HOUSTON PRESS CLUB DINNER 2015 LONE STAR AWARDS EVENT JUNE 6, 2015 A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors 2015 LONE STAR AWARDS Lone Star Award Order Form To order additional Lone Star Awards, please fill out the following information and mail it along with your check to: Barbara Wilson CLECO 2429 Bissonnet, Suite 425 Houston, TX 77005 The deadline for receipt of orders is August 30. At that time all orders for additional Lone Star Awards will be placed. Barbara can be reached with any questions at bh.wilson@sbcglobal.net The cost to order an additional Lone Star Award is $90. This includes shipping and tax. Make checks payable to: CLECO Please print clearly the following information for engraving: Place (ie. first, second or third):_____________________________________________ Category (ie. TV Sports Story):_____________________________________________ Name(s) to be engraved (no more than 2):____________________________________ Outlet (ie. KABC or Star-Picayune):_________________________________________ Contact name:__________________________________________________________ Daytime phone number:__________________________________________________ Evenings and weekends:__________________________________________________ The mailing address you would like the award(s) sent to: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ HOUSTON PRESS CLUB NEWSPAPERS OVER 100,000 CIRCULATION AND WIRE SERVICES A-1 Print Journalist of the Year First Place: Dianna Wray, Houston Press Second Place: Peter Gorman, Fort Worth Weekly Third Place: Craig Malisow, Houston Press A-2 Print News or Feature Story First Place: Monica Rhor, Houston Chronicle, “For Murder Victim’s Parents, an Agonizing Ritual” Second Place: Karen Gavis, Fort Worth Weekly, “Love in the Time of Ebola” Third Place: Jeff Prince, Fort Worth Weekly, “Finding Home” A-3 Print Investigative Reporting First Place: Craig Malisow, Houston Press, “When a Lesson Took a Dangerous Turn” Second Place: Eric Griffey, Kenneth Kost, Fort Worth Weekly, “Drying Up in DWG: Water and Facts Have a Way of Getting Lost in Dalworthington Gardens” A-4 Print Business Story First Place: Susan Du, Houston Press, “Space Flight” Michael Duke - Jewish Herald-Voice - “Chanukah Miracle in Prison” B-2 Print News or Feature Story - Newspapers Under 100K Second Place: Dianna Wray, Houston Press, “The Dark Side of the Boom” Third Place: Chris Ramirez, Corpus Christi (Texas) CallerTimes, “When Wells Run Dry” A-5 Print General Commentary/ Criticism First Place: Dave Lieber, Marina Trahan Martinez, The Dallas Morning News, “The Watchdog: Exposing TxDPS’ Illegal Full Fingerprinting of All Texas Drivers” Comments: This series shed a light on an important issue and ultimately sparked change. Writing style is reader-friendly. Second Place: Margaret Downing, Houston Press, “Texas is Willing to Close State Schools” Third Place: Margaret Downing, Houston Press, “Rewriting History” NEWSPAPERS UNDER 100,000 CIRCULATION B-2 Print News or Feature Story First Place: Michael Duke, Jewish Herald-Voice, “Chanukah Miracle in Prison” Comments: Only thing missing was the reason the inmates who were quoted were incarcerated. Second Place: Matt Samuels, Jewish Herald-Voice, “From ‘Roling Rabbi’ to Half-Marathon Finisher: Temple Sinai Spiritual Leader Goes on Inspirational Journey” TELEVISION D-1A Television Journalist of the Year First Place: Robert Arnold, KPRC TV Comments: Robert is charismatic and has had quite a year! From Ferguson to Mexico, he is passionate about journalism to help people who are struggling with all sorts of issues. His compassion shines through, and he is very engaging. Second Place: Erica Proffer, KRGV-TV Third Place: Barry Davis, KENS D-1B Television Photojournalist of the Year First Place: Christopher Graczyk, KTRK-TV Third Place: Jessica Willey, Francisco Barragan, KTRK-TV, “Liquid Meth” Second Place: Jeremy Rogalski, Keith Tomshe, KHOU, “TicketRigging Traffic Enforcement” D-4 Television Soft News Feature Third Place: Elizabeth Saab, Marshall Fowler, Shane Gordon, KTBC-Fox 7, “Justice For Colton” First Place: Julie Coan, Ron Kabele, Leigh Utecht, KLRN San Antonio, “Coming Home: Donna Engeman” Comments: Straightforward yet sensitively told story of a very heroic