supplies. As at 30 June 2013, Horizon Power services 45,164 customer connections in the Pilbara, Kimberley, Gascoyne, Mid West and southern Goldfields (Esperance) regions, dispersed across an area of approximately 2.3 million square kilometres – about 10 times the size of the state of Victoria. Horizon Power manages 38 systems: the North West Interconnected System (NWIS) in the Pilbara and the connected network between Kununurra, Wyndham and Lake Argyle, and 34 stand-alone systems in regional towns and remote communities. Horizon Power’s value proposition is unique among organisations delivering regional services in that it is led from the regions. Horizon Power has a decentralised management structure with senior decision-making staff located in six regional centres: Karratha (Head Office), Port Hedland, Broome, Kununurra, Carnarvon and Esperance. An administration centre in Bentley provides support to the regional offices. Horizon Power’s strategy has regional communities and enterprises at its centre. The organisation is differentiated by the fact its offices and staff are located in the regional communities it serves. This offers real benefits to communities through on-the-ground response to cyclones, storms and other natural disasters; an ability to manage services at a local level in growing regional communities; and a coordinated approach to regional development. Horizon Power operates under the Electricity Corporations Act 2005 and is led by a Board of Directors accountable to the Minister for Energy, representing all Western Australians. 1.2 Planning for better access The number of Western Australians with disability is increasing. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (2003), 20.6 per cent of Australians or more than one in five people, identify themselves as having some form of disability. The number of West Australians affected by disability is forecast to increase substantially as the ‘baby boomers’ move into age groups in which disability is more prevalent. In fact, there is us expected to be an overall increase of 115.7 per cent over 20 years. It is a requirement of the Disability Services Act 1993 that all public authorities develop and implement a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) outlining how the organisation ensures equal access to its facilities and services for people with disability. 2 Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Other legislation underpinning access and inclusion includes the WA Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). 1.3 Review of Progress Horizon Power is committed to develop an accessible and inclusive community by providing information, services and public facilities that are easy for all community members to access. This commitment was formalised in our inaugural Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, developed and registered with the Disability Services Commission in 2008. Since then, we have implemented a number of initiatives to facilitate access and inclusion for people with a disability. These include: • A TTY number is provided for hearing or speech impaired callers who use telephone typewriter (TTY). • Our Customer Call Centre provides customers with interpreters and translators services. • Horizon Power’s Equal Employment Opportunity Plan addresses potential barriers for people with disability to employment with Horizon Power. • A register of people on life support is maintained to facilitate appropriate service and restrict disconnection. • Providing customers with the option to receive their bills in large print and alternate formats. • Information available in a variety of formats, including electronic, fax or hard copy, that can be provided in other languages or large print. • Website that meets the W3C web accessibility guidelines for level one and two. • Scheduling of the refurbishment of newer facilities under the guidance of an Access Consultant to ensure they will meet current building access obligations. Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 3 2. Access and Inclusion Policy Statement Horizon Power is committed to : • Ensuring that people with disability, their families and carers are able to fully access the range of Horizon Power services and facilities. • Ensuring that people with disability are given the opportunity to participate in shaping the development of their community through consultative processes with local communities. • Consulting with people with disability, their families and carers and where required, disability organisations to ensure that barriers to access and inclusion are addressed appropriately; • Ensuing that its agents and contractors work towards the desired access and inclusion outcomes in the DAIP. • Achieving the seven desired outcomes of its DAIP. • Providing access for staff with a disability is reflected in its diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity Plan 2013-2015. 3. Development of the DAIP 3.1 Responsibility for the planning process Horizon Power’s DAIP 2014 – 2018 was developed with the assistance from a cross-divisional working group established to provide input to the new DAIP. 3.2 Consultation process Following consultation with selected staff to inform the development of the new DAIP, Horizon Power undertook a community consultation process to identify strategies for incorporation into the Plan. A total of two community members contributed feedback through telephone interviews. The consultation was advertised or promoted: • In seven regional newspapers • The West Australian newspaper • On the Horizon Power website Consultation methods included: • 4 Telephone interviews with external stakeholders and community members two interviews were conducted. Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 3.3 Responsibility of implementing the DAIP It is a requirement of the Disability Services Act 1993 that public authorities must take all practical measures to ensure that the DAIP is implemented by its officers, employees, agents and contractors. The DAIP will form part of Horizon Power’s broader Equal Employment Opportunity Plan 2013-2015 with responsibilities of specific recommendations allocated to the appropriate parts of the organisation. 