P e m b ro k e P i n e s C h a r te r Sc h o o l s a t A c a d e m i c Vi l l a g e Campus Administrative Team Principal Peter Bayer Assistant Principals Robin Battle Alma Llanos Debra Tabie Behavior Specialists Steve Bruns Our MISSION The Pembroke Pines Charter Community will provide a challenging educational foundation to prepare students for college su cce ss a nd re sp o n sib le citizenship. Our VISION Pembroke Pines Charter Schools in collaboration with students, parents, and the community, endeavor to create a challenging and supportive organization of lifelong learners. It is our vision to actively engage in a continuous process of intellectual, emotional and social growth that is unified in direction, yet diverse in approach and instruction. April 2015 A SACS/CASI Accredited District College Citizenship TESTING NEWS Testing season is in full swing! Students at PPCHS completed the Florida Standards Assessment for Writing back in March and our 9th and 10th grade students are in the process of completing the Florida Standards Assessment in English/ Language Arts. These tests are computer-based this year and are assessing students on the new Florida Standards. If you haven’t heard of this test before, that’s OK! These tests are replacing what we all used to know as the FCAT. In addition to FSA testing, our students are starting their end of course exams. These include the Cambridge examinations, which are new to PPCHS this year. These tests, similar to AP, are a cumulative assessment of the students’ coursework throughout the year. Also during this time, students will be taking End of Course exams in Biology, Algebra, and U.S. History. Advanced Placement classes also have their cumulative exams beginning on May 4th. Volume 14, Issue 4 Community TEST TAKING TIPS Write down important test dates and make sure your child is in school on these days. Make sure your child gets enough sleep the night before the test. Set your alarm! Tests start at precise times, so make sure your student arrives promptly. Make sure your child eats a good meal before the test. Discuss the test and help relieve some of their stress. Encourage your child to do well, but try to avoid placing pressure on them. It is important for your student to stay relaxed for the test. TESTING SCHEDULE April 13-May 8 FSA ELA Reading, Grades 9, 10, & 11 April 20-May 15 EOC Exams for Algebra, Algebra II, and Geometry, Grades 9 - 12 April 20-May 26 Cambridge Exams, Grades 10-12 May 4-May14 AP Exams, Grades 10-12 Jaguar Journal Page 2 Important High School Announcements Parent Advisory Meetings Our parent advisory meetings are held at 6:00 PM on the second Monday of each month at the SW Regional Library Auditorium. Parent volunteer hours are given for attending the parent advisory meetings. See page 8 for dates. Mark your calendars! Uniforms In order to maintain a safe and orderly campus, all students must be in proper uniform. On-Campus Supervision On-campus adult supervision is provided from 6:45 AM-2:30 PM. Students who are at the library after school are subject to Broward County Libraries’ rules & regulations. Sign-Out Students will not be able to sign out after 1:30PM. Parent Volunteer Hours It is the parent’s responsibility to keep track of their hours. Please note the following dates for your records. The commitment of 30 parent hours must be completed by May 22nd for underclassmen (grades 9-11) and May 8th for seniors (grade 12). Senior students whose parents have not completed the volunteer commitment will not be permited to participate in the graduation ceremony. In the event the parent volunteer commitment is not completed, your son/ daughter will not be registered for the 2015-2016 school year. Drop-Off Policy Parents are responsible for contacting their children and ensuring students know to pick up all items during their lunch time or between classes. Office personnel will NOT contact students as this disrupts the learning environment. Late Policy Maximizing instructional time is critical for student success. As such students must arrive to school on time as well as arrive to each class on time. If you have any questions regarding the tardy policies including consequences, please refer to the Code of Student Conduct posted at http://bcps.browardschools.com/codeofconduct.asp. High School Club & Activity News American Sign Language American Sign Language Levels 2, 3, and 4 had their annual show, S.I.G.N.S. on April 15th in the library auditorium. Participants and the audience traveled back in time watching students sing songs from Taylor Swift, Aerosmith, Miley Cyrus, Tina Turner, and more! Drama Drama Department Senior Night and International Thespian Honor Society inductions will take place on April 28th in M115 at 7 pm. Relay for Life Relay for Life, the largest American