al rciel Citff Tika %MT 41 TTar-176213 Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharamshala-176213 co+-11 fgRtPt (44)TibirKaTvvi +-11 tft-, ul I 4-1 2015 f:49-E:-30.4.2015 atrff 14-afkr" , 2015 4 t1=11 , titan F#17" ' : Item; D5q1 ftFr9; N3-11-11 parr et q-T kr1411 =it 1:ft 717 t 75T g I <=ncii, 41 -,t4, --ort717 T4' ,3-ife4747.5 f. L1141 ft Alf 2015TTP777...# ss-11-424c1 fir et , 98410 4)711 viPi 411 off F ,ems., u7 17316 67054' 1a1 zit PM/ zitarr4.-a' N—Hif 9'1141 P*7 nI 68.64 % ?per kites iTtEirr fftra. 4a T.; ttfdw $1t welt 61c:8? '11,11q1 f t trtirreff qtarr wls~ Ff*-4wtii ii f w411 3Rci=b1 ric-qt.b,-i (ReT1,1,7,4147-I /1---earErr .4) ..11-11 g 46. Aft evaluation) 400/- a'eiT 3:9NtrafrIf (Re-Checking) R.1 ,-.4) 300/- tF0-14 gra It # fk•Ff- 14.5.2015 AkT r th97 TFarN7 t-terf .3471 rn-4 .bigicii4 IlTazr7 # On line 74.TT9Tqr0 crT g fly trtrEirrW 1 TAIrr t 3(94.41o<4 t 01892-242139, 242140, 242141, 242142, 242150 crT 'W-6 10.00 .R1 E"rr crftamgr 7'4 5.00 ‘.1, Oct) Ttrarr crfturrzr w 77r 17c7: 7;11" SMS No. 56263 117 hp <RollNO> ' ti re-s--rPT # 471 -r R! ti 41 PC No : 14 DA Code: 591 1t110.a ,:eLFIT, 14 urn 176213 TArlsr /Tel e: 01892-242 vi.1,si(r1t0A0)-1762.1.3 242 I-457,4ax: 01892-225419, 222817 229037 Gayanalok Parisar, Dharamshal a Distt Kangra(H Pi- ers sr-Ave-mail Website : HIMACHALBOARDOFSCHOOLEDUCATIONDHARAMSHALA KANGRA 176213 go 9" /© ? Dated:-30.04.2015 No:Hi/Shi/Bo/31/ Plus Two Result/March/.2015- NOTIFICATION The result of Plus Two Science,Humanities,Commerce Full subject, compartment Additional Subjects & Improvement of performance of Regular and Private candidates Examination held in March, 2015 is hereby stands declared today the 30th April, 2015. The Compartment candidates can submit their Examination forms and fee for Supplementary Examination to be held in June ,2015 without late fee upto 31.05.2015. Thereafter no examination form will be accepted. The examination forms received in Board's Office after the fixed date will not be entertained and same will be returned back to the candidate along with draft. For Re-evaluation/Re-Checking of Answer book/s, the desirous candidates can submit their application forms with fee of Rs.400/- for Re-evaluation and Rs. 300/- for Re-Checking of each answer book respectively upto 14.5.2015. No Forms for Reevaluation/Re-checking shall be entertained after expiry of last date. Re-evaluation/Rechecking forms received with less fee shall be rejected and returned to the candidate. Candidates are not required to attach mark sheet at the time of applying for Reevaluation. The Examination form/Application form for Re-Evaluation/Re-Checking must reach in the board's office on or before the date shown above. The Board shall not be responsible for any postal delay. The date of receipt of Examination form/Application form along with fee shall be considered as per the date on which the form is actually received in the Boards Office. The date of dispatch of such forms shall not be taken into consideration for the purpose of calculating late fee etc. This year Board has introduced new Re-evaluation Form. The candidates desirous to Re-evaluating their Answer book/s may fill up new Re-evaluation Form which can be obtained from our Books Distribution Centre and downloaded free of cost from Board's website SECRETARY Dated.30.04.2015. Ends. even No. Copy to:1. The Section Officer Income. 2. The Section Officer (Receipt/Fee Section). 3. The Section Officer ( Re-evaluation & Re-Checking.) 4. Public Relation Officer H.P. Board of School Education Dhramshala. 5. Head of PIMT/Asstt. Secretary for uploading the result on website/internet/Mobiles.
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