Hull United Youth Soccer 2015/16 Registration Deadlines - Organization of Volunteers NEW DEADLINE for Travel Registrations: It may strike you as odd that we’re talking registrations just as the spring season gets underway, but the months from here through September are actually some of the busiest for the HUYS Board of Directors. In an effort to more effectively manage our obligations relative to equipment, roster, coaching, player evaluations, and league payment requirements, and in line with other town travel programs, we have moved up our registration deadlines for the coming season: Registration Deadline: Saturday June 20nd Early Bird Discount: Registrations received by Saturday June 6th will save $40 per travel player Please take advantage of the registration forms attached to this flyer, or go Thank You! HUYS IS ONLY AS STRONG AS ITS VOLUNTEERS This program relies on volunteers to make EVERYTHING happen, from administering the program off the field to coaching players on the field. As the saying goes, many hands make the work lighter, and without ONGOING, ACTIVE PARTICIPATION FROM PARENTS LIKE YOU, we cannot run effective in-town and travel programs. In particular we would like to ensure that we have parental participation representing elements of both our in-town program and travel program through coaching, support, and board level positions. NOTE: The In-Town Program will end this spring without a new volunteer to assist as in-town coordinator for the coming fall program Contact Greg Whelan at , Kerrie Ryan at, or any board member through if you have questions, want information, or would like to sit in on a board meeting or two . Thank You for your ongoing participation and support! Hull United Youth Soccer Board of Directors
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