STUDIES OF BIG LAGOON HUMBOLDT COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1956 - 1958 by James Joseph A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Humboldt State College In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science June 1958 Apprονed by the Masters' Thesis Committee Chairman Approved for the Graduate Study Committee ACΚΝΟWLLDGEMENTS I would like to express gratitude to Dr. Ernest 0. Salo, chairman of my graduate committee, for his advice and aid in the planning, execution, and completion of my research project and thesis. Acknowledgement and thanks are also extended to Dr. George H. Allen for his aid in the revisions leading to this final copy. Special acknowledgement for the basic material used in the geological history of the study area is made to Dr. Harry D. MacGinitie, Chairman of the Division of Natural Science, Humboldt State College. Mr. Stanley D. Elcock and I worked on Big Lagoon jointly and much of the accumulated data is a result of combined efforts. Mr. Εlcοck's research was primarily concerned with the fishes of the lagoon and its tributaries; therefore direct acknowledgement is given him for the reports included in this paper concerned with fish populations. Sincere gratitude is expressed for his cooperation in making this thesis possible. Special thanks and gratitude are extended to Messrs. William Pogue, Jiro Nishimoto, Richard Nitsos, Pat Tomlinson, Robert Hughes, Jack Legate, James Adams, and numerous other students who willingly donated their time in the gathering of field data used in this report. To Mrs. Ruth Elliot, Secretary, Department of Natural Resources, Humboldt State College, special thanks are extended for her patience and understanding in administrative matters concomitant with graduate students and school policy. Thanks are given to The California-Hammond Branch of the Georgia-Pacific Corporation for permission to carry on research at their Big Lagoon Camp. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES v INTRODUCTION 1 METHODS, MATERIALS, AND SOURCES OF ERROR 4 VERBAL CONFERENCES 4 METHODS USED IN THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL SURVEY OF BIG LAGOON 4 Mapping 4 Water Sampling 5 Salinity Determinations 5 Dissolved Oxygen Determinations 7 Phosphate Determinations 8 Temperature Determinations 9 Stream Flow Determinations 10 METHODS USED IN THE STUDIES OF FISH POPULATIONS OF BIG LAGOON 10 Gill Netting 10 Seining 10 Creel Censusing 12 Population Estimates in Maple Creek 12 14 RESULTS GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF BIG LAGOON 14 Formation of the Lagoon 15 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE Alongshore Currents and the Formation of the Sand Bar 16 Geological Future 18 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF BIG LAGOON AND ITS WATERSHED 18 Big Lagoon Bar 21 Tributaries and Drainage 27 CLIMATOLOGICAL FEATURES 36 Rainfall 36 Wind 36 Fog 39 Temperature 39 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION OF BIG LAGOON 57 Salinity Patterns 57 Oxygen Patterns 64 Temperature Patterns 76 Mixing 76 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE RESIDENT AND INTRODUCED POPULATIONS OF FISHES 78 Qualitative 78 Quantitative 83 Gill Netting 83 Creel Census 83 Stream Census 83 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 89 THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE LAGOON 89 POSSIBLE LIMITING FACTORS OF THE LAGOON ENVIRONMENT ON THE PRODUCTION OF SALMONOIDS 90 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE THE TIMING OF SALMON AND STEELHEAD RUNS AS A POSSIBLE LIMITING FACTOR 92 CONDITIONS IN THE LAGOON AT THE TIME OF DOWNSTREAM MIGRATION 94 King Salmon 94 Silver Salmon and Steelhead 95 VARIATIONS IN THE ANNUAL CYCLE OF BIG LAGOON AND THE POSSIBILITY OF PREDICTING WATER CONDITIONS 97 RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING A SPILLWAY AND/OR TIDAL GATES 97 SUMMARY 99 LITERATURE CITED AND ADDITIONAL REFERENCES 103 APPENDIX 110 iv LIST OF TABLES PAGE TABLE 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Observed Water Temperature and Stream Flow Data frοm Maple Creek for the Period March 3, 1957 to October 11, 1957 28 Average Hourly Wind Velocity and Prevailing Direction for Eureka, California 35 Air Temperature Data for the Period 1956-1957 from Prairie Creek State Park 40 A Check List of Fishes Taken in Big Lagoon from January 1957 to December 1957 79 Gill Netting Data from Big Lagoon, January 29, 1957 to August 30, 1957 80 Summary of Big Lagoon Creel Census, April 27, 1957 to May 12, 1957 81 Summary of Big Lagoon Creel Census, May 3 and 4, 1958 82 Summary of First and Second Mark-Recovery Program in Maple Creek, Summer-Fall, 1957 84 Daily Seine Samples of Trout and Salmon from Maple Creek, April 7-21, 1958 85 Hatchery Plants by Humboldt State College into Maple Creek, 1958 87 V LIST OF FIGURES PAGE FIGURE 1 Map of Big Lagoon Showing Bottom Contours 2 Map of the Maple Creek Drainage Showing Pitcher Creek and Big Lagoon 3 Map of Humboldt County Lagoons Cover 11 17 Aerial View of North End of Big Lagoon 19 4a Aerial View of South End of Big Lagoon 20 4 5 Discharge of Big Lagoon Waters After Breaching, Looking South 22 6 Discharge of Big Lagoon Waters After Breaching, Looking West 23 7 Openings of Big Lagoon Bar Showing Intermittent Lagoon Levels and Monthly Rainfall for the Period October 1956 to January 1958 25 8 Aerial View of Maple Creek Watershed 29 9 Monthly Variation of Streamflow, Air Temperature, Stream Temperature and Rainfall for the South Fork of Maple Creek for the Period March to October 1957 30 Stream Temperature and Flow, Tom Creek, October to September 1957 33 Average Monthly Rainfall and Cumulative Rainfall at Big Lagoon for the Period October 1, 1956 to September 30, 1957, Compared to a Nine-Year Monthly Average 34 Average Monthly Fog Incidence Compared with the Average Monthly Temperature for the Eureka Area 37 10 11 12 13 Mean Maximum-Minimum Air Temperatures, Prairie Creek State Park, 1956-1957 38 14 T-S Diagram Showing Salinity Anomaly at Station C, Big Lagoon on August 8, 1957 41 15 Salinity-Depth Diagram Showing Salinity Anomaly at Station C, Big Lagoon on August 8, 1957 41 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section Across Station B and C, Big Lagoon, November 15, 1956 42 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, November 16, 1956 43 16 17 vi LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) PAGE FIGURE 18 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon December 31, 1956 44 19 Distribution of Chlorinity, Oxygen and Temperature in Vertical Section across Stations C and D, Big Lagoon, January 3, 1957 45 20 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, February 19, 1957 46 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, April 9, 1957 47 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section Through Stations A, B, C, and D, Big Lagoon, July 7, 1957 48 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section Through Stations A, B, C, and D, Big Lagoon, July 16, 1957 49 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 7, 1957 50 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 8, 1957 51 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 10, 1957 52 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, October 13, 1957 53 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, November 26, 1957 54 Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, April 19, 1958 55 Chlorinity Fluctuations Due to Tidal Influx at Station A, Big Lagoon, June 17, 1957, Low Tide: -.1 at 0940 Hours 56 Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, November 16, 1956 59 Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, December 31, 1956 60 Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, February 19, 1957 61 Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 7, 1957 62 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 vii LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) PAGE FIGURE 35 36 37 37a 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, October 13, 1957 63 Temperature-Depth Diagrams Showing Typical Summer and Winter Conditions at Big Lagoon 65 Maxima-Minima Water Temperatures of Big Lagoon for the Period 1956-1957 66 Distribution of Temperatures in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, February 19, 1957 67 Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, July 1, 1957 68 Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section,Through Stations A, B, C, and D, Big Lagoon, July 16, 1957 69 Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 7, 1957 70 Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 8, 1957 71 Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 10, 1957 72 Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, October 13, 1957 73 Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, November 26, 1957 74 Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, April 19, 1958 75 ΙΝΤ R Ο DUC ΤΙΟΝ In the Fall of 1956 Humboldt State College, the Wildlife Conservation Board of California, and the California Department of Fish and Game entered into contract to study the possibilities of using the Northern California Coastal Lagoons as supplemental rearing areas for anadromous fishes such as salmon and trout. Fresh and salt water impoundments are being utilized by the management agencies of the Pacific Coast in an attempt to increase the survival rate of these fishes in fresh water and possibly to improve their marine survival rates. The use of such rearing areas seems particularly desirable in Northern California as this region has very few hatchery sites considered to be favorable. At the present time, Cedar Creek Hatchery in Mendocino County is the only one in operation in the north coast region. Because of the great economic importance and present critical situation of the king salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and the importance of silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri gairdneri), the project was designed to concentrate on these species. The coastal studies of lagoons in California have started with Big Lagoon in Humboldt County and subsequently are to be expanded to other areas. Since the success of the lagoons as rearing areas is directly associated with the environment of the lagoon, it is obvious that a study of the physical and chemical characteristics of the lagoon would be the initial phase of the study. It is with the results of this 2 phase of the project that this paper is concerned. Actual work on this project commenced in September of 1956 and is currently being carried on under the supervision of Dr. Ernest 0. Salo, Associate Professor of Fisheries, Humboldt State College. Little success was met with in obtaining written information concerning lagoon studies of a nature such as the Big Lagoon study, and closely related literature was found to be extremely scanty. The State of Washington Department of Fisheries is now engaged in the use of lakes and lagoons on an increasingly large scale, partially due to the successes met with in the Deschutes Basin near Olympia, Washington. Originally the Deschutes Basin was a small inlet at the mouth of the Deschutes River. This apparently ideal salmon stream was blocked by a series of high falls. During the 1930's a highway was built on an artificial bar constructed across the mouth of the Deschutes River, which formed a lake or basin. Tidal gates were installed to allow the exchange of fresh and salt water between Puget Sound and the basin. In 1945, 414,470 hatchery-reared fingerling chinook salmon were released in the Deschutes Basin. From this planting the percent of returning threeand four-year-olds to the stream was a phenomenally high 1.64. Subsequent plantings have met with similar success (Ellis, 1957). Lagoon studies have also been undertaken in recent years in Italy, but on a much larger scale than in the United States (DeAngelis, 1952a). Hοwever, there the situation is somewhat different than that encountered at Big Lagoon. The lagoons of Italy all have perennial connections with the ocean, and do not have runs of salmonoids. The Italian fishermen have been exploiting these lagoons for centuries, but it is just recently that their potential has been realized by the fisheries agencies of that country. 