Cancer Society fundraiser, will be held on Friday, April 24th-Saturday, April 25th. Come join us at Walter C. Young Middle School starting at 7:00pm for a great time and a chance to remember those that have battled cancer. Celebrate! Remember! Fight Back! Volume 14, Issue 4 Page 3 High School Athletics Department What a spring sports season it has been! Athletics Dept. Boys Water Polo - District champions Girts Water Polo - District champions & state qualifiers Boys Tennis- District Champions Girls Tennis - District Champions Girls Softball- District Champions and currently in regional play Boys Baseball - Starting their journey to the district championship next week Steve Bruns Athletics Director 954.538.3725 sbruns@pinescharter.net As of today, Pines Charter ranks 7th in Class 6A in the whole state for the FHSAA Sunshine Cup All Sports Award! This award goes to the best athletic programs in the state based on their state series finishes. Way to go, Jags! High School Guidance Department SAT registration and information available at www.collegeboard.com. ACT registration and information available at www.actstudent.org. Free SAT resources available at www.khanacademy.com./. Free live tutoring and skills-building for K-12, college and adult learners. Help with Florida standardized tests, SAT/ACT/GED, English/Language Arts, Foreign Language Lab, Writing Lab, Math (algebra to calculus), Science, and Social Studies. Go to http://www.broward.org/Library/MyLibraryOnline/Pages/ TutoringPrograms.aspx for more details. Guidance Dept. Anne Thomas Director & Assessments Coordinator Gianna Scott Grades 9 (A-Fre) & 10 Krystle Maycock Grades 9 (Fri-Ora) & 11 Idania Perez Grades 9 (Orb-Z) & 12 Dana Ostendorf ESE Senior Corner - Class of 2015 Grad Bash 2015 - April 25th Final Exams - May 13th-15th Prom - May 16th Cap & Gown Pick-Up - May 21st Senior Dinner - May 21st. Tickets will be on sale April 29th-May 13th and can be purchased from Mrs. Shannon Torres in the Guidance Office. Graduation - May 22nd Class Sponsor Marta Cabeza mcabeza@pinescharter.net SPAR The School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) for 2013-14 is available for all stakeholders to view on the City of Pembroke Pines Charter Schools homepage at http:// www.pinescharter.net/. Jaguar Journal Page 4 Jags Competing in Tallahassee! Our Jags have had a ton of great success at academic competition recently. The Broward County History Fair was held in February in Pompano Beach. Brianna Beach and Nicole Fairfoot won first place in the Senior Division for their group website on Sylvia Rae Rivera: A Transgending Trans-Activist and Elizabeth Garrison won first place in the Senior Division for her individual original performance, Elizabeth I. All three students will go on to compete at the Florida History Fair in May to be held at Tallahassee Community College. Carlos Andreu and Joey Levy will be representing PPCHS as one of the top eight law teams in the state as they travel to Tallahassee to compete and potentially be named one of the best in the state of Florida! To get to this point, these two 11th graders wrote a 20-page legal brief that was read by appeals court judges and then faced questioning for 30 minutes by another set of judges. This is the first year PPCHS has competed in the Moot Court Competition. Summer Reading Letter With the end of the academic year quickly approaching and summer plans on the horizon, we at PPCHS want to communicate our plans to keep our students’ minds stimulated and entertained throughout our hiatus from school. We’ve all committed creating a culture of lifelong readers, and we aim to continue this quest with our summer reading program. Just as in years past, each student will be expected to return to PPCHS in the fall having read an assigned novel/s, which will be the springboard of our literature program for the year. These novels are both engaging and relevant to the English curriculum, and students will be able to select from a range of options. Please see the summer reading list for further details by grade level. College level courses like AICE and Advanced Placement have separate lists and assignments that are forthcoming. Let’s work together to ease student transition to the next grade level and ensure that Pembroke Pines Charter High School students journey into adulthood as active readers, effective and articulate communicators, and educated individuals. Summer reading books can be ordered through the PPCHS Class of 2016. See Mrs. Shannon Torres in the front office for more information. Books will be delivered to students before the end of the school year. Volume 14, Issue 4 Summer Reading List Page 5 Letter to Parents Incoming 10th Graders: Dear Parents, The end of the year is filled with many exams and projects. So we're glad we get