Welcome! Welcome to our visitors If you are new to Clovercrest, then we trust that you enjoy your time with us. Please join our friendly people in the foyer for coffee and a chat after the service. If you didn’t receive a gift bag during the service, you can pick one up at Reception. Just ask one of the Welcome team who are wearing the blue shirts. One of the biggest sticking points for people at Easter are the questions; “did Jesus really rise from the dead and was He really the Son of God?” Overcoming such doubts has proven too much for some. Did Jesus say “Stop doubting”? YES. Is there more to the story? YES. I read this article recently and thought it was worth sharing with you as we prepare for Easter and embrace afresh the life transforming sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.. “Of all the disciples, there is one who has an enduring nickname, ‘Doubting Thomas.’ We have traditionally thrown him under the bus for doubting Jesus rose from the dead, and condescendingly shaken our heads at his resistance to believe. But let’s not forget, he is not the only one who did not believe. When the disciples first heard of Jesus’ resurrection from the women who went to Jesus’ tomb, “they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense.” Luke 24:11 All the disciples doubted, but Thomas was the only one with the courage to admit he needed proof. He said, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe” John 20:25. When Jesus encountered Thomas, He did not rebuke him but rather He gave Thomas what he needed. He invited Thomas to touch His wounds, and only then did Jesus tell him he could stop doubting.” The beauty with this is that Thomas had an intimate encounter with Jesus. He was not condemned for his doubt and Jesus met him exactly where he was at. He journeyed through his doubt and his faith expanded as a result. This Easter, as we praise God for His Son, I encourage you to bring your doubts to Him, at the same time asking God for understanding and wisdom as you grow in your faith and love for the One who died for you. Mark Purser Senior Pastor 2 EASTER APPEAL 2014 This year our Easter Appeal will be going to Pathway Community Centre and their many ministries 3 4 Our Bank Details are Changing! Clovercrest has moved its general banking from Bank SA to Baptist Financial Services (BFS) All Electronic Giving will need to be deposited to the following NEW bank account details with BFS: For all general giving to Clovercrest Baptist Church: Account Name: Clovercrest Baptist Church Inc Cheque Account BSB: 704 922 Acc No: 100014517 For giving to Pathway Community Centre: Account Name: Pathway Community Centre Inc BSB: 704 922 Acc No: 100014519 Building Giving Bank details are unchanged and as follows: Account Name: Clovercrest Baptist Church Inc BSB: 704 922 Acc No: 100013517 (Please use your surname or ID no as your reference) There will be a transition period to allow time to change your direct deposit banking details for your giving. However the cut off date will be 30 April 2014, after which the old accounts will be closed. Your assistance in redirecting your giving by the end of April will be greatly appreciated, and will ensure a smooth continuance of finances. Should you have any questions regarding these changes please feel free to contact Becc in the office on 8397 9400 or rvanroy@clovercrest.com.au. Thank you for your faithful support. Becc Van Roy, Treasurer 5 Lord, through the Holy Spirit make me an articulate, joyful witness for You. I need to look to You, and not to myself. Turn my eyes, through the Holy Spirit, in the right direction. Corrie Ten Boom “The following email, sent to myself and Jessie Pelentsov recently, is testimony to the way the Holy Spirit leads us in the right direction... if we are willing and open to sharing His Good News! It also speaks of the value in participating in a church wide series. ‘I just wanted to say thanks for choosing the Contagious Christianity series for Clovie. We’re loving the challenge and the like-minded support that the course brings. We’ve been trying to live out much of this with the non-Christians we connect with anyway, but the course gives us a little more focus and it’s a great springboard for conversation with others in the church to spur one another on. Since starting the course with our Life Group, God has also sent a whole lot more folks our way for us to point to Him (which has been such an encouraging, scary and fun thing to do!). 6 Thanks sooo much for leading us in the way you do great support for the church, great teaching and leading, challenging the way we live as believers.’ This email has me wondering - are you starting to find the same thing in your own life? I know I am a lot more attentive to God’s promptings, looking for ways to engage people and bridge conversations to Christ/ church, praying for the lost more regularly, ‘in the Zone’ and more proactive. Let’s be sure to enter into the essence of this call to witness and join with our wider church and lead people out of our own experiences also – very exciting! Mark Purser Preparing the Village Andrew Turner A remarkable thing happens when a grandchild arrives. The house needs to be “baby-proofed”. It’s been quite comfortable for adults for years, even decades, but suddenly it needs to be looked at with a different set of eyes altogether! Parts that have been comfortable and convenient for adults are realized to be hazardous or inappropriate for a little person. A house that on one level is “perfectly adequate” gets a necessary transformation, all determined by the weakest, smallest family member – who perhaps hasn’t even arrived yet! It might be bemusing, even bewildering. It might be frustrating, too – oh, the things we suddenly need to fuss about! But deep down we know it’s right and good and also exciting. A great (and brave) question for leaders to ask congregations is this: “Is there anything we’re Our churches need to be regularly “babydoing, or not doing, that keeps you from proofed” for spiritual children – even those inviting a friend?” These little ones – we haven’t yet seen. Many churches are immature, messy, noisy, demanding ones – predominantly filled with those who have perhaps ones we’ve not even met yet – these been Christians for decades. And until we are the VIPs of God’s extended family. Not deliberately look – even seeking outside only must we ask “What hazards need to be advice – we can be quite blind to how ill removed?” but then also “How could we prepared we are for new believers. make this place wonderfully welcoming for From time to time I hear people say they children?” would “never” invite an unbelieving friend to It takes a village to raise a child, it’s said. their church. I always press them to think Nowhere is this more true than in the task of specifically about just what it is that would be spiritual parenting – of making disciples. unhelpful to an enquirer. Sometimes it’s one Christians grow through exposure to the big thing, sometimes it’s fifty little things. But whole body of Christ. It’s not realistic to raise they need to be named, and they need to be children in isolation until they are ready for attended to. the village. The village must get ready for them. How ready is yours? You can interact with this article and many others at sacredagents.net Andrew Turner is Church Development Facilitator with Baptist Churches SA 7 AM & PM April Sermon Topics APRIL 6 AM - Jesus My Provider Mark Purser PM - MERGE YOUTH SERVICE Ryan Vice & Aajiah Jericho APRIL 13 AM - People of Palm Sunday Sean Boucher PM - Guest Speaker James Stevens APRIL18 - GOOD FRIDAY AM - Responding to the Cross Mark Purser 8 APRIL 20 - EASTER SUNDAY AM - Responding to the Resurrection PM - NO SERVICE Mark Purser APRIL 27 AM - Living with Hope PM - Living with Hope Mike Hey Tim Wiggins Emma Kingham PRAY for JERUSALEM Psalm 122 was a song used by pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem from the time of King David onwards, describing their anticipation of worshipping together in Jerusalem at God’s Temple. The Psalmist also tells them to pray for Jerusalem and for peace within its walls. Prayer Lift Just a reminder that Prayer lift is in recess whilst the Contagious Christianity series is on a Monday night. We look forward to meeting with you again 7.30pm Monday, 7 April. Prayer Chain For urgent and pressing prayer requests be sure to use our Prayer Chain ministry. All prayer requests are held in strict confidence. Maureen Cook leads ‘Pray Jerusalem,’ a small group who gather fortnightly to pray in Maureen Park is the coordinator of our obedience to this command of God, asking the Prayer Chain and can be contacted Lord to bring his Shalom peace to Jerusalem, to on 8263 2764. the people who live there and the Jews throughout the world. Prayer News As this group pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they are asking the Lord to Restore the land of Israel Redeem the Jewish people and Return for His people through the revelation of our Messiah, Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace. This group also prays for the people caught up in the Middle East conflict, whether they are Jewish, Muslim or Christian, for we are all God’s children and this affects each and every one of us. Rather than focussing on and praying against something bad, they pray for God to bless His people, which has always been part of God’s redemptive plan, right from the beginning of time. We know Jesus’ heart ached for Jerusalem, and that the Apostle Paul also longed for the Jews to know God’s salvation (Romans 10:1), so if these words strike a chord in your heart too, please consider joining this prayer group. They meet on alternate Wednesdays, 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm. Please contact Maureen Cook through the church office on 8397 9400. Healing Prayer — By appointment only, Wednesday mornings. Please call Ann Hey or the church office to book a time. Pray for the Dalits of India – Tuesday, April 15. Normally the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7-8pm in the Prayer Room. Family News Condolences Our prayers and thoughts go out to the families of Kimani & Jane Nganga, Cobus & Ali van der Merwe, Kim & Phil Davids and Janice McShane whom have all recently lost loved ones. May you know God’s peace during this difficult time. Pastoral Care Do you have a pastoral care need? Please phone/SMS 0405 329 540 (if you attend our morning services) or 0404 262 970 (if you attend our evening services). For further information or assistance please contact Ann Hey, Leader of Pastoral Care, 8397 9400. 