JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER Vol. 28, No. 4, July–August 2012 Technical Notes Fluidic Thrust-Vector Control of Supersonic Jet Using Coflow Injection thrust-vector control (FTVC) technique, which offers several potential advantages over mechanical approaches: 1) no moving parts interacting with the primary jet, 2) reduced weight and better reliability, 3) improved stealth/low observability, 4) simplicity and relatively low cost. Because of these advantages, there is currently considerable interest in this type of system. A variety of approaches to FTVC design, including coflows and counterflows, shock methods, throat skewing, and dual-throat techniques have been considered. Both the coflow and counterflow injection techniques are based on the Coanda effect (an incident jet tends to remain attached to a nearby surface) [4–10]. In the shock-injection TVC method [11,12], an oblique shock is formed in the divergent nozzle to turn the primary resulting from a secondary flow into the primary jet at the divergent nozzle wall. This method is characterized by large nozzleexpansion-area ratios and large thrust losses. The fluidic throatskewing technique features symmetric injection for jet-area control and asymmetric injection to skew the sonic plane for thrust-vector control [13]. The dual-throat concept involves a convergent– divergent–convergent nozzle [14–17]. A nonzero thrust-vector angle is generated with fluidic injection at the upstream throat that controls separation and maximizes pressure difference in the recessed cavity created between the two geometric minimum areas. The geometry is intended to enhance the thrust-vectoring capability by manipulating flow separation in the recessed cavity. Indeed, fluidic control is a very appealing method of producing vectored thrust. Unfortunately, it is apparent that fluidic control is not without its difficulties, the most serious of which is the hysteretic nature of these devices, which can give rise to the attachment of the jet to the nozzle surfaces and thus loss of control [18,19]. The technique of interest in the present research is a coflow method based on the Coanda effect. This method minimizes momentum loss in the jet because the control-flow injection direction is the same as that of the main jet. For this study, a numerical simulation was performed and the results were compared with steady-state experimental data to understand the effect of major operating parameters, including the pressure ratio of the main and control nozzles as well as the development of a shock behind the control nozzle exit. Jun-Young Heo∗ and Hong-Gye Sung† Korea Aerospace University, Goyang 412-791, Republic of Korea DOI: 10.2514/1.B34266 Nomenclature d E Fa Fv h Pa Pc Pm p PR qj t u x y d ij ij = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = diameter of main nozzle exit specific total energy axial thrust vertical thrust specific enthalpy atmospheric pressure control-flow total pressure main-flow total pressure static pressure pressure ratio of control flow to main flow specific heat flux time velocity spatial coordinate dimensionless wall distance thrust deflection angle Kronecker delta density viscous stress tensor Superscripts ~ 00 = = = time average Favre average fluctuation associated with mass-weighted mean II. Numerical Method The Favre-averaged governing equations based on the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy for a compressible flow can be written as I. Introduction T HRUST-VECTOR control (TVC) systems tend to be progressively implemented in modern aircraft and missiles to improve the slow pitchover and limited maneuverability of the aerodynamic control system [1–3]. A mechanical TVC system moves a nozzle or deflectors to change the direction of a gas jet exhausted from a nozzle. Although mechanical TVC systems are widely applicable to conventional vehicles, they may be too heavy, complex, and aerodynamically inefficient for small vehicles and applications in which multidirectional TVC systems are required. One compact TVC alternative to mechanical TVC is the fluidic @ u~ j @ 0 @xj @t (1) ij @ij u00j u00i @ u~ i @ u~ i @ u~ i u~ j p @xj @xj @t @t Presented at the 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit , Denver, CO, 2–5 August 2009; received 28 February 2011; revision received 7 January 2012; accepted for publication 11 January 2012. Copyright © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Copies of this paper may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 percopy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 0748-4658/12 and $10.00 in correspondence with the CCC. ∗ Research Assistant, School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. † Professor, School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Associate Fellow AIAA. ij @ij u00j u00i @ u~ i u~ j p @xj @xj u~ j @u~ i ij h00 u00i @q j @ E~ @ E~ p @xj @xj @xj @t (2) (3) To account for the important features in high-speed flow, the combined model of compressible dissipation and pressure dilatation proposed by Sarkar et al. [20,21] and the low-Reynolds-number k–" model [22] was used in this study. The model was validated to be a stable and accurate solver for the unsteady supersonic flow, including shock–boundary-layer interaction and flow separation [23,24]. Over 858 J. PROPULSION, VOL. 28, NO. 4: Fig. 1 Fig. 2 859 TECHNICAL NOTES Experimental setup and schematic diagram of the FTVC nozzle. Comparison of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results with schlieren images from the experiment. the entire FTVC system, the flowfields are governed by a wide variety of time scales, from stagnation in the main and control chambers to supersonic flow in the exhaust jet. Such a wide range of time scales causes an unacceptable convergence problem. To overcome the problem, a dual time-integration procedure designed for flows at all Mach numbers is applied. Dual time-stepping and lower–uppersymmetric Gauss–Seidel are applied for time integration, and the control-volume method is used to integrate inviscid fluxes represented by advection upstream-splitting method by pressure-based weight functions and monotone upstream-centered schemes for conservation laws and viscous fluxes by central difference. The code is parallelized using a message-passing-interface library to accelerate the calculation. III. Model Description A schematic and a close-up view of the FTVC nozzle are shown in Fig. 1. The secondary nozzles are positioned above and below the primary nozzle. The primary nozzle was designed for isentropically expanded flow at Mach 2.0, corresponding to a Reynolds number of 1:2 106 at the exit plane, based on the height of the