WASHINGTON, DC APRIL 29 – MAY 1 PARENT& STUDENT INFORMATION This packet contains all the information you and your student need to know about the Combs’ Washington, DC field trip. Please read all attached pages carefully and return all requested forms on time to your student’s homeroom teacher. Contents Packing List Page 2 Notes Transportation Information 3 Where and when to meet the bus Itinerary 4 Room Assignment 5 FAQs 6 Permission Form 9 Medication Form 1702 last page Who your child will be rooming with & emergency contact information Must be returned by Friday, April 24. If we don’t get this back, then your student can’t attend the field trip. If you need to update your student’s medicine with the office, or if you want your student to have over-the-counter medicine, this form must be returned by Tuesday, April 21. This packet of information is available online at: http://hoytphillips.weebly.com/washington-dc.html The medication form 1702 can be found on the “forms” page on the Combs’ website: http://combses.wcpss.net/ Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 1 PACKING LIST Notes: 1. You can bring one suitcase that will go under the bus and one carry-on item, such as a back pack, that you will bring on the bus. Please do not over pack! 2. Please put anything you will need access to during the first day in your back pack/carry-on bag (such as medication, snacks, electronics, etc). DO BRING: 1. Clothes: pants/jeans, shirts, shorts, something to sleep in, underwear, socks, etc. Bring enough clothes for two nights and three days. Make sure all clothing is school appropriate. 2. Warm clothes: sweat shirt or jacket. It can be cold this time of year! 3. Rain gear: umbrella or poncho or rain jacket 4. Comfortable walking shoes. We will walk A LOT!!! 5. Toiletries: toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, soap, shampoo, etc. (The hotel will provide towels) 6. Back pack or small bag to bring on the bus to hold things you want access to during the day 7. A good attitude! 8. Lunch for the first day (Wednesday) OPTIONAL ITEMS YOU CAN BRING: 1. Spending money for souvenirs 2. Electronics: phone, iPAD, etc. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with anything they bring. School personnel are not responsible for anything lost or broken. 3. Headphones if you bring something that plays music. 4. Sunscreen 5. Snacks: students will be provided snacks and drinks everyday but you can bring your own as well 6. Drinks/Water bottle: the container needs to have a reclosable lid (a lid that screws on). Do not bring soda cans or juice boxes. DO NOT BRING: 1. Anything against school policy 2. Prescription medication or over the counter medication, such as Tylenol and Benadryl. (See below) MEDICATION INFORMATION: 1. For a student to be able to take any type of medication (prescription or over the counter), form 1702 must be completed and sent to the office along with the medication. 2. A student cannot self-administer medication (prescription or over the counter) unless the back of form 1702 has been completed. 3. All medication that has been approved must be brought on the trip in its original packaging. Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 2 TRANSPORTATION WHERE & WHEN TO MEET THE BUS Everyone attending the trip will be riding chartered buses. When and where do we leave for the trip? On Wednesday, April 29 meet at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church no later than 5:45 am. The buses will leave at 6:30 am sharp from the church! If your student is not on the bus by 6:30 they will be left and will not be able to join the trip later. You will not get a refund of your money if you miss the bus. If you have an emergency the morning of the trip and think that you will be late, please call Lisa Lower on her cell: 919-244-4545 When you arrive at the church, look for your homeroom teacher who will tell you which bus to get on. When and where do we return from the trip? We will return Friday, May 1 at 9 pm to Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Address for where you will meet the bus: Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church 4900 Kaplan Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606 Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 3 COMBS ITINERARY FOR WASHINGTON, DC Wednesday, April 29 5:45 am Meet at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church 6:30 am Buses leave 11:30 am Lunch: eat lunch that you bring. We will eat before entering DC. 12:30 pm Smithsonian Museum Tour: National Archives, Natural History Museum, Museum of American History (these are suggested visits) 5:30 pm Dinner: Pentagon City Mall food court (meal voucher provided) 6:45 pm Visit the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial 8:15 pm Check into hotel: Comfort Inn Landmark (703-642-3422) Thursday, April 30 6:00 am Continental breakfast in hotel dining room 7:30 am Board buses 8:30 am Guided tour of US Capitol 10:30 am Guided tour of Arlington National Cemetery 12:30 pm Box lunch (provided for everyone) 1:30 pm Visit MLK Memorial, FDR Memorial and Thomas Jefferson Memorial 4:00 pm Visit the Lincoln Memorial, Korean War Memorial and Vietnam Wall 6:00 pm Dinner: National Place food courts (meal voucher provided) 8:00 pm Return to hotel Friday, May 1 6:00 am Continental breakfast in hotel dining room 7:30 am Board buses 8:15 am Group photo in front of The White House 10:00 am Visit the World War II Memorial 11:00 am Visit the National Air and Space Museum (lunch at museum – meal voucher provided) 2:00 pm Depart Washington, DC 6:00 pm Dinner: fast food dinner at rest stop ($10 cash provided to everyone) 9:00 pm Approximate arrival time at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 4 ROOM ASSIGNMENT & CONTACT LIST ROOM ASSIGNMENT Below is a list of who will be in your student’s hotel room. This will also be the group that they are with during the day. Chaperone: Students: Note The chaperone’s phone number is only listed in case you have an emergency and cannot reach your student’s homeroom teacher. Do not call the chaperone just to “check-in” on your student. All students are expected to be respectful and follow directions at all times. If a student doesn’t behave appropriately, then their parent/guardian will be asked to pick them up. Who do I contact if I have an emergency and need to reach my student? Call your student’s homeroom teacher FIRST! The homeroom teacher will also call you if there is a problem or an emergency with your student. Homeroom Teacher: – call first before anyone else Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 5 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) How can I stay in touch with my student or know what is going on? Your student can bring a phone. It is their responsibility to keep up with it! We will use Remind app to communicate with families not on the trip. This is a free service you can use. You will receive texts or emails from us on the trip. It’s one-way communication. No one will see your cell number or email address. To use: o To receive messages via text, text: @combsdc to 81010. o You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @combsdc'. o Trouble using 81010? Try texting @combsdc to (704) 310-5832 instead. o Or to receive messages via email, send an email to combsdc@mail.remind.com. o To unsubscribe, reply with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. o You can also download the “Remind” app onto your smart phone and enter this class code: @combsdc What if there is an emergency? If there is an emergency with your student you will hear from your student’s homeroom teacher. If you need to get in touch with your student because of an emergency please call your student’s homeroom teacher FIRST! Their cell number is on the assignment page in this packet. What do I do if I want to send over the counter medication with my student? Students can’t bring or take any over the counter medication unless the front and back of form 1702 has been completed. This form must be returned to the office by April 21 along with the medication. For example, if a student has a headache they will not get or be able to take Tylenol unless form 1702 has been completed. Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 6 FAQs Continued What if my student is on medication that the office already has? The medication will be handled and administered by the homeroom teacher. We ask that you make sure there is enough of the medication to last the 3 days we will be gone. If you want your student to selfadminister medication, then the back of form 1702 must be completed and returned. Where will they be staying? Everyone will stay at the Comfort Inn Landmark in Alexandria, VA. This is a hotel that regularly hosts school groups. The hotel has interior corridors so that doors do not open out to the outside. How do the meals work? All meals are included in the price except for lunch on the first day. Please bring a lunch to eat on the first day. After that everyone will be given a voucher or a box lunch. Vouchers clearly outline where the student can eat and how much they can spend. When they are ready to order, they simply order and submit the voucher. The voucher acts like money. Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Does my student need to bring money? If your student will want to purchase souvenirs then they will need to bring cash. Otherwise, there is no need to bring money. Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 7 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 8 R E T U R N B Y F R I D A Y , A P R I L 2 4 - C O M P L E T E BO T H S I D E S WAKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM PARENTAL CONSENT AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION FOR SCHOOL TRIPS THIS CONSENT FORM IS TO BE SIGNED ONLY AFTER UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEING TO THE INFORMATION BELOW. IF THIS FORM IS NOT COMPLETED AND RETURNED PRIOR TO THE SCHOOL TRIP, THE STUDENT WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE AND WILL REMAIN AT SCHOOL IN A SUPERVISED ACTIVITY. Trip or Activity Planned Washington, DC Field Trip April 29 – May 1 Attached is an itinerary that includes the place or places to be visited, a daily schedule of activities, and the dates, times, and places of departure and return. Washington, DC – social studies integration Purpose of Trip or Activity School Combs Elementary Name of Teacher/Sponsor Method of Transportation Chartered Bus (WCPSS owned vehicle, charter bus/contract vehicle,*privately-owned vehicle) *When privately-owned vehicles are used for transporting students, only the vehicle owner’s liability coverage is applicable to any vehicular accident. When students are transported by vehicles owned by Wake County Public School System, the school system vehicle liability coverage is applicable to any vehicular accident. Changes/Cancellations I understand school trips may be cancelled when necessary by the principal, superintendent, or board of education. The school system cannot guarantee reimbursement when such cancellations occur. Parents/guardians will be notified of any significant change in plans prior to the school trip. Expectations and Instructions I understand the following is expected of the student. To follow instructions given by the teacher/chaperone. Not to leave or separate from the group without appropriate authorization from a teacher/chaperone. Comply with all school and district policies and rules of conduct. In the event any of the above expectations or instructions are violated, I understand school officials reserve the right to remove the student from the trip and the student will be subject to school disciplinary consequences. Insurance Coverage I represent that the student has insurance either through the school system’s student insurance program or through my own insurance carrier. I REQUEST THAT THE BELOW-NAMED STUDENT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TRIP PLANNED AND SPECIFICALLY CONSENT TO THE STUDENT’S PARTICIPATION. Name of Student Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature (Grades 6-12) Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Date Date Page 9 RETURN BY FRIDAY, APRIL 24 Special Conditions If the trip includes water related activities (such as swimming, diving, boating, sailing, cruise ship travel, etc.) or participation on amusement park rides, I acknowledge the inherent risks in these activities and give my express permission for the student to participate in those activities. I AGREE DO NOT AGREE TO THE ABOVE SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parent/Legal Guardian Medical Emergency Authorization In the event of a medical emergency while my child is participating in a school trip, I authorize Wake County Public School System officials to release the following information to the healthcare provider. I understand school officials will use the contact information provided below to contact me in the event of such emergency. If any emergency medical procedures or treatment are required during the trip, I consent to the trip supervisor(s) arranging for and consenting to the procedures or treatment in the supervisor’s discretion. I will pay the costs of any such medical procedures or treatment. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact Information 1st Choice 2nd Choice Name: Phone: (Day) (Night) (Mobile) (Day) (Night) (Mobile) Emergency Medical Information (Please complete as applicable.) Family Physician: Phone Number: Date of last tetanus booster: My child is allergic to: Medication taken routinely: Special health needs: Name of insurance company: Policy #: This form must be kept with school officials at all times during the school trip. Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 10 CHAPERONE EMERGENCY INFORMATION Please Print Chaperone Name: Emergency Contact Information 1st Choice 2nd Choice Name: Day Phone: Night Phone: Emergency Medical Information Family Physician: Phone: Allergies: Medications routinely taken: Special health needs: Health Insurance Company: Policy #: This form will be kept confidential and held by the homeroom teacher in case of an emergency. Combs Elementary Washington, DC Trip: April 29 – May 1, 2015 Page 11
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