High Street Quarter, Hounslow Background & Regeneration London Borough of Hounslow's regeneration plan for Hounslow town centre Diversity and growth In November 2013, Barratt London and Wilson Bowden (Barratt Developments) were selected by the London Borough of Hounslow as their preferred partners for the redevelopment of Hounslow High Street Quarter. The emerging local plan proposes the development of the wider site based on the March 2013 town centre masterplan. These plans build on the diversity and growth of the area's population, focusing on how best to deal with the area’s present and future needs. Vision In line with the masterplan’s original recommendations, our plans propose a new mixed-use development that will bring a variety of experiences and enhancements into the heart of the town centre, including: §§ Retail, cafés and restaurants §§ Leisure and entertainment uses §§ New homes §§ New public realm and improvements to the surrounding area With plans now submitted for planning permission, Barratt London are proud to present their latest proposals for the area’s newest development: Hounslow High Street Quarter. Aerial view of the redevelopment area High Street Quarter, Hounslow The Masterplan t e e r t St n e g e nce R Pri Building B d a o R a r d n Alexa Building C Building A re a u q S West Building D y Lan Smith Cinema Cen e r a u q tral S e r a u q East S e Proposed masterplan Our proposals will provide: §§ 527 high-quality homes, including 41% affordable housing (216 units) §§ Just over £200m investment in Hounslow Town Centre §§ Around 745 new jobs created for local workers §§ The delivery of the long-awaited second phase to the Blenheim Centre §§ A new multiplex cinema §§ Restaurants and cafés §§ Extended trading hours §§ A new evening economy §§ Performance and events space §§ A new town square §§ Playspace §§ An iconic 27-storey tower §§ A new secure public and residents’ underground car park Consultation The development team has undertaken a range of consultation activities with local groups, the local authority and the public. In September 2014, a public exhibition was held at the Treaty Centre where residents were able to discuss the project with the team and give their feedback on the proposals. High Street Quarter, Hounslow The Plans: Introduction Computer generated image of the view from the entrance to Smithy Lane looking towards The Blenheim Centre Just off of the current High Street, a new pedestrianised avenue extending from the existing Smithy Lane leads to a bespoke town square that binds together a range of new retail destinations within a bustling residential community. The pedestrianised environment combines a range of landscape and public realm features, creating new spaces that are both varied and engaging. Prince Regent Road Building B Building C Central Square Building D Cinema Smithy Lane Alexandra Road Building A Landscape masterplan proposals High Street Quarter, Hounslow The Plans: Town Square Computer generated image of the view over the square looking west Our approach is designed to deliver for the variety of needs created by Hounslow’s diverse and growing community. Plans for a new square build on the elements of any successful and thriving town centre. The town square will include: §§ Cafés and restaurants §§ New retail destinations §§ A new evening economy §§ A multiplex cinema §§ Seating and landscaping §§ Family-friendly areas for recreation and games use Landscaping within the east of the square Cafe Spillout Landscaping and details Lawn Shrub Planting Sculptural terracing Planter edge / bench Tree planting High Street Quarter, Hounslow The Plans: Town Square Computer generated image of the view from the western part of the town square looking east towards Building C Landscaping and public amenities are a huge feature of the proposals, which were informed by our communication with local groups and residents. The new square provides spaces that are useful as well as attractive with a new water feature designed to act as a multifunctional community space that can facilitate a playful water fountain when events are not being staged. Artist's impression of the landscaping within the centre of the square The cinema Our proposals provide a brand new ten-screen cinema which includes a "superscreen" and an overall capacity for around 2,000 viewers. This will kick-start a new phase of recreation and leisure use of the town centre, stimulating an evening economy. The distinctive multiplex is designed to be a focal point within the scheme, located at the heart of the town square. High Street Quarter, Hounslow The Plans: Architecture Computer generated image of the central square looking north west Barratt London is committed to providing iconic buildings and landmark schemes. Our proposals will take advantage of the best in architectural design. An iconic 27-storey tower is included as part of the proposals, allowing new commercial and residential accommodation within a decisive, attractive and identifiable landmark. External cladding materials High Street Quarter, Hounslow Transport and Further Information Road adoption plan Residential parking Public parking Upper and lower basement floor plan Keep in touch Barratt London and the rest of the development team will keep residents updated following the London Borough of Hounslow's decision on the planning submission. For extra information, please register your details with us today or speak to a member of the team. 0845 460 6011 hounslowhighstreetquarter.com asmit@hardhat.co.uk ST W AR in T te ON r2 01 SIT 6/ E 20 17 PU Se BL pt IC em C O be N r 2 SU 01 LT 4 AT IO N FE Oc ED to BA be C r2 KF 01 R 4 OM EX SU HI BI TO BM T IO M TH ISS ar E I N ch C ON CO 20 OU O NS 15 NC F P ID IL LA ER NN ED IN SE G C M AP ay ON PL 20 D P IC 15 U AT BL IO IC N EX H IB PL I A TI Au N ON tu NI m N n G 20 PE 15 R M IS SI ON LA Au ND tu A m CQ n 20 UIS 16 IT IO NS Timeline High Street Quarter, Hounslow Views Computer generated image of the eastern part of the town square looking towards the cinema Computer generated image of the view from the west along Prince Regent Road Computer generated image of the view from Smithy Lane looking south towards the High Street and Building D Computer generated image of the view from the east looking west over all residential buildings within Hounslow High Street Quarter
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