3 Valliculture (the scientific breeding and rearing of marine fish) is increasing. Many of these natural lagoons have been converted to valles (managed lagoons) by altering their physical features. All fishing is done on the commercial scale, employing devices called lavorieros, which are large fish traps made of reeds placed strategically around the mouths of the lagoons. The less productive lagoons are being considered for land reclamation, because economically it is more feasible to dike them and raise agricultural crops than to use them for fish production. METHO D S , MAT E R I A L S, AND SOURCES OF ERROR VERBAL CONFERENCES In lieu of published data, a great deal of information was obtained from verbal conference with Dr. Harry MacGinitie, Humboldt State College, concerning the geology of Big Lagoon; Mr. Richard Warner, Resident Engineer, Division of Highways, on the physical conditions associated with the lagoon; and members of the California Department of Fish and Game. Weather data was secured from The California-Hammond Branch of the Georgia-Pacific Lumber Company weather station at Big Lagoon and from Prairie Creek State Park. METHODS USED IN THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL SURVEY OF BIG LAGOON Mapping Mapping was accomplished by the use of an alidade and accessory equipment. A hand line calibrated with one-foot intervals was employed to sound the lagoon. The distance between each sounding was determined by the slope of the bottom; that is, the more even the bottom the less frequent the soundings. The area was sectioned and six representative stations (A, B, C, D, E, and F) were set up (Figure 1). An anchored buoy with a marker flag was placed at each station for identification. Some drifting of the 5 markers took place and some were lost for unknown reasons; therefore it was extremely difficult to retain the exact station positions. By correlating observed depths with successive readings on the State Department of Highways gauge on the Big Lagoon Bridge, slight discrepancies in location of stations were noticeable. Water Sampling A sixteen-foot Glaspar boat, powered with an eighteen-horsepower engine, was equipped with a portable heavy-duty winch and meter wheel to handle the heavier gear such as Hansen reversing bottles and reversing thermometers. Most of the water samples were taken by hand with standard Kemmerer-type water bottles, The bottles were fastened to a one-eighthinch plastic line which was graduated every two feet. Tests revealed no significant difference between samples taken with Kemmerer bottles and samples taken with Hansen bottles. As a great deal of detailed literature is available on the chemical tests employed in this study, it is felt unnecessary to go into great detail on the tests used, except where physical circumstances required alteration or modification. Salinity Determinations The standard Mohr (1856) method as adapted by Oxner and Knudsen (1920) using silver nitrate and potassium chromate as an indicator was employed for the determination of the chlorinity of sea water. Ordinary volumetric laboratory instruments were used in all determinations and not the special Knudsen pipet or buret. Normal water of the Copenhagen Hydrographic Laboratories was used to standardize the silver nitrate. 6 All samples were stored in 250 milliliter flint glass bottles with rubber stoppers. No samples were tested in the field. All samples were analyzed in the campus laboratories where they were kept one to four days before being titrated. When the samples were kept over a day, they were stored under refrigeration and then allowed to set out in the laboratory at least twelve hours to allow them to reach room temperature. Tenmilliliter samples were used for titration. The following calculations were used to determine the chlorocity (c1v): (ml ΑgΝ03) (Normality ΑgΝ03) (35.46) (1000) (1000) (10) Titrations were run on each sample until the deviations were less than 0.02 milliliter. Oxner and Knudsen (1920) found that an error of 0.01 to 0.02 milliliter could be evident if one waited more than two minutes to read the miniscus, or a slight deviation in the color of the end point could give an error of the same magnitude. They also showed that an error of similar order could be introduced if the titration time takes more than four minutes. In order to minimize error these points were avoided, all except the end point color which was a matter of degree and could not be avoided entirely. Therefore, a possible maximum error of 1.80 percent in chlorinities (about 3.00 0/00) may be due to the chemical techniques alone, but as chlorinities increase, the percentage decreases to approximately 0.30 percent. Chlorinity per liter (chlorocity clv) was converted to chlorinity per kilogram (chlorinity clw) as a function of the following equation (Knudsen, 1901): Clw = 0.008 0.99980 clv - 0.001228 c1',2 7 Salinity was taken from Knudsen's Hydrographic Tables (1901) and was found to be a function of chlorinity expressible by: S = 0.030 + 1.805 cl 0/00 (parts per thousand) where S is the salinity and cl is chlorinity. . Dissolved Oxygen Determinations. For all dissolved oxygen determinations, the method of Winkler (1888) as modified for sea water was employed. The basis for the determination of dissolved oxygen depends upon oxidation of manganous hydroxide by the dissolved oxygen in the sea water, resulting in the formation of a tetravalent manganese compound. Upon acidifying the sea water containing the tetravalent compound, free iodine is liberated from potassium iodide that has been introduced into the solution. This free iodine is equivalent to the amount of dissolved oxygen present and is determined by titration with a solution of sodium thiosulfate that has been standardized against standard iodine solution, which in turn has been standardized against known sodium arsenite solution. All samples were taken with a Kemmerer bottle, with a glass tube fixed to the spout of the sample bottle to prevent excess agitation of the sample. The samples were stored in 250 milliliter amber glass-stoppered bottles. Because of the distance involved, samples were fixed immediately by adding, in order: one milliliter manganous sulfate solution, one milliliter alkaline iodide, and one milliliter concentrated sulfuric acid. In this manner samples could be stored for four or five days without any adverse effects. Dissolved oxygen concentration was recorded in milliliters of oxygen at NTP in one liter of sea water at 20 degrees centigrade (C). 8 For water samples nearly saturated with oxygen, the error in a determined value is about 0.02 milliliter per liter of sea water. The presence of hydrogen sulfide or other reducing substances that react readily with elementary iodine, or sea waters containing oxidizing substances that will react with iodide ions, causing the liberation of free iodine, will render the accuracy of this method invalid. Although no test for 112S was made at Big Lagoon, the presence of this foul-smelling gas was undetectable by physical senses. Phosphate Determinations Although phosphates are not recorded in this report, an attempt was made to develop a rapid quantitative test that could be carried out in the laboratory with a minimum of time. Although this attempt was unsuccessful, it is felt that it is of importance to students confronted with this same problem to list in the report the approach taken. The method of Deniges (1920) is based on the principle that when a sulfuric acid solution of ammonium molybdate is added to a soluble phosphate solution, a complex phosphomolybdic acid is formed. Upon treatment with a reducing agent, such as stannous chloride, the complex acid is reduced to a blue-colored substance believed to have the composition H3PO4•(4Μ003•Μ002)2.4H120. The color developed is proportional to the concentration of the phosphate. Once these colors are developed for samples, they can be compared against known concentrations of phosphates by the use of Nesseler tubes and subsequent phosphate concentrations of the samples can be determined. The major difficulty with this method in a situation such as that encountered at Big Lagoon is the length of time required to run the samples. Big Lagoon may exhibit a wide variety of 9 chlorinities at the same time and since the standards used in the Deniges method are valid for variations of ± 1.00 0/00 incchlorinity, this would necessitate the mixing of a prohibitive number of standards. Therefore an attempt was made to develop a rapid quantitative test for phosphate with the equipment available on the campus. Known concentrations of phosphate from 0.10 to 2.00 microgram atoms were prepared for chlorinities from one to twenty parts per thousand in increments of one part per thousand. These samples were then placed in test tubes especially adapted for the Scharr Lumetron Colorimeter. Using a 580 Filter, the light transmission through the sample was recorded. These were then plotted with the concentration of phosphates in microgram atoms on the Y scale and percent transmission on the X scale. One graph was made for each one part per thousand change in chlorinity. It was then inferred that by fixing the blue color to the sample, as described by Deniges, the phosphate concentrations could be measured by observing the light transmission through the sample and then interpolating from the previously calibrated graphs. Although the reasoning behind this method seemed to be sound, actual testing of the samples showed too wide a variation for reliable reporting. As a result, a very important phase of this study had to be eliminated. Temperature Determinations All temperatures were taken with a standard centigrade thermometer graduated to five-tenths of a degree. This thermometer was calibrated against a thermometer that had been checked by the U.S. Bureau of Standards. The most satisfactory method developed and used for all sampling was to immerse the thermometer in the water in the sample bottle immediately after hauling aboard. This method was checked with a reversing thermometer 10 and found to be accurate to within ± 0.2 of a degree. As interpolation of the thermometer used was accurate to 1 0.2 of a degree, the results reported in this paper can be stated to be accurate to ± 0.4 of a degree. Stream Flow Determinations The method of Embody (1927) was employed in determining stream flow and is described by the following formula: R = WDaL T where R is equal to the volume of flow in cubic feet per second (CFS), W is the average width in feet, D is the