2015/05/19 画像認識技術を活用して生物多様性を読み解く ー生物多様性創出機構としての擬態現象ー! • HASHIMOTO, Yoshiaki, M. OHASHI, T. KIMURA, and H. IKENO Ant-mimics are particularly abundant and diverse in tropical forests Ant mimicking spiders Ant species number of Lambir Through the Looking–Glass : reflection of ant-diversity in ant-mimics Aenictus inflatus In the tropics, we can frequently encounter ant-mimics Application of computer vision technology to study ant-mimicry Batesian mimicry - Spiders mimic ants to escape predation Invertebrate predators have innate (native) aversion for ants Ant silhouette Avoidance ! We had been continuing ant inventory in Southeast Asian tropical o for 20 years. Ant-mimicry: But not limited to defense strategy ! Mimicry as a potential driving force of species diversification (非学習的にアリ形を避ける) Avoidance Ant ! Ant-mimicry as powerful driving force of evolution Avoidance Ant-mimicking spider Jumping spider (ハエトリグモ) Predation Non-mimicking spider Huang et al. (2011) "Salticid predation as one potential driving force of ant mimicry in jumping spiders." Proceedings of the Royal Society 278: 1356-1364. ! Ants are the dominant animals in terms of diversity and biomass in tropics Wasps and Mantises have also innate (native) aversion for ants, and avoids for ant-mimicking spiders (Wasps: Edmunds, 1993, Mantises: Nelson et al,2006) Ant-mimicry as a mechanism to create biodiversity in tropics ? “Mimic Study is not easy job!” 擬態の研究は手強いから! 6.1% 45.0% 65.9% AMS NMS Ants (Total 1,918 samples for 10 years) Danum Valley Sakaerate Lambir Hills アリ類の多様性が鋳型となって,同所のアリ擬態グモ類の多様性が創出されている “Yet it is the least known”. そんな研究は,だれもやってない.どうして? Frequency of occurrence 1. Danum Valley, Sabah Borneo (2004 ∼2008) 2. Lambir Hills, Sarawak Borneo (2007 ∼) 3. Sakaerate, Thailand (2010 ∼) 1 2015/05/19 Ant-mimicking spiders Relationships between species number of ants and antmimicking jumping spiders in research sites Ya m a s a k i , & A h m a d . "Taxonomic study of the genus Myrmarachne of Borneo (Araneae: Salticidae)." Zootaxa (2013): 501-556. (365 indiv.) ! “Mimic Study is not easy job!” Method for estimating of mimetic resemblance Human ranking (人の感覚で判定) How to estimate mimetic resemblances Model Mimic Rank is 7 and 2 ! Human volunteers (n=21) were shown each mimic photograph in random order on a projector screen for 20 seconds, alongside model photograph. ! Human subjects were asked to rank each mimic on a scale of 1 (very poor mimic) to 10 (excellent mimic) for the models Penney, Heather D., et al. "A comparative analysis of the evolution of imperfect mimicry." Nature 483.7390 (2012): 461-464. Method for estimating of mimetic resemblance To develop new method for mimetic resemblance estimating Landmark morphometric (幾何学形態学を使う) ! We need to handle large samples of 565 ant spices and 62 species of the mimicking spiders in tropical forests ! We need objectively and quantitatively estimation to compare mimetic patterns of ants and the mimicking spiders among different communities. ! Landmark placements for caterpillars and snakes in their dorsal and lateral views We need to develop automatic operation systems for objective analysis of mimetic resemblance ! Landmarks were digitized on all photos using tpsDig2 software (Rohlf, 2006) ! The morphospace occupied by caterpillars with eyespots wewe compared to snakes by PCA Hossie, T. J., & Sherratt, T. N. (2014). “Does defensive posture increase mimetic fidelity of caterpillars with eyespots to their putative snake models” Current Zoology, 60(1). 