4/3/2015 Understanding F&A Costs Facilities and Administrative Costs Revised April 2015 1 Welcome! Presenters: Preston Comstock preston.comstock@wsu.edu Grant & Contract Manager, Office of Research 509-335-8539 Karen Breese kbreese@wsu.edu F&A Rate Specialist, General Accounting 509-335-2056 2 F&A Topics •What are the "F&A" costs – the "Facilities & Administrative" or overhead costs? •Source of terminology, definitions and guidance. •How does the F&A rate impact WSU? • Distribution of F&A returns, i.e. recoveries • Questions from audience 3 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 1 4/3/2015 Total Direct Costs – recorded in WSU accounting for a Sponsored Project Direct Expenses: Salaries & Wages Fringe benefits Services Supplies Travel Equipment Subcontracts Interest Rent Utilities 4 Indirect Costs – Not specific to a sponsored project. Examples of Indirect Expenses: Utilities Building Maintenance Building Depreciation Care of WSU grounds Custodial 5 What are F&A Costs? Incurred for common or joint objectives; Identifiable at a high level, but not easily identifiable at a project or activity level; and Benefit the total institution. Slide 6 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 2 4/3/2015 For Research at WSU And For Other Sponsored Activities 7 Organized Research Separately budgeted “Project" accounts to record the activity for our sponsors: Federal State government, governments Corporations, Foundations, Businesses 8 Calculation of Research F&A Rate All direct (MTDC) expenses related to organized research Sponsored project costs Overdrafts Committed Cost Sharing 9 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 3 4/3/2015 F&A Cost Calculation Total Costs Financial Statement Operating Expenses Capitalized Items Exclusions Federal Expenditures Unallowable Costs Adjustments Less: Credits or Plus: Allowable Interest Modified Total Direct Costs 10 Calculating the Base for the F&A Rate Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) MTDC include Total Direct Costs minus: •Cost of equipment •Buildings •Patient care •Off-campus rents •Training Stipends •Student Tuition / Scholarships and •Sub-contracts over $25,000 Includes cost sharing in Organized Research 11 Sponsored Project View – Example 12 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 4 4/3/2015 Simple Sponsored Program Project Example One Project’s MTDC: Total Direct Costs: Salaries/benefits: Supplies: Scholarships: Capital Equipment: $130,000 $95,000 $ 5,000 $10,000 $20,000 Modified Total Direct Costs = ? 13 Simple Sponsored Program Project continued Total Direct Costs: Salaries/benefits: Supplies: Scholarships: Capital Equipment: $130,000 $95,000 $ 5,000 $10,000 $20,000 Modified Total Direct Costs: = $130,000 - $10,000 - $20,000 = $100,000 MTDC 14 Rate 51% Rate $51 $100 Example F&A Rate 15 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 5 4/3/2015 Simple Sponsored Program Project continued Modified Total Direct Costs = $100,000 • Accounting System (the mainframe) calculates and applies the 51% F&A Rate (If project’s rate is Organized Research 51%) And • Posts the F&A Expense to ‘Object 13.’ • Sponsored Programs personnel periodically review and confirm. 16 What is the context – Why is there F&A? Within the University – Various Projects 17 Federal OMB A-21 Direct & Indirect (F&A) Costs Direct – Major Functions F&A (Indirect or Overhead) Instruction/Dept. Research Depreciation Organized Research Interest Other Sponsored Activity Departmental Administration Other Institutional Activity Operations & Maintenance Library Sponsored Programs Administration General Administration 18 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 6 4/3/2015 Why are there F&A Rates? To formalize Reimbursement of University overhead costs from sponsors of research, instruction and training. Context: Federal Cost Accounting Reference: OMB Circular A-21 19 OMB Circular A-21 • Guide to help universities properly cost projects and calculate F&A costs. • Circular issued by the Office of Management and Budget that contains federal cost principles. • Sets basis •Cost Allowability and •Cost Accounting Standards. • Defines Direct and F&A costs. • Defines methodologies for allocating F&A to direct functions. 20 Example: A lab is used in several projects. • If Records could finitely track–then we could differentiate between the uses. Estimation is used when it is not possible to track: • Joint Costs are pooled and allocated. F&A costs are not charged as a direct cost. How are F&A costs handled? • Calculated indirectly to represent a return or recovery of costs already incurred by the institution. 21 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 7 4/3/2015 Direct Costs Costs that can be identified specifically with a particular project. or activity, or Direct Costs – Costs can be directly assigned to an activity with relative ease and a high degree of accuracy. 22 Cost Sharing – University Costs towards the Project All contributions towards accomplishing a sponsored project, including Cash and In‐kind. Personnel Costs are generally the majority of Cash Costs (Cost Share) borne by the University. Necessary, Allowable, Verifiable and Measurable Resources used. 23 Many LocationsMany Activities 24 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 8 4/3/2015 What are Examples of F&A Costs? •Janitorial Services •Repairs and Renovation •Buildings & Grounds Maintenance •Physical Plant •Environmental Safety •Facility Planning •Utilities 25 What are F&A Costs? •Research Compliance •Animal Care Review •Human Subjects Review •Office of Grant & Research Development •Sponsored Programs • Purchasing •Payroll • Human Resources •Accounts Payable • General Accounting 26 What is an F&A Rate? • A percentage. • Ratio of the Indirect portion to the Direct costs. If the F&A rate is 50% ‐ for every $1 spent on research ‐ 50 cents of cost is incurred by the University. • Why don’t we charge the sponsor 50 cents directly? F&A is difficult to estimate project-by-project. The F&A agreement establishes that the federal government or sponsor will pay its fair share of total costs. 