COURSE SYLLABUS CRD 176: “Comparative Race & Ethnicity” Spring Quarter, 2015 Days/Times: TTR 8am 9:50am Location: Wellman 119 Instructor: Jean-Yves Merilus Office: 2331 Hart Hall E-mail: Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 2:00pm-3:00pm Course Description & Learning Objectives This course is designed to introduce students to the social, cultural, and economic dimension of ethnicity and race relation, both nationally and internationally. We study the main sociological frameworks and concepts in race, ethnicity, gender, and community relation. Geographically, we focus on Latin America, the Caribbean, the United States and Europe. The course will explore racial and ethnic relation vis a vis issues of social inequality, economic globalization and international migration. The objective is to help student understand how race and ethnic relations have been produced and reproduced within particular spatial, historical, political and economic context. Required texts Edwidge Danticat, 1998. The Farming of Bones. Soho Press. ISBN-10: 1616953497 Caitlin Killian. 2006, North African Women in France –Gender, Culture, and Identity. Stanford : Stanford University Press , Paperback, ISBN : 0847-5421-7. Andrew Geddes. 2003. The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe. Sage Publications. Paperback, ISBN: 0761956697. Guene, Faiza, 2006, Kiffe, Kiffe Tomorrow. Orlando: Harcourt. ISBN:0-15-603048-9 Also required: Selected Readings (SR) as assigned by instructor. All books are for sale at the Campus Book Store Assignments and Course Grading The overall course grade is based on the number of points earned on submitted assignments. There is no extra credit assignment. Your final grade is based on the following: Reaction Paper Midterm Exam Final Exam Attendance and Participation 5 points each 25 points 25 points 45 points 20 points 25 points 10 Point Late Paper/Missed Exam Policy The reaction paper will be due on Mondays at 11:59 pm on SmartSite. There will be no extensions of due dates of any assignment unless, of course, you are ill. A doctor’s note is required as proof of an illness on the date in question. You will receive a zero for unverified absences and missed assignment. There will be no makeup exams unless you are ill and you provide a doctor’s note. Also note, computer related problem is not a valid excuse for missing an assignment, especially if you choose to wait the last minute to submit it. Be aware of the increase traffic on smartsite during last minute submission. This is a tentative Course Schedule. It is subject to change at instructor’s discretion) Topic Readings DATE Tuesday, March 31 Thursday, April 2 Introduction: racial ethnic relations, basic concepts The Historical and social construction of Race and ethnicity Winant, 2000 Howard, 2000 Video: Race: The Power of an Illusion United States: Tuesday, April 7 Race and Ethnic Relation in America I: The Case of English America Video Thursday, April 9 Race and Ethnic Relation in America II: The Case of Irish and Italian American Tuesday, April 14 Marger, 2006 Warren & Twine, 1997 Barrett and Roediger 2005 Race and Ethnic Relation in America III: The Case of Black Winant_2014 Americans Thursday, April 16 Race and Ethnic Relation in America IV: The Case of Latino American Video Tuesday, April 21 Latin America Black in Latin America: Brazil, Mexico & Peru Frazier, 2010: Race, ethnicity and place… Canache et al._2014 Wade, 2008 Thursday, April 23 Black in Latin America: Haiti, DR & Cuba Wade, 2001 Tuesday, April 28 Danticat The DR and Haiti I Thursday, April 30 The DR and Haiti II Torres-Saillant, 2014: Introduction to Dominican Blackness Midterm Paper Assignment Distributed/Release Tuesday, May 5 Globalization, Migration, racial and ethnic formation I Castel, 2002 Thursday, May 7 Globalization, Migration, racial and ethnic formation II Geddes 2013, Chapter 16. Europe: Tuesday, May 12 Migration and racial and ethnic formation, Europe Geddes (chs. 1, 2, 3) Thursday, May 14 State Responses to Migration, Europe Geddes (6, 7, 8) Tuesday, May 19 Ethnicity, Gender, and the French Republic I Killian (chs. 1, 2) Thursday, May 21 Ethnicity, Gender, and the French Republic II Killian (chs. 3-6) Tuesday, May 26 Globalization, Gender, Ethnicity, and Care work I Thursday, May 28 Globalization, Gender, Ethnicity, and Care work II International Labor Organization, 2008 Misra et al. 2006 Discuss Final Exam Tuesday, June 2 Thursday, June 4 Monday, June 8 Carlos Becerra Research Presentation Instruction Ends. Bring up any questions about the class, final. Final Exam 5pm on Smartsite
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