woman. Second Place: Sarah Forgany, KENS, “Compassion Without Boundaries” Comments: Imaginative shooting, great editing and solid writing make these stories even more compelling. Third Place: Alan Fisher, Texas PBS Stations, KLRU, “Flocking With Friends” Second Place: Francisco Barragan, KTRK-TV D-5 Television Investigative/ Series Third Place: Rudy Reyes, KFOXTV First Place: Barry Davis, Michael Humphries, KENS, “I Don’t Want Your Stinkin’ Royalties!” D-3 Television Hard News Feature Comments: An excellent and disturbing investigation into the effects of fracking on area residents. Extensive coverage includes interviews with homeowners dealing with highly dangerous pollution that one doctor describes on-camera as a “toxic soup.” Journalists launched a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain a memo revealing state regulators knew dangerous chemicals were present in one homeowner’s front yard because of fracking. Solid, important reporting about a topic with implications nationwide for other areas undergoing fracking operations. First Place: Kirk Chaisson, Enrique Saenz, KRGV-TV, “Honor Flights” Comments: A lot of research went into this story. The interviews came alive as they were supported by actual WWII footage. Chilling footage and a heartwarming story. Second Place: Jeff Goldblatt, Michael Vela, Jeff Anastasio, KENS, “Josh’s Story” D-6 Television Politics/ Government First Place: Dillon Collier, Jason Gonzales, KENS, “Favor for a Friend?” Comments: A four-month investigation analyzes the hiring of a public works director and reveals his close business ties to a city’s mayor. Several of 14 candidates are shown to be much better qualified in this investigative report about a position paying $55,000 annually and responsible for a budget of about $500,000. No official provides a detailed explanation about the hiring. As one local observer is quoted saying this case does not pass the “smell test.” An excellent example of TV news watchdogging concerns about cronyism and protecting taxpayer interests. Second Place: Dillon Collier, Jason Gonzales, KENS, “Time Card Troubles” Third Place: Robert Arnold, Fernando Espadin, Byron Nichols, KPRC TV, “The Unaccompanied” D-7 Television Consumer News First Place: Marcelino Benito, Keith Tomshe, KHOU-TV, “Smartphone Spying” Second Place: Amy Davis, KPRC-TV, “Computer Tech Trouble” Third Place: Dillon Collier, Jason Gonzales, KENS, “Meat in the Heat” D-8 Television Documentary or Public Affairs First Place: Staff, KENS, “The Lost Children” Second Place: Lee Smith, Ron Kabele, Texas Parks & Wildlife, “Texas Above & Below” Third Place: Staff, Texas PBS Stations, KLRU, “Texas Parks & Wildlife Television, #2216” D-9 Television Sports Feature First Place: David Watkins, Noah Bullard, KXAS, “Relentless” Comments: This story unfolds excellently - from the intriguing intro and clear through the emotional end, had us hooked. Nicely done! Second Place: Daniel Gotera, Bob Luna, KHOU-TV, “50” Third Place: Daniel Gotera, Bob Luna, KHOU-TV, “The Imperfect Season” D-10 Television Feature Photography First Place: Michael Humphries, KENS, “The Wind and the Waste” Comments: From billowy clouds to grass swaying in the wind, fragile flags to ethereal wind chimes, this video captures the true essence of Southern Texas. A wonderful depiction of the terrain and life in the south. Second Place: Michael Humphries, KENS, “Apaches in the Crosshairs” Third Place: Michael Humphries, KENS, “Fires in the Fracking Fields” E-2 Radio Hard News Feature First Place: Laura Isensee, KUHF-News 88.7, “What Happened To a Third Grader Who Didn’t Take the STAAR” Second Place: David Martin Davies, Texas Public Radio, “Death of Sean Yates Raises Questions of Neglect at Texas State-Supported Living Centers” D-11 Television Editing Third Place: Bill Zeeble, KERA, “Home Rule Education in Dallas? Here Are Pros and Cons” First Place: Francisco Barragan, KTRK-TV, “Liquid Meth” E-3 Radio Soft News Feature Comments: A comprehensive, intelligent explanation of a colossal problem in the United States - liquid meth. Superb editing as each scene was a building block to outline the problem and the aftermath of being addicted to meth. Second Place: Ron Kabele, KLRN San Antonio, “Coming Home: Brian Posten” Third