OFFICE FO THE SECRETARY HIMACHAL PRADESH BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION DHARAMSHALA - 176213 1-04) Academic/5/Vocational/Vol.. - 2/2015/-539-2539 Dated : 05/03/2015 To All the Principal/Headmaster, Govt. Privately Managed High/Senior Secondary Schools, Himachal Pradesh Subject :- Introduction of Reviewed/revised Syllabus of Computer Science +1 Class only from the academic session 2015-16. Sir, In complianCe to letter No. EDN-HE(17)B-42/12-Voc-Meeting dated 28-12-2012 from the Director of Higher Education arid proceedings of the meeting held on 19-11-2012 under the Chairmanship of Secretary Education to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh and in continuation to this office letter No. HB (4) Academic/05NocationalNo1.11/10665-13165 dated 28-02-2014, regarding review of the existing syllabus of (1.T.) Computer Science renamed from 9th to 12th Classes, it is to inform you that the syllabus in the subject of Computer Science has been reviewed/revised for +1 class which shall come into force from the academic session 2015-16 along with distribution of periods and marks is being sent to you for further necessary action please. Please ensure that the enclosed revised syllabus is taught in the school for the students enrolled in +1 class from April, 2015. Yours Faithfully Secretary Ends : As above Dated : 05-03-2015 Endst. No. As above 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copy of the above forwarded to the Secretary (Edu.) to the Government of H.P. for information. Director Higher Education H.P. for information. The Section Officer (Paper Setting) for information and necessary action. Head PIMT HPBOSE to uploading the syllabus on the Website. All the Deputy Directors of Higher Education in H.P. with a request to kindly issue instructions to all field functionaries under your kind control to ensure compliance of the decision taken by the Government. SECRETARY 1 Unit I Computer Science Syllabus Class +1 Digital Network Essentials . Internet Fundamentals, Information Technology and the Internet, Web Browsing, Multimedia on the Web, Web Search Engines E-mail and Personal Information Management, Internet Security, Need of computer network, Evolution of computer network, Data communication fundamentals-Analog and Digital signal. transmission, Transmission Medias-Twisted pairs, Coaxial Cable, Optical fibers, unguided transmission media. Network Classification-Classification of computer networksclassification. II Desk Top Publishing (Elementary) . Concept of Desk Top Publishing, Application of DTP, Comparison of DTP with Word Processing, Introduction to Page maker, Installation of Page maker, creating a new publication using Page maker, saving and Printing a file in Page maker, Options available in page maker for designing pagesMaster pages,' headers, footers etc. Various tools in Page maker, Print Preview and various printing options for a publication, Hands on with Page maker. Hi Digital Image Editing Understanding Photoshop - Image Size and Resolution - Creating a Digital College- Working with Files, Rulers and Guides - Changing Print Size of an Image. Working with Colours, Selections, Shapes and Painting - Adjusting Monitor, Display - Coverting between Color Modes - Softening and Refining Selections - Saving, Loading, Deleting, Moving, Copying Pasting and Extracting SelectionsDrawing with Pen'Tool- Creating Brush-Filling and Stroking Selection and Layers. Transforming and Typing - Rotating, Cropping, and Flipping Images - Transforming Objects - Retouching and Liquefying - Leading and Kerning - Type Selection - Pasteurization - Text Wrapping. Basic operational skills of a digital camera., Desigr, and create effective and structured digital images. IV HTML Fundamentals Introduction to web page Designing using HTML, creating saving an HTML document, Elements in HTML container and Empty elements, Designing web pages using the following eleMents : HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY (Attributes BACK GROUND, BGCOLOUR, TEXT, LINK, ALINK, VLINK, LEFTMARGIN, TOPMARGIN), FONT (Attributes : COLOUR, SIZE FACE), BASEFONT (ATTRIBUTES : COLOUR, SIZE, FACE), CENTER, BR (Break, HR (Horizontal Rule Attributes, SIZE, WIDTH, ALIGN, NOSHADE, COLOUR), Comments, For comments H1.H6 (Heading), P (Paragraph) B (Bold, 1 (Italics, U (Underling), UL&OL (Unorder List & Ordered List Attributes; Type, Start, L1 (List Item), Insertion of images using the element IMG Attributes : SRC, WIDTH, HEIGHT, ALT, ALIGN). Internal and External Linking between Web pages; Significance of linking, A-Anchor element) Attributes; NAME HREF, TITLE, ALT) V RDBMS Concepts and MYSQL (Elementary) Basic of database systems, Problems in Traditional file oriented approach, Three !even architecture of DBMS, views, instance, General Architecture of DBMS, Roles of DBA, Data Dictionary, Advantages and Disadvantages of RDBMS, Basic Integrity threats, General Integrity Model, Domain level constraints, Referential Constraints, Introduction to data retrieval languages like QBe, QUEL, SQL Discussions on My SQL Table, View Definitions, DDL Statements, 'DML Statements, DCL Statements, Implementation of Security and integrity Constraints, Keys and Foreign Keys, Constraints on Attributes and Tuple Modification of Constraints, SQL Functions, Introduction to PL/SQL, Triggers, Courses. Multimedia Applications (Sound & Video Editing) VI Sound editing - The nature of sound; microphones - their characteristics and application in film and television production, the sound track and sound editing, the sound mixing console, sound, editing and languages dubbing. Sound editing and language dubbing., Extensive practical exercises in sound recording and linear and non-linear editing Video Editing-Editing as an art and craft of film & television presentation. Role of the editor and his relationship with the director, Video editing theory and practice, Film versus video editing, the video cassette recorder and the recording of television programs. Tape to tape video editing system. Digital - Computer as a tool of editing using software viz. Studio, Windows Movie maker and Pinnacle, Picture transitions. VII Internet Business Applications Concept of on line service-E-Commerce Practice, Net Banking, Online submission of various application forms, Various kinds of online reservations such as railways, Hotels etc., Online, Customer support services, online marketing & shopping, Social Netwroking viz, Facebook etc. VIII OJT (10% of 350 hours) Project Work To ta I Distribution of Time/Periods for Computer Science Syllabus - 11th Class Theory Parctical Total Hours Hours Hours Digital Network Essentials 12 18 30 IT-302 Desk Top Publishing 12 18 30 IT-303 Digital Image Editing 12 18 12 18 30 Name of Unit Module Code . IT-301 : . 30 IT-304 HTML Fundamentals IT-305 RDBMS and MY SQL 12 18 30 IT-306 Multimedia Applications 12 18 30 IT-307 Internet Business Applications 12 18 30 IT-308 On-job-Training/Project Work 0 14 14 84 140 224 TOTAL + 1 Class Computer Science Unit Theory Ab Practical INA -_ I c--- Total .I.T - 301 08 I.T - 302 07 -03 I.T - 303 07 03 -- I.T - 304 10 04 14 I.T - 305 12 04 -_ I.T - 306 06 03 _ 09 I.T - 307 10 -_ 10 I.T - 308 (Project Work) -04 v cl O 1 08 10 . 10 16 04 tS la
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