n e e t a e r e R An evening for teens who have had someone die THURSDAY, March 26, 2015 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm (food provided) Sponsored by: and Hospice of Alamance-Caswell 914 Chapel Hill Road, Burlington, NC REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! Please call the KIDSPATH office at 336-532-0123 or email patti@hospiceac.org or return the registration form on the back of this flyer to the address above TEEN RETREAT WORKSHOP CONSENT FORM I give permission for my teen, _______________________________________ to participate in the Teen Retreat Workshop. I give Hospice of Alamance Caswell/KidsPath permission to provide medical care and to transport my child to the nearest medical facility in case of emergency. I understand that Hospice of Alamance Caswell/KidsPath may not be held liable in case of personal accident and/or injury, or of property loss or damage. Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________ Date _____________ CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPH I, _______________________________, authorize Hospice of Alamance Caswell/KidsPath to take and use photographs of my teen and of my teen’s artwork, for the purpose of promoting the services of the agency or for educational purposes. Teen’s Name: __________________________________________ Age/Grade ____________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________ Date _____________ I, __________________________________, hereby authorize Hospice of Alamance Caswell/ KidsPath to take and use photographs of me and my artwork, for the purpose of promoting the services of the agency or for educational purposes. Teen’s Signature: ___________________________________________ Date _____________ PICK-UP INFORMATION Name of person who will pick up my teen:________________________________________ Person and Phone number to call if driver is late:__________________________________ My teen has a driver’s license and will be driving him or herself______(check if yes) Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________________________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, STAFF SHOULD NOTIFY: Name _____________________________________ Relationship _____________________ Address _________________________________________ Phone _____________________ _________________________________________ Other phone/_______________ Primary Physician ________________________________ Phone _____________________ Please mail consent to address on front, email to patti@hospiceac.org, or call 336-532-0123 to register your child by Friday, February 13.
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