Place: Michael Humphries, KENS, “The Wind and the Waste” First Place: Mose Buchele, KUT 90.5, “Summer School: How to Become a Medieval Knight” Second Place: Laurie Johnson, KUHF-News 88.7, “Tibetan Monks Create Sand Mandalas” Third Place: Carrie Feibel, KUHFNews 88.7, “Houston Zoo Opens New Bug House” E-4 Radio Politics/Government E-1 Radio Journalist of the Year First Place: Ben Philpott, Mose Buchele, KUT 90.5, “Get to Know Your Statewide Office” Second Place: Joy Diaz, KUT 90.5, “Austin’s New 10-1 City Council” First Place: Ben Philpott, KUT 90.5 Third Place: Staff, KERA, “The Indictment of John Wiley Price” RADIO Second Place: Dave Fehling, KUHF-News 88.7 Third Place: Mose Buchele, KUT 90.5 2015 LONE STAR AWARDS E-5 Radio Public Affairs First Place: David Martin Davies, Paul Flahive, Texas Public Radio, “The Source: The Changing Dynamics Between Police and Mentally Ill” Second Place: Joy Diaz, Matt Largey, Kate McGee, KUT 90.5, “Dove Springs: Turning the Corner in Southeast Austin” Third Place: Staff, KERA, “THINK: Ebola In North Texas” E-6 Radio Series First Place: David Martin Davies, KSTX Texas Public Radio San Antonio, “Texas State-Supported Living Centers Are Not Meeting Standards” Second Place: Lauren Silverman, Eric Aasen, Ryan Tainter, KERA, “The Broken Hip” Third Place: Andrew Schneider, KUHF-News 88.7, “Boom in Oil and Traffic Deaths” E-7 Radio Use of Sound First Place: David Martin Davies, Texas Public Radio, “San Antonio Amputees Get Their Shot at the ‘Sweet Science’ of Boxing” Second Place: Laura Isensee, KUHF-News 88.7, “Crowdfunding Education” Third Place: Jerome Weeks, KERA, “Secrets of the Meyerson: A History” E-8 Radio Talk Show First Place: David Martin Davies, Paul Flahive, Texas Public Radio, “The Source: Will a New Mayor Mean New Priorities?” Second Place: Craig Cohen, Staff, KUHF-News 88.7, “Houston Matters: Austin Tice Parents” Third Place: Staff, KERA, “THINK: Harry Shearer” MAGAZINES F-1 Magazine Article First Place: Erin Quinn-Kong, Kevin Goodbar, Cory Rivademar, Austin Monthly, “The Face of AIDS in Austin” Comments: Moving piece. Real numbers. Real people. Second Place: Kathleen Petty, San Antonio Magazine, “A Boon for the Future” Austin Monthly, “December 2014” F3 - Magazine Layout HOUSTON PRESS CLUB Third Place: Michael Reed, Pipeline & Gas Journal, “Gas Infrastructure Aging Gracefully Despite Flawed News Story” F-2 Magazine Column First Place: Erin Quinn-Kong, Dale Dudley, Austin Monthly, “The Ghost of a Christmas Present” Comments: What a tale! We felt like we were stepping back in time with you. And it reminded us how so much of our childhoods still affect how we react to things today. Second Place: Jeff Share, Pipeline & Gas Journal, “The Cost Of Bad PR” Third Place: Carlton Stowers, American Way Magazine, “Rite of Passage” F-3 Magazine Layout First Place: Kevin Goodbar, Cory Rivademar, Jenn Hair, Austin Monthly, “Austin Monthly, Constance Atton, The Baylor Lariat, “Ewe Got Served” J-4 - Student Print Photography 2015 LONE STAR AWARDS December 2014” Comments: Nice job working the layout with the ads. Some impressive designs and displays considering the wide variety and diversity of content you have to work with. (Note: You might consider looking at font size on some features. Some are hard to read.) Second Place: Ray Scippa, Michelle Gunnett, Jan Hester, ConocoPhillips, “ConocoPhillips Spirit Magazine: Second Quarter 2014” Third Place: Victoria Millner, Cory Rivademar, San Antonio Magazine, “San Antonio Magazine, August 2014” PUBLIC RELATIONS G-1 Public Relations Communicator of the Year First Place: Melissa Carroll, University of Houston Second Place: Lisa Merkl, University of Houston Third Place: Kristi Powers, Houston Community College Southwest Second Place: Zen Zheng, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston online magazine, HealthLEADER, “Guardians of Care: Ombudsmen Advocate Quality of Life for Nursing Home and Assisted Living Residents” Third Place: Laura Berryhill Taglialavore, Kristi Powers, Houston Community College News, “HCC Program Helps Iconic Bakery Make Sweet Memories” G-4 Public Relations Annual Report G-2 Public Relations News Release First Place: Andy Olin, Ronda Wendler, Michael Clarke, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, “Cancer