average depth in feet, L is the length of the section measured in feet, a is a constant for correction of stream velocity, and Τ is the average time in seconds required for a float to traverse the distance L. Fixed stations were established on the creek and stream flows were always determined at these same locations. METHODS USED IN THE STUDIES OF FISH POPULATIONS OF BIG LAGOON Gill Νetting Two diver-type nylon gill nets were employed for the major portion of the fish sampling in the lagoon. Both nets were 120 feet long and 12 feet deep. One net was made with one-inch-stretched mesh and the other with four-inch-stretched mesh. The nets were always fished overnight. Seining All fish samples from Maple Creek were taken with two-man seines. A number of seines from five to fifty feet long were used. The sizes were generally one-eighth or one-quarter inch square mesh. 11 Fig. 2. Nap of the Maple Creek Drainage Showing Pitcher Creek and Big Lagoon 12 Creel Censusing For conducting creel censusing, the lagoon was divided into three survey areas: (1) the boat dock at the south end of the lagoon, (2) shoreline fishing, and (3) Highway 101 bridge. A crew of two samplers equipped with scales, measuring boards, and creel census forms was stationed at each of the survey areas. Population Estimates in Maple Creek Mark-sample extimates with the fish being captured by seining were employed in estimating the populations of salmonoids in Maple Creek. The wild fish captured were given temporary marks by fin-nipping, released, and after a period of several weeks were sampled for the mark-unmarked ratio. Care was taken to sample, release, and recover as randomly as possible. During the period of marking, low stream flows facilitated the seining in riffles and shallow pools, although the sampling area contained some pools that could not be seined. In order to detect any migration or mixing patterns, different marks were used for different areas All fish recovered during sampling were given either a new or an additional mark and re-released. Population densities were much greater within three miles of the mouth of Maple Creek than in the upper areas. Sampling above the falls on the North Fork revealed no fish and the catch above the falls on the South Fork was negligible. Sampling was confined, therefore, to the area below the falls (Figure 2). All trout regardless of species were called steelhead. N = -ngt- was used for population estimates, where N was the estimated size of the population, n was the number of fish sampled during recovery, t was the number of fish marked prior to recovery, and s was the number of marked fish in the sample. 13 The methods used to determine the confidence limits (95 percent) were those suggested by Chapman (1948). The binomial approximations (Clopper-Pearson, 1934) and normal approximations (Ricker, 1937) produced estimates within ±1000 fish to the figures obtained by the Poisson approximation for the steelhead population. Only Chapman's methods were used on the silver salmon population. RESULTS GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF BIG LAGOON A typical lagoon delta as described by Hinds (1942), Johnson (1919), and others, is generally a body of water that is separated from the ocean by an offshore bar. The stipulation generally is made that the lagoon has a continuous connection with the ocean or that the lagoon is a body of water separated from the ocean and between which a free exchange of water does not take place except by washing over during periods of high tides and storms. Yoshimura (1938) has described many coastal bodies of water in Japan that correspond tο the latter as "meriomictic lakes". Big Lagoon was found to be a combination of both of the above for at certain times of the year it has a continuous opening to the sea and at other times there is no opening to the sea. At certain periods, high tides combined with strong westerly winds wash sea water over the bar into the lagoon. As far back as geological records can be traced, there is evidence that the shorelines of the world are dynamic, subject to rises and falls in sea level, and elevations and depressions in land masses. Recent geological history tells us that this same situation has existed along the Humboldt coast (MacGinitie, 1952). Evidence of these things can be readily observed at a number of sites. By looking eastward from the town of Trinidad, Humboldt County, marine terraces and old beach lines can be seen rising step by step to an elevation of 1400 feet. This is clear evidence of the successive elevations in land masses along this coast. 15 Conversely, evidence of land depression is just as readily seen. Brainard's Cut on Highway 101, about three miles south of Arcata, substantiates evidence of land depression. Sand dunes that were formed many centuries ago are presently extended below the level of the bay water. Additional proof of this land depression is also apparent if correlated with the distance to which the high tide invades the Eel River from its mouth to Fernbridge, a distance of about three miles. Coupled with these two geological phenomena is the fluctuating sea level, which has been rising since the beginning of the last ice age. It presently is rising along our northern coast (Russell, 1957). All the north coast from San Francisco Bay northward has recently been subjected to depression or down warping of the land with respect to the ocean. Formation of the Lagoon All of these facts have entered into the formation of the north coastal lagoons. At Sig Lagoon, faulting was probably the most significant of these factors, evident in the soft sandstone along the beach to the south of Big Lagoon. This sandstone is tilted downward to the north; at one time it was level. This same sandstone extends along the floor of the lagoon until, at the north end of the lagoon, it abruptly stops where it meets a rocky bluff. This change from a soft sandstone to rocky bluff marks a line of fault, wherein the land has risen to the north and sunk to the south. This depression lowered the floor of Maple Creek Valley and allowed the ocean to flood in, thus forming a bay. Sediment deposited at the head of the valley by Maple Creek formed a delta. The rising sea level extended the bay even farther into the valley. ιό Along-Shore Currents and the Formation of the Sand Bar Wind-driven alongshore currents were the significant forces in forming the bar which made the small bay into a lagoon. The southeasterly winds of the winter caused a northerly-flowing alongshore current while during the summer months the persistent northwesterly winds cause a southerly-flowing current. These currents transported large amounts of sediment from heads of land such as Patricks Point to the south and a similar point to the north that projected into the sea. In situations such as these, surf and wave action have their greatest eroding effect. At this point it should be stated that the ability of a body of water to transport suspended material is directly proportional to the speed of that body of water. As these swiftly-moving, sediment-laden currents met the deep waters off the mouths of submerged valleys, their speed slackened and they deposited portions of their load. Thus, over the years, the incessant vigor of the current would transport huge quantities of sand to the lagoon. This was the beginning of the bar that now extends across Big Lagoon, separating it from the sea. This bar was the result of many years of current action, building spits to the north in winter and to the south in summer. Finally, when the two spits were joined in the middle, the result was a solid bar across the lagoon. The final stages in the formation of the bar were a result of the combined efforts of wind, currents, and waves. Although the waves would appear to have more of an eroding effect on the bar than a building effect, they nevertheless did build up the bar as fast as they eroded it. Material brought in from the north and the south was deposited upon the lagoon bar by the breaking waves. At low tide, winds piled sand still higher on the bar. Fig. 3. Map of Humboldt County Legoons 18 Geological Future With the passage of time two processes seem to destroy lagoons. The headlands slowly retreat shoreward and under the force of the waves the bar also retreats shoreward. In addition to this, the streams at the heads of lagoons deposit sediment which forms deltas that encroach upon the aquatic domain of the lagoon, thus eventually filling it in. Clear evidence of this latter aspect is readily observable in Dry Lagoon, which is situated just a mile or so north of Big Lagoon. The amount left of the original water area in this lagoon is almost negligible when compared with that of Big Lagoon, Stone Lagoon, or Freshwater Lagoon. Dry Lagoon has filled in from the headlands by stream deposition and from the seaward by wind-blown sand. The final stage of the lagoon will be similar to the Clam Beach area, just south of Little River - a filled alluvial bottom fringed to the seaward by sand dunes and a sandy beach. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF BIG LAGOON AND ITS WATERSHED Big Lagoon is situated 24 miles north of Arcata, California, on Highway 101. It is the southernmost of a series of four lagoons located within eight miles of each other (Figure 3). The lagoon is about 3.5 miles long and about 1.3 miles at the widest point. When the lagoon is 25 feet deep at its deepest point, a typical summer condition, it covers an area of 1470 surface acres. To the west the lagoon is separated from the ocean by a sand bar about 3.2 miles long which averages 700 feet wide at mean low tide (Figure 1). To the northeast the shore is rocky and irregular with the dominant vegetation being coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis), blue blossom (Ceanothus sp), salal (Gaultheria shallon), sitka 1 9 Fig. 4.A erial View of North End of Big Lagoon Fig. 4a. AerialView of SouthEnd of Big Lagoon 20 21 spruce (Picea sitchensis), azalia (Rhododendron sp), and redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). The major portion of the southeast shore consists of low marshlands with dominant growths of sedge (Carex sp) and silverweed (Photentilla anserina). The cross section of the lagoon basin is saucer-like in shape. When the lagoon is open, due to breaching of the bar, the depth may be reduced to 21 feet at its deepest point. Prior to any ορ ning of the lagoon, the depth reaches 33.5 feet, giving an annual oscillatory range of about 12.5 feet. The major portion of the basin bottom is composed of soft muddy ooze. Virtually no plant life has been observed growing on the bottom except in the area just west of the 101 bridge. Big Lagoon Bar As described above, Big Lagoon is formed by a 3.2 mile sand bar that separates it from the ocean (Figure 4). This her is not stable, but is subject to opening and closing during certain times of the year. The opening of the lagoon is dependent upon the natural forces of rain and tide. In order to aid in the understanding of this phenomenon it is convenient to begin the discussion of a typical breaching cycle with the normal summer period. At this time the lagoon is 25 feet deep at its deepest point. This represents the lagoon surface as being about 3 feet above mean sea level. With the advent of the rainy season, the basin begins to fill and the depth of the lagoon increases. As the lagoon approaches its maximum