April Newsletter - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

April 2015
Mark Your Calendar
April 11
Bible on Tap Men’s Ministry,
Pavilion Work Day
April 14
Young at Hearts bus trip to
Dahlonega (Note different day)
April 19
First Communion Class
(rescheduled from 3/15)
April 25
Lighthouse Yard Sale
May 17
Last day of Sunday School
Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church
Marietta, Georgia
Holy Week & Easter Schedule
March 28 - 5:30 PM
Holy Communion, Music led by the HT Praise Band
March 29 - 8:30 & 11:00 AM
Palm Sunday Procession outside, weather permitting,
Holy Communion, Music led by the Adult Choirs
April 2 - 7:30 PM
Holy Communion, Stripping of the Altar
April 3 - 8:00 PM
A Tenebrae Service with Jonathan Wright, violin, and
Matt Lyjak, timpani, joining the combined choirs
April 4 - 5:30 PM
Holy Communion, Music led by the Holy Trinity Praise Band
April 5 - 8:30 & 11:00 AM
Holy Communion, Music led by the Combined Adult Choirs
with Organ, Brass Quartet & Timpani.
Worship Schedule
Saturday Worship
5:30 PM
Sunday Worship
8:30 AM &
11:00 AM
9:15 AM
Sunday School for
All Ages 9:45 AM
Youth-Sponsored Easter Breakfast
Sunday, April 5th | 9:30 to 10:30 am | Upper Room
The youth will once again host Easter Breakfast. A freewill
offering will support sending our middle school youth to Confirmation Camp and our high school youth to the National Youth
Gathering. The Continental Breakfast menu will include:
Muffins, pastries, bagels, fruit, coffee & juice.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church: MONTHLY UPDATE
A Message from our Church Council President:
Holy Trinity Members,
As we enter the Easter season, let us remember what this season means to us. Jesus died for our sins so that we may live in
his grace all year long. Even though the kids are on spring break,
the church is hopping with activities. Our worship services have
been planned and are just waiting for you. Please choose your
service and attend. Let’s break tradition and increase our attendance this spring. We want all to hear the word of God and to
come to the table of the Lord. All are welcome.
Sabra Black
To meet the budgeted amount for each month we need: $95,105.00
To meet the budgeted amount for the total year we need: $1,141,257.00
Offerings given through the end of February totaled: $167,119.00
Year-to-date difference from 2015 budget: $ - 23,091.00
Percent difference from 2015 budget: - 12%
Thank you for the continued support of the ministries of Holy Trinity through your giving.
Worship & Christian Education Attendance through March 21-22
2/28 - 3/1
3/7 - 3/8
3/14 - 3/15
3/21 - 3/22
Attendance at
Weekday Services
Total 2 Svcs.
3/4 Wed Lent 2
3/11 Wed Lent 3
3/18 Wed Lent 4
Lighthouse Family Retreat
Two opportunities to support Holy Trinity members serving
on a Lighthouse Family Retreat Mission Trip this summer
Lighthouse Tree of Heroes
Come by our Ministry Station
any Saturday or Sunday, April
11th – 26th to check out our
Lighthouse Tree of Heroes.
We are asking you to commit to
praying and making a donation
in honor of one of our Lighthouse Heroes and their family.
11th Annual
Holy Trinity
Yard Sale
April 25th, 2014
8 am – 4 pm
Donations may be received:
Thursday & Friday,
April 23rd & 24th
9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Please help support Holy Trinity members serving on a Lighthouse Family Retreat in 2015. At Lighthouse, we serve families living through childhood cancer at seaside retreats to help them rest, restore
family relationships, experience joy and find hope in God. The retreats are free for the families; however the volunteers, called “Family Partners” have to pay their way and are encouraged to raise enough
money to help pay for the families attending. Our yard sale, along with a generous donation from
Thrivent Financial each year, has enabled many of our members to attend & has helped to cover the
cost of a few families each year. This year, Thrivent Financial’s donations are being offered in a new
way. If you are a Thrivent Member and would like to make a donation through Thrivent to help support
a family living through childhood cancer, please contact Julie or Alice at the numbers below for more
information on how you can help.
We hope you will grab a “Hero” from our tree in April and make a donation in their honor along with
committing to pray for them over the next year. We would love to receive any of your discarded
“treasures” (no large electronics, adult clothing or knives) on April 23rd or 24th for the yard sale and
then ask you to return on the 25th to shop, enjoy a cup of coffee and grab a tasty hotdog for lunch.
