2014/2015 HUNTER BRANCH SURF LIFE SAVING AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE NOMINATION INFORMATION Attention: Club Presidents, Club Executive, Club Secretaries, Date: 18th March 2015 Contact: Kath Donnelly info@hsls.org.au 4961 4533 Telephone: Summary Nominations are now being called for the 2014/2015 Ausgrid Surf Life Saving Awards of Excellence to recognise the achievements and contributions of surf lifesavers in the Hunter. All Hunter clubs are invited to submit nominations for the following categories: Lifesaver of the Year Young Athlete of the Year (U15 or U17) Volunteer of the Year Administrator of the Year Training Officer of the Year Coach of the Year Official of the Year Rookie of the Year – 2nd Year Heroes of the Surf Male & Female Senior Athlete of the Year (U19 or Open) Male & Female Masters Athlete of the Year – Male and Female Youth Team of the Year Senior Team of the Year Masters Team of the Year Please find attached nomination forms for completion. Extra documentation (Limited to a maximum of 5 A4 Pages) and support material may accompany the nomination form. Only one (1) nomination per club per category and nominations should only include the achievements in the surf lifesaving calendar period of 2014/2015, i.e. May, 2014 to April 2015. Nominations Close: Monday 4th May 2015 at Hunter Surf Life Saving Please forward nominations to: Hunter Surf Life Saving PO Box 44 CARRINGTON NSW 2294 Presentation of the Hunter Awards of Excellence will be held at Wests Leagues Club New Lambton on Friday 19th June, 2015 All nominations are to be endorsed by respective Clubs to ensure members are of good standing within the Association. Copies of qualifications must be submitted with application. SPECIFIC AWARD CATEGORY CRITERIA Lifesaver of the Year This award recognises and rewards members who have made an outstanding contribution to the delivery and development of surf lifesaving frontline services. It is aimed at active surf lifesavers undertaking lifesaving duties and who can be presented as an identifiable “Ambassador” for surf lifesaving. Essential Criteria – please supply proof, where appropriate, via either a printout from Surfguard or equivalent 1. Current financial member of Surf Life Saving Australia 2. Surf Life Saving Australia Awards/Certificates Held 3. Community Awards/Certificates held 4. Patrolling Hours (rostered and achieved) for seasons 2013 /2014, 2012/2013 and 2011/2012 5. Befitting the image of an Australian Surf Life Saver Selection Criteria – please answer the selection criteria under the following headings for the 2014 /2015 season 1. Describe your contribution to surf lifesaving patrol duties. 2. Describe how you have demonstrated commitment to public safety. 3. Describe and detail major achievements and positions, relevant to lifesaving, held at club, branch & state level. 4. Describe future lifesaving ambitions in the areas of club, branch, state, Australia, and the community. 5. Describe current and possible future challenges in active Surf Lifesaving duties and how they could possibly be overcome. 6. Describe major achievements to surf lifesaving patrol duties for the 2 years prior to the 2014/15 season. Volunteer of the Year Outstanding achievement(s) as a volunteer member of a club who assists to manage and/or develop a surf life saving club and/or service and whose contribution demonstrably enhances the development of surf life saving. Essential Criteria - please supply proof, where appropriate, via either a printout from Surfguard or equivalent 1. Current financial member of Surf Life Saving Australia 2. Surf Life Saving Australia Awards/Certificates Held 3. Community Awards/Certificates held Selection Criteria – please answer the selection criteria under the following headings for the period of 1 May 2014 – to 30th April 2015 1. Describe your contribution to surf lifesaving, at any level in one or more areas of the organisation 2. Describe how you have demonstrated commitment to surf lifesaving across the organisation 3. Describe and detail major achievements and position, held at Club, Branch and State 4. Describe future ambitions in the areas of Club, Branch and State 5. Describe current and possible future challenges in surf lifesaving and how they could possibly be overcome 6. Describe major achievements to surf lifesaving for the 2 years prior to the 2014/15 season Administrator of the Year This award recognises and rewards members who have demonstrated outstanding service in administration or activity throughout the 2014/15 season. This award is for volunteer administration roles only. Essential Criteria - please supply proof, where appropriate, via either a printout from Surfguard or equivalent 1. Current financial member of Surf Life Saving Australia 2. Must be a Club position holder eg Club Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Team Manager Selection Criteria – (your nomination will be judge against these criteria) 1. Displays a high degree of professionalism whilst a member and administrator 2. Demonstrates a wide variety of involvement in Surf Life Saving activities 3. Actively participates in personal and professional development 4. Demonstrated adherence to role compliance (Quality Club Program) 5. Demonstrated effective and efficient administration processes that showcase best practice operations or continual improvements Application Headings 1. Detail scope of activities and any projects undertaken throughout the season 2. Detail administration improvements implemented that strive towards best practice Training Officer of the Year (copies of qualifications must accompany the application) Outstanding lifesaving contribution(s) to the delivery of training at an international and/or national and/or state and/or branch level. Coach of the Year (copies of qualifications must accompany the application) Outstanding lifesaving coaching performances with athletes at an international and/or national and/or state and/or branch level. Official of the Year (copies of qualifications must accompany the