9 Welcome Home! Sean and Jan Boucher and their girls, Georgina and Clarissa, have recently returned to Adelaide and their Clovercrest family after spending many years serving in missions with WEC in South East Asia and more recently in Sydney. Firstly we'd like to say... thanks to everyone who has welcomed us back to Adelaide. We have enjoyed the positive vibe here at Clovercrest and the opportunities to get to know you. The girls have loved KNO & Ignite, Sean has revelled in the chance to lead a 'Contagious Christians' group and Jan is enjoying the worship services and is looking forward to beginning Kids Hope mentoring next term. Jan is continuing her ministry with WEC this year, and has recently been voted in to the WEC Australian Leadership Team. As the rest of the leadership team are based in Sydney, good communication and regular travel will be essential in her role. One of Jan's first projects has been a complete revamp of WEC Australia's Member care systems which form the basis for the care of 150 missionaries in Australia and overseas. Sean has appreciated the chance to re-enter the paid employment realm this year and the interactions it leads to with people of many backgrounds. He's also continuing to actively volunteer with WEC as webmaster and content creator for all their online presences. God has provided greatly for us in this transition and over the last 16 years of missions ministry and we're thankful to Him as well as to you for your ongoing support as we continue our journey of following Him. 10 Nipapanha Visit 2014 Thursday 17 April to Monday 21 April. As this is a long weekend it will be an opportunity for individuals and families to celebrate Easter and undertake a small service project with the community without jeopardising annual leave. Family discounts available. Further info about this visit including family discount will be available in church foyer, or contact David Girvan on 8264 2115. Please note: Registrations close 6 April. TO ALL OUR CHERISHED MATURE LADIES If you are over 70 years old or are celebrating your 70th birthday in 2014, please give your name, address and phone number to the front office or pop a note into the "D" pigeon hole addressed to Val D'Arcy. Our Women's ministry have a special event planned just for you later on in the year but help us out, we don't want to guess whether you are old enough to be eligible! Thursday, 10 March ‘The Pryer’s on the Fleurieu’ Be here at 9am ready to board the Bus! Includes Morning tea and BBQ Lunch and concert! Great Value! Great Fun! Cost $30. Contact David & Yvonne Armstrong for more details on 8281 7878. Please book either at 50+ or at the Reception desk after the Sunday morning services. 11 Maxine’s Moments Friday, 11 April, 6.30 - 8.30pm In Kids Church this term we have been following the life of Paul who was a “contagious Christian”! At the end of our teaching, the week we covered Paul’s encounter with God on the road when he was struck by light, I said to the kids, “Now we’ll have to wait til next week to hear what Paul does next!” In a room of silence, one boy with frustration in his voice, said out loud “Oh, what!” Every teacher wants to hear that kind of enthusiasm for what is being taught but more than that my heart did a massive leap at the enthusiasm for God’s Word that young boy shared! The good news is that I told them they could read the next part of the story for themselves in Acts. If only we were all that excited about God’s word. Kids Church will be on break for Sunday 13 and 20 April and resume again 27 April. Boost will run both Sundays of the holidays and on Good in the service with their families. KNO & Xchange will resume Friday 2 May mainly music finishes for the term on Tuesday 8 April and Thursday 10 April with a fantastic Easter theme day! mainly music starts again Tuesday 29 April and Thursday 1 May 12 Want to go on camp with Maxine? Come along and let’s have some fun together! Camp forms available at reception. Growing Together in Marriage Weekend April 4-6 at Lyndoch Hill. Growing Together in Marriage, SA—making good marriages better Marriage is a journey... The best may yet lie ahead A Growing Together in Marriage weekend is a great opportunity to take time out to focus on each other; celebrate the positives in your relationship; refresh the sense of romance between you; and enrich your marriage, no matter how long you have been together. Be quick to register for the first weekend of 2014. Please contact Steve & Val D'Arcy for more information 0402 983 154. To find out more visit: www.gtimsa.org.au In Term 2 we will cover the 0-6 age group starting Thursday 15 May through to Thursday 19 June – 6 weeks of positive, practical and fun sharing on how to be great parents. $45 per person includes a manual and supper. 