Hungarian Golf Federation General Terms and Conditions of Competition (Abridgement) Regulations of the Rules of Golf approved by the R&A Limited, the EGA Handicap System approved by the European Golf Association (EGA) and Hungarian Golf Federation (HGF) and the General Terms and Conditions of the Competition approved by the HGF are compulsory for every golf competition organized by the HGF, for the ranking list tournaments and also for the handicap qualifying events organized by the golf clubs. With the exception of the Junior Tour organized by HGF have its separate General Conditions. In case of a handicap qualifying event at a golf club the Championship Committee may differ from this regulation concerning the following sections: Entry, Deadline of Entry, Entry fee, Flights, Entry withdrawal, Tees, Caddies, Transportation. Championship Committee, Referees Members of the Championship Committee are appointed by the HGF or the club management in case of a club tournament. The Championship Committee may appoint referees acting according to the Rules of Golf during the tournament. Referee’s and Championship Committee’s decisions are final there is no place for appeal. The Championship Committee keep rights to cancel a round, shorten a tournament, or change the Conditions of the Competition. Eligibility Eligible to enter every amateur golfer (Hungarian citizens only to the Hungarian Championship and see the Condition of Competition of the particular tournament), who is registered member of a golf club affiliated to the HGF or other national golf association, and whose EGA Handicap is corresponds to the handicap limit of the particular tournament. Entry, Deadline of Entry a. Players must enter to a tournament only by the manner published in the Condition of Competition. b. Players must enter to a tournament in written by an entry form. The players must ensure if their entry form arrived to the given address before the deadline. In case of an incomplete entry form, the Championship Committee may refuse the entry. Enter to a tournament means acceptance of the conditions of it and also assumes the knowledge of it. c. Entry to a tournament organized by the Hungarian Golf Federation accepted only online through the website. d. Entry form must arrive before the deadline of the entry. Entry fee The entry fee is due to the time of entry but latest before the tournament starts. The entry fee is published in the Condition of the Competition. 1 Number of players, waiting list If the number of entries exceeds the maximum set in the condition of the competition player’s entry with higher handicaps will be refused. In case of same handicaps the Championship Committee will decide by draw having regard the number of players in each category. Players whose entry was refused may get on to a waiting list and they must be informed about their status by the Championship Committee latest 12 hours before the tournament starts. Flights Flights should be determined according to handicaps. Players from same club should put in different flights if possible. Player’s whish should not be considered at the composition of flights. Players competing in same category should play together if handicaps allow it. Entry withdrawal a. Players may withdraw their entries before the official deadline of entry. If players withdraw their entry after the official deadline of entry but before the start list has been published they must pay the half of the entry fee. If players withdraw their entry after the start list has been published or not appear at the start time must pay the entire entry fee and may be banned from the next tournament. b. In the event of a tournament organized by the HGF players may withdraw their entries online before the official deadline of the entry and they entitled to get back the entire entry fee (all bank charges deducted). If players withdraw their entries after the official deadline of entry but before the start list has been published they entitled to get back only the half of the entry fee paid in advance. Players who withdraw later than the start list has been published or not appear at the start time are not entitled to get back the entry fee and they may be banned from the next tournament. Alterations of Handicap Every round of golf count for handicap purposes if it is met with the handicap conditions according to the EGA Handicap System. Handicap limit Player’s handicap must be under the published handicap limit at the time of closing the entry. The Championship Committee entitled to check the handicap and refuse the entry if that is higher than the limit at the time of closing the entry. Players must have a valid handicap certificate. Rules, Local Rules Players must play in accordance with the Rules of Golf approved by R&A Limited (included the Rules of Amateur Status) , the General Terms and Conditions of the Competition approved by the HGF, and the Local Rules approved by the Championship Committee. Local Rules must be approved by the Rules Committee of HGF in advance. General penalty for breach of Local Rules: Match play: Loss of Hole Stroke play: 2 strokes 2 The Ball (Rule 5-1 Note) The ball the player plays must be named