THE HOWARD HERALD Howard United Methodist Church - 814-625-2362 Pastor’s Cell – 814-933-7333 July 2015 America the Beautiful With the 4th of July coming up I thought this would be a good time to share the interesting history of one of the best-loved patriotic hymns. This is from Wikipedia- Pastor Craig In 1893, at the age of 33, Katherine Lee Bates, an English professor at Wellesley College, had taken a train trip to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to teach a short summer school session. Several of the sights on her trip inspired her, including the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, the "White City" with its promise of the future contained within its alabaster buildings; the wheat fields of America's heartland Kansas, through which her train was riding on July 16; and the majestic view of the Great Plains from high atop Colorado’s Pikes Peak. On the pinnacle of that mountain, the words of a poem started to come to her, and she wrote them down upon returning to her hotel room. The poem was initially published two years later to commemorate the Fourth of July. It quickly caught the public's fancy. Just as Bates had been inspired to write her poem, Samuel Ward, too, was inspired to compose a hymn tune. The tune came to him while he was on a ferryboat trip from Coney Island back to his home in New York City, after a leisurely summer day in 1882, and he immediately wrote it down. He was so anxious to capture the tune in his head, he asked fellow passenger friend Harry Martin for his shirt cuff to write the tune on. Ward's music combined with Bates's poem were first published together in 1910 and titled "America the Beautiful". O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! O beautiful for pilgrim feet Whose stern impassioned stress A thoroughfare of freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law! O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife. Who more than self their country loved And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine Till all success be nobleness And every gain divine! O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! Prayer Needs Lew Artz Lisa Bechtol Vera Brumbaugh Linda Butler Nancy Confer Cory Dagen Deb Gardner Ray Hawk Delores Mills Dot Gardner Shirley Bittner Jerry Stover Ruth Graffius Harold Harter Doris Holter Ayla Kellander Sharyn Leach Melvin Lucas Paul Mills Harold Spicer Michael Esh Becky Masorti Steve Neff Annie Auman Amy Rose Ruth Schenck Larry Wick Sabrina Williams Kane Wolf Matt Carter Georgette Nuss George Winters Shirley Bittner Rich Rose Ryan Dodds Bonnie Neff Glenn (Chip) McWilliams Frank and Verna King Jessica, Jimmy & Owen Peters Trishanna Hodge Gayland Heverly Susie Dyke Bob McCully Sarah Englert Roberta Winters Jeanne Wolf Sarah Daniels Lloyd Long Our Military Family and Friends Chris Kowalczyk Tim Tressler Logan Thompson Benjamin Hunter Kylie E. Masters Home Communion- If you or someone you know would like communion served in their home, please let me know. We can arrange a time, and I have a simple service we can do together. -Pastor Craig Card & Flower Ministry If you know of someone connected with our church that has been ill, hospitalized, or experienced a death in the family, Howard UMC would like to send them a card. Please contact Eleanor or Max Young at 814-625-2025 with the name and address of the person to receive the card. Your assistance in helping the church let others know we are thinking of them is appreciated! Show Support for those fighting Cancer! Please pray and wear pink on Tuesdays to show support for all of our loved ones who are fighting Cancer. Let’s turn the whole town PINK!! Please remember Barb, Sharyn, Kane and others who have been attacked by this horrific disease. Let’s show them how much we love them by supporting them in this small way. Chair Massage: Katie Parisou offers Chair Massages at Howard UMC on Tuesdays from 9:30 – 11:30. Come and relax with some hands on care. Five to twenty-minute slots are available for $1 per minute. Nursery Volunteers Date 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9 Volunteer Rhonda Ternent Patti Long Joy Oakley Brenda Shaw Kathy Stem Julie Stem Wanda Nyman Kathi Alterio Volunteer Fay Watson Sydney Sayers Wanda Nyman Wanda Nyman Ed Simoncek Wanda Nyman Connie Beck Kathie Baughman Nursery Available: We are pleased to offer a staffed nursery for children, which is available following the children’s sermon through the end of the worship service. Nursery Guidelines: The nursery is for children through kindergarten age. Background checks for our nursery volunteers are processed through the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. Please escort children to the nursery and come for them following the worship service. If a child becomes upset for longer than a few minutes, we will contact a parent/family member during the service. (Sometimes there is an adjustment period for children; we want this to be a positive