The Hororata Flyer Hororata Primary School’s Official Newsletter (11.03.2015) Hororata Primary School Tel (03) 3180 803 · Fax (03) 3180 682 Email: Diary Alert Term One 2015 Began Monday 2 February AGRIKIDS CHALLENGE Saturday 14 March WEET-BIX TRYATHLON Sunday 15 March MALVERN SWIMMING SPORTS Monday 16 March (pp 17 March) END OF TERM ONE Thursday 2 April Newsflash... Excellent Beginnings Mr G, Principal, Hororata Primary School, proudly awarded students with Principal Award Certificates for their great achievements starting 2015. Will, Hamish, Oliver, Carter, Josh and Emily were delighted to be rewarded for their hard work. Entertaining Classroom Acts Kea demonstrated an electronic view on all the class pupils using Slide Show. The children then had a three part series of questions to answer in groups, telling what were they good at, what did they like best and how they might change it to make it better. Messages IMPORTANT REMINDER… High Visibility Safety Apparel (HVSA), is a compulsory part of the Hororata Primary School uniform for all students; All students in transit between home and school must wear the school’s HVSA, including pedestrians and all modes of motorised and non-motorised transport. Schools have the shared responsibility with caregivers and the local community to keeping our kids safe; we all need to be vigilant and remind children to wear their safety vests… it is “Bright to be Bright” And from Tui Each pupil wrote about another member of their class and then posted their profile on the big screen whilst filling the audience in on their classmate’s profiles. Piwakawaka also had a cool presentation on their classroom children's profiles. Agri-Kids POOL CLOSURE... If you have time to spare on Saturday the 14th of March please take time out to visit Kirwee where the Tasman AgriKids NZ Regional Finals are being held. Our school will have 3 teams in this competition. We have had a fantastic season with some amazing swimming results. Thank you to those who looked after our pool environment. However, all good things must come to an end and the pool will be closed from Monday 16 March on. Thank you for your support... BUS CHANGES ... Friday 13th March 2015 Please note Darfield High School are having a Teacher Only Day THIS FRIDAY. Morning Bus Times will be affected, no change to afternoon services. Any questions contact Alison Ph. 3182 404 / 021 0224 8387 Beck Smith Country Roads Charlie and Oliver Blackburn once again gave a very promising rendition of John Denver’s Country Roads. The talent and line-up for each assembly performances are simply amazing Principal’s Corner Kia ora Koutou Quote of the week… ‘Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope’ - Dr. Seuss School Swimming Sports… The Hororata Swimming Sports were held on Friday 6 March 2015. Once again we were joined by Greendale School, to boost our numbers and provide some valuable competition. Breaking from tradition, the day was split between two venues taking advantage of Greendale’s smaller pool for our beginners and our larger pool for the competitive swimmers. The following children achieved notable success in the Competitive section: Freestyle (One Length): 8yrs & Under - Joe Cookson (1st), Blake Booth (2nd), Zoe Parker (2nd), Ayla Abraham (3rd) ; 9yrs - Tom Chaffey (1st), Esther Bruce (1st). Freestyle (Two Lengths): 8yrs - Charlie Blackburn (1st), William Henriksen (2nd), Simon Henriksen (3rd),Holly Smith (1st), Kiana Buechele (2nd), Jessie Smith (3rd); 9 yrs - Ben Smith (1st), Will Cookson (2nd), Zara Mclean (1st), Darnell Lima (2nd), Jade Abraham (3rd); 10 yrs - Tom Freeman (1st), Oliver Blackburn (2nd), Hamish Thornley (3rd), Annabelle Serra (3rd). Backstroke (One Length): 8yrs & Under - Charlie Blackburn (1st), Blake Booth (3rd), Livi Williamson (1st), Kiana Buechele (3rd); 9 yrs - Will Cookson (1st),Tom Chaffey (2nd), Darnell Lima (1st), Jade Abraham (2nd), Esther Bruce 3rd); 10 yrs - Hamish Thornley (1st), Oliver Blackburn (2nd). Backstroke (Two Lengths): 8yrs & Under – William Henriksen (3rd), Holly Smith (1st), Jessie Smith (2nd), Poppy Freeman (3rd); 9 yrs - Ben Smith (1st); 10 yrs - Tom Freeman (1st). Breaststroke (One Length): 8 & Under – Blake Booth (1st), Charlie Blackburn (2nd), Zoe Parker (3rd); 9 yrs - Will Cookson (1st), Tom Chaffey (2nd), Esther Bruce (1st), Jade Abraham (2nd), Darnell Lima (3rd); 10 yrs Hamish Thornley (1st), Oliver Blackburn (2nd). Breaststroke (Two Lengths): 8 & Under – Holly Smith (1st), Jessie Smith (3rd), 9 yrs - Ben Smith (1st); 10 yrs - Tom Freeman (1st) Butterfly (Open): Tom Freeman (1st), Ben Smith (2nd), Holly Smith (1st). Medley (Open): Ben Smith (1st), Tom Freeman (2nd), Oliver Blackburn (3rd), Holly Smith (1st), Zara Mclean (3rd). Relays: Kakariki (1st), Kahurangi (2nd), Whero (3rd), Kowhai (4th). Underwater Plunge: Ben Smith (1st), Holly Smith (2nd), Oliver Blackburn (3rd). The following students have been selected to compete at the Malvern Swimming Sports held at the Darfield Community Pool on Monday16 (pp17) March 2015: Kiana Buechele, Holly Smith, Livi Williamson, Charlie Blackburn, Joe Cookson, Blake Booth; Esther Bruce, Zara Mclean, Darnell Lima, Ben Smith, Tom Chaffey, Will Cookson; Tom Freeman, Oliver Blackburn, Hamish Thornley Parent Teachers Conferences… Parent Teacher Conferences were held during the week of Monday 23 February 2015. I am pleased to report that for the first time ever we achieved a 100% hits rate, with all families taking part meeting with or touching base with their teachers. Parents are reminded that we have an ‘Open Door’ policy and welcome parents at any time to discuss a child’s progress and achievements. A strong partnership between the home and school is critical to children achieving success. Haere mai... I would like welcome Matthew Pfister (Kea), to our school. I am confident that your time here will be both enjoyable and rewarding. Finally, children, staff and parents have the right to express their concerns over matters that arise in the context of the school. The school has clear procedures for making complaints, known as our “Grumbles Procedure”. Board of Trustees members are available to assist with complaints (grumbles) and guide complainants through the appropriate process. In broad terms, all concerns should be raised with the person involved in the first instance, if you are not able to go to the person or not able to resolve the problem you should then share your concerns verbally or written with the principal, if you are still unable to resolve the problem, you should share your concerns in writing with the Board of Trustees. Thanks for supporting our school Marty Gameson (Principal) Teacher’s Corner Piwakawaka (Miss Raybould) Hi all I have had a few children lately telling me that “Mum didn’t put my book into my book bag” or “Mum didn’t put my book bag in my school bag” lately. My response to this has been “ Mum doesn’t come to school.” I have been encouraging the children to take responsibility for packing their own school bag before school so they are more able to pack their school bag at the end of the day. Please help them with this by watching them pack their bag at home and try and not do it for them! I know this can be hard but practise makes perfect! – they will get there. I show them at the start of the year how to pack their bag. First they put in their lunch box lengthways and then their book bag goes behind it standing up so the books don’t get squashed or bent. Then their clothes or tog bags go on top. Good Luck and thank you for your support with this. Kind regards Julia Kea (Miss Stewart) Hello all, Week six is upon us and I would just like to say how fantastic it is to see the children coming in every morning and telling me what they did for homework the previous night. Long may it continue! Currently for topic we are looking at classifying animals into sub groups through comparing similarities and differences of different animals and insects. In mathematics we are covering place value. Here is a link to a site that has some interactive place value activities and games. Some are a bit challenging for younger children but it never hurts to give it a go. .Alternatively something as simple as making up and naming 3 digit numbers with playing cards is great practice too. Lastly a big welcome to Matthew Pfister who is year four and has started in Kea. Megan Tui (Mrs Foster) Hello everyone I can’t believe how fast this term is disappearing. Soon it will be