For more information or questions contact Julie Fesefeldt @ 678-469-9874 or by email julie@lighthousefamilyretreat.org or Alice Rohrbach @ 770-973-7205
Be Well Ministry
Healthy hors d’oeuvres, Take Two!
The wintery weather of February caused a rescheduling of the BE WELL
Healthy Cooking/Eating Event. The new date is Saturday, April 18th,
12pm-2pm in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll have a lively presentation by our
BE WELL Chefs and then will enjoy munching and visiting together.
Recipes will be provided so you can make these yummy treats at home.
Sign up at the BE WELL Ministry Station during the weeks before the
event. Come join us!
Pedometer Challenge! It’s that time again! Slip on your walking shoes and pedometer and join us for
the annual Pedometer Challenge! Beginning on April 18th, we’ll spend the next four weeks focusing on
increasing our movement as we count our steps. Don’t forget to sign up for this popular event at the
BE WELL Ministry Station and look for your “little walking person” to join the team on the wall in
Fellowship Hall!
Saturday Worship Update
Saturday Event
Save the date – May 2, 2015 at 7PM – for the 4th Annual Music Fest:
Southern Rockin’ BBQ. The Saturday praise band, and the men’s
ministry, Bible on Tap, are teaming up for Great music and Food!
Bring in the spring with a Southern Rock Concert from our Saturday Praise
band. Bring your lawn chair, sit back, listen and enjoy some outstanding
BBQ cooked and provided by our Men’s Ministry. Donations will support
Men’s ministry church van fund. Please sign up at our ministry stations
starting April 11/12 or via email at satpraise@holytrinity.org. RSVP deadline
May 2, 2015 at 7PM –
Southern Rockin’ BBQ
And, as always, join us every Saturday night at 5:30PM for a casual,
come-as-you-are Praise service. Reach Up, Reach Out, and Reach In!
SCRIP Program for April
April showers bring May flowers, and home improvement projects,
vacation plans, getting the lawn in shape, purchasing wedding gifts.
I’m tired already.
Stop by the wooden table or the Ministry Station in the Fellowship Hall and pick up
the eight (8) page catalog listing all the great retailers where you can purchase cards
for your use or as gifts.
There is a wide range of restaurants, both casual and fast food; cards for gas to
keep the vehicles running, lodging for planning that vacation get-away, and lists of
suppliers for lawn and garden retailers, along with home improvement retailers.
This is a win-win – purchasing retail/gift cards through SCRIP benefits both Social
Ministry and Saturday Worship, when they receive a percentage of your purchase,
and you get the full value of your card.
Holy Trinity’s
Stephen Ministry
YOU can play an important part in
Holy Trinity’s Stephen Ministry . . .
You may know of a friend, neighbor or
relative who is going through a difficult time who
could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister.
Please feel free to share the
contact information below.
The Envelope of the Month
April is:
“Habitat for Humanity”
Through the Lutheran Coalition for Habitat,
affordable housing is built in our community.
If you feel the need
for this kind of care,
call Sally McTish at
This envelope is dated April 4/5, but can be
used anytime during the month of April.
April 12
Sunday Worship In April
April 5
ELW Setting 1
with Combined Choirs,
Brass Quartet, Timpani
and Organ presenting
music by George
Simmons, Lynn Trapp,
Michael McCarthy,
Jeremy Bankson, and
Ludwig van Beethoven.
Holy Week Services:
April 2 - 7:30 PM
Holy Communion, Stripping of the Altar
Easter 2
Now the Feast and Celebration with the
offertory anthem for Choirs and Congregation
arranged by James Chepponis.
April 19
Easter 3
Liturgy for the Family of God with music
for choirs arranged by Hank Beebe.
April 26
Easter 4 ELW Setting 1 with music for
Handbells and Flute arranged by Alan Lohr,
Matt Compton, and Susan Nelson.