level, the sand particles of the bar become buoyant in the surrounding water medium. As seepage through the bar from the lagoon to the ocean takes place, the particles of sand become so buoyed that the bar fractures instantaneously, in quite a spectacular fashion. This breaching action takes place when the Fig. 5. Discharge of Big Lagoon Waters After Breaching, Looking South 22 23 Fig. 6. Discharge of Big Lagoon Waters After Breaching, Looking West lagoon surface is generally at a point 33 to 34 feet above the bottom, or 11 to 12 feet above mean sea level. The rate of discharge is closely correlated with the level of the tide. The lower the tide, the more rapid is the discharge until the lagoon surface reaches sea level (Figures 5 and 6). The process is best described by Rowe and Royce (1953) and is quoted: "The forces of wind, wave, and tide are persistent in building the strand and maintaining a natural dam, holding the lagoon surface higher than the sea. Fresh inflow raises the lagoon surface, with little loss by evaporation in this climate, but with seepage loss through the strand increasing with the differential in stage. In some lagoons with small inflow, like Stone and Freshwater, seepage offsets inflow for all but very infrequent floods, but Big Lagoon has a large tributary area which raises the water surface too high for seepage relief two to five times a year. The strand breaches and evacuates the lagoon in dramatic fashion, after which natural forces repair the breach for a repetition of the cycle. The mechanics of breaching are a combination of buoyancy and erosion, not necessarily triggered by overtopping. Simple overtopping- of the crest of the strand transports water and sand to the foreshore where the water sinks and the sand upgrades the shore, with the effect of moving the strand seaward. Many attempts to abort the lagoon have failed because of this autonomous healing of hand-dug pilot channels. However, as the seepage horizon rises, sand particles are buoyed to the point of quickening and the strand disrupts catastrophically. Before the breach can be healed by littoral drift, the lagoon's outpour widens the breach by erosion. Under heads up to 23 feet, critical outflow would generate velocity up to 22 feet per second, eroding rapidly but increasing area and diminishing velocity until achieving a balance. A breach at. low tide may widen quickly to 500 feet and discharge 100,000 sec.-ft. At high tide, the breach may be as little as 100 feet wide, cresting at 10,000 sec.-ft. "Elevation of strand and lagoon surface just before a break is affected by magnitude and direction of wind waves and swell. Historical data is largely qualitative, but from the appended record of quantitative observations a stage of 19.8 was observed in 1931 and 20.0 was reported prior to 1924. At other times when these stages were approached, the lagoon was aborted. Following breaks, stage has been observed as low as El 2.5, but this was the level of Maple Creek flowing in a narrow channel under the bridge; the residual lagoon was probably as low as El 2.0, which is approximately at mean sea level. "The reported stage of 20.0 prior to 1924 is shown on the old layout and is believed to be contemporaneous with an oral description by R. L. Thomas of the only break known to have occurred at the south end of the strand. Heavy seas had 25 Fig. 7. Openings of Big Lagoon Bar Showing Intermittent Lagoon Levels and Monthly Rainfall for the Period October 1956 to January 1958 27 prevented a break at the north end, raising the lagoon stage until it broke through at the next weakest spot. In 1931 our maintenance men spent several days trying to abort the lagoon and succeeded when the stage reached 19.8. Probably there was a recurrence of the same sea, with a probable breach at the south end prevented by the abortion. Hence it is concluded that El 20 is attained or approached often enough for design, and that it will not be exceeded such for any combination of wind and tide." The stage figures referred to by Rowe and Royce (1953) are those listed under "Old C.H.C. Datum" in their Report to the Highway Department, 1953. Contrary to Rowe and Royce (1953), Stone Lagoon does open almost every year; the openings are in the same manner as those at Big Lagoon. Freshwater Lagoon does not open as a spillway was built through the bar to allow excess water to run off in order to accomodate a highway along the bar. Once the lagoon has drained to sea level and the force of the outflowing water has ceased, the action of the wind, waves, and tides begin their build-back of the bar. This can be observed quite readily by daily inspection from the cliffs situated along the extreme northeast shore of the lagoon. As the northerly along-shore currents carry their loads of sand and deposit them at the end of the spit, the spit can be seen to prοgress nοrtherly until it is continuous with the north shore. The new portion of the bar is built higher with each succeeding high tide, until the action of the surf and wind apply the finishing touches. Thus a restored bar is now able to impound the waters of the lagoon. This cycle may be repeated many times throughout the winter, dependent upon the amount of rainfall. Figure 7 shows the number of openings in the lagoon for the period October 1956 to January 1958, correlated with monthly rainfall. Tributaries and Drainage Three streams, Tom Creek, Maple Creek, and Pitcher Creek supply virtually all of the water entering the lagoon and furnish all of the 28 Table 1 Observed Water Temperature and Stream Flow Data from Maple Creek for the Period March 3, 1957 to October 11, 1957. View of M rig. U. Aerial leCreek Watershd 29 30 Fig. 9. Monthly Variation of Streamfloν, Air Temperature, Stream Τemperature and rainfall for the South Fork of Maple Creek for the Period March to October 19S1957 31 32 spawning areas available to salmonoids (Figures 1 and 2). Maple Creek, the largest of the three, consists of two branches that unite 1.5 miles above the entry of the main stream into the lagoon. The north branch is approximately 5 miles long; however, only 3 miles are available to anadromous fish because of a 50-foot impassable falls. The south branch is about 15 miles long; it has a barrier located 3.5 miles above the fork (Figure 2). The south branch supplies two-thirds of the toal flow of the stream (Table 1), which is as high as 2000 cubic feet per second during flood stage and as low as 5 cubic feet per second during the low-flow period in late summer. For the period March 1957 to October 1957 the mean flow of the south branch was 20 cubic feet per second. (Table 1). The mean water temperatures for this same period were 63.8 and 63.0 degrees Fahrenheit for the north and south branches respectively. The Maple Creek drainage area covers about 46.8 square miles (Rowe and Royce, 1953). The major portion of this area has been heavily logged and the resultant accelerated runoff (Figure 8) contributes to the causes of the extreme ranges in stream flow. This stream flow pattern is typical of the streams associated with logged-off areas (James, 1956, and U.S.D.A., 1940). There is an inverse correlation between water temperature and rate of stream flow and there is a direct relationship between air temperature and water temperature (Figure 9). Tom Creek originates in a logged-off area north of the lagoon, flows through an area of first-growth redwood, and empties into the lagoon 1.5 miles north of Highway 101 bridge. Although the total length of the stream is about 6 miles, only l.5 miles are available to migrating fish as a falls at this point is considered impassable (Legate, 1957). The average flow is about 7.3 33 Fig. 1O. Stream Temperature and Flow, Tom. Creek, October to September 1957 34 Fig. 11. Average Monthly Rainfall and Cumulative Rainfall at Big Lagoon for the Period October 1, 1956 to September 30, 1957 Compared to a Nine Year Monthly Average 35 Table 2 Average Hourly Wind Velocity and Prevailing Direction for Eureka, California. 36 cubic feet per second with an average temperature of 46.7 degrees Fahrenheit for the period January 1 through May 30, 1957 (Figure 10). Pitcher Creek is a small creek that empties into Maple Creek about one mile above its mouth (Figure 2). No measurements were made on Pitcher Creek; however it was observed that in June the rate of flow was in the magnitude of three to five cubic feet per second. During this time seining was being conducted in Maple Creek and the water flowing in from Pitcher Creek was noticeably cooler, recorded at 51.0 degrees Fahrenheit. This hints at a possible spring origin. CLIMATOLOGICAL FEATURES Rainfall Figure 11 shows the cumulative rainfall, and the average monthly rainfall, recorded for the period October 1956 to September 1957, with a comparison to the nine-year monthly average. The annual total for this period was 66.2 inches. This fell very close to the nine-year average of 67.1 inches. The monthly averages for the October 1956 to September 1957 period did not follow as close to the nine-year average as did the total rainfall. The significant rainfall was confined to the winter months, and during the dry summer months there was no great contribution of fresh water to the lagoon. Wind The nearest available wind data came from the Eureka area as recorded by Fleming et al (1955). Monthly directional and velocity averages for 44 years are shown in Table 2. The prevailing summer winds are northerly and the prevailing winter winds are southerly (Table 2). 37 Fig. 12. Average Monthly Fog Incidence Compared with the Average Monthly Temperature for the Eureke Area 38 Fig. 13. Mean Maximum - Minimum Air Temperatures, Prairie Creek State Park, 1956 - 1957 39 The presence of fog in the summer months is a definite limiting factor in affecting the amount of evaporation. Fleming et al (1955) found that the greatest periods of fog occurred from July to December. The months of June, July, August, and September are the warmest of the year. These should also be months of high evaporation, but the evaporation rates are kept at a minimum by the high incidence of fog. Figure 12 shows the monthly average temperature plotted against an index of fog for Eureka, California. Temperature Air temperature records are not kept at the Hammond weather station located at Big Lagoon; therefore it was necessary to obtain records from Prairie Creek State Park, the next closest recording station which is situated approximately 10 miles north of Big Lagoon. The temperatures there are slightly lower than those of the Maple Creek drainage area, but generally somewhat higher than the air temperatures over the lagoon. There was a great difference in air temperatures in the summer between the area immediately over the lagoon and areas short distances inland from the lagoon. On numerous occasions when the lagoon area was foggy and cold, the weather about onequarter to one-half mile inland was sunny and warm. Differences were as great as ten degrees or more. The warmest temperatures were confined to the months of June, July, and August, while the coldest months were December, January, and February (Figure 13). The maximum and minimum temperatures recorded for the 1956-1957 period was 83 degrees and 22 degrees Fahrenheit respectively (Table 3). 40 Table 3 Air Temperature Data for the Period 1956-1957 from Prairie Creek State Park. 41 Fig. 15. Salinity-Depth Diagram Shσwing Salinity Anomaly at Station C, Big Lagoon on August 8, 1957 42 Fig. 16. