March 2015 - Hugh Boyd Secondary School

Hugh Boyd Secondary
Parent Newsletter
B. Raynor
I. Lancaster
Vice- Principal
M. Timmins
Kathyrn D’Angelo
S. Nixon
School Trustee
Hugh Boyd Secondary
9200 No. 1 Road
Richmond, B.C.,
Canada V7E 6L5
(604) 668-6615
(604) 668-7813
(604) 668-6569
March, 2015
Our Mission Statement
Hugh Boyd develops compassionate and respectful young adults who are
well-balanced, principled inquirers with an understanding of their
responsibilities within society and as global citizens. Students balance
academic excellence with attributes that allow them to realize their potential
as whole learners in a dynamic and complex world.
Principal’s Message
After Spring Break there will be only twelve weeks of regular classes left, so to
ensure a strong finish to the 2014-15 school year, we encourage students to
remain focused on their studies. The pace of the school year seems to increase
now, as we are completing course work and getting ready for yearend exams.
We are very excited about our second MYP Personal Project Exhibition on
May 7. Grade 10 students have been working hard on their projects that are
required for the IB Middle Years Program completion.
Grade 8 Football starts after Spring Break and are all looking forward to
the Spring Drama Production “The Secret in the Wings” starting on April 28 th.
Thursday, June 18th is the last day of regular classes. School exams will
happen in classes before June 19th. Provincial exams run from June 19-24. Please
refer to your Hugh Boyd Calendar for exact dates.
The Grad Boat Cruise is scheduled for April 16th. Graduation is not very far
away and there is a great deal to organize for June 6th. Grad gowns will be
ordered right after Spring Break and we will be asking parents to write Valedictory
Have a wonderful Spring Break!
Important Dates
2016 (next year)
March 2015
March 16-27
March 30
The following dates have been
approved for Spring Break - 2016:
Last day of School
Spring Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
March 10
March 11-28
March 25
March 28
Spring Break
Return to school after Spring Break
April 2015
April 2
April 3
April 6
April 9
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 20
April 28-May 8
Team Time Early Dismissal, 12:49pm
Good Friday, no school in session
Easter Monday, no school in session
PAC meeting, 7 pm
Collaboration Day, start at 9:40am
Grad Boat Cruise
PRO D Day, no school in session
4 quarter begins, new period rotation
Spring Drama Production
Hugh Boyd’s Drama presents….
Join us on April 28th-May 8th for a production of “The Secret in the Wings” by Mary
Zimmerman, a collection of obscure Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
24 Without is fast approaching!
On April 16th and 17th students will go twenty-four hours without food, electronics and makeup to simulate the effects of hunger and to show support for the community of Refilwe in
South Africa.
This is the seventh year that our school has been taking part in this event. In that time,
we’ve raised close to $20,000 that has gone towards building orphanages, funding a
community kitchen and helping to ensure that students can attend school.
1. This year, the planning committee is planning a “Hunger Games” inspired event that
is sure to be fun and educational.
Make sure to contact Mr. Aura if you’re interested in signing up or donating to the cause.
Pigskin News
As t he of f icial beginning of Spring approaches, a young
Trojan' s mind nat urally t urns t o t hought s of .............
f oot ball, of course! Once again, t he grade 8 boys will
part icipat e in an ' Inst ruct ional' Spring League which
includes t hree t eams f rom t he Nort h Shore, and one f rom
Vancouver. The boys have drawn gear in ant icipat ion of a
f ull st art -up af t er t he Spring Break. They will pract ice f or
a couple of weeks, and t hen t ake part in a Jamboree on
April 1 0 at Carson Graham Secondary ( Nort h Vancouver) .
They will play a game on April 2 3 at Carson Graham, a
home game April 3 0 vs West Van, and f inish up on May 7
wit h anot her home game vs Sent inel ( West Vancouver) .