2 2015/05/19 Measurements of mimetic resemblances by using computer vision technology 1.Body shape Ant model Ant model Measuring the degree of overlap area on body shape Ant Mimic Original Image Mimic XA Ls model Binary imaging Image resizing Image resizing YA SI = XA XA Measuring body length Ant (keeping of aspect ratio) Ls-|Ls-L| Ls Ls: Ant length L: AMS length Mimic look like me? Binary imaging Size fitting (Histogram intersection; Swain,1991) 3.Body size Original Image Comparing hue-color histogram of body color model Computer vision Mimic Original Image Binary Imaging (Original software) Mimic 2.Body color Image processing steps for shape similarity analysis L Similarity Index : 0<SI<1 • We developed tools to estimate objectively and quantitatively resemblance between ants and mimic spiders by image recognition technique Image processing steps for shape similarity analysis Ant model Mimic Mimic Image A image B image B Binary images (silhouettes) were set on same canvas size with creating of same margin size Measurement of body shape similarity for ant-mimicking spiders to an ant-model Ant mimicking spiders Ant model Rigid Transform Tetraponera attenuata Adjusting location and angle of image B, for maximization of overlapping area of two images (without shape or size altering) Similarity Index 0<Similarity Index<1 Normalized Cross-Correlation 0.91 0.79 Measuring the degree of overlap area between two images Programming for the image processing (Open Source Computer Vision) Module Mimetic pattern of Myrmarachne alticephalon High ! Mimicking spider “import cv 2.” OpenCV Body shape similarity il sim Python y arit sim il TSI: 0.90 Free programing language cv::getRotationMatrix2D ! Library of modules for computer vision (more than 2,500 modules) High ! Interpreted, objected programming Rotation cv::WarpAffine Transformation ! Easy-to-learn, because of its clear syntax and readability ! Multi-language and crossplatform ! Glue language Crmo Myrmaracne alticephalon Poph similarity ! OpenCV is written in C+ + and its primary interface is in C++ (now full interfaces in Python, Java etc.) ! Presumed ant model arit y Camponotus saundersi The most dominant ant in Danum Valey The most dominant mimicking spider in Danum Valey Fig. 3D scatter diagram for similarity indexes of shape, size and color to the sympatric ant species ! M. alticephalon have very precise resemblance to just one species of the dominant ants, Camponotus saundersi.. ! 3 2015/05/19 Mimetic pattern of Myrmarachne spider to conspicuous ants Mimetic pattern of Myrmarachne acromegalis - not dominant but conspicuous - - Dominant to dominant - Mimic spiders Ant species Canopy Layer, Lambir NP. Mimic M. cornuta Mimic Ant model M. gedongensis Mimic Ant model Ant model Frequency of occurrence in canopy layer, Lambir pilosa Frequency of occurrence in canopy layer, Lambir M. acromegalis Gnamptogenys menadensis Tetraponera Camponotus sp.69 (Total 602 samples) ! Dominant to dominant mimetic association, such as M. alticephalon in Danum, was also found in M. acromegalis in Lambir hill NP. Conspicuous elongated body-shape and sting ant Danum Valey Conspicuous red body-color and bad smelling ants Danum Valey ! Specific mimetic pattern of Myrmarachne species also found for ant species, which is not dominant but having conspicuous shape and/or color among sympatric ant species. ! ! Intraspecific variation of body color among Polyrhachis- mimics in Danum Valley Polyrhachis-mimic species showed higher intraspecific variation of body colors than non-polyrhachis mimic species M. grossa M. maxillosa Interspecific variation of body color among genus Polyrhachis in Danum Valley Polyrhachis species showed higher interspecific variation of body colors than other ant groups. from a resemblance to the warningly colored species, Camponotus P. muelleri P. armata M. maxillosa P. laevigata Polyrhachis golden morph P.javanica M. biseratensis M. sabahna black morph Crematogaster P. tibialis black & red morph Camponotus! M. malayana Non-Polyrhachis Mimicking species Principal component analysis (PCA) plot on body color for mimicking spiders Matching of body color variation between Polyrhachis-mimics and their model ants Crematogaster Principal component analysis (PCA) plot on body color for ant species Polyrhachis P. olybria P. calypso Intraspecific variation of body color among Polyrhachis- mimics in Danum Valley Color variation of Polyrhachis-mimics matched to the variation of Polyrhachis ants in same place. M. grossa Polyrhachis-mimic species showed higher intraspecific variation of body