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section Across Station B and C, Big Lagoon, November 15, 1956 43 Fig. 17. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, November 16, 1956 4 Fig. 18. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, December 31, 1956 45 Fig. 19. Distribution of Chlorinity, Oxygen and Temperature in Vertical Section Across Stations C and D, Big Lagoon, January 3, 1957 46 Fig. 20. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, February 19, 1957 47 Fig. 21. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, April 9, 1957 148 Fig. 22. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Sectiοn Through Stations A, B, C, and D, Big Lagoon, July 7, 1957 49 Fig. 23. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section Through Stations A, B, C, and D, Big Lagoon, July 16, 1957 Fig. 24. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 7, 1957 50 Si Fig. 25. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 8, 1957 52 Fig. 26. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section of Big Lagoon, August 10, 1957 53 Fig. 27. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, October 13, 1957 Fig. 28. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, November 26, 1957 55 Fig. 29. Distribution of Chlorinity in Vertical Section, Dig Lagoon, April 19, 1958 56 Fig. 30. Chlorinity Fluctuations Due to Tidal influx at Station A, Big Lagoon, June 17, 1957, Low Tide: -.l at 0940 Hours 57 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION OF BIG LAGOON Salinity Patterns The salinity patterns in Big Lagoon were found to be extremely variable. Even while the lagoon was closed, day to day differences in stratification were evident (Figures 24 and 25). This is also borne out by many salinity anomolies (Figures 14 and 15). These changes are due to a number of factors, with wind being most significant. During the summer months these changing salinity patterns are least active because little fresh water is added to the lagoon, and dynamic physical forces such as wind, density changes, and temperature changes which cause water movements are at a minimum. However, it should not be inferred that there is no water activity per se during the summer; the waters are active, but less so than during the winter months. During the summer of 1957 the highest chlorinity recorded was 17.40 °/oo at a depth of 20 feet; at the same time the surface chlorinity was 15.60 0/00 (Figure 22). This high concentration of salt water was probably an atypical situation, resulting directly from a comparatively late artificial opening of the lagoon on May 7, 1957 by the Highway Department. Ordinarily the lagoon would not have opened naturally until fall. Just prior to the lagoon closing on July 1, 1957, there was an extreme range of tides which resulted in a greater than normal content of salt water being entrapped when the lagoon closed. The total concentration of chlorinity on November 26, 1957 was approximately 20 percent higher than on November 15, 1956 (Figures 16 and 28). During the rainy winter months when there were severe ocean storms, the lagoon was found to be most active, i.e., dynamic forces which cause water 58 movements are more influential. During this time the lagoon seemed to take on no definite pattern and salinity stratification varied greatly with the opening and closing of the lagoon (Figures 20, 21, and 29). The upper layers of the lagoon often exhibited salinities that were greatest at Station A. These salinities decreased from station to station in the following order: B, C, F, D, and E (Figures 16, 21, 23, and 29). This fact was probably due to the washing of sea water over the bar and seepage in and out of the bar. Station E consistently had the lowest recorded salinity in the lagoon at any time. This was due to two factors: (l) the shallowness of the lagoon at this point and (2) the proximity of the station to the mouth of Maple Creek. The lowest chlorinity recorded for this station was 00.05 0/00 (Figure 20). As the winter rains continued, the lagoon filled, the bar breached, and the waters of the lagoon were replaced by new salt water from the ocean. It was during this time when the lagoon opened that a biological and chemical rejuvenation took place, for as the lagoon broke open, the upper layers of less dense water passed out through the opening in the bar to the sea. As the tide rose, an influx of new sea water encroached on the lagoon (Figure 30). This fresh salt water moved along the lower depths of the lagoon, forcing the old waters from the bottom of the lagoon to the surface where they were flushed out to sea. The degree to which this flushing transpired depended upon the height of the tide. With this fresh supply of sea water came new chemical vigor and biological potential to the lagoon: oxygen, dissolved nutrient substances, and a myriad sea life from plankton to seals. After the initial closing it may be a matter of only two or three weeks before enough rain has fallen to cause another breakthrough. It is 59 Fig. 31. Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, November 16, 1956 Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, December 31, 1956 60 Fig. 32. 61 Fig. 33. Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section, Big lagoon, February 19, 1957 62 Fig. 34. Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section of Big Lagoon, August 7, 1957 63 Fig. 35. Distribution of Oxygen in Vertical Section of Big Lagoon, October 13, 195? 64 believed that on occasion the lagoon opens only partially for a period of a day or so and never quite drains to its normal extent. This cycle of opening and closing may take place three to five times a year with the first breakthrough occurring in December and the last around March, dependent upon the duration of the rainy season. By keeping a close watch on the water level in the lagoon, an opening may be predicted as this generally takes place when the lagoon is about 33 to 34 feet deep. Seepage through the spit and washing over the bar during storms and high tides will probably be found to account for many of the salinity anomalies throughout the lagoon. Oxygen Patterns The first oxygen samples were taken on November 16, 1956. The results showed that at this time there was a definite low-oxygen area below 14-16 feet (Figure 31). The next samples were taken on December 31, 1956 after the lagoon had opened and closed (Figure 31). The resultant exchange of lagoon water and ocean water caused oxygen concentrations to be much higher. The area that had exhibited low concentrations in November 1956 now exhibited oxygen concentrations ten times greater. Each month dissolved oxygen concentrations in the lower levels progressively decreased (Figures 32, 33, 34, and 35). On October 21, 1957, oxygen samples taken at Station C ranged from 7.80 at the surface to l.96 at the bottom. During the summer of 1957 an oxygen pattern prevailed that resulted from the artificial opening of the lagoon late in the year, and therefore probably is not typical. The oxygen in the upper layers of the lagoon was replenished throughout the year by wind agitation, but in the lower layers no replacement of oxygen was evident except when the lagoon was open to the sea. 65 Fig. 36. Temperature-Depth Diagrams Showing Typical Summer and Winter Conditions at Big Lagoon 66 Fig. 37. Maxima Minima Water Temperatures of Big Lagoon for the Period 1956-1957 Fig. 37a. Distribution of Temperatures in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, February 19, 1957 67 68 Fig. 38. Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, July 1, 195? 69 Fig. 39. Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section Through Stations A, B, C, and D, Big Legoon, July 16, 1957 Fig. ho. Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 7, 1957 70 8, 1957 71 Fig. 4i. Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 72 Fig. 42. Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, August 10, 1957 73 Fig. 13. Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section of Big Lagoon, October 13, 1957 74 Fig. 44 . Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, November 26, 1957 75 Fig. 45. Distribution of Temperature in Vertical Section, Big Lagoon, April 19, 1958 76 The high degree of stratification of oxygen in the lagoon was due partially to salinity gradients that prevent overturning in the lagoon. This decrease in oxygen probably was a result of animal metabolism, inorganic decomposition, and lack of mixing. Temperature Patterns The temperatures of Big Lagoon took on distinctive patterns during winter and summer. During the summer months a typical lake situation was evident; the warmer waters were on top and the cooler layers were on the bottom (Figure 36). The warmest temperature recorded during the summer was 22 degrees centigrade at the surface and at this time the bottom layers were only slightly cooler - 21 degrees centigrade (Figure 37). With the advent of the cold winter months the upper layers in the lagοοn began to cool. Even though this cooling increased the density of the surface waters, it was not enough to cause an overturn because of the high salt content of the waters of the bottom layer. This situation was unchanged until the lagoon bar breached and flushing took place. During the winter months the coldest surface temperature recorded was 5.6 degrees centigrade at the surface while the temperature on the bottom was 11.1 degrees centigrade (Figure 37). Mixing Because of the complexity of the problem of mixing, no studies of this process were undertaken, but it was apparent that the forces causing mixing were at a minimum during the periods when the lagoon was closed and most significant during that time when it was open. During the latter period almost complete mixing took place in the lagoon, but while it was closed, only slight mixing took place. The forces then present did not supply the amount of work required 77 to overcome the inertia of the highly stratified water for mixing to take place. Yoshimura (1938) and Hutchinson (1957) found that in some meriomictic lakes, dependent upon the density of the monimolimnion, very little or no mixing took place in this layer. Some insight into this problem of mixing may be had by the following excerpts from Schijf and Schonfeld (1953): "CLASSIFICATION OF MIXING MECHANISMS - Brackish water is formed by mixing salt water and fresh. This mixing may be brought about by quite different mechanisms. "According to scale and regularity, the motion of fluid particles may be distinguished into the following: (1) Molecular movement (2) Turbulence (3) Average flow All three kinds of motion may provide mixing. "The thermal movement of the molecules and ions results in a diffusion of salt from places with great concentration to places with less concentration of salt. The scale of this mixing mechanism is of the order of 10- 1 m. The diffusivity (coefficient of molecular diffusion) of salt in water is of the order of 10-8 sq m per sec, which is very small, even if compared to the kinematic viscosity (10- sq m per sec), which is caused likewise by the molecular movement. Hence, molecular diffusion is seldom of direct influence. "The irregular motion which we call turbulence brings elements of water from more saline into fresher layers, and vice versa. Thus the surface along which the saltier and the fresher water