Human Rights & Equalities Charnwood Newsletter April 2015 Problem Over the winter our central heating boiler gradually gave up the ghost leaving us shivering and mopping up water leaks and substantial damage. Problem solved We applied to the Helen Jean Cope Trust for the cost of replacing the boiler and we are pleased to say we have been successful!! Towards the end of April a combination boiler will be installed and from next winter we should be as warm as toast and be more energy efficient. Our sincere thanks go to the Helen Jean Cope Trust. Also we have put in an insurance claim for the water damage. Fund raising Because of our shrinking finances the trustees have decided to make a concerted effort to raise funds during 2015/16. We are kicking this off with a “Challenge Week” from 6th to the 14th June. We are planning to have several events during the week and so far we have organised: Saturday 6th June 5pm to 9pm – join us for a Bollywood evening at the Salvation Army Church & Community Centre, Burleigh Road, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3BA (corner of Ashby Road/Radmoor Road) where we will be showing the Bollywood film P.K. This is about a stranger's childlike curiosity and world-view, challenges people's long-held notions, making friends of some and foes of others. The film will be followed by a short discussion. This is a free event but all donations gratefully accepted. 7th Shaw, our Treasurer, is doing a sponsored bike ride and hopes to cover 46 miles (one for each year of our existence) – there are sponsorship forms available from the office. Please sponsor him generously and encourage your friends and families to do so. This will also be on our Facebook page. Sunday June Trevor Monday 8th June – Please join us for a networking meal. We are hoping that friends, members, staff and colleagues from partner agencies will be joining us for a meal at Cinnamon Restaurant, Lansdowne Drive, Loughborough (at the roundabout near the big Tesco). This will be a great opportunity to come together for a meal and build contacts. The meal will cost £15 (choice of starters, 4 main dishes, naan, rice). Saturday 13th June – we are having a stall at Picnic in the Park (a Charnwood Arts event). We are asking for any unwanted gifts to sell. We need some volunteers to staff the stall during the day for short sessions. Any offers welcome. If you would like to do any fundraising for us or have any ideas we would be delighted to hear from you. Membership renewal April 2015—March 2016 We have already sent out renewal and declaration papers for renewing your individual or organisation membership. We are very grateful for those who have acted very promptly and returned them and urge those who haven’t to please do so. For individuals we have sent out the gift aid forms so please do fill these up and return to us if appropriate. Forms are also available online on our website. We have kept the membership fee the same as last year, £10 for individuals and £20 for organisations but welcome any donations. And don’t forget to send in your Gift Aid forms! Training With the introduction of the Equality Act 2010 it is vital that organisations have an understanding and awareness of the needs of diverse communities. Compliance with the Act will help ensure that you are treating your service users and staff with respect and understanding and that you plan your services accordingly. Services and employment policies are required to be fair and equitable and not unintentionally biased or give offence thereby helping to protect you from any legal challenges . We can offer training on a range of equality topics tailored to your needs. Please tell us if you have any other specific training requirements. We can offer the training at a venue of your choice. Details can be found on our website, under the training section or call the office to discuss your needs. Our projects Our Chances For All project has successfully delivered it’s 2nd year and is meeting its targets. A full report on the year’s work and achievements will be in our annual report. From our work with the women, they identified the need for a similar project working with men, particularly of South Asian background in Loughborough. With support from local South Asian men we applied to the Big Lottery Fund for a 5 year project. We are pleased to say we have been successful in stage 1 and been invited to submit a stage 2 application. We have delivered 4 months of debt and money management advice on behalf of Charnwood Borough Council (December 2014 to end of March 2015). This dealt with around 300 queries and issues and also we were able to raise the awareness of Clockwise credit union. We would like to thank all our members and funders who help us deliver our work. At present our ex-caseworkers are kindly doing 1 day a week voluntary work to help meet the ever continuing clients needs. We would like to thank them for their dedication and generosity. Dates for your diaries Our Annual Public Lecture This year’s Lecture will take place on Thursday 11th June 2015 at 7.30pm (prompt start) at the Clyde Williams Room, Loughborough University, Ashby Road, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3TU Our Guest Speaker will be the Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP. Further details will be sent out nearer the time. This is a free and open event and everyone is welcome. We would like to thank the Vice Chancellor and Loughborough University for their kind support and invitation to the campus. Picnic in the Park Saturday 13th June 2015, Queens Park, Loughborough Contact Charnwood Arts for further information on Email: Our Annual General Meeting Our AGM will be held on Wednesday 8 July 2015 at 7pm for 7.30pm start at John Storer House, Wards End, Loughborough. Papers and further details will be sent out nearer the time. Loughborough Council of Faiths Annual General Meeting Wednesday 22nd July 2015 John Storer House, Wards End, Loughborough, Leics LE11 4HA. From 7.30pm to 9pm Loughborough Mela Sunday 16th August 2015 - Please email the Mela Co-ordinator if you wish to get involved or have a stall at the Mela on Our Contact Details (please note our shorter email and web address Human Rights & Equalities Charnwood 66 Nottingham Road Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 1PB Tel (01509) 261651, Fax (01509) 267826 Email: Website: Registered Charity Number: 1088411 Companies House No. 4198889 We would like to thank all our funders for the generous grants that enable us to continue with our work
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