Can’t. We Can.” First Place: Melissa Carroll, University of Houston, “UH Research Focuses on How Food Marketing Creates a False Sense of Health” Second Place: Staff, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston Institute for Molecular Medicine, “2014 IMMpact Report” Second Place: Edgar Veliz, Robert Cahill, Deborah Mann Lake, UTHealth, “Stanley G. Schultz, Whose Rehydration Research Helped Save Millions, Has Died” Third Place: Staff, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, “Year in Review 2013” Third Place: Lisa Merkl, University of Houston, “Virtual Patients Come Alive in New Simulation Lab” G-3 Public Relations Feature Article First Place: Lisa Merkl, University of Houston Magazine, “Taming the Wolf Called Lupus” G-6 Public Relations Corporate Video First Place: Staff, NRG, “NRG at Free Press Summer Fest 2014” Second Place: John Chattaway, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, “Cancer Treatment at MD Anderson: In Our Patients’ Words” G-7 Public Relations Publication First Place: Andy Olin, Michael Clarke, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, “Conquest (Summer 2014)” Comments: Beautiful public relations magazine. Magnificent use of photos and excellent writing. Well done! Second Place: Andy Olin, Ronda Wendler, Michael Clarke, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, “Conquest (Fall 2014)” Third Place: Dave Schafer, Cy-Fair Houston Chamber of Commerce, “Cy-Fair Houston Chamber of Commerce Newsletter” INTERNET-BASED NEWSORIGINAL H-1 Internet News Feature Story First Place: Staff, KHOU.com, “Rodeo Houston” Comments: Impressive breadth of coverage. Good use of video, photo and text. Second Place: Jeff Anastasio, David Flores, Greg Matthews, KENS 5, “Texas-Sized Tradition: Coming Together Under Friday Night Lights” Third Place: Matt Keyser, KHOU. com, “Kyle Field Implosion” Third Place: Staff, NRG, “NRG Stadium Sign Change - Time Lapse” HOUSTON PRESS CLUB H-2 Internet Hard News Article First Place: Jeff Anastasio, Jeff Goldblatt, Mike Vela, KENS 5, “Josh’s Story: Suicide and Survival for the Husband of Leanne Bearden” Comments: Compelling, wellcrafted, sensitively handled piece with lessons for all. Second Place: Staff, KHOU.com, “Adrian Peterson Coverage” Third Place: Staff, KHOU.com, “Montrose Luxury Apartment Fire” H-3 Internet Collaborative News Reporting First Place: Staff, KHOU.com, “#FactsNotFear Ebola Campaign” Comments: Important topic, great effort to provide rich content in one place and to offer readers information through a chat. Good mix of text, photos and interactivity. Second Place: Staff, KHOU.com, “Montrose Luxury Apartment Fire” Third Place: Staff, KHOU.com, “Man Sells Restaurant to Help Employee with Brain Tumor” H-4 Internet Opinion First Place: Sean Pendergast, Houston Press, “When it Comes to Punishment” Comments: Thorough review of the two cases and Goodell’s haphazard discipline. It’s important, of course, to provide facts before rendering an opinion. But strive to do it more Diana Wray - Houston Press - “The Dark Side of the Boom: Oil Is Doing Great Things for Some in Texas, but Not for Everyone” A-1 Print Journalist of the Year - Newspapers Over 100K succinctly, otherwise you risk losing the reader before you get to good punch lines like the one near the end: “However, the fact that Goodell’s mishandling of Peterson’s and Rice’s penalties has somehow made either man a sympathetic figure, considering the graphic nature of their wrongdoings, tells you everything you need to know about how badly the commissioner has botched his own policy.” Second Place: Nathan Cone, Texas Public Radio, “Nearly 40 Years Later, Secrets Of ‘Hanging Rock’ Still Beguiling” 2015 LONE STAR AWARDS H-5 Internet Blog First Place: George Scott, George Scott Reports, “5 Separate Consecutive Columns Highlighting Healthcare Issues Developed In Steve Jansen’s News/Feature Profile” Comments: Valuable contributions on a complex topic. STUDENT ENTRY CATEGORIES J-1 Student Print News or Feature Story First Place: Alma Garcia, The Venture, “Paleteros Bring Treats, Become Targets” Second Place: Hannah Neumann, The Baylor Lariat, “Professor Traces Deaf Legacy Back to Nazi Germany” Third Place: Christopher Shelton, The Daily