end of term and the autumn festival. We are preparing for this with our art and I am really pleased with how well the children are progressing with their drawing. Didn’t the children all do well with their swimming? I think that most exciting part for me is seeing the improvement some of them make from the start of the season to the end. Don’t forget to test your child on their spelling and if they don’t have a reading book encourage them to read something else. Jenni Foster Community Noticeboard PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION Lunches Friday is canteen day. Available 12 noon. The PTA menu consists of 1 Pie ($2.00) or 1 American Hot Dog ($2.00) 1 Cookie $1.00 Frozen Juicy $1.00 Donations are welcome through the PTA with their Bank account for direct donations being : 12 3441 0048484 00. Thank you for your assistance. Next Meeting Annual General Meeting Wednesday 25 March 2015 7.30pm at the School. Nomination are open for Officers positions of the Hororata Primary School Parent Teacher Association, for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Book-keeper (incumbent applying) and executive committee and committee. Everyone’s attendance most welcome with a cup of supper to follow! Also the committee have many plans for fundraising for the year including pine cone collecting, apple sales, cheese roll sales, car wash! And, of course, the Pig & Possum Day. All fun, and the opportunity to work with an action packed fun team. Apple Picking Calling all volunteers, we need heaps of hands to raid the apple orchards at Camla Farm, Dunsandel. Date to be advised the mean time please contact Rebecca on 318 0089 AND MORE… CATERING We have been offered a catering job on Wednesday 22 April (first Wed back Term 2) It is at a Mel Parsons concert at the Hororata Hall and will be in the evening. I am happy to do this (with help of course) so just letting you know that it will be happening. Hope everyone is okay with that! Not 100% sure what we will do but it will be us selling maybe burgers/ sliders and perhaps a desert of some sort to those attending. Have no idea how much we will make but the concert is always good so worth going to watch anyway!! Any suggestions then let me know. Hopefully they will advertise that we will be selling food…. Let me know if you are keen to help and I will let you know some details as soon as I have spoken to Mel. Lucy HORORATA PRIMARY SCHOOL PIG & POSSUM HUNT—2015 The hunt is full steam ahead and we have some fantastic sponsors for this day. We are focusing on a family fun day with events and prizes for kids along with a standard pig hunt competition. The event will take place over the weekend of 25-27th April, with the weigh in day being 27th April. This is promising to be an exciting event and we need your help! If you are able to help please let us know. We are running events, weighing animals, sorting prizes, hosting and catering. We need as many helpers as we can, so please email or phone Beck Smith if you can help. 318 0089 Also, Sonia has set up a fantastic facebook page, so look it up, keep informed & “LIKE” it to spread the word! PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS Any monies owing to the school e.g. Donations/Levies may be paid directly into our school bank account which is: ASB Hororata School Board of Trustees 12-3441-0019878-00 (everyday account) Reminder… School donations are $25.00 per term per family with an additional levy of $7.50 per term per child. Stationery $10. Accounts attached to this newsletter... BUSY WEEK-END Best of Luck and Good Wishes to our: Three AgriKids Teams (competing at the Tasman AgriKids NZ Regional Finals (Kirwee Show grounds) Saturday. Please be there at 10am to register ready for the 10.30am prelims and of course our Weet-bix Contestants competing on Sunday. Lookout for our yellow flag. A very busy week-end for some! Spotlight on Tui In Tui the children have been busy setting goals with Mr G, these were talked about at the parent teacher interviews. We have now talked about things that we would like to improve on or achieve by the end of the year and all these things had to be based on learning within the classroom.
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