The Better connection to growth The Cheaper connection for the nation The Faster connection to cities The Stoke Route is the full HS2 deal for less cost to the taxpayer The Stoke Route is faster – delivering more connections to more people earlier. • • • • • HS2 trains direct to Macclesfield and Stockport, Manchester and all other HS2 destinations by 2026 – seven years early • Direct HS2 services to West Yorkshire HS3 ready • Journey times same or better than Crewe • More direct services to more places less changing • New station is direct city centre to city centre connected – not parkway Less expensive tunnelling and cuttings Recycles existing brownfield rail corridor Shorter route Much less expensive demolition and compensation • Avoids the complexity of remodelling one of the most complex rail junctions in Europe • Less construction disruption. • More for less and earlier Connecting up cities and powering up the engines of growth and prosperity To Preston and Scotland Liverpool West Yorks Manchester Leeds 2026 Stoke Route = £3.4bn Crewe Parkway scheme= £5.4bn Stockport To North Wales THE COSTS 2033 Stoke Route Ultimate = £7.1bn Consultation Route= £8.4bn Macclesfield Crewe • Includes the only major city between Birmingham and Manchester • Supercharges a fast growing city with hundreds of hectares of development ready land • Connects up more cities – the engines of growth multiplying the benefits • Direct HS2 services to 8 million people seven years earlier • City centre stations generate more growth than town parkways Crewe Parkway HS2 Staon Stoke-on-Trent To East Midlands Consultaon route/ Crewe scheme Longer Later More expensive Negave economic impact More environmental impact Out of town Stoke Route Birmingham Shorter Sooner Cheaper Significant posive economic impact Less environmental impact City centre THE TIMES 2026 London to Manchester Stoke Route = 1hour 20mins Crewe Parkway Route = 1 hour 34 mins 2033 Full Consultation Route = 1hour 20mins. The Greener way to connect cities The Stoke Route is all about connecting cities so reduces the impact of HS2 on open countryside and greenbelt • Deletes 27kms of high impact railway through rural greenfields • Uses existing urban brownfield rail corridors • Maximises economic growth through city brownfield development • Urban railway will be quieter than the existing line • Avoids sprawl in rural Staffordshire and South Cheshire • Dramatically reduces need for deep cuttings • Minimises property impacts • Maximises public health benefits by spreading prosperity Stoke-on-Trent – the HS2 Renaissance Ready City • HS2 ready - the third fastest growing city economy in the UK, at the heart of the national transport network. • A city with energy and drive - developing The UK’s largest deep geothermal district heating system – powering up business and homes alike. • A city ready to grow – absorbing a town the size of Milton Keynes on shovel ready brownfield development land • Business backs the Stoke Route – the LEP and the Chamber of Commerce. • A true University City - Keele and Staffordshire Universities back the bid. • A city fast becoming a world centre of advanced materials technology. HS2 THE STOKE ROUTE: THE SMART WAY TO THE NORTH HS2 Station at the centre of city development ETRURIA VALLEY ENTERPRISE AREA NEWCASTLE TOWN CENTRE STOKE-ON-TRENT CITY CENTRE HS2 STATION QUARTER UNIVERSITY QUARTER To find out more contact: John Betty - Director of Place E: T: 01782 236426 Better, cheaper, faster, greener
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