Cougar, “Campus Facilities’ Impact on Recruiting” J-2 Student Print Sports Story First Place: Cameron Wolfe, EGMN, “UH Football Embraces Third Ward D” Second Place: Andrew Valderas, The Daily Cougar, “On the Road to Glory” Third Place: Cody Soto, The Baylor Lariat, “Petty Tackles Adversity with Spiritual Insight” J-3 Best Student Newspaper First Place: Lamar University Press Second Place: The Daily Cougar Third Place: The Baylor Lariat J-4 Student Print Photography First Place: Constance Atton, The Baylor Lariat, “Ewe Got Served” Second Place: Constance Atton, The Baylor Lariat, “Ice Bucket Challenge” Third Place: Jared McClelland, University Press, “Discovering Santisima Muerte” J-5 Student TV & Radio News or Feature Story First Place: Richard Hirst, The Baylor Lariat, “Never Say Die” Comments: Strength of piece is the “character” and the attempt at creativity. Strong beginning, good use of street video for referencing his life on the street, but then it was edited as B-roll that had no context. Other odd edits as well. Good ending. Second Place: Ilse Gonzalez, EGMN, “Eric Garner and Michael Brown Protests in Houston” Third Place: Maria Aguilar, EGMN, “Latina Enters Sports Fashion Industry” J-6 Student TV & Radio Sports Story First Place: Alexa Brackin, Carlye Thornton, The Baylor Lariat, “College GameDay Takes Over McLane” Comments: Excellent use of strong video and natural sound to drive the energy level on this story. Good interviews that helped illustrate excitement. Standup close - worked ok - but would have been better if you were in the middle of an excited crowd or with a bit more action behind you. Watch camera framing - don’t want to see the mystery arm holding mic. Second Place: Cameron Wolfe, Esteban Valencia, The Daily Cougar, “Cougar Basketball” Third Place: Alexa Brackin, Madison Miller, The Baylor Lariat, “Justin Sports Medicine Team” About Our Host Mary Benton Name a big story, and Mary Benton has probably covered it. Plus, she has the reputation for always getting the story right. She’s won awards for her work, was named a YMCA Top Achiever, Best TV News Reporter by the Houston Press and one of Houston’s Top 25 Women by Rolling Out Magazine. She is a Harlingen native and a University of Texas at Austin grad. She currently serves on the Texas Exes Black Alumni Advisory Committee, was appointed to the Elections Advisory Committee by Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and serves on the national board of the National Association of Black Journalists. Formerly a reporter with KPRC in Houston, she is currently the Manager of Media Relations and Public Affairs for the Harris County Toll Road Authority. HOUSTON PRESS CLUB Houston Press Club Lone Star Awards The Lone Star Awards are given each year in recognition of outstanding achievements in journalism and mass communication in the state of Texas. The competition encompasses efforts in the fields of print, radio, television and internet journalism; student publications and broadcasts; and public relations. Awards are given to first, second, and third place entries in each category. The Houston Press Club is dedicated to fostering growth and interaction in these various fields with the aim of improving the whole business of mass communications. The Houston Press Club also supports the efforts of tommorow’s professionals through achievement awards and scholarship funding for students in these fields. Thanks for your help in so many ways Mike O’Neill, President of Houston Press Club David McHam, UH Journalism Professor Jared Counts, Houston Public Media Liz Johnson, Internal Communications KBR, Inc.* Jack Barnett, Chief Communications Officer Harris County Appraisal District* Trish Cunningham, Business Development Manager Brookwoods Group* Sean Thompson, Media Outreach Dril-Quip* Steve Stewart, Corporate Communications Enbridge Energy* Kristy Gillentine, Online Content Manager, News 92FM* David Medina & Ty Williams and Rice University Melange Catering & Special Event Buffalo Bayou Brewery Mary Benton *denotes Members of the Press Club Board of Directors 2015 LONE STAR AWARDS HOUSTON PRESS CLUB DINNER 2015 LONE STAR AWARDS PRESENTED BY HOUSTON PRESS CLUB 2015 LONE STAR AWARDS
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