main nozzle exit. In this study, the two divergent flaps were fixed at an angle of 10 deg. IV. In Fig. 3, the deflection angle of the jet increases with the ratio of control-flow total pressure to main-jet total pressure for pressure ratios above 0.4. For pressure ratios between 0.1 and 0.4, the maximum deflection angle increases linearly: d;max 28:97 PR 1:60; 0:1 < PR < 0:4 (4) The jet-deflection angle reaches a maximum value of about 10 deg, which appears to be close to the angle of the nozzle’s divergent section wall. This angle represents a hard maximum value imposed by the geometry not by aerodynamics. Figure 4 shows the flow structure near the nozzle exit as the control-flow pressure increases and the jet pressure is kept constant. The deflection angle of the jet gradually increases as injection control pressure increases to 150 kPa, and then the deflection angle remains constant at a control pressure of 200 kPa. Before the jet-deflection angle reaches its maximum, the control flow appears to be very smooth. At Pc 200 kPa, shock waves are generated in the controlflow region, as shown in Fig. 4d, and the shock waves and nozzle walls increase pressure. Especially, the presence of the shock waves Results A series of numerical and experimental tests were conducted. The total pressure of the main jet was varied from 300 to 1000 kPa; the pressure range of the overexpanded jet was from 300 to 600 kPa and that of the underexpanded jet was from 790 to 1000 kPa. The total pressure of the control flow was varied from 120 to 250 kPa to investigate the influence of control-flow pressure on jet deflection. Figure 2 shows the jet deflection from the nozzle axis at jet total pressures of 300, 600, and 790 kPa with control-flow pressures of 150 and 200 kPa. By visual comparison in Fig. 2, the numerically determined flow structures and deflection angles are similar to the angles measured in the schlieren images from the experimental results. Fig. 3 Jet-deflection angle vs pressure ratio of control flow to jet flow. 860 J. PROPULSION, VOL. 28, NO. 4: TECHNICAL NOTES Fig. 4 Details of flow structure near the control-flow nozzle exit; Pm 300 kPa. prevents the jet from deflecting further due to reduce the pressure difference between the walls (top and bottom). The deflection force was generated by the pressure difference. However, the shock waves lead to accelerate the pressure recovery at the jet-deflected side on which the pressure difference reduces. Figure 5 shows the pressure distribution along the top wall and a schematic of the shock generation. The wavy shape of the pressure distribution along the top nozzle wall is due to the presence of oblique shock waves, which increase the pressure along the wall compared with the Pc 120 kPa and Pc 150 kPa cases. The high pressure with the wavy shape of pressure limits the deflection angle of jet flow, which in turn limits the control range of the FTVC using coflow injection. As shown in Fig. 6, axial thrust has a near-linear relation with the main-jet pressure. Thrust increases as the control pressure increases because the mass additions of control flow in the axial direction. Vertical thrust is generated as a result of jet deflection. Figure 7a shows a schematic diagram of vertical thrust response to control jet Fig. 5 Shock generation in the control-flow nozzle exit. Fig. 6 Axial thrust vs control-flow pressure for various main-jet pressures. pressure: vertical thrust tends to remain constant, increase, and decrease with increasing control pressure; these regimes may be designated outside of control zone, control zone, and saturation zone, respectively. Increasing control-flow pressure in the control region, the vertical thrust increases to some extent, but it decreases above a certain pressure ratio in the saturated control zone. This is due to the fact that, in the saturated zone, the control flow not only causes flow deflection but also increases the axial force because of mass addition to the main-jet flow. As a result, the main flow is separated from the wall that caused a decrease in vertical thrust. Figure 8 represents the thrust ratio of vertical thrust to axial thrust. In general, thrust ratio increases as the PR increases; but, at 1000 kPa for main and 200 kPa for control, the deflection force of jet does not increase, and the controllability reaches the limit. In addition, increase in Pc to 250 kPa causes normal shock between the primary nozzle exit and the control wall, resulting in a decrease in Fv =Fa , shown in Figure 8. At 300 kpa for main, maximum Fv =Fa is maximum at PR 0:4. Increasing PR causes a normal shock and Fig. 7 Vertical thrust vs control-flow pressure for different main-jet pressures. J. PROPULSION, VOL. 28, NO. 4: TECHNICAL NOTES [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Fig. 8 Thrust ratio vs pressure ratio for various main pressure conditions. [12] loss of thrust as shown by decreasing Fv =Fa with increasing PR (see Figs. 2a and 2b). To control the thrust vector effectively, the pressure ratio should be set in the control zone; the proper range is from PR 0.1 to 0.3 in a main pressure range of between 450 kPa and 600 kPa. [13] V. Conclusions An investigation on operating parameters and dynamic characteristics of a FTVC system using a coflow control technique was studied experimentally and numerically. The results of numerical simulations were found to be fairly comparable with experimental results. Jet-deflection angle and pressure distribution of the divergent nozzle surface were measured as the ratio of control flow to mainflow pressures. The maximum deflection angle was found to increase linearly with the pressure ratio in a range of between 0.1 and 0.4. This observation implies that the control efficiency will be maximized at typical pressure ratios. Shocks appear in the control-flow exit and divergent wall as the control-flow pressure increases, which limits the jet-deflection angle. Axial thrust increases linearly with the control pressure increase at different main-jet pressures. The response to control-flow pressure in terms of vertical thrust may be in the control zone, outside of the control zone, or in the saturation zone. Thus, the optimum PR should be found near the boundary between the control zone and the saturation zone. That range is from PR 0.1 to 0.3. [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] Acknowledgments This study was partially supported by the Korea Research Foundation in 2008 (KRF 2008-331-D00104), and the authors would like to thank the Hanwha Corporation for partial funding through a research consortium. References [1] Asbury, S. C., and Capone, F. 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