on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the R&A. Penalty for Breach of Rule: Disqualification Clubs (Rule 4-1a Note) Any driver the player carries must have a club head identified by model and loft, that is named on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by the R&A. Penalty for Breach of Rules: Disqualification Teeing ground Players on the Open Championship should play from the back tees if possible. Players on Senior Championships may start from different tees according to decision of the Championship Committee. Juniors playing in junior category should start from tees according to their age group. The age groups are the following: Children: under the age 12 years (as of 0.00 hrs. 1 January, the year of the tournament) Boys: Men front (blue) tee Girls: Women front (orange) tee Teenager: between 12-15 years (under the age 16 years as of 0.00 hrs. 1 January, the year of the tournament) Boys: Men standard (yellow) tee Girls: Women standard (red) tee Junior: between 16-17years (under the age 18 years as of 0.00 hrs. 1 January, the year of the tournament) Players competing in same category must play from the same tee except in the junior category. Pace of Play Condition a. Time Allowed Each hole has been given a maximum completion time based upon the length and difficulty of the hole. The maximum time allotted for the completion of 18 holes will be available prior to play. In the absence of allowed time issued by the Championship Committee the following time are standards regarding groups of three and standard course and weather conditions. Par 3 holes: Par 4 holes: Par 5 holes: 9 holes: 10-13 minutes 14-16 minutes 17-18 minutes between 2:00-2:15 3 18 holes: between 4:00-4:30 Definition of Out of Position: The first group and any group after a starter’s gap will be considered to be “out of position” if, at the any time during the round, the group’s cumulative time exceeds he time allowed for the number of holes completed. Any following group will be considered “out of position” if it is more than the starting interval behind the group in front and has exceeded the time allowed for the number of holes played. b. Procedure When Group is Out of Position: 1. If a decision is taken to time the group, each player in the group will be subject to individual timing by a referee. Each player in the group will be advised that they are “out of position” an are being timed. 2. The maximum time allocated per shot is 40 seconds. 10 extra seconds are allowed for the first player to play: on a par three hole; an approach shot*; and a chip or putt *Firs player when the calculation of a yardage is involved get an additional 10 seconds (total of 60 sec.). The timing will start when a player has had sufficient time to reach his ball, it is his turn to play and he is able to play without interference or distraction. On the putting green timing will start when the player has had a reasonable amount of time to lift, clean and replace his ball, repair ball marks and move loose impediments on his line of putt. Time spent looking at the line from beyond the hole and/or behind the ball will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke. 3. Timing ceases when a group is back in position and players will be advised accordingly. Note: In some circumstances, an individual player, or two players within a group of three may be timed instead of the entire group. Penalty for breach of condition: Match play: 1 Bad Time: Player will be warned by the referee and told that if he has a further bad time will be penalized 2 Bad Times: Loss of Hole 3 Bad Times: Loss of Hole 4 Bad Times: Disqualification Stroke play: 1 Bad Time: Player will be warned by the referee and told that if he has a further bad time will be penalized 2 Bad Times: Penalty of One Stroke 3 Bad Times: Further penalty of Two Strokes 4 Bad Times: Disqualification Stableford: 1 Bad Time: Player will be warned by the referee and told that if he has a further bad time will be penalized 4 2 Bad Times: One Stableford point deduction from the Total 3 Bad Times: Further Two Stableford poins deduction from the Total 4 Bad Times: Disqualification c. Procedure When Again Out of Position During Same Round If a group is “out of position” more than once during a round, the above procedure will apply on each occasion. Bad times and the application of penalties in the same round will be carried forward until the round is completed. A player will not be penalized if he has a second bad time before being advised of his earlier bad time. d. Procedure when slow player delay the group If it is clear from monitoring a group that the pace of play problem is being created by one or two players in the group and the group is not back in position, it is permissible to only time the players that are causing the problem. e. Stableford competition During Stableford competition the ball should be lifted if the player is not entitled to get any Stableford points. If players still finishes the hole and delay the play with it he breaches the conditions of pace of play. Penalty for breach of rules: 1st time: Player will be warned by the referee and told that if he has a further bad time will be penalized 2nd time: One Stableford point