2015 registration form NOW!

2015 Humboldt Crabs Baseball Camps
Weekly camp fees
For only $90 per camp session your child will enjoy
a full week with the best baseball players in
Humboldt County. Your child will learn from both
Crabs coaches and players and will also receive a
Humboldt Crabs Camp T-shirt, one youth Crabs Pass
to ALL Crabs home games and a 10-game strip of
tickets (a $65 value, one 10-game strip per family).
Three-day camps for beginners ages 6-8
These camps, in Arcata on June 22-24 and in Eureka
and Fortuna on July 6-8, are only $30 per session.
Youth Baseball Camps
for Boys and Girls
Various youth camps for children from ages 8
to 14 start at 9am and run until 1pm at various little
league fields and ballparks in Arcata,
Eureka, Fortuna and McKinleyville. Camp dates occur
in the months of June & July when the Humboldt
Crabs baseball players and coaches are in town.
Camp dates and fields are subject to change due to
the amount of sign ups. Each youth camp will be
limited to the first 90 registered.
Advanced camp for ages 12-14
This camp, in Arcata on July 13-17, is for serious
players who want help with their batting, pitching, or
other skills they feel need improvement.
Discounts for additional camps & family members
• Second child for youth camp: $75 per session
• Any other additional youths: $65 per session
• Additional camps by same camper: $70 per session
Please complete a separate form for each additional child. All forms
must be submitted at the same time in order to take advantage of the
discounted family fee rates. Early registration is encouraged!
The Camp Program
Each camp begins with a welcome and hands on
involvement by Crabs Manager Tyson Fisher. During
the week, Crabs Coach Eric Giacone will direct his their
squad of instructors — an assistant coach and several
players hand-picked from the Crabs roster for their
baseball skills and their ability to work well with kids.
What is covered
Crabs instructors will teach your child baseball
offensive skills including hitting, bunting, and base
running as well as all the defensive positions. Campers
will have the opportunity to practice, play and improve
skills at the position of their choice.
What campers need to bring
Campers need to bring a sack lunch each day,
appropriate dress for the weather, baseball glove
and any other appropriate sports gear. Please mark
all clothing and gear with camper’s name and
phone number on the items in case of loss.
Humboldt Crabs Baseball, Inc.
www.humboldtcrabs.com | Established in 1945
Humboldt Crabs Baseball is a non-profit, community organization, 501 (c) (4).
All proceeds from the Camps go toward continued funding of this organization.
We thank you for your continued support!
2015 Humboldt Crabs Baseball
Camp Registration
Check the camp dates in which your child will attend: Early Registation encouraged!
Weekly Camp Dates for ages 8 to 14: $90 Fee
June 15–19: McKinleyville (Hiller Park) Hours: 9am–1pm
June 15–19: Arcata (Little League Field) Hours: 9am–1pm
July 6-10: Eureka (Redwood Fields) Hours: 9am–1pm
July 6-10: Fortuna (Newburg Park) Hours: 9am–1pm
Advanced Camp for ages 12 to 14 only: $90 Fee
July 13–17: Arcata (Little League Field) Hours: 9am–12pm
Three-Day Camps for ages 6 to 8: $30 Fee
June 22-24: ARCATA (Little League Field) Hours: 9am–12pm
July 6-8: EUREKA (Redwood Fields) Hours: 9am–12pm
July 6-8: Fortuna (Newburg Park) Hours: 9am–12pm
(Dates subject to change if there are not enough kids signed up)
Child’s Full Name: __________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: _______________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Home & Work Phone(s): ___________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________
Age of Child: ____________________ Allergies: _______________________________________________________
Diet or Health Requirements: _____________________________________________________________________
Medical Insurance Carrier (#): ____________________________________________________________________
Please enclose a check or money order for full payment along with this registration form.
• Total Camp Fee Enclosed: $ ______________
Check # _______________
In enrolling this child, I hereby authorize the staff of the Humboldt Crabs Baseball Camp to act on my behalf according to
their best judgement in any emergency that requires medical attention and hereby waive and release Humboldt Crabs
Baseball from any liability for any injuries or illness incurred while this child in participating at the Baseball Camp.
I have no knowledge of any physical impairment that would be affected by this child’s participation in the camp’s program as
outlined in the brochure.
I give my permission for my child to be photographed, filmed or interviewed by the news media for any reason during Crabs
Camp. I also give my permission for the Humbodlt Crabs Baseball, Inc. to use my child’s photograph or quotes in any future
Crabs publications.
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
No refunds will be given. In case of rainout, rainchecks will be given for a future camp.
Mail and make payments to: Humboldt Crabs
Attn: Roger Lorenzetti (Crabs Board Member)
232 Boyle Drive • Eureka, CA 95503
For any questions, please call Roger Lorenzetti at
(707) 499-9075 or email: rogerjean56@gmail.com