27 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 9 4/3/2015 F&A Rates On-Campus Research FY15 51.0 On-Campus Instruction 55.0 Off-Campus Research 26.0 Off-Campus Instruction 26.0 On-Campus Other 38.0 Off-Campus Other 26.0 28 Cost Accounting Standards Consistency Reasonable Allowable Allocable Context: Federal Cost Accounting 29 How is the F&A Rate calculated? Institutions that wish to be reimbursed for Facilities and Administrative costs •Two methods of calculating an F&A rate: Long Form- Required for institutions expending more than $10 million on Federal grants and contracts annually. Short Form- Simpler allocation methodologies used by institutions that have <$10 mil research expenditures. 30 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 10 4/3/2015 Overall Timeline for F&A Rate process Space Usage Survey End of Fiscal Year Financial Report F&A process: Calculate & submit. Start of Fiscal Year Slide 31 F&A Rate Calculation 1. Start: Operating expenses in financial statement. 2. Adjust to exclude unallowable costs. 3. Map to A‐21 cost pools/groups and bases. 4. The indirect costs dependent Dept The indirect costs areare dependent onon space personnel space utilization, utilizationproviding and other– data provided by dept property inventory records and other data – to personnel to allocate: allocate: • Building Depreciation • Equipment Depreciation • Operations and Maintenance • Interest 5. Allocate indirect costs to direct cost pools. 6. Lastly, calculate Rates. 32 Identify & Group similar activities 33 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 11 4/3/2015 34 F&A Costs * Key Rate Components heavily dependent on Department Information: Research rate components Building use Equipment use Operations & Maintenance Interest Library General Administration Department Administration On Campus Off Campus Sponsored Proj. Administration 5.6 points* 2.7 points* 15.0 points* 0.3 points* 1.4 points 8.5 points 14.6 points* 2.9 points Total Total from Key Dept data 51 points 38.2 points* 8.5 14.6* 2.9 __________________ 26.0 14.6 **Administrative component is capped at 26%. 35 F&A Rate Application Complexities Barriers to charging the full F&A rate F&A Waivers: Institution grants privileged exceptions. Institution wants to foment a relationship with a new sponsor. • Sponsor limitations: – Ex. USDA 10% – Ex. Training Grant 8% – Ex. Foundations (common with humanities programs) TDC Base 36 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 12 4/3/2015 Office of Research Preston Comstock F&A Returns Expense to Revenue % Distribution Architectural design view of the PACCAR Inc. (www.paccar.com) Environmental Technology facility, formerly proposed as the Clean Technology Lab Building with estimated completion of October 2015. 37 Is F&A Important to Me? •Where does my paycheck come from? •What is the source of funds for the utilities in my building? •How are support staff paid? •How are costs for shared purposes tied to the benefiting functions? •How is research infrastructure paid for? 38 Allocation of Revenue F&A Revenue Generated 23% to F&A Revenue Generating Units 7% Libraries 38% Campus Support 32% University Support Dean - 8% total F&A earned Department – 15% total F&A earned Deans and departmental policies • With academic affiliation 50% branch campus 50% Pullman campus • Without academic affiliation 100% to branch campus 39 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 13 4/3/2015 F&A Allocations F&A Splits Contact Pete Beeson Budget Office 5-9683 40 Why is the F&A rate important? 41 Facilities and Administrative Costs • Incurred for common or joint purposes; • Identifiable at a high level; • Benefiting the total institution. Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 42 14 4/3/2015 43 F&A Rate in Action •Projects for external sponsors have direct costs and indirect costs; the latter being recovered through an F&A percentage. • F&A recoveries support the University. •QUARTERLY F&A recoveries distributions. 44 The F&A rate reimburses WSU. Heavily dependent on our accounting consistency. Ensure that there are no special accounting practices or treatments for sponsored projects – And – That all costs are consistently treated. F&A Questions? 45 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 15 4/3/2015 What are F&A Costs? Facilities Administrative Building & Equipment Dept Utilities College Maintenance Campus Libraries University Pooled Expenses 46 Presenters Preston Comstock preston.comstock@wsu.edu Grant & Contract Manager Office of Research 509-335-8539 Karen Breese kbreese@wsu.edu F&A Rate Specialist 509-335-2056 47 References Uniform Guidance Crosswalk Uniform Guidance OMB A-21 Institutions, OMB OMB Office of Management & Budget Circular, Cost Principles for Educational Relocated to 2 CFR, Part 220 A-110, Institutions of Higher Education, CFR, Part 215 A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations DHHS Division of Cost Allocation College and University Long-Form Guide DHHS Division of Cost Allocation Frequently Asked Questions • State of Washington and WSU: Bylaws of the Board of Regents of Washington State University & Executive Policy Manual WSU’s Business Policies and Procedures Manual State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) – State of Washington Division of Cost Allocation [DCA] – Washington Statewide Cost Allocation Plan [SWCAP] Cost Accounting Standards Disclosure Statement [DS-2] Current negotiated federal F&A rate agreement(s) between WSU and the Department of Health & Human Services, through WSU’s cognizant negotiation agency: the Division of Cost Allocation Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual, for Room Use codes. 48 Understanding F&A Costs Apr2012 16
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