Application for the 2015 VCE Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class Sponsored by VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION & HEART OF VIRGINIA MASTER GARDENERS Application Deadline October 17, 2014 A. Contact Information: Name________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ City_______________________________ Zip Code__________________ E-mail address__________________________________________________ Phone Number_________________________________________________ B. Components of the Master Gardener membership: Please indicate your ability and willingness to complete the following; Yes Maybe No ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1. As a Master Gardener trainee I will be able to attend and participate in 50 hours of instruction. (Wednesdays 6:30-9:00, January – May 2015). 2. Pay the $100.00 fee for course materials for the class. 3. As a Master Gardener intern I will be able to participate in 50 hours of approved volunteer service during the first year following the class. (May 2015 –May 2016). 4. As a Master Gardener I will be able to contribute at least 20 volunteer hours and participate in at least eight hours of advanced education in each consecutive year. C. Other information (Please use additional pages, if necessary.) 1. What led you to be interested in the Master Gardener program? 2. What Master Gardener sponsored programs have you attended recently? Continue on the back of this page. 3. Check the volunteer activities that interest you most. ___teaching ___writing ___researching ___maintaining demonstration gardens ___event planning ___organizational leadership ___working with children ___other_________________ 4. Please indicate other volunteer organizations in which you participate. 5. Other information. 6. Which current HOVMG members do you know? (optional question) (No more than three names, please.) Signature__________________________________________Date___________ ** Individuals with disabilities desiring accommodations in the application process should notify Katy Overby at 434.392.4246 or by the application deadline. Return completed application by 10/17/14 to: Shelda Daniels, Administrative Assistant Prince Edward Extension Office P.O. Box 322 Farmville, VA 23901 For more information visit the Heart of Virginia Master Gardeners’ web site at
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