13 Recovery Services Sunday afternoons 1pm An informal time of worship for anyone battling life-controlling addictions. We are now meeting in the Church Multi-Purpose Room each week for a light lunch before the service. Contact Pathway Community Centre on 8395 1881 for more details. Pathway MONSTER Garage Sale Saturday 5 April, 8am - 1pm At our shopping centre where Treasured Designs will be open. Come and get some bargains. If you would like to help us on the day, please contact Val D'Arcy on 0402 983 154. The Garden Guys Our Recovery gardeners are getting to work each week! So we are in need of donations of gardening tools – brooms, rakes, spades, shovels, forks, picks, secateurs etc and power tools in good working order. More Work Wanted! Pathway Community Centre can offer a whole variety of services. These include food Would you like to join our regular list of hampers, clothing vouchers for Treasured garden maintenance jobs, domestic or Designs, personal counselling, financial business. We can come 2-4 weekly to do your counselling, The Tea Table and Recovery. lawns, edges, weeding and trimming. At this stage we are available to work Wednesdays only but will expand this to Fridays as demand warrants it. Prices quoted per job. Ring Pathway office on 8395 1881 for further enquires or to make a booking. will open on the first Sunday of each month starting from 6 April, from 11.00am 12.30pm. If you don't have the opportunity to visit us during the week, come and see us then. Pathway Community Centre & Treasured Designs HELP! We are in need of some assistance in writing grant applications. I know that we have some expertise in our Church – Would you be willing to help? See John Flack or Jen Ezard. Community Care Thanks to those who have included us in their grocery shopping weekly. If you think of us we really do need: margarine or butter, toiletries - shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, etc.. 14 Leadership Lift 30pm Monday 5 May, 7. l ministries are All Leaders from Al session on invited to attend a ship.’ er ‘Empowering Lead rm of leadership If you are in any fo ght t or beyond this ni here at Clovercres ur yo ark this date in is a ‘go to’ event. M diary NOW! Good News... One day last week, my husband Chris and I were talking about how our day at work had been. I was excited to tell him that I got to do one of my favourite parts of the job – contacting a charity to let them know that Clovercrest had a large donation to give them, proceeds of the Christmas Appeal Offering. I said to Chris that even though I did not raise the money myself, it is a privilege being the bearer of good news, and hearing the excitement and gratitude from the recipient. Chris thought about this, then commented that this is the same privilege we have as Christians, to tell people the ‘Good News’ of the gospel, that Jesus Christ redeems us, restores us and gives us eternal life with Him. Even though it is Jesus who has paid the price in full, He has given us the joy of telling people on His behalf that this gift of forgiveness and friendship is free for them to receive and will transform their lives. This is exciting! This has been a new and refreshing way of looking at evangelism for Chris & I, especially as we are doing the Contagious Christianity course, and we pray you find encouragement from this too. Have a great month, Becc Van Roy Finance News New Bank Details General Offerings Clovercrest Baptist Church Inc. Cheque Account BSB 704 922 Account No. 100014517 Pathway Community Centre BSB: 704 922 Account No: 100014519 BFS Building Fund Gifts & Pledges Clovercrest Baptist Church Inc. BSB 704-922 Account No. 100013517 Please include your Pledge ID number in the reference. “Honour the Lord with your wealth, the first fruits of all your crops” Proverbs 3:9 15 Upcoming Events See inside for more details Ignite - Split Night Friday 4 April, 7.30pm Pray for the Dalits Tuesday 15 April, 7pm Ignite - Life Groups Sunday 6 April, 4- 6pm Ignite - Go Carts Friday 24 April Merge Youth Service Sunday 6 April, 6pm Pray Jerusalem Wednesday 26 April, 2.00pm Pray Jerusalem Wednesday 9 April, 2.00pm mainly music - Term 2 Resumes Tues 29 April & Thur 1 May 50+ Bus Trip Thursday 10 April, 9am KNO & Xchange - Term 2 Resumes Friday 2 May KNO & Xchange Friday 11 April, 6.30pm TiBS - Gorge Wildlife Park Saturday 12 April, leaving from Clovercrest 10.00am Daylight Saving Ends! Oasis - Progressive Meal Saturday, 12 April Don’t get caught out in the wrong time zone! Boost Sunday 13 & 20 April, 9:30am Clocks are officially turned back 1 hour 2am on 6 April. Please don’t wait up till 2am or you’ll sleep in and not make it to church! Pathway Community Centre www.clovercrest.com.au 2 Famechon Crescent, Modbury North 5092 office@clovercrest.com.au Clovercrest Baptist Church Office Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 3pm Ph: 8397 9400 Shop 1, 249 Milne Rd, Modbury North 5092 Mon Fri, 9am-5pm. Ph: 8395 1881 Treasured Designs Op Shop Shop 2, 249 Milne Rd , Modbury North 5092 Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 3pm Ph 8396 3902 Any entries for inclusion to the In Touch must reach the editors by the 20 th of each month. 16
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