are in contact with each other is increased considerably, which strongly promotes the formation of brackish water by molecular diffusion. "If the average flow follows such a pattern that quantities of water with different salinities which were first separated by a great distance, are brought in close proximity, the intermixing by turbulence is made possible. The formation of brackish water, ultimately, is again due to molecular diffusion. "TURBULENCE IN A FLOW WITH A VERTICAL DENSITY GRADIENT As discussed previously, the salt-wedge in a tidal river may be corrupted so that a brackish region is formed with a gradual transition between rather saline water at the bottom, and rather fresh water at the surface. "The turbulence in a flow with such a vertical density gradient undergoes the influence of that gradient. "INTRUSION OF SALT IN AN ESTUARY - In an estuary with a fresh water discharge, the salt may penetrate from the sea against the expelling action of the flow of fresh water, firstly in the form of a salt-wedge along the bottom. Inward 78 of this salt-wedge, and in the whole estuary if the wedge is so corrupt that the vertical gradient is nearly absent, the salt penetrates by horizontal diffusion. "The upper layers in a flow usually have greater velocities than the layers near the bottom. This means that the paths of tidal excursion of the upper layers are greater than those of the lower layers. Hence, the tides do not only bring about an oscillating movement of the whole body of water, but also an oscillatory shifting of the upper layers relative to the lower layers. "An element of water from an upper layer may therefore descend to a lower layer by vertical turbulent diffusion, stay there some time, and then return to the upper layer. During this time the upper layer has progressed a certain distance relative to the lower layer. As a result of this, the element considered does not return to its initial environment. "It has thus been transported along the upper layer by the intermediary of the lower layer. In the same way a transport along the lower layer by the intermediary of the upper layer is possible. This way of transport of water has the effect of a diffusion." In this report a corrupt salt-wedge is defined as a salt-wedge with a wedgelike salt distribution with inclined isohalinic surfaces without a sharp separation of salt and fresh water. PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE RESIDENT AND INTRODUCED POPULATIONS OF FISHES Qualitative A number of species of fish other than salmonoids were found in the lagoon, many of them normally classified as strictly ocean fish and not usually found frequenting brackish waters. The greatest variety of fishes were found in the lagoon during the periods when it was open to the ocean. At that time the fish entered the lagoon on feeding and spawning excursions. The distance traveled into the lagoon by many of these ocean fish was directly correlated with the height of the tide. That is, ocean species were more likely to be found dispersed in the lagoon at high tides than at low tides. Many of these 79 Table 14 1. Check List of Fishes Taken in Big Lagoon from January 1957 to December 1957. Family Species Acipenseridae Acipenser acuttrostris Clupeidae Clupea pallasii Osmeridae Salmonidae " Spirinchus starksii Salmo gairdneri gairdneri Salmo clarkii clarkii Oncorhynchus kisutch " Merltcciidae Gadidae Merluccius productus Microgadus promaxis Bothidae Citharichthys sordidus Pleuronectidae Platichthys stellatus Atherinidae Embiotocidae sp Cymatogaster aggregatus Phanerodon furcatus " Gobiidae Cottidae Amphisticus rhodoterus Sp Leptocottus armatus Cottus asper Gasterosteidae Syngnathidae Gasterosteus aculeatus Syngnathus sp 80 Table 5 Gill Netting Data from Big Lagoon January 29, 1957 — August 30, 195?. 81 Table 6 ryofBigLanCelsu Suma April 27, 1957 to May 12, 1957. Table 7 Summary of Big Lagoon Creel Census May 3 and 4, 1958. Adult Juvenile Fishermen Time Fished Hours Minutes Steelhead Cutthroat Silver Salmon Boat Landing 7 2 1 30 11 C 110 Shore 5 0 2 25 11 0 29 0 7 0 8 0 27 1.2 9 3 30 0 166 Area 10Bridge Highway Totals : Boats 12 67 Fish/hr/man = .14 Fish/man = .24 83 fish were trapped in the lagoon when the bar closed. A check list of fish taken in Big Lagoon from January 1957 to December 1957 is shown in Table 4. Quantitative Gill Netting: Gill netting in Big Lagoon was started on January 29, 1957 and continued until August 30, 1957. Both nets were fished overnight which represents about eighteen hours fishing time per net. Each net was fished for a total of 396 hours, or 792 hours for both nets. A total of forty-four sets was made. During this period twenty-seven steelhead trout and two cutthroat trout were taken (Table 5). One salmonid per 27.30 hours fished was taken, which represents 0.66 fish per set. Creel Census: Two creel censuses were conducted during the course of this study. The first was an intensive census conducted during the first two weeks of the fishing season, April 27 through May 12, 1957. During this period a total of 140 fishermen compiled a total of 469.3 hours fished, for an average of 3.4 hours per man. The catch per man per hour was 0.12 fish. The fish taken per man was 0.40 (Table 6). The second intensive census was taken on the first two days of the fishing season, May 3 and 4, 1958. This census showed 97 fishermen with a total of 166 hours spent fishing. This represents 1.7 hours of fishing per man. The catch per man per hour was 0.14 fish. The fish taken per man was 0.24 (Table 7). Thus the catch per unit of effort for both seasons was quite similar and may be considered comparatively poor. A decline during the summer months in the number of fishermen utilizing the lagoon has been noted during periodic checks. Stream Census: During the summer and fall of 1957 preliminary studies were started on the methods to be used for population enumeration of natural 84 Table 8 Summary of First and Second Mark-Recovery Program in Maple Creek, Summer-Fall, 1957. First Program Second Program Marking: Steelhead marked 1,220 1,118 90 54 1,213 946 95 152 Silver salmon sampled 62 112 Marks recovered 8 19 15,577 14,551 Upper limit of N 17,965 15,482 Lower limit of N 11,994 13,510 697 318 Upper limit of N 1,428 497 Lower limit of N 293 188 Silver salmon marked Recovery: Stelhadsmp Marks recovered Estimate of N: Steelhead Silver Salmon 85 Table 9 Daily Seine Samples of Trout and Salmon from Maple Creek, April 7-21, 1958 stocks in Maple Creek. These techniques are part of the methods to be employed in the determinations of the stream-survival rates of the marked hatchery fish prior to their migration into the lagoon. During the first summer only the mark-sample method was employed. The first marking program began on July 24, 1957, and the first recovery program started August 12. A second recovery program was started and completed in September. It appeared that all of the fish captured were steelhead of the 1+ age group and all of the silver salmon were fish of the year (0+). During this period of study, only one fish was recovered in an area other than the one in which it was released. No other evidence of migration was noted and it was felt that during this time of the year (July-August) Tyke nets and downstream traps would have been ineffective. The first population estimate for Maple Creek (July-August) showed a steelhead population of 15,577, with the lower limit of the population (N) at 11,994 and the upper limit of the population (N) at 17,965 fish. The silver salmon population was found to be 697 individuals where N was 293 and N was 1428. The second population estimate was conducted during September. The steelhead population was found to be 14,551 - a drop of 6.6 percent in about one month. N was 13,510 and N was 15,482. The silver salmon population was 318 - a drop of 54.4 percent in about one month. N was 188 and N was 497.(Table 8). Between October 1957 and May 2, 1958, a total of 101,668 fish were planted in Maple Creek. Of these, 44,756 were steelhead, 14,580 were cutthroats, and 42,332 were chinooks (Table 10). Salo (1958) found that in March and April of 1958 sampling indicated a considerably larger population of wild fish than in 1957, for out of 124 marked wild fish released, only one was recovered in a sample of 103. The 1+ age group appeared to be the 87 Table 10 Hatchery Plants by Humboldt State College into Maple Creek, 1958 88 significant group contributing to this increase. Although it was too early to pick up specific mortality rates of the hatchery fish, Salo (1958) showed that some very interesting estimates could be obtained by using unmarked wild fish as the random variable in the probability distribution and thus calculating the survival rates of the hatchery fish. Using a wild fish/hatchery fish ratio of 68/115 (Table 9) and assuming a wild fish population of 20,000, a survival rate of 75 percent is obtained for the hatchery fish from the date of planting to the first of May. If the wild fish population that was assumed to be 20,000 is in fact greater, then the survival rate of the hatchery plants is correspondingly greater. The above estimate would be invalid if the following four assumptions are not realized: (1) adequate mixing of hatchery fish and wild fish, (2) sampling effort unbiased toward the areas of planting, (3) no differential migration of wild or hatchery fish into the lagoon, and (4) no gear selectivity. 89 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE LAGOON The environment of Big Lagoon is truly dynamic and varied. It can be classified as either marine, brackish, or fresh at any one time. The presence of these three conditions are possible as a result of the salt water influx caused by the breaching of the bar in conjunction with the fresh water runoff from the tributaries. During the summer months when the rainfall and resultant runoff are at a minimum, and the wind agitation is low, the lagoon waters are rather docile. The comparatively warm fresh water, which is less dense than the saline waters, floats along the surface area. The cooler, denser salt water is confined to the lower depths of the lagoon. Here the available oxygen is in low concentrations. As the winter approaches and rainfall and wind increase, the water level of the lagoon rises. With this rise in water level there is also a rise in the ratio of fresh water to salt water, even though some fresh water is lost through the spit as described by Rowe and Royce (1953). The supply of oxygen in the lower levels is replenished when the lagoon breaches. The temperature strata are usually more stable in the lower depths, where fluctuations in air temperatures have less effect. During the summer months typical summer lacustrine and typical summer oceanographic conditions are observed, i.e., with the warmer waters on top and the cooler waters on the bottom. But during the winter months a meriomictic condition is observed, in which the warmer water may be on the bottom and the cooler water on top 90 (Figure 36). The physics of this can be readily understood by relating the temperature to the salinity gradient (Figure 19). During those periods when the lagoon is open, a new supply of salt water from the ocean enters the lagoon, replenishing it with oxygen and nutrients. The extent to which the salt water encroaches upon the lagoon is directly correlated with the height of the tide. Figure 30 shows this influx of salt water at