deduction from the Total 3rd time: Further Two Stableford points deduction from the Total 4th time: Disqualification f. If the player unduly delays play between holes, he is delaying the play of the next hole and except for the Stableford competitions the penalty applies to that hole. Suspension of play due to a dangerous situation When play is suspended by the Committee for a dangerous situation, if the players in a match play or the group are between the play of two holes, they must not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. If they are in the process of playing a hole, they must discontinue play immediately and not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. If player fails to discontinue play immediately, he is disqualified, unless circumstances warrant waiving the penalty as provided in Rule 33-7. The following signals are used: Discontinue Play Immediately: One prolonged note of siren. Discontinue Play: Three consecutive notes of siren, repeated. Resume Play: Two short notes of siren, repetad. Caddie A player competing in junior category is prohibited from using a caddie during the stipulated round. Except children under the age 12 years (as of 0.00 hrs. 1 January, the year of the tournament). 5 A player is prohibited from having Professionals (golfers or trainers) serve as his caddie during the stipulated round. Penalty for breach of rule: disqualification (see App. I. C 2.) Electronic devices, distance measuring devices For the use of electronic devices see the Decision 14-3/16 in the Decisions on the Rules of Golf. Penalty for Breach of Rule: Disqualification. In the competitions organized by the HGF a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. (see App I. B 9.) It is recommended for the Championship Committee of ranking list tournaments to permit players in the Local Rules to use distance measuring devices (in the absence of such a Local Rule, using distance measuring devices is prohibited). If the Championship Committee of a club tournament wishes to permit players to use distance measuring devices they must publish it in the Local Rules (in the absence of such a Local Rule, using distance measuring devices is prohibited). Transportation Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorized by the Committee. Penalty for Breach of Condition: Match play- At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round- Two holes. Stroke play- Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round- Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred). Match play or stroke play- If a breach is discovered between the play of two holes, it is deemed to have been discovered during play of the next hole, and the penalty must be applied accordingly. Use of any unauthorized form of transportation must be discontinued immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred. Otherwise the player is disqualified. If a Championship Committee wishes to permit to the players using transportation during the stipulated round, it must be published in the Conditions of the Competition. If using transportation is prohibited for players in a tournament it is refers also to the players’ caddie (Decisions 6-4/2.5, 33-1/9.5). Anti- Doping To comply with regulations in the HGF Anti-doping Policy is obligatory for players. Unsporting behavior 6 If a player or his caddie seriously breaches the etiquette of golf the Committee may disqualify the player under rule 33-7 and considers taking disciplinary actions against the player. Players must also consider the regulations of HGF Etiquette Codex. How to decide ties If the Condition of the Competition does not determine how and when a tie should be decided, the following rules are applicable: Stroke play: In the event of a tie the winner should be determined by a hole by hole play-off. The holes must be specified by the Committee. Further ties should be determined by matching score cards considering the last 36 (in case of a 72 holes event), 18, 9, 6, 3 and 1 holes. On handicap competitions ties may be decided by handicaps except the 1th place. Match play: A match that ends all square should be played off hole by hole until one side wins a hole. Determination how to decide ties must be published in the Condition of Competition. Competition closed (Rule 34-1) A stroke play or a match play final competitions are closed when the result has been officially announced. Other match play competitions are closed after the opponents return their score cards. Prizes In case with result of more than 46 Stableford points the player is not entitled for the prize (except in Handicap Category 1. 2.), although his handicap will be altered. If the Championship Committee of a club tournament wishes to give prize for players with result of more than 46 Stableford points, is must be published in the Condition of the Competition. General Penalty In case of breach of General Terms and Conditions the general penalty is loss of hole in Match play or two strokes in Stroke play unless it regulated differently. Note: This is an abridgement of the regulations, in case of any doubt the Hungarian version must be use as guidance. 02.04.2015. 7
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