Af t er t his, t hey will essent ially be Junior players, and will
part icipat e in t he annual Spring Camps ( Junior and Senior)
which consist s of 1 0 pract ices in lat e May -early April. This
camp is used as preparat ion f or t he upcoming Fall season.
The meet ings t hat have been held so f ar in regards t o
Grade 8 f oot ball have shown a very eager and ent husiast ic
group of boys who are ready t o carry on t he proud
t radit ion of Hugh Boyd Foot ball.
"Once a Trojan, Always a Trojan"
Graduation Transition
We now have only 1/2 of our grade 12's
eligible to graduate as a result of completing
their graduation transition portfolio. Please
check with your son or daughter and
encourage them to complete everything as
soon as possible. Necessary forms may be
obtained from Ms. Raynor.
Scholarship Donations
A very special thank you to all
parents who have contributed to the
grade 12 scholarship fund.
A reminder to parents and friends
of Hugh Boyd students that we are
still accepting donations.
Donations of $50 or more will be
issued a receipt for tax purposes.
Ms Jones Post-Secondary Info:
Ms Jones Scholarship Link:
It’s not too late to apply to a college or university but students should be finalizing their applications. (Most
BC University application deadlines have passed). Be sure to check admission, scholarships, housing and
document deadlines - dates vary.
Already Applied? Please check your emails regularly for university/college responses regarding important updates, how to accept an offer or missing information.
Post-Secondary Choices Form (PSI) is now open. Students should be in the process of, or already
completed their on-line PSI Choices Form: This form allows the ministry to release important grade
information to the institutions they’ve applied to:
Mar 2-27 - UVic Student for a Day Spring Break visit program - For UVic applicants and their families. Preregister at
Mar 20 - 'I Can Fly' Vancouver Program Application DeadlineOffers Gr 11 high school students the opportunity learn more about a career in commercial aviation:
Mar 28 - (Saturday 9 am - 3:30 pm) UBC Engineering Explorations for Grade 10 Girls:
Mar 31 - Coast Capital Savings Youth Team - Work for Coast Capital for one year, part-time during the school
year and full-time in the summer. Paid position for ambitious students in Gr 10 and 11:
Apr 9- Kwantlen Polytechnic University "Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarships & General Awards"
Apr 18 (2-4 pm) - Visual Effects, Animation, Game Development & Education Career Fair. At the Vancouver
Convention Centre, West Building. Registration is free at the door:
Important Dates:
Feb 28/15Feb 28/15 –
Mar 1/15 –
Mar 15/15 Mar 15/15 –
Mar 31/15 –
Apr 7/15 –
Apr 30/15 –
Apr 30/15 –
Early admission deadline for SFU & UVic
SFU Beedie School of Business application deadline
Deadline to apply to Kwantlen’s Limited Enrollment Programs
SFU Beedie School of Business Deadline to self-report grades
UBC deadline to submit English Admission Standard
UVic self-reporting closes
UBC self-reporting portal closes
2nd deadline for Richmond Dist. Apprenticeship (Ace-It) Programs
SFU regular admission deadline and self-reporting portal closes
The Career Center at Hugh Boyd Secondary is open Mon 8-3, Wed. 8-11:30 and Thurs 8-3 to answer
any questions or provide assistance regarding post-secondary entry.
MYP service hours
are due as soon as
possible to your
IB Middle Years Programme
St udent s have now received t heir t erm 2 report cards,
which includes t heir f irst MYP report card.
The Parent Meet ing on March 1 2 t h at 5 :3 0 pm clarif ied
t he assessment process and scores f or t his report . If you
were unable t o make t his meet ing, please not e t hat
subject rubrics can also be f ound on t he school websit e.
If parent s have any quest ions about t he MYP report ing
process or t heir son/ daught er' s progress t hus f ar, t hey
are encouraged t o cont act t he classroom t eacher( s) .
Ms. H. Dhanoa
Ms. K. Matson
Hugh Boyd Music Dept.
Musical News….