colors than non-polyrhachis mimic species M. maxillosa P. muelleri P. armata P. laevigata Golden morph P.javanica M.maxillosa Polyrhachismimics M. biseratensis Black morph M. sabahna M. biseratensis M.malayana P. tibialis M. sabahna Black & red morph M. grossa P. olybria P. calypso Polyrhachis M. maxillosa Principal component analysis (PCA) plot on body color for ant and ant-mimic species M. malayana Mimic spiders Non-Polyrhachis Mimicking species Principal component analysis (PCA) plot on body color for mimicking spiders 4 2015/05/19 “Through the Looking–Glass” But, more than the technology, what is important is quality of preparation - Computer vision - - Alignment of image posture Image A image B Aligning image Image A image B Incorrect posture to body axis By using computer vision technology, we can detect reflection of ant-diversity in ant-mimics Determining an angle degree (θ) for rotation Creating the rotated image by the angle Cropping the rotated image B to fit image A ! If necessary, incorrect posture in reference to body axis is aligned by rotated image But, more than the technology, what is important is quality of preparation - Image color management • Every camera is different. Even new cameras of the same make and model may have slight differences in color characteristics. • Every monitor has different spectral properties. • Different light sources produces a different spectral power distribution. Photography color checker ! We need to calibrate color components of images to compare them. Herbarium specimen usually photographed includes a color checker Insect specimen is too small to include a photography color checker できるだけ正確に But, more than the technology, what is important is quality of preparation - Image color management - Development of automatic analysis software for behavior mimics of ant-mimicking spiders Behavioral Mimicry for Ants photography color checker for dentist's instruments White balance and use grayscale to adjust tracking for equal RGB levels 5 2015/05/19 K-track (Automatic tracking and behaviorsegmentation software of multiple honey bees) Kimura, Toshifumi, et al. "Development of a new method to track multiple honey bees with complex behaviors on a flat laboratory arena." PloS one 9.1 (2014): e84656. Image processing steps for behavior analysis Image processing steps for behavior analysis Current frames Background image Foreground frames Pixel difference between successive frames was used to erase moving objects. Using difference between the current and background frame, binary images of moving objects were created Background creation Background subtraction OpenCV Background subtraction model (cv::createBackgroundSubtractorMOG) Foreground masked frames, which contained only the pixels belonging to moving objects in the scene, were created by using the background and current frames. Analysis for walking speeds of AMS, NMS and ANT t t+1 t+2 Out puts t+3 • Velocity • Acceleration • Direction t+4 • Behaviorsegmentation Identifying of target by using spatio-temporal contextual information The center position (X,Y) of moving object was recorded and tracked Data log The location data and the behavioral trajectory of targeted object was logged during the image processing from which the velocity, acceleration and direction of the object’s movements were calculated. Analysis for variation of moving directions of AMS, NMS and ANT Ant (Polyrhachis) Mimicking spider (M. maxillosa) Non-mimicking spider Our goals • Non-mimic Poor mimic Good mimic Ant ! To develop automatic analysis tools to measure mimetic resemblance on behaviors between ants and ant-mimicking spiders Ant (Polyrhachis) Non-mimicking spider ! To detect and categorize characteristic states of behavior for antmimicking and no-mimicking spiders, and ants, respectively ! To detect differences of behavior states between good and poor mimics of ant-mimicking spiders. Mimicking spider (M. maxillosa) Ant and ant-mimicking spider walk a zigzag path 6
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