to plan some events that help students get away from the stress of classes and participate in fun events that will benefit the school. Unwind by Neal Shusterman Half Bad by Sally Green Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya Divergent by Veronica Roth Moneyball by Michael Lewis Outcasts United: An American Town, a Refugee Team…. by Warren St. John Teacher Man by Frank McCourt The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls The Teen's Guide to World Domination… by Josh Shipp I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai Incoming 11th Graders: The Fault in our Stars by John Green The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner A Yellow Raft in Blue Water by Michael Dorris The Chosen by Chaim Potok The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot Zeitoun by Dave Eggers Incoming 12th Graders: In February, we hosted Snowbowl, a friendly dodgeball tournament. Students could sign up to participate with their friends as a team and compete against other teams. Every year students look forward to this event and it was enjoyed by all again this year. In April, PPCHS held the second annual Powder Puff game. Powder Puff is a flag football game where the usual roles are reversed and girls get the opportunity to play football and boys get the opportunity to cheer. The game is particularly important to PPCHS, though, as it is held in honor of Trenton Saunders, a former PPCHS student, whose life was tragically cut short two years ago when he passed away in a car accident. All the proceeds from this game go to the Trenton Saunders Scholarship Fund, benefiting a graduating student athlete each year. Powder Puff is a relevantly new event at our school and we hope to make it an even bigger event next year and as the years go on! Also in April, SGA partnered up with GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) for the annual Day of Silence. For one whole day, participating students in remained silent, not speaking to their peers, in order to honor members of the gay community that we have tragically lost to suicide. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini Ordinary People by Judith Guest Looking for Alaska by John Green Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner Little Princes: One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal by Conor Grennan The Priority List by David Menasche The school year may almost be over, but we still have events coming up! Next month, we have Teacher Appreciation Week and 8th grade Orientation for the middle school students visiting from our other charter campuses. The orientation will be held on May 1st, and it will show students what high school life is like! Please check with the teacher of AP and Cambridge courses for the required reading selection. Sincerely, Student Government Association Jaguar Journal Page 6 At The CHAT newspaper, we have been covering many events, ranging from the playoff journey of our various sports teams to different events sponsored by different clubs. In our recent issue, the January issue, our biggest story was the right way vs. the wrong way of using social media. We also covered the different ways of escaping that dreaded mid-year slump, the secret to how our sports teams remain successful, and a new club that will travel to the FSU campus to read to kindergarteners. On the daily web, we cover the biggest stories of the day. Recently, we have covered the success of the first annual kickball tournament, class elections, sophomore class rings and more! If you want to read more from the daily news, got to http://hs.pinescharter.net/. If you want to view all the issues The CHAT has produced this year, go to http://issuu.com/chatnews. Success at the First Annual Kickball Tournament by Matthew Deno & Josiah Celestine, Staff Writers The first annual PPCHS kickball tournament took place on Thursday, April 9th after school, in our football stadium. The high expectations for this new inaugural event were met and even surpassed. This tournament was created as a fundraiser for the Class of 2017, the current sophomores. With an extra four weeks to prepare due to a rainout, President of the sophomore class, CJ Cruz, and his fellow sophomore class officers worked hard to make it a success. Sophomore Juan Ardila, a member of a team that made it to the semi-finals old the CHAT, “I Photo Courtesy of Chat News think the tournament went well. There were a lot of people playing. I will try to do it again next year but I think with more organization this event could be a huge activity for charter in the future.” In total, seven teams competed for the tournament crown. Random drawings determined where in the bracket the teams would be placed. In the championship match, the Money Team was pitted against the Kittens. The