April 3 - 8:00 PM
A Tenebrae Service with Jonathan Wright, violin, and
Matt Lyjak, timpani, joining the combined choirs
Memorials & Gifts to Holy Trinity
Gifts to Sunday Music Ministry in Memory of Russ & Shirley Richards were received from:
Hans & JoAnn Schwantje
Faye Martin
Gifts to Sunday Music Ministry in Memory of Ruth Berkobin were received from:
Hans & JoAnn Schwantje
Faye Martin
A gift to Sunday Music Ministry in Memory of John Lundborg was received from: Hans & JoAnn Schwantje
A gift to Holy Trinity Social Ministry in Memory of Rita Wagner was received from: George & Gerda McCoy
A gift to Holy Trinity in Memory of Lou Ann Keel was received from: Frank & Teensy Weldon
A gift to Holy Trinity’s Organ fund in Memory of Emily Wickham was received from: Faye Martin
A gift to Holy Trinity’s Columbarium fund in Memory of their nephew, Vance Allen Keen, was received from:
Hans & JoAnn Schwantje
A gift to Holy Trinity in Memory of Dave Lyjak’s parents was received from: Scott & Annette Ranger
Gifts to Holy Trinity in Memory of Liz Meyers were received from:
Barry & Diana Hall
David Fricke
David & Margaret Anderson
Gifts to Holy Trinity’s Columbarium fund in Memory of Liz Meyers were received from:
The Monday School Ladies
Edna & Larry Murphy
Weegie Hoffman
Ada Junge
Young at Hearts - Final Two Events Til September
TUESDAY, April 14, 2015 ***Bus leaves at 9:00 A.M.
Cost: $20.00/$35 for married couple
Take a trip with us to historic Dahlonega where you can walk and shop “the square,” just one block from where we’ll
dine, family-style at the Smith House. Advanced reservations and payment (non-refundable) required. Check to
see if space is still available by contacting Marilyn Reardon, the YAH treasurer, (678-445-0157).
Monday, May 11, 2015
10:00 A.M.
Cost: $5.00
Experience Bible stories through balloon art by Pam Hough and then celebrate as YAH
continues to honor everyone’s Birthday with Arby’s roast beef sandwiches, chips, carrots with
ranch dip, and birthday cake. It’s party time! The TLC Circle will also provide a nice surprise
for our birthday guest… you!
HT Youth Update
Our youth gave us much to be proud of in the month of
March here at Holy Trinity. The High School youth
helped prepare an "experiential" Lenten service in which
there were several interactive stations, meditations and
prayer. And both High School and Middle School youth
spent 2 months rehearsing for "The Tale of Three Trees"
musical which was presented on March 25 and was just
wonderful! It is fantastic that our young people are an
integral part of our church community!
The youth also embraced the ELCA motto of "Gods
Work. Our Hands." by showing up in full force for our
Hunger Awareness weekend March 14 and 15. They shopped for and packed meals for 135 students for our
Blessings in a Backpack program, sorted clothing at MUST ministries and joined other members of Holy Trinity for
the 2015 Hunger Walk at Turner Field. Awesome!
In April Youth Ministries will once again be sponsoring the Easter Breakfast. This year we will be offering a continental breakfast of muffins, pastries, bagels and fruit. We hope to see you there! The High School youth are going on a
retreat in the beautiful mountains of Ellijay in April. It is sure to be spectacular! Happy Easter!
Children & Family Ministry Update
What a wonderful time of year! All around us the world is renewing itself; flowers and trees blooming, birds singing,
newborn lambs in a field I pass on my way to work. "Watch for God" is something we talk about with our children in
UpStreet . God's handiwork is evident everywhere we look. The world around us seems to be celebrating the amazing truth of Easter! Jesus is Alive! Praise his Holy name! I hope you and your children find time to "Watch for God"
this Spring. It's a memory worth making.
We will be offering our First Communion Class on April 19, 2015 from 1:30 - 3:00 P.M. This is an exciting class
for our children as they walk through the Bible and get an idea what it was like at the Last Supper. At least one parent must attend the class with their child. There is a minimum of 6 children required to have the class. There are no
age restrictions. Sunday, April 26, we will present the communicants with a certificate in the 11:00 service and there
will be a reception in their honor following that service.
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! June 8 - 12 with a Family Finale' on Saturday, June 13 during the 5:30 service. Please be in prayer about your part in this great week. We touch the lives of so many children
and their families with the truth of Jesus and His love. It is 5 days from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. Just 3 hours a day,
15 hours that week. It will make a difference in your life as well. Our theme this year is "Everest, Conquering
Challenges with God's Mighty Power." I'll be asking for donations of camping gear like you would use in the cold.