experience for her/him.) Children who are not feeling well or are exhibiting visible signs of not feeling well should not be brought to the nursery. We are pleased to make this opportunity available. If you would like to volunteer in the nursery or have suggestions regarding this ministry, please contact Toni Dagen at 814-625-0113. Safety Issue: Unfortunately, we’ve had a little too much running around the church by the kids. We need them to stay in the Fellowship Hall until the Sunday School bell rings. We’re asking everyone to help remind the kids. HOWARD AREA LIONS CLUB FOOD BANK – On the second Sunday of odd months, the Noisy Bucket collection will go toward helping the Lions Club Food Bank. Once the total reaches $200 or more, a check is mailed to the Lions Club to help support this worthwhile mission. Thank you for your support!! YOGA CLASSES – Continue on a weekly basis on Tuesdays. Gentle Yoga from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Basics Level from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Any questions, please contact Kathie Baughman at 814-625-2852 or e-mail A special thank you to Julie Cody for graciously agreeing to occasionally substitute! Our Fall Bazaar will be held this year on Saturday, October 24 from 9 am to 2 pm. Start thinking about ways you could contribute to this annual fundraiser. We have been successful because of participation of many people of the church. Stay tuned for some of the ways we will need help. You don't have to be a crafter to help. Thanks. See Sharyn or Roland for more information. NEWS FROM MINISTRY SERVICES 2015 MAY YARD SALE PROCEEDS: $1,045.30 was raised and placed in Outreach for giving. A huge thank you to all that participated in helping to make this another successful sale! _______________________ GIVING FROM OUTREACH: $200 to Veterans Assistance Fund Bridging Event – This is a movement underway to rename the High Street Bridge in Bellefonte to the “Veterans Bridge.” Historically significant as this is the bridge veterans would go across to meet the train before and after their deployment. Dedication will be July 3rd along with a parade, etc. All donations are to help with this dedication day celebration and any funds not used will be made as a donation to the VAF to be used for needs of the veterans of Centre County. $500 to FaithCentre, Bellefonte toward matching funds (up to $3,000) from a group of private donors to support this organization $100 monthly to the current Adopt-a-family through August in gifts and/or gift cards. Kim Cartwright is the contact person with the family. Kim does a fantastic job by staying in contact with the family and helping us meet their needs. $130 to Howard PTA to purchase prizes for the Walk-a-thon $50 to Ronald McDonald House in Danville in memory of Cooper Cody $200 to help purchase uniform clothing (khakis and white shirts) for children in need at the Potter Thomas Elementary School, Philadelphia. Erin Zivanovic teaches at the school and expresses her appreciation! _______________________ LIONS CLUB FOOD BANK – $312.00 was given to help support this project. These funds are from your donations to the Noisy Bucket Sunday in odd months. Thank you! ____________________________ The Howard UMC is supporting the Howard Elementary School Summer Reading Program with $1,000 from soup sale proceeds. The program runs for three weeks from July 6-22, 2015, three days a week, three hours each day. It can never be overstated…Your continued support in local missions helps to support the Howard UMC’s ability to reach out to the local community and beyond…thank you! JULY BIRTHDAYS Brumbaugh, Vera 4-July Confer, Dyann 6-July Burris, Julie 9-July Phillips, Amber 10-July Guenot, Abbie Shay 14-July Confer, Lee 15-July Dagen, Madison 15-July Rose, Poppy 15-July Beck, Eric 16-July Phillips, Heather 19-July Cody, Julie 20-July DeArment, Bobby 21-July Ternent, Mark 27-July Gummo, Eddie 27-July Sager, Sheila 28-July Baughman, Dave 29-July Confer, Colleen 29-July Williams, Teddy 30-July JULY ANNIVERSARIES Stem, Charles and Fay 5-July Etters, Chuck and Barb 6-July Stem, Tim and Julie 14-July Meyer, Jim and Helen 31-July AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Schenck, Ruth Nyman, Mike Pfleegor, Curtis Miller, Jeb Shay, Matt Sayers, Foster Day, Alyssa Bittner, Shirley Subasic, Allison Davison, Donna Beck, Connie Dagen, Toni Stem, Tim Rose, Oliver Leach, Roland Baughman-Catteau, Danielle 1-August 3-August 3-August 4-August 6-August 7-August 8-August 8-August 14-August 16-August 19-August 19-August 19-August 19-August 27-August 29-August AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES Ternent, Mark and Rhonda 14-August Burris, Craig and Sherrie 15-August Rose, Craig and Wendy 15-August Marshall, Leon and Faye 17-August Long, Bill and Katy 18-August Beck, Lester and Connie 23-August Bittner, Bob and Shirley 24-August Danley, Rev. Kathleen and Wayne 25-August
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