Report on Consultation Outcomes for the Boronia Park Draft Plan of Management Prepared by: Thompson Berrill Landscape Design Pty Ltd 19 May 2015 Date Revision Amendment 27.04.15 Draft V1 For internal PRG review and comment only 05.05.15 Draft V2 For internal PRG review and comment only 11.05.15 Final V3 For issue to council 19.05.15 Final V4 For public exhibition REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 2 Table of contents Page # 1. Introduction 4 2. Overview of the public exhibition outcomes 5 3. Submissions from clubs and organisations 7 4. Submissions from individuals 31 5. Petitions 45 Attachments A Details of clubs, organisations and individuals REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 3 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope of the consultation 1.1.1 Overview Council endorsed the Draft Boronia Park Plan of Management (PoM) for consultation in December 2014. It was placed on public exhibition from 15 December 2014 until 27 March 2015, with council accepting submissions until the end of March. Council officers notified the community that the Draft Boronia Park PoM was on public exhibition in the following ways: Pre exhibition advertising and notifications on Council's website, in the local newspaper and the community newsletter. Distribution of email notification to interested registered residents. Email notification to stakeholders. Hard copy distribution of an information leaflet to local residents within 500m of Boronia Park. Onsite advertisements noting public exhibition. 1.1.2 Information available online During public exhibition, Councils website was used to advertise the Public Exhibition of the Draft PoM and request submissions. The Draft Plan of Management was available as a download on Councils Website during the public exhibition period from December 2014 to end of March 2015. 1.1.3 Notification of stakeholders and the local community During the public exhibition phase a hard copy notification was hand delivered to local residents within 500m of Boronia Park. This notice advised the public exhibition dates and how to provide feedback. Additional to the Draft PoM being available online, printed hard copies were also available at both the Gladesville Library and Council Customer Services desk. 1.2 Participation During the public exhibition phase a total of 536 submissions were received. This included: 522 submissions from individuals 12 submissions from clubs and organisations associated with the park 2 petitions from the same group, one with 12 signatures and the other with 91 signatures REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 4 2. Overview of the consultation outcomes 2.1 Submissions from individuals During the public exhibition phase a total of 522 submissions were received from individuals, in the form of letters and emails. Some of the letters and emails were based on proformas distributed to the community by clubs and organisations. Below is a list of the top ten most frequently made comments/statements in the 522 submissions from individuals. For a full list of all comments made, the response to each of them and whether the comment results in a change to the Final PoM, refer to Section 4 of this report. Column [A] lists the number of the times the comment was made. Column [B] expresses the number as a percentage of the total number of submissions received from individuals. Column [C] is the comment [A] No. [B] % of 522 [C] Comment 277 53% Pavilion (grandstand) building upgrades – support upgrades for community and sporting clubs use 271 52% Drainage – improve drainage to ovals #1 and #2 267 51% Provide disabled parking access 242 46% Integrated water management – support proposals for the collection and reuse of water on the site 241 46% Turf and regrade oval #1 239 46% Turf and resurface oval #2 214 41% Community facility building – do not support any new building in the centre of the park 212 41% Emergency vehicles - provide emergency vehicle access to organised sporting facilities. 207 40% Boronia Park is a highly valued place for everyone to enjoy 197 38% Community facility building – support new community facility building between ovals #2 and #3 with expanded facilities beyond those proposed in the PoM. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 5 2.2 Submissions from clubs and organisations A total of 12 written submissions were received at Council from clubs and organisations during the public exhibition phase. The written submissions were received from the sporting clubs based at Boronia Park, along with other user groups including environment and informal recreation groups. The submissions were highly detailed and are summarised in Section 3 of this report, along with responses to each issue and whether this results in a proposed change to the Final PoM. Written submissions were received from the following 12 clubs and organisations: Organised sport Hunters Hill Rugby Union Football Club Sydney Junior Rugby Union All Saints Hunters Hill Soccer Club New South Wales Rugby Australian Rugby Ryde Hunters Hill Cricket Club Informal recreation Bike North Informal use and environment St Joseph's College The Hunters Hill Trust Friends of Boronia Park Ryde-Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society International Environmental Weed Foundation 2.3 Petitions Two petitions were received at Council during the public exhibition phase in relation to kayaking at Boronia Park. One petition was signed by 12 people and the second was signed by 91 people, with a total of 103 people signing the petitions. For a full list of all comments made, the response to each of them and whether the comment results in a change to the Final PoM, refer to Section 5 of this report. 