Also anything that looks like a cabin or lodge will be helpful as we prepare our sets. Sign up sheets for volunteers
will be available April 19 in the Children's Hallway and at a ministry station in the Fellowship Hall. It has
always been an amazing event and a great bonding time for the crew as well as the participants. Don't miss this opportunity to have fun, meet new friends and make a difference in the life of a child. We need you!!
Adult & Family Ministry Update
Our Adult classes are all having a great time. The Narrative Lectionary class meets in the library and discusses
the scripture that will be used in the sermon the following week. The discussion gives you a preview of the following
week’s sermon from scripture. Wired Word class meets in the Chapel and continues to address topics of interest
in the recent news from the a biblical perspective. These are interesting, thought-provoking discussions. Our Parenting Class meets in the Children's Hallway, Room 7. Different topics are presented on short videos and are discussed, as well as getting to know one another through discussions about your own family and the stages and situations that arise while raising a family. There is a knitting/crocheting group that has a ministry through the prayer
shawls they make. If you are interested in being part of this ministry it meets in room 6, every Sunday at 9:45 am,
and the second and fourth Tuesday at 6:30 pm. You are encouraged to come to any of these groups whenever you
can. Each week stands on its own, no preparation is required. You will feel welcome and included from the first time
you attend. Try them out this month. There is a place for you!
2015 Women of the ELCA
Redeeming Waters
SE Synod Theme:
Bible Verse, 1Peter 3: 21a
2015 Good News Cluster Meeting
Several women from Holy Trinity will be heading to the Good News Cluster meeting on the morning of Saturday,
April 25 at St. Luke Lutheran Church in McDonough. If you’d like to join them, please see a board member to make
the arrangements.
Fundraising Notes...
With some of the fundraising that was done in 2014, we have purchased several items to enhance our Upper Room
Kitchen. The next time you are up there check out the industrial can opener, several hand-crank can openers
(somehow can openers keep disappearing up there!?!), round table cloths, and some new dish towels.
Holy Trinity’s Rainbow Quilters… Need Flannel Sheets and/or Light-weight Blankets
Can you sew squares of fabric together? Then your skill is needed! Work at church during the quilting times or pick
up from church and work at your home. They also need donations of flannel sheets and/or light-weight blankets.
Rainbow Quilters meet twice per month, next on April 14 at 9am and April 27 at 7pm in Room 7/8 of the
Education Building. Or, call Jan Pomplun for more info at 404-422-5635.
Prayer Shawl Ministry- Now also meeting twice a month in the evening!
This group will now meet two evenings a month. Please join them on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:30
PM. They will meet in Room 6. Beginners and seasoned knitters and crochet-ers welcome! We will work on other
items in addition to the prayer shawls. Yarn and basic supplies will be furnished if needed. They will continue to
meet, as always, on Sundays, between services in Room 6. For Sunday info contact Lori Pullen or Jan Pomplun.
If you have any questions about the new evening classes, please contact Monica Bobek or Pam Stack.
Call to Convention - Southeast Synod Women of the ELCA
to Meet at St. Simons Island, Sept. 18-20
Theme: Redeeming Waters
Location: Epworth-by-the-Sea
Special Guests: SE Synod Bishop Julian Gordy and
Patti Austin, Church-wide WELCA President
Love Offering: Lutheran Services Ministries (Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee)
In-Kind Gifts: Heather House (gift cards) and Emmanuel Women’s Facility (hygiene kits)
Women of the ELCA Circles . . . Meet Every Month
Women of Holy Trinity are invited to visit and join our circles and to attend our activities and events
meet next on Monday, April 13, at
7:00 PM in the church library. For
more info, please call Joy Schill,
on Wednesday, April 15 at 7:00 PM
in EB 7/8. Contact Jan Pomplun for
more information at 404-422-5635.
will meet next on Tuesday, April 21,
at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
For more information please call
Annette Rhadans, 770-424-1957.
STUDY will meet next on April 15 at
10AM in the Library. Betty Morgans
will lead the Bible study. Contact
Marna Iverson for info at 770-9170823.
RAINBOW QUILTERS will meet on Tuesday, April 14th at 9AM and
Monday, April 27th at 7PM in Room 7-8 of the Education building.
Please contact Jan Pomplun for more information at 404-422-5635.
THE W-ELCA BOARD will meet next on Tuesday, April 7th at 7:00pm in Room 6.
Please contact Judy Blackwell, President, (770-971-9079),
or Jan Pomplun, Vice-president, (404-422-5635), for information.
