May, 2015 HOSPICE AUXILIARY 2014/2015 ANNUAL REPORT Helping Families Care for Their Loved Ones President’s Message Auxiliary Events To Come Over 75 members of the Hospice Auxiliary continue to promote the work of Hospice. During the course of the year the Auxiliary serves in meeting assorted needs that patients and families might encounter. Our support for the Children’s Grieving Center has not only continued but has expanded. The Auxiliary plans to once again designate the proceeds of 2015’s Fundraisers to go to the Children’s Grieving Center. The Children’s Grieving Center provides services to children ages 4 through 18 years of age who have lost a loved one and are in need of bereavement support. *Wine Tasting Event on June 9, 2015 at Nostrano Vineyards in Milton, NY. Hoedown II was held in June 2104 and once again was deemed a success. The ever popular Mum Sale took place in September and results were better than previous years thanks to an expanded presence in Sullivan County. The Auxiliary decided to forgo Dine Out for Hospice in 2014 but has brought it back for 2015 with a “new twist”. Fund/friend raisers in 2015 call for a Wine Tasting on June 9th at Nostrano Vineyards, a “Tea-less” Tea Party and a “White Sale.” *Dine Around- Dine Out for Hospice a new twist on our annual fundraiser. Each participating Restaurant will choose their day to support Hospice. Coming soon to a restaurant near you! Thank you for all your continued support as we all look forward to another successful year! A “Tea~Less” Tea Party No need to dress up and no place to drive. “Invites” coming soon! Sue Wilk Hospice Auxiliary President Rachelle Klugman Second VP/Fundraising Chair May, 2015 Mum’s the Word! Our annual mum sale was held in early fall under the direction of Auxiliary Board Members, Mary Bonura in Orange County and Rachelle Klugman in Sullivan County. It was both profitable and rewarding, thanks to the generous support of each co-chairs team of auxiliary members who came out in support. Thank You Hoeffner Farms, Montgomery, NY for your continued support. The Auxiliary continues to provide mattress pads and hospital bed sheets for patients in need who receive hospice care at home. We continue to collect coupons from BED, BATH & BEYOND to purchase our sheets and pads. We are thankful to Mr. Earl Bryan, Manager at Bed, Bath & Beyond in Newburgh for his help and service to the auxiliary when purchasing these items for our patients and families. As historian I am creating a scrapbook of our events, newspaper clippings and photographs. If you have anything of interest to add to this scrapbook please forward them to me through the auxiliary or drop them off at the Stony Brook Office. Thank you. Pick-up location in OC was Anthony’s Pier 9 in New Windsor. Bonnie DiLorenzo Historian Annual Report of the Kaplan Residence Liaison The work of the liaison provides a conduit from the Residence to the Auxiliary so that current needs may be addressed and help provided as appropriate. The Auxiliary has continued to finance supplies such as aprons for the volunteers, tote bags for family members to use for taking personal possessions home. Arts and craft supplies were purchased for young children to work with our social work intern. Pick-up location in SC was Bernie’s Holiday Restaurant in Rock Hill. ~~~~~~ 2014 Fundraising Total: $6,908 Hoedown II: $4210 MUM Sale: $2448 Donations: $250 Net Income Year End 2014:$10,895 ~~~~~~ The Auxiliary has taken over the holiday decorating at the residence. This past Holiday Season, a new tree was donated along with lovely decorations in celebration of the Christmas and Chanukah holidays. Officers Carol Ziegler Treasurer Membership We have 75 Auxiliary Members as of 2014 year end. If you are interested in becoming a member please go to our website page to download our membership form or email President st 1 Vice President nd 2 Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President Board Members Mary Bonura Bonnie DiLorenzo Colleen Fogarty Ellen Galligan Susan Najork Sue Wilk Margaret Rizzuto Rachelle Klugman Nancy Kane Eileen Ernst Carol Ziegler Barbara Naru Submitted by Mary Bonura Liaison for the Auxiliary to the Kaplan Family Residence HOSPICE OF ORANGE AND SULLIVAN CO., INC. 800 Stony Brook Court Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 561-6111
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