Kittens managed to pull out the victory in a close game and took home the championship. Class sponsor, Mrs. Hyacinth, is hopeful that this will be a long-time Jag tradition in the future. Volume 14, Issue 4 Page 7 Foolish Not to Watch by Josiah Celestine & LJ Lemmers, Staff Writers PPCHS’s Drama department performed Fools by Neil Simon Thursday, April 9th and Friday, April 10th. The play was a comedy this year and had the audience was doubled over in laughter throughout the show. Fools is a comic fable set in the small village of Kulyenchikov during the late 19th century. The story is centered on Leon Steponovich Tolchinsky, a schoolteacher who takes a new job educating Sophia, the daughter of Doctor Zubritsky and his wife, Lenya. Leon figures out that there is a curse on the village making everyone in the village Photo Courtesy of Chat News stupid. However, problems occur when Leon falls in love with his pupil. The main cast of Fools included Eli Radosovich, Kevin Sage, Mike Marrero, Daniel Kan, Ryan Corona, Hayley O’Brien, Nick Berardino, Danielle Fallin, Franchesca Gonzalez, Gorkin and Matias de la Flor. The lead this year, Eli Radosevich said, “The drama class has put a lot of hard work into this play, and I think it will go well, and us actors will just be having fun doing what we love on stage. It’s going to be hard to top the Grease production that the school put on last year, but I think that this play will be very successful.” The drama departments choice of plays and musicals varies from year to year. Our Jags put their own twist on the story by changing lines and actions in a way they thought would help the play be as entertaining as possible. The drama teacher, Mrs. Kidd, told the CHAT, “This is the first time this play has been done at Charter but I have high expectations for the play. The advanced drama class has been the ones that have set up the play, both on and off the stage. They will be the ones working backstage to keep the play running smoothly, and they’ll be performing as well. This will be a great play and I hope to see everybody who has bought a ticket leave with a smile on their face.” When asked how the show went, one of the actors, Daniel Kan, said, “I think the show went very well, and we have to give credit to the students working behind the scenes for keeping the play running so smoothly.” All of the hard work put in by the Drama class made those two special nights memories to never forget. Congratulations to the Drama class for putting on a wonderful performance! High School Calendar Important Dates April 09 - Drama Production of Fools (7:00 PM, ROG) 10 - Drama Production of Fools (7:00 PM, ROG) 13 - Parent Advisory Meeting (6:00 PM, SW Library) 14 - Herff Jones Parent Night (5:00 PM, Cafeteria) 16 - Taste of Pines 24 - Relay for Life (8:00 PM, Walter C. Young Middle School) 25 - Grad Bash 2015 (3:00 PM, Universal Studios) 26 - Pill Box Pharmacies 5K Run/Walk 30 - Interim Reports Issued 22 - Senior Graduation 25 - No School June 01 - Final Exams (Periods 1 & 2) 02 - Final Exams (Periods 3 & 4) 03 - Final Exams (Periods 5 & 6) 04 - Last Day of School / Final Exams (Make-up only) 24 - Report Cards issued May 06 - Senior Awards (6:00 PM, ROG) 07 - Parent Graduation Meeting (6:00 PM, ROG) 11 - Parent Advisory Meeting (6:00 PM, SW Library) 12 - Band Concert (7:00 PM, ROG) 14 - Underclassmen Awards (6:30 PM, ROG) 15 - Band Banquet (6:30 PM, PPCHS Cafeteria) 16 - Senior Prom (6:00 PM, Westin Beach Resort) 21 - Senior Dinner (7:00 PM, PPCHS Cafeteria) Faculty Members Broaden Their Areas of Expertise All of our professional teachers are continuously upgrading their skills and developing increased levels on content expertise. We would like to recognize those teachers at Pembroke Pines Charter Schools at Academic Village Campus who are expanding their expertise beyond their current certification by pursuing college work and/or training sessions to become certified in another subject. While completing this work, they will be teaching those subjects to students. They have been approved by the School Board of Broward County to teach out of field. The following teachers are out of field for the 2014-2015 school year: Rafael Perdomo for Physics and Chantel Rubio for ESOL. Pe m b ro ke P in e s C h a r t e r S c h o o l s a t A c a d e m ic V i l l a g e C a m p u s Home of the Jags! 17189 Sheridan Street Pembroke Pines, FL 33331 School Website: hs.pinescharter.net Main Phone Line: 954.538.3700 Main Fax Line: 954.538.3715 Governing Board Members Frank Ortis, Mayor Iris A. Siple, Vice-Mayor Jay Schwartz, Commissioner Angelo Castillo, Commissioner Carl Schechter, Commissioner Devarn Flowers, Pines Charter School Liaison Charles F. Dodge, City Manager & Superintendent of Schools
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