Lutheran Coalition for Habitat for Humanity
We start our 25th Habitat home April 11th at 317 Village Chase in Woodstock and this year’s
homeowner is Lucy Orantes, a member of Timothy Lutheran Church in Woodstock! Information
and Sign Up to work or help with food available at the Habitat Ministry Table in the Fellowship Hall.
We will work Saturdays from 9am – 3pm. Our current assigned work schedule for Saturdays is:
April 11 First Nail and Framing
April 18 Second Floor System
June 13 Siding/Drywall
July 11 Paint
Aug 1 Landscape
There will also be work available on Wed/Th/Fri to prepare the site for the Saturday volunteers. Work time during
the week is 8am til 1 or 2pm (when finished). Provide email on the signup sheet on the Habitat Table to get on the
weekly email which will communicate work detail.
This year we are building with co-sponsors, ADP, Enercon and Goodman/OCI.
Questions – contact Charlene Yde at cbyde@yahoo.com or 770-928-9589.
The Auction opens for bidding April 13th 8AM and will run through April 25th.
The auction site is located at www.biddingforgood.com/lch and there are already great items to consider including:
Garden Services – Have Your Garden rototilled by Coalition Board Member
Collectibles such as a Derek Jeter autographed photograph
One night stay at the Hyatt Regency Savannah
7 Night Resort Vacation – Choose from over 1000 resorts within the US, Caribbean and over 30 countries!
Bask in the Glory of the French Riviera for 6 days, 5 nights at the 4 Star Fairmont Monte Carlo in a Suite for Two - Includes a $1K Fairmont Gift
Card for Tours!
The Jewel in Telluride’s Crown in Colorado – 4 days, 3 nights for up to 6 people in a 3 Bedroom Condo - And 5 MORE VACATION Packages!!!
New Items will be added as they are received. Check back often to see what's new or to donate an item. Our goal this year is to raise $5,000 to support our 2015 Build in Woodstock and we need your support! This is an exciting and fun way to help us build a home for a deserving family from
Timothy Lutheran Church and at the same time, have a chance to win cool items! Email Charlene Yde at cbyde@yahoo.com if you would like to be
placed on our Auction Email Update List.
Habitat for Humanity North Central Georgia
Habitat for Humanity NC Georgia seeks to put God’s love into action by providing a decent place to live for people in
need from all walks of life. Upcoming application meetings for potential Habitat homeowners follow:
April 12 Sunday 2:00PM
Roswell United Methodist Church Roswell
Applicants at this meeting may be assigned in any of the counties NCGA Habitat serves
Let’s Do Lunch Bunch
Would you like to dine where you can hear a waterfall in the distance and gaze at
beautiful flowers on a hill? Does that sound peaceful to you? Then please plan to
join us on April 9th at Weegie Hoffman's home...11:30 AM… and please come
hungry and ready for giggles. If you can "lunch" with us, call Weegie at
770-973-8033 by April 7th. We will hug you as you come through the door!
Fair Trade News
You may have heard in the news about the red rust infecting the
coffee plants. This is also hurting our “FAIR TRADE FARMERS.”
Equal Exchange (LWR supported program) is giving 10 cents per
pound of coffee we buy to help the farmers buy resilient red-cherry
coffee plants. Please buy your coffee from us. We now have
“K-CUPS”. French Roast, Love-Buzz, Decaf, Hazelnut and much
more! The more we buy the more we help!
Men’s Ministry - Work Day Set for Saturday, April 11
A work day is planned for Saturday, April 11th at 9:00AM
to finish the electrical work at the Pavilion. Lunch will follow at noon. All are invited to come find out what Bible
on Tap (BOT) is all about.
Looking ahead to May 2nd, we will be cooking BBQ on
the smoker in the Pavilion again for the Saturday Worship
event, the 4th Annual Music Fest: Southern Rockin’
BBQ. This is a fundraiser for the Holy Trinity Bus Fund.
The photo to the left captures the informative tour and
tasting BOT enjoyed at Reformation Brewery in Woodstock on Saturday, March 14 to celebrate our third
anniversary. Over $500 was raised for the Holy Trinity
Bus Fund.
Family Camping is Coming in May!
Family camping weekends are a long-running tradition at Holy Trinity.