Big Lagoon Station A on June 17, 1957. It therefore follows that those organisms inhabiting the lagoon must by necessity be very versatile in their adaptation, and capable of withstanding sudden and extreme changes in chemical and physical factors. POSSIBLE LIMITING FACTORS OF THE LAGOON ENVIRONMENT ON THE PRODUCTION OF SALMONOIDS Because of the complex life cycle of an anadromous fish, many factors can influence the success or failure of the rearing program of Big Lagoon. The rate of oxygen consumption by fish varies greatly with the size and species of the fish, and with temperature, pH, and dissolved carbon dioxide. Therefore it is extremely difficult to define the lower limits of dissolved oxygen necessary to support fish life, particularly salmonoids. During the late summer and fall, before the first opening of the lagoon, the lower depths are low in oxygen (Figure 31). This represents a period of about three or four months during which the lower depths of the lagoon may not be utilized for long periods of time by salmonid fishes. This area constitutes a minor percentage of the lagoon 91 and is not significant. At no time during the course of this study have the upper layers of the lagoon been low in oxygen. No quantitative or qualitative determinations have been made of the food materials in the lagoon, although great concentrations of mysids (Neomysis mercedis) have been observed during the spring months. It is not known whether there is an adequate food supply to support large populations of fish throughout the year or whether there are any definite plankton blooms. It was observed, however, that the populations of flounders and sculpin in the lagoon were in extremely poor condition. If these sculpin occupy the same ecological niche as salmonoids, then it can be inferred that competition for food may be a significant factor in Big Lagoon. A study should be made of the amount and availability of food for salmonid fishes. One approach could be through determining the condition factor of the fish planted in the lagoon, during their lagoon residence. Stomach analyses could be made. Analysis of the recovery rates of spawned-out steelhead and their lagoon growth might also be undertaken. No predation studies, as such, were carried on. Possible predators of salmonoids, as listed by Shapovalov and Taft (1954) and Pritchard (1936), that were observed in the area are listed below. The fishes found to be of some importance as predators were: freshwater sculpins (Cottus asper and C. aleuticus), juvenile steelhead, juvenile silver salmon, and cutthroat trout. Although three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) were abundant, they cannot be classified as predators. In the lagoon there were large populations 92 of staghorn sculpins (Leptocottus armatus) and starry flounders (Platichthys stellatus), which are not listed as predators of salmonid fishes, but may influence the overall ecological relationships of the lagoon for salmonoids by affording excessive competition. The following fish-eating birds were observed by the author in the study area: western belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), great blue heron (Ardea herodias), western grebe (Aechomphorus occidentalis), redbreasted merganser (Mergus serrator), American egret (Casmerodius albus egretta), pacific loon (Gavia arctica pacifica), brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis californicus), and double crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus). THE TIMING OF SALMON AND STEELHEAD RUNS AS A POSSIBLE LIMITING FACTOR Murphy and DeWitt (1951) described the fall run of spawning chinook salmon in the Eel River as follows: "In 1950 the spawning run of king salmon entered the Eel River in August. The first fish were taken in the sport fishery on August 12 and 15. From August until October increasing numbers of salmon entered the lower river. Some pushed upstream, apparently in response to slight rises in the river induced by mild fall rains. On October 6, 1950 the first king salmon appeared at Benbow Dam on the South Fork of Eel River near Garberville. Heavy rains occurred in the Eel basin the last week in October. During and after these rains the king salmon migrated rapidly upstream. During the week of October 29 to November 4, 4258 king salmon passed the Benbow Dam fishway. From then until January 27, 1951, when the last king salmon passed Benbow Dam, salmon were probably passing the lower river, but because of high, muddy water practically none were caught in the sport fishery." 93 Briggs (1953) found a similar situation in Prairie Creek, Humboldt County, and Snyder (1981) described the fall run in the Klamath River as beginning about one month earlier. It can be inferred from these reports that this pattern holds true for spawning runs all along the north coast of California. Since the lagoon generally does not open until mid-December, a definite problem exists as to the adaptability of king salmon to Big Lagoon. If a successful plant does return to the lagoon in the early fall, they may not be able to enter the lagoon until the first opening in mid-December. This may be the reason that, at the present time, there is no natural run of kings in Big Lagoon. There are five possible solutions to this problem: (1) Artificial opening of the lagoon, which can be accomplished when the lagoon depth is 28 feet or greater (verbal report, Richard Warren, Resident Engineer, California Division of Highways, 1957); but this situation is generally not encountered until around late November or early December. (2) Installation of tidal gates and/or flume with adequate passage in and out for fish. (3) Capture of the fish in the ocean, when and if they school outside the lagoon, and taking the eggs on the spot for subsequent hatchery rearing. (4) Development and establishment of a late spawning strain of kings. (5) Eggs obtained from other hatcheries and reared in the Humboldt State College hatchery for release in Big Lagoon may contribute sufficiently to the ocean fishery to warrant the continuance of such a program without means for taking eggs from the returning fish that are unable to enter the lagoon. Shapovalov and Taft (1954) and Murphy and DeWitt (1951) have described the silver salmon and steelhead trout spawning migrations 9;4 that occur in Waddell Creek and the Eel River as being in the late fall and early winter, with the peak months around November and December. Briggs (1953) found a similar situation at Prairie Creek. Considering this later spawning time, as compared to king salmon, and also considering the time of the first opening of the lagoon, conditions are such as to lend to the management of these two species. Captain Walter Gray, Chief of Patrol, Department of Fish and Game, Eureka, California, has stated that in aerial flights he has observed schools of salmonoid fishes off the bar at Big Lagoon waiting for it to open. If this is so, and if these fish are destined for the lagoon, the fact that a bar extends across it does not hinder their homing instinct. Observation in the past has shown that after the lagoon opens and provides access to Maple Creek, little time is spent before the first fish are seen on the spawning grounds. During the fall of 1956, fourteen days after the lagoon had opened for the first time, spawnedout steelhead carcasses were found in Maple Creek. Ripe steelhead were also taken in the lagoon as late as April 1957. CONDITIONS IN THE LAGOON AT THE TIME OF DOWNSTREAM MIGRATION In typical streams along the north coast, access to the sea is generally always afforded downstream migrants. In Big Lagoon the situation facing downstream migrants is much different. King Salmon Murphy and DeWitt (1951) have noted that the months of July, 95 August, and September are the most active for downstream migrants in the Eel River. Snyder (1931) also has found late summer and early fall to be the time most favored for downstream migrants. Both of these authors have stated that many of these migrants appear to favor estuarine existence for varying periods of time before migrating to the sea. This estuarine life was of greater duration in the Klamath than in the Eel River. In their report, Murphy and DeWitt (1951) state that the most desirable size to plant salmon in the Eel River would be at least 3.5 inches fork length. This is the average size of the downstream migrants in the wild stage. In the State of Washington, downstream migration of chinooks seems to take place much earlier. Regenthal (1954) and Wendler and Deschamps (1954) found that in the Snohomish and Wynooche Rivers the major concentrations of chinooks migrated seaward during the months of April and Mag. If the downstream migrant chinooks from Maple Creek reach the lagoon during the months June-August or April-May, dependent upon the strain, they will be faced with a typical summer-type lagoon situation. Once in the lagoon they will not be able to escape to the sea until December. But during this time in the lagoon they will be able to indulge in a pseudo-estuarian existence. By distributing themselves throughout different parts of the lagoon, the fish may find that salinity which is best suited to their needs for conversion to salt water. Silver Salmon and Steelhead In Waddell Creek, Shapovalov and Taft (1954) found that 95 percent of all downstream migrant silver salmon had undergone their seaward migration during the nine-week period from April 8 to June 9. They also 96 state that fish in the Eel River drainage and Beaver Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River 160 miles above the mouth, undergo migration during approximately the same period. In the State of Washington the time of migration for silver salmon appears to be about the same time as in California, with the peak of the runs occurring about a week or two later (Regenthal, 1954, and Wendler and Deschamps, 1954). As in the case of king salmon, this means that the downstream migrant silver salmon and steelhead will not be able to escape to the sea until the first opening of the lagoon in December. Young steelhead trout seem to have two periods of downstream migration: (l) in the late fall, and (2) in the late spring and early summer, with May being the most active month (Shapovalov and Taft, 1954). The early fall migrants will have only a short wait until the lagoon opens. During this time these fish will probably not be found in the depths of the lagoon where the water is more saline and is low in dissolved oxygen. In the past, sport catches in the fall have revealed the best catches of young steelhead were along the northeast shore of the lagoon, in rather shallow areas. This implies one of three things, or a combination thereof: (l) the low concentrations of dissolved oxygen keeps the fish out of the depths, (2) their osmo-regulation is such as to prevent them from entering the waters of high salinity, or (3) food organisms attract them to the area along the northeast shore. The summer downstream migrants are faced with a totally different situation. These fish must remain in the lagoon through the summer and fall, and then pass oft to the ocean with the late migrants in December. 