application) Outstanding achievement(s) in respect to lifesaving officiating at an international and/or national and/or state and /or branch level. Young Athlete of the Year (U15 or U17) Male and Female Outstanding achievement(s) in respect to lifesaving performances at an international and/or national and/or state and/or branch level . Senior Athlete of the Year (U19 or Open) Male and Female Outstanding achievement(s) in respect to lifesaving performances at an international and/or national and/or state and/or branch level. Masters Athlete of the Year Male and Female Outstanding achievement(s) in respect to lifesaving performances at an international and/or national and/or state and/or branch level. Youth Team of the Year Outstanding achievement(s) by a U/15 or U/17 team in respect to competition performances at an international and/or national and/or state and/or branch level. (eg. R&R, Beach Relay, Board Rescue.etc,) Senior Team of the Year Outstanding achievement(s) by a U/19 or Open team in respect to competition performances at an international and/or national and/or state and/or branch level. (eg. R&R, Boat Crew, Board Rescue, etc) Masters Team of the Year Outstanding achievement(s) by a Masters team in respect to competition performances at an international and/or national and/or state and/or branch level. (eg. R&R, Boat Crew, Board Rescue, etc) Heroes of the Surf Outstanding Rescue above and beyond the call of duty Rookie of the Year Clubs are asked to nominate a member of the Rookie program who has given 2 years of outstanding service to the program. Nominees must have completed all requirements of the 2 year Rookie Program to be nominated and must submit their Rookie passports with the nomination. The most outstanding club nominee will then be awarded the Hunter Rookie of the Year award. All club nominees will be introduced and certificates given at the Awards of Excellence. ADDITIONAL AWARDS TO BE PRESENTED: The following awards will also be presented on the evening: (there is no need to provide nominees) Newcastle Permanent Junior Lifesavers of the Year President’s Award Assessor of the Year NOMINATION CRITERIA One nomination per club, male and female for each of the award categories as indicated above. Individual award nominees must be competitors from the award age category as indicated. Clarification example: U13 and U14 year’s competitors are not eligible for the U15 age category awards. Awards (male and female) will be assessed upon nominee submissions which cover all aspects of competition and relevant age categories, and may include both water and beach events. Masters awards (male and female) will be assessed upon nominee submissions which cover all aspects of masters’ competition and may include both water and beach events. Selection for each award category is based on a point scoring system for each of the nominees 10 best carnival results over the previously completed competition season in INDIVIDUAL EVENTS from the competitors AWARD AGE CATEGORY ONLY. Eligible Team nominations and submitted results must be based on the same team members competing on all occasions. To be eligible to receive an award nominees must have accumulated a minimum of 15 points from carnivals as detailed within the following. Please Note changes in points Australian Championships 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th - 36 points 30 points 24 points 18 points 12 points 6 points NSW State Championships 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th - 24 points 20 points 16 points 12 points 8 points 4 points Major Carnival ie Freshwater/Manly/Coffs Craft 1st 6 points 2nd 5 points 3rd 4 points 4th 3 points 5th 2 points 6th 1 point Hunter Branch Championships 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th - 12 points 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points Any other Carnival out of area carnivals) 1st - 6 points 2nd - 5 points 3rd - 4 points 4th 3 points 5th 2 points 6th 1 point Nominations will only be accepted when submitted on duly completed Hunter Branch nomination forms, following verification and endorsement by club representatives as noted. The highest point scoring nominee will be the winner in each award category. If any of the nominee point scores are equal following the assessment of best 10 submitted results, then the highest accumulative Australian Championship individual point scorer becomes the winner. If point scores are still equal, then the highest accumulative State Championship individual point scorer becomes the winner. If point scores remain equal at this point the tie break progresses on the same basis to the Hunter Branch Championships. If point scores remain equal at this point dual or multiple awards will be presented. 2014/2015 HUNTER BRANCH SURF LIFE SAVING AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE NOMINATION FORM Please note: Only the achievements for 2014/2015 are taken into consideration (Please print or type, all fields must be completed including the address) Club: Contact Person: Phone: CATEGORY: NOMINEE NAME: _____________________ Address: Postcode: Phone: Reason for nomination: ______ _____________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list major achievements and relevant information: ____________________________________ ______________ ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Position: ____________________________________________ Club Official Date: * Nominees are encouraged to attach additional documentation to support the application if considered necessary NAME OF NOMINEE (S): Result Item Championship or Carnival SURF CLUB: Event Placing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *Note: Points accrual is to be in strict accordance with the Award Nomination guidelines document for all award categories. Total Points Tally RESULTS & ASSOCIATED POINTS VERIFIED BY COMPETITION CO-ORDINATOR: NAME: SIGNED: DATE: NOMINATION ENDORSED BY CLUB EXECUTIVE REPRESENTATIVE: NAME: SIGNED: DATE: Points Earned
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