Our Spring/Summer dates are May 29 - 31 at McKinney Campground
on Lake Allatoona. The campground is less than 20 miles from
church, offers well-shaded sites supporting both tent campers as well
as pop-ups, travel trailers and RV's. It is a fun weekend for the family
and a great church fellowship opportunity! If you're new to the church
and enjoy camping (or think you'd like to try it), if you're a "seasoned"
member that's thought about but never tried it, or if you'd just like to
visit for the day on Saturday (and maybe come to our church service
Sunday morning), then talk to Dave Lyjak: 770-578-4627,
dlyjak@gmail.com or Jeff Ragsdale: mariettarags@gmail.com
“Thank You’s” to Holy Trinity
Hunger Walk 2015
Thank you to all who came out to
walk/run with us this year. We had
a great time! A special thank you
to all who so generously donated
funds, and also to all who worked
so hard to raise funds to feed the
hungry in our community.
Thank you!
See you May 29 - 31 at McKinney
Campground on Lake Allatoona.
April 1
1997 - Mark & Lea Bessey
1988 - Andy Totin & LaRetta Tubbs
April 3
1972 - David & Sherrill McGraw
1982 - Michael & Linda Medrow
1983 - John & Mary Stuetzer
April 6
1987 - Jan & Beth Gijlstra
April 10
1999 - Jose & Paula Garcia
1993 - Alan & Rene Machen
1999 - John & Linda Vogt
April 13
1968 - John & Kitza Muhlhausen
April 18
1959 - Bert & Stella Blenner
1998 - Mike & Bonnie Garrett
2011 - Bob & Norma Houck
April 20
1991 - Steve & Johanna Aikala
2002 - Jeff & Stacey Schutte
April 23
1976 - Phil & Gail Torchio
April 25
1980 - Elaine & Phillip Carlton
35 years
1981 - Joel & Kathy Phillips
April 26
1958 - Gerald & Dolores Oberholtzer
1975 - Steve & Linda Topp
40 years
April 28
1972 - Pala & Beverly Balasubramanian
2001 - Jeff & Maria Ragsdale
April 29
2000 - Bill & Paige Hilton
15 years
2000 - Jamie & Andrew Knowles
15 years
1979 - Gene & Karen Peisel
Member Milestones
April 1
Bob Bitter
Jessica Krueger
Lori Pullen
Jeff Yunek
April 2
Michelle Barton
Jonas Bjork
Zoe Buffington
Neal Fesefeldt
Richard Hoeckendorf
April 3
Mia Erdmann
Jonathan Vincenty
April 4
Maia Aguirre
Joey Hays
April 5
Lindsay Killebrew
Taylor Wayne
April 6
Emily Stewart Dodgen
Audrey Gijlstra
Jorden Reddick
Bonnie Stricker
April 7
Hannah Nemeck
Chris Nichols
Ramona Tate
Dave Tester
Lisa Watson - Hill
April 8
Mya Borysiak
Courtney Ellis
Mirna Lee
Jack Schwartz
Nick Vincenty
Jack Vogt
Knox Whitehouse
April 10
Bob Haggemeyer
Gaye Markham
Michael Nizzi
April 11
Ellen Gros
Mitchell Lee
April 12
Leigh Fish
Jessica Gembinski
Dorothy Graham
Lance LoRusso
Amanda Michno
Bryan Paulo
April 13
Evan Ballenger
Paula Bode
Katie Lee
Kelly Teem
April 14
Katie Aikala
Mike Bode
Cynthia Byrer
Vivienne Colgin
Jennie Harper
Emily Jones
April 15
Terry Nelson
Karen Stephan
April 16
Sigi Barringer
John Einertson
Katie Mathis
Ryan Vogt
April 17
Alison Lionberger
Drew Sechrest
April 18
Melissa Cosler
Pam Patterson
Paulette Rader
Kelly Tester Saeli
April 19
Bonnie Lantz
April 20
Robin Brown
Betty Lovich
Steve Provost
Kristin Storla
Claire Stroup
John Stuetzer
April 21
Caitlin O’Grady
April 22
Tom Ballantine
Carolyn Einertson
Tiffany Eyrich
Mike Heinzer
Larry Stoffer
April 23
Claire Cicero
Amanda Harris
Kari Jorgensen
Christian Lodde
April 24
Sue Crenshaw
Sarah Fish
Dan Formato
Allison Green
Kayla Hazlett
Scot Jenkins
Jamie Klucsarits
Parker Roush
Spencer Roush
Ron Thompson
April 25