3.4 Communicating the plan In April 2014 Horizon Power sent copies of the draft DAIP 2014 -2018 to all those who contributed to the planning process, including staff, external stakeholders and community members. In April 2014 the finalised DAIP 2014-2018 was formally endorsed by Horizon Power and in April 2014 registered with the Disability Services Commission. Horizon Power advertised the availability of the DAIP and availability in alternative formats (including hard copy, standard and large print, electronic format, audio format, by email and on Horizon Power’s website) on its website and in its customer newsletter which is distributed to all of its business and residential customers. Staff and the community will be advised of amendments to the DAIP implementation plan as and when they are made. 3.5 Reviewing and monitoring Horizon Power will review its DAIP at least once every five years. Whenever the DAIP is amended, a copy of the amended plan will be lodged with the Disability Services Commission. Horizon Power’s Communication team will oversee the implementation of the plan. Stakeholders involved in implementing particular strategies identified in the plan will report progress quarterly to Horizon Power’s Communications team, who will report to the DSC annually. Horizon Power will undertake a complete review of the DAIP, incorporating a staff and community consultation to be submitted to the DSC by 31 July 2018. Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 5 4. Reporting of the DAIP In accordance with DSC reporting requirements, Horizon Power will report annually, by 31 July each year, on the implementation of the DAIP, outlining: • Progress towards the desired outcomes of its DAIP. • The progress of its agents and contractors towards meeting the desired outcomes. • The strategies it used to inform its agents and contractors of the DAIP. 4.1 Strategies to improve access and inclusion As a result of the review and consultation process, the following strategies have been identified to ensure Horizon Power achieves the seven desired outcomes of the DAIP, which provide a framework for improving access and inclusion to services, facilities and information for people with disability. Horizon Power will implement these strategies from 2014-2018. Outcome 1: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of, and any events organised by Horizon Power. Strategy Timeline 1.1 Ensure all events organised by Horizon Power’s are planned using the DSC guidelines – Creating accessible events. Ongoing 1.2 To include in the strategy an effective method of communicating the agreed standard to people with disability, people with non-English speaking backgrounds and the wider community. June 2015 1.3 As part of the strategy, a process for auditing compliance to the agreed standard will be developed. June 2015 Outcome 2: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the buildings and other facilities of Horizon Power. Strategy 2.1 Conduct an access audit of the major public Horizon Power buildings and facilities, including emergency egress, using the DSC Access Resource Kit checklist and schedule any required access improvements. 2.2 Ensure that the standards are sought where required when planning and designing any facilities or undertaking major refurbishments. 6 Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Timeline December 2015 As required Outcome 3: People with disability receive information from Horizon Power in a format that will enable them to access the information as readily as other people are able to access it. Strategy Timeline 3.1 Ensure that all public documents include a statement that the document is available in alternative formats on request. Ongoing 3.2 Provide agents and contractors with information on Horizon Power’s DAIP and the requirements for compliance and reporting. Ongoing 3.3 Ensure that staff are aware of how to provide information in alternative formats e.g. how to print larger copies from the website. Ongoing 3.4 Review Brand Guidelines to ensure compliance with the State Government Access Guidelines for Information, Services and Facilities. Annually 3.5 Review accessibility of website against W3C accessibility guidelines and implement improvements where required. Annually 3.6 Ensure all Horizon Power’s information is easy for people with disability to access. Ongoing 3.7 Provide web based documents and application forms in accessible formats on Horizon Power’s public website. December 2014 Outcome 4: People with disability receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of Horizon Power as other people receive. Strategy Timeline 4.1 Make available information for agents and contractors about meeting the needs of customers with disability. 4.2 Investigate provision of interpreters for the deaf (Auslan interpreters) on request or offer alternative options when interpreters are not accessible. Ongoing December 2014 4.3 Ensure frontline staff and call centre contractors are aware of our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. Ongoing 4.5 Ensure key information, such as how to arrange an interpreter or translator and convert information into an alternative format, is readily available to customer service staff. Ongoing 4.6 Engage with appropriate consultants to develop and conduct accessibility training specific to the call centre environment for Customer Service Centre staff. Annually Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 7 Outcome 5: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to Horizon Power. Strategy 5.1 Ensure wherever phone numbers for complaints are listed that the TTY number and alternative options for making complaints e.g. fax, email, SMS, are included. Timeline Ongoing Outcome 6: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation by Horizon Power. Strategy Timeline 6.1 Review existing consultation processes to ensure equal opportunities for participation by people with disability e.g. Customer satisfaction surveys. June 2015 6.2 Ensure all community and stakeholder meetings and forums held as part of community consultations comply with DSC guidelines – Creating accessible events. June 2015 Outcome 7: People with disability have the same employment opportunities as other people to obtain and maintain employment at Horizon Power. Strategy 7.1 People with disability have the same access to employment opportunities as other people and that their disability is not a disadvantage in their pursuit of employment opportunities at Horizon Power. 8 Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Timeline Ongoing 5. Contact Us Horizon Power welcomes your feedback. If you would like to comment on our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan or make a suggestion to improve access, please contact us by one of the following. Phone: (08) 6310 1000 Email: corporatecommunications@horizonpower.com.au Mail: Corporate Communications Officer Horizon Power PO Box 1066 Bentley DC WA 6983 Website:www.horizonpower.com.au Horizon Power Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 9 Administration Centre 18 Brodie Hall Drive Technology Park Bentley WA 6102 PO Box 1066 Bentley DC WA 6983 Telephone Facsimile TTY Interpreter service (08) 6310 1000 (08) 6310 1010 1800 461 499 13 14 50 Email enquiries@horizonpower-reply.com.au www.horizonpower.com.au This document is available in alternative formats on request.
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