DANCE IS LIFE 2014 Final Flier

 For the best rate, sign up early! From February 1 through May 10, you pay $155.
After May 10 and at the door, the price is $170. Only the All-Access VIP Pass includes
all workshops, rapid reviews, evening dance parties, bonus activities, Saturday night
game show, turbo teaches, step sheet CD, goodie bag and surprise gift.
 To help us communicate with you, please add
to your contact list. We will send you email messages to confirm your VIP Guest
Status and to share more details about the event. If you do not have email, please
include your phone number. You can also visit our Facebook page online.
 Our new location is Westgate Resort & Casino, 3000 Paradise Road, Las Vegas.
Premium Room rate is $51 Thursday, $91 Friday/Saturday plus 12% room tax and a
discounted $10 daily resort fee. (Add $20 per person per night if you wish to have 3
or 4 guests in your room.) To reserve your room, call 800-635-7711 and request
group code SGSIZZ5. Or use this link to register online:
go/SGSIZZ Note: If you had already booked with the Riviera, your room reservation
will automatically transfer to the Westgate (we recommend you call to confirm).
 All VIP Guests automatically receive a step sheet CD upon arrival. If you wish to
order a printed booklet, the cost is $15.
 Can’t attend the entire event? Purchase a day pass for $45 or an evening dance
party pass for $20. Spectator passes (no dancing, no lessons) are $20 per person.
 Each person attending (including spectators) must completely fill out this form
and sign it. All registrations must be received by June 1, 2015. No refunds will be
issued. If you cannot attend, you may transfer your pass to another individual.
 Questions? Call John Robinson at 609-314-0115.
Yes, I will attend DANCE IS LIFE 2015. Here is my: () □$155 □$170
Mark () if appropriate: □printed step booklet $15 (in addition to step sheet CD) □spectator pass $20
□day pass $45 (circle appropriate): THU FRI SAT SUN □evening dance pass $20 (circle appropriate): THU FRI
□cash □check/money order (payable to John Robinson)
□visa □mastercard □discover □amex
credit card #
city+state+postal code
exp date
e-mail address
today’s date
please indicate which dance levels you enjoy learning:
3-digit code
My signature above indicates that I, for myself, heirs, executors & administrators, hereby waive, fully release and agree to hold harmless DANCE IS LIFE, its organizers, employees, staff members and agents from any and all
lawsuits, claims or demands arising from and in connection with this event, whether as a spectator, attendee, or staff member. I understand the physical risks of social dancing and assume full responsibility for any injury or
personal damages resulting from my participation in DANCE IS LIFE. I hereby authorize the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibition, broadcast and/or distribution of any videotape and photographs taken of me during the
activities associated with DANCE IS LIFE, without limitations. I certify that I am 18 years or older (applies to Legal Guardian if under 18 years of age). I understand and acknowledge that NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED.
mail completed form with payment to: JOHN ROBINSON, 5351 E THOMPSON RD #255, INDIANAPOLIS IN 46237