97 VARIATIONS IN THE ANNUAL CYCLE OF BIG LAGOON AND THE POSSIBILITY OF PREDICTING WATER CONDITIONS Numerous physical factors affect the annual cycle and water compositon of Big Lagoon. If there are no major physical changes, then it can be expected that the seasonal conditions would be similar from year to year. Stability of this nature would be very helpful to the fisheries biologist for it would be possible to estimate the conditions in the lagoon by taking restricted spot checks. This method can be employed during gill netting programs when it is desirable to know the general conditions throughout the lagoon. It was actually found possible that by taking a spot sample at Station C, the chlorinity at any other place in the lagoon at the same depth of the sample could be predicted. The accuracy of this method was found to be ±1.50 parts per thousand. By taking samples every two feet in the lagoon at Station C, the general chlorinity patterns throughout the entire lagoon can be determined. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING A SPILLWAY AND/OR TIDAL GATES The possible need for a spillway at Big Lagoon was one of the factors instrumental in prompting the original plans for the Big Lagoon project. Concern over necessity for a spillway was expressed primarily by sportsmen's organizations in the Humboldt County area. They felt that the most significant contribution to the potential of the Big Lagoon fisheries could be made by installing a means for fish to migrate in and out of the lagoon. As this is an engineering concern, the problems of constructing a spillway were not investigated. However, observations over the last two years lead to the following recommendations: 98 (1) Α simple spillway to accommodate overflow in order to prevent breaching would be entirely impractical. Without interchange, the saline waters of the lagoon would become very low in oxygen, high in H2S, and a general stagnant condition would exist for a number of years until complete loss of the entrapped salt water had taken place. The only water to flow out to sea through the spillway would be the upper, less dense layers of the lagoon, which would be the freshwater runoff from Maple Creek. (2) In a very limited way, access to the lagoon could be afforded spawning runs by artificially opening the lagoon. This can be accomplished when the lagoon reaches about 28 feet or more in depth. Α bulldozer or crane is usually employed in this operation, but on occasion when the lagoon is within a foot or two of opening, it can be opened by shovel crews. (3) Probably the best way to solve this problem, but by far the most expensive, would be to build a flume connecting the ocean with the lagoon. This flume should be equipped with valves or tidal gates to control the inflow and outflow of the lagoon waters. It would be impractical to build this flume into the north end of the bar for two reasons: (a) the bar is very unstable here, and (b) the lagoon would be unable to open naturally, thus accelerating the sedimentation fill. The ideal place to locate the flume would be in the middle or the south end of the spit, wherever the lagoon strand is most stable. This flume could be placed down in the bar and water could flow into the ocean or into the lagoon. In this way, by controlling the valves, fish could pass in and out of the lagoon when the bar was closed. When desirable, the Lagoon could be allowed to fill and open naturally. The flume would serve a twofold purpose by affording passage to migrating fish, and aid in maintaining more stable water levels in the lagoon for boating. 99 SUMM ARY 1. In the Fall of 1956 Humboldt State College, the Wildlife Conservation Board of California, and the California Department of Fish and Game entered into contract to study the possibilities of using the Northern California Coastal Lagoons as supplemental rearing areas for anadromous fishes such as salmon and trout. Because of the great economic importance and present critical situation of the king salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and the importance of silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri gairdneri), the project concentrated on these species. 2. Since the success of the lagoons as rearing areas is directly associated with the environment of the lagoon, it was obvious that a study of the physical and chemical characteristics of the lagoon would constitute the. initial phase of the study. It is with this phase of the project that this paper is concerned. The studies started in the Fall of 1956 and were carried on until the Spring of 1958. 3. The methods, materials, and sources of error are described. 4. Successive elevations and depressions of land masses along the North Coast, coupled with fluctuating sea levels, led to the formation of small bays along the North Coastal area. Wind-driven, along-shore currents were the significant forces in forming the bars which made these small bays into lagoons. The southeasterly winds of the winter caused a northerly-flowing along-shore current while during the summer months the prevailing northwesterly winds caused a southerly along-shore current. 5. Big Lagoon is situated 24 miles north of Arcata, California, on Highway 101. It is the southernmost of a series of four lagoons located 100 within eight miles of each other. The lagoon is about 3.5 miles long and 1.3 miles at the widest point. When the lagoon is 25 feet, it covers an area of 1470 surface acres. To the west the lagoon is separated from the ocean by a sand bar about 3.2 miles long which averages 700 feet wide at mean low tide. 6. The Big Lagoon bar is not stable, but is subject to opening and closing during certain times of the year. These openings occur during the winter rainy season. With heavy run-off the lagoon fills with water. As the lagoon approaches its maximum level, the sand particles of the bar become buoyant in the surrounding water medium. As seepage through the bar from the lagoon to the ocean takes place, the particles of sand become so buoyed that the bar breaches and the lagoon evacuates in dramatic fashion. Then natural forces repair the breach for a repetition of the cycle. 7. Three streams, Tom Creek, Maple Creek, and Pitcher Creek supply virtually all of the water entering the lagoon and furnish all of the spawning areas available to salmonoids. 8. The total rainfall for the period October 1, 1956 to September 30, 1957 was 66.2 inches. The closest available wind data was from Eureka, California. The 44-year average hourly wind velocity was 7.3 miles per hour. The summer winds were dominantly northerly and in the winter the winds were southerly. The presence of fog in the summer months was a definite limiting factor in affecting the amount of evaporation. The maximum and minimum air temperatures recorded for the 19561957 period were 83 and 22 degrees Fahrenheit. 9. The salinity patterns in Big Lagoon were found to be extremely variable. Even while the lagoon was closed, day to day differences in 101 stratification were evident. Chlorinities on the bottom were always found to be greater than at the surface. During the summer of 1957 the highest chlorinity recorded was 17.40 0/00 at a depth of 20 feet. The lowest chlorinity recorded in the lagoon was 0.05 °/oo. While the lagoon was open to the sea, physical forces of mixing were found to be most significant. It was during this period that replenishment of dissolved nutrients took place. Oxygen was also replenished in the lower layers during these periods. After the last closing of the bar, oxygens were found to progressively decrease with time in the lower layers, resulting in an oxygen-deficient area in the bottom of the lagoon. The oxygen in the upper layers of the lagoon was replenished throughout the year by wind agitation, but in the lower layers no replacement of oxygen was evident except when the lagoon was open to the sea. Two distinctive temperature patterns were evident in the lagoon: (1) a winter pattern when the warmest waters were on the bottom, and (2) a summer pattern when the coolest waters were on the bottom. The coldest temperature recorded in the lagoon was 5.6 degrees centigrade while the warmest was 23.0 degrees centigrade. 10. Gill netting in Big Lagoon was started on January 29, 1957 and continued until August 30, 1957. A total of forty-four sets was made. During this period 27 steelhead and 2 cutthroat trout were taken. 11. Two creel censuses were conducted during the course of this study. The average fish taken per man per hour was 0.13. 12. During the summer and fall of 1957, preliminary studies were started on the methods to be used for population enumeration of natural stocks in Maple Creek. The first marking program began on July 24, 1957 102 and an estimated population of 15,577 steelhead and 697 silver salmon was obtained. The second population estimate was conducted during September. The steelhead population was found to be 14,551 - a drop of 6.6 percent and the silver salmon population was 318 - a drop of 54.4 percent. 13. Between October 1957 and Hay 1958, a total of 101,668 fish from Humboldt State College Fish Hatchery was planted in Maple Creek. 14. Possible predatory fishes and birds of Big Lagoon are listed. 15. Because the lagoon bar is not open during the time of king salmon spawning runs, a definite problem exists as to the feasibility of establishing a chinook run in Big Lagoon. The periods when the Big Lagoon bar is open are during the time of the steelhead and silver salmon spawning migration. 16. Steelhead and silver salmon juveniles migrating downstream after April generally are unable to reach the ocean. They must remain in the lagoon until the first opening, usually in late December. 17. It was found that by taking spot samples, chlorinities throughout the lagoon could be predicted to i1.50 0/00. 18. Because of the problems confronting salmonoids is entering and leaving the lagoon, it is probable that some means may have to be arranged for to give controlled access to and from the ocean. 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C, No. 8: 63-277. 10 APPENDIX This Appendix lists all observed chemical data obtained from Big Lagoon during the study period. 111 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - October 27, 1956 112 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - November 25, 1956 113 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - November 16, 1956 114 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - December 31, 1956 135 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - January 3, 1957 116 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - February 19, 1957 117 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - Αρril 9, 1957 118 Οbseτνed Data, Big Lagoon - June 17, 1957 119 June 17, 1957 (Continued) 120 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - July 1, 1957 121 July 1, 1957 (Continued) 122 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - July 16, 195? 123 July 16, 1957 (Continued) 1214 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - August 7, 1957 125 August 7, 1957 (Continued.) 126 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - August 8, 1957 August 8, 1957 (Continued) 128 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - August 10, 1958 129 August 10, 1958 (Continued) 130 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - October 13, 1957 131 October 13, 1957 (Continued) 132 Observed, Big Lagoon - Νovember 26, 1957 133 November 26, 1957 (Continued) 131 November 26, 1957 (Continued) λ35 Observed Data, Big Lagoon - April 19, 1958 136 April 19, 1958 (Continued) April 19, 1958 (Continued)
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