Michael Diederich
Stephen Schneider
Ginny St. Onge
April 26
Halle Cutrone
Bob Manly
April 27
Norah Howard
James Mickler
Chris Pellizzi
April 28
Cathy Ballantine
Marcia Heinzer
April 29
Joanne Patterson
Lara Roenitz
Carl Teem
Linda Topp
Drew Turnbeaugh
April 30
Lauren Benefield
Joel Phillips
Emma Saeli
Holy Trinity Staff
The Rev. Ronald C. Grunke,
Senior Pastor - ext. 106
Chas Childers,
Saturday Praise Service Leader - ext. 140
Gaye Markham, Director,
Children, Adult & Family Ministry - ext. 104
Becky Pappalardo,
The Rev. Beth Birkholz,
Associate Pastor - ext. 107
Margaret Hulsey,
Church Administrator - ext. 105
Administrator for Confirmation & Youth – ext. 103
Anne H. Murphy,
Director, Music Ministry - ext. 114
Timothy A. Young,
Assoc. Director, Music Ministry; Organist - ext.113
Nicole Winkler,
Office Manager - ext. 101
Juanita Jones,
Bookkeeper - ext. 102
2015 Council Officers & Leaders
2015 Council Officers
President: Sabra Black
Phone: 770-975-1173
E-mail: swimmomblack@yahoo.com
Financial Secretary: Karen Lind
Phone: 770-594-7369
E-mail: karenlind23@hotmail.com
Vice President: Connor Kuba
Phone: 678-787-8835
E-mail: ckuba@teksystems.com
Debbie Benson
Phone: 678-585-0194
E-mail: bensons@bellsouth.net
Secretary: Amanda Harris
Phone: 678-522-2513
E-mail: blakeandamandaharrisfamily
Darlene Clott
Phone: 770-924-9003
E-mail: clottd@gmail.com
Council & Committee Leaders
Adult & Family Ministry Committees
Chair Rick Nemeck
Phone: 770-517-2078
E-mail: ranemeck@bellsouth.net
Personnel Committee
Chair Bill Van Buskirk
Phone: 770-794-9394
E-mail: billvanbuskirk10@aol.com
Stewardship Committee
Chair David Fricke
Phone: 678-795-0019
E-mail: dfricke5@bellsouth.net
Children & Family Ministry and
Chair Jeff Ragsdale
Phone: 678-581-0053
E-mail: mariettarags@gmail.com
Property Management Committee
Chair Tim Culbreth
Phone: 770-977-2747
E-mail: timculbr@mindspring.com
Sunday Worship Committee
Chair Dave Lyjak
Phone: 770-578-4627
E-mail: dlyjak@gmail.com
Communication - Church Council
Social Ministry Committee
Chair Mirna Lee
Phone: 770-456-5748
E-mail: m2zekic@yahoo.com
Youth and Family Ministry Committee
Chair Karen Stephan
Phone: 678-525-7857
E-mail: karen.stephan62@yahoo.com
Saturday Worship Committee
Chair Vickie Crean
Phone: 770-974-6873
E-mail: florallovervlc@gmail.com
Youth Representatives
Amanda Asprino-Thompson
Phone: 770-579-1682
E-mail: amanda.asprino@gmail.com
Evangelism/Participation Committee
Chair Richard Radke
Phone: 770-642-6439
E-mail: radke52@bellsouth.net
Financial Management Committee
Chair Bill Hetherington
Phone: 770-565-5863
E-mail: bhetherington3300@att.net
Carter Crenshaw
Phone: 678-560-8704
E-mail: cartercrenshaw26@gmail.com
Non-Profit Org
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Marietta, GA
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Marietta, GA 30066
Phone: 770-971-4600
Fax: 770-971-3816
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Lutheran Church
In America
SE Synod
The Trumpet
April 2015
Holy Week Schedule
March 28, 2015 - 5:30 PM
Holy Communion, Music led by the HT Praise Band
March 29, 2015 - 8:30 & 11:00 AM
Palm Sunday Procession outside, weather permitting,
Holy Communion, Music led by the Adult Choirs
April 2, 2015 - 7:30 PM
Holy Communion, Stripping of the Altar
April 3, 2015 - 8:00 PM
A Tenebrae Service with Jonathan Wright, violin,
and Matt Lyjak, timpani, joining the combined choirs