March 2015
Congratulations and a big thanks to all the Boyd musicians for their
excellent performances at the district Jazz Nite on Friday February
27th. Thank you to all the family members who attended the concert
and cheered on the Boyd bands. Miss Lee, our UBC student
teacher, did a fantastic job in her first ever concert as a conductor.
Well done, Miss Lee!
An overnight trip to Victoria proved to be a bit too expensive so,
instead, we are planning a one-day performance tour of Richmond
elementary schools on Thursday April 23rd. Our itinerary is in the
planning stages but we hope to perform at two schools in the
morning, have lunch at a park (weather permitting, of course) and
finish the “tour” with a performance at The Museum of Vancouver as
part of the Wild About Vancouver (WAV) Outdoor Education Festival.
Stay tuned for more information.
On Wednesday May 13th Hugh Boyd will host a concert at the
Gateway Theatre as part of the Music In Our Schools series. The
bands, the choir, the jazz combo, and a drum ensemble will perform
along with bands from a number of our local elementary schools,
including: Steves, Deifenbaker, Maple Lane, and Homma. The
concert will start at 7PM and tickets will be $8 each. Tickets will be
available through the music department, through the Gateway Box
Office, and online. More specific information regarding this event will
be distributed to students in April.
Thank you for your support of Hugh Boyd’s musicians!
Mr. K Naso
We’ve been busy in Incentive and Interact, and will continue to be busy!
This year, for the second time in three years, Hugh Boyd Incentive has won the Rotary International Video
Competition with the theme “Our Best Day in Interact.” This is a delight, and a bit of a comeback after last year’s
strong placing as first runner up. The winning video can be found at
In addition to this, Mr. Yong once again helmed a veritable showcase of important personages through the
Incentive 8 “Night of the Notables” performance on March 10th. A combination of information displays and incharacter presentations allowed students to explore people who have made a profound impact on the world
they live in. Grade 10’s helped with set-up and 9’s with the intermission, making this a truly team effort.
As well, around a 100 students participated in Skills Canada at Aberdeen Centre on March 5 . Led by the
illustrious Mr. Park, Science 8 students competed with gravity cars and Science 9’s with spaghetti bridges.
Several older students participated in other competitions such as video production and public speaking. Several
students are moving on to the Provincial Levels of competition.
Finally, the Incentive 10 class is gearing up for another 24 Without on April 16 , 2015. Students will once again
give up the luxuries of life such as electronics, cosmetics and even food in order to fundraise for the Refilwe
project in South Africa. Students are currently planning a variety of activities for the sleepover on the 16 .
This is the seventh year of raising funds that are used directly in Refilwe for such projects as an orphanage, a
community kitchen, and various educational endeavours. This year we are sending a large contingent of
current and former students to work on upcoming Rotary projects in Refilwe.
Hugh Boyd Hair Design
Customer Service April Hours
Apr. 7, 28
Apr. 13, 22
Apr. 14
Apr. 23, 29
Call (604) 718-4013 for an appointment
Professional products available for purchase
The lunch program at
Hugh Boyd needs
volunteers urgently
(parents or students).
The healthy vegetable
program for our students
needs only one hour of
your time on Mondays from
7:15am to 8:15am or any
other time on Mondays that
would be convenient for
If you can help, please
contact the office, Ms.
Doyle or Ms. Rahemtulla.
Tommy’s Cafe
Tommy' s Caf e, Hugh Boyd' s business vent ure, organized and st af f ed by t he Ent repreneurship
class, and support ed by t he Market ing class, is now open f or it s t hird season.
Tommy’s will be support ed by live music on most Fridays.
The shop sells hot drinks, and f reshly baked goods. Crepes are available on Wednesdays, and
smoot hies on Fridays.
The caf e is open Tuesday t hru Friday each week, f rom 7 :4 0 am - 8 :2 0 am. If you are at or near
t he school during t hese t imes f eel f ree t o st op in f or some Trojan Pride - f riendly business st yle.
" Iiiiiiiit ' s Tommy' s"