2.4 Proposed changes to the PoM based on the consultation outcomes The feedback received is detailed and has provided valuable information regarding some of the recommendations in the Draft PoM. After review of this feedback, some proposed changes are recommended to the final PoM based on the feedback and information supplied. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 6 3. Submissions from clubs and organisations Overview A total of 12 written submissions were received from sporting clubs, community, agencies and community organisations. 3.1 Hunters Hill Rugby Union Football Club (HHRUFC) No. Summary of submission Response 3.1.1 HHRUFC are one of the oldest rugby clubs in living association with Boronia Park, encouraging active participation in sport. Noted. 3.1.2 Lack of consideration of HHRUFC submission during the first phase of consultation. The HHRUFC submission was considered in the preparation of the Draft PoM, and HHRUFC participated in a sporting group stakeholder workshop during the Draft PoM preparation, where the club’s issues and needs were presented. Written submissions from a range of stakeholders and individuals were reviewed and assessed to inform the Draft PoM. The Draft PoM actions provide a balance of the issues and opportunities noted within written submissions, questionnaires, and further submissions/information gained during the consultation phase. 3.1.3 Removal of 2002 PoM items concerning active sport usage. The Draft PoM is intended to replace the 2002 PoM, and is based on the current legislative policies related to the site, the current site conditions and needs, and submissions gained from the stakeholder/community consultation phase. 3.1.4 Draft PoM does not follow council’s stated objective of “encourage, promote and facilitate organised sport”. In the Local Government Act 1993 (LGA), the core objectives pertaining to community land categorised as ‘Sportsground’ (refer 1.4.2a in the Draft PoM) state: “to encourage, promote and facilitate recreational pursuits in the community involving organised and informal sporting activities and games”. The Draft PoM has responded to this core objective of the LGA. No change 3.1.5 Facilities described in Draft PoM amenity block between oval #2 and #3 do not satisfy the requirements of HHRUFC. Concerned that the facility as proposed will not adequately cater to the number of players required to use both ovals. Request the facility includes 4 change rooms, canteen, in addition to a storage room and toilets. As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), the amenity block would be subject to a detailed design phase which would require consultation with the council and sporting clubs to ensure the amenity block suitably reflects the needs of these groups, and the local community. Proposed change: given the comment raised about the amenity block, it is proposed that the PoM is amended to remove specifics regarding the internal facilities of the amenity block and note the following action: “Council to consult with clubs regarding the potential installation of an appropriately sized amenity block adjacent to oval #3. Appropriately sized, single storey building is to be sensitively designed located for least visual impact, low maintenance REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 7 No. Summary of submission Response and apply best practise ESD principles. Informal carpark is to be removed in this area, with maintenance/emergency/disabled vehicle access and maintenance/emergency/disabled parking only to the proposed amenity block during home game days, designated organised sporting group training times and sporting/community events only. Development Application (DA) and Construction Certificate (CC) is required for the amenity block prior to construction, and consultation is required with the local community prior to lodgement of the DA.” 3.1.6 Include the community facility as a second storey to the proposed amenity block for community and club use, as noted in 2002 PoM. In preparation of the Draft PoM, and consideration of the community and stakeholder consultation phase findings, the community needs do not require a community facility in this area of the park given the potential impacts on the social, aesthetic and environmental values of the site. Upgrades of the existing pavilion (grandstand) building (refer 3.1.21 below) would fulfil the requirements of the community and stakeholders. No change 3.1.7 3.1.8 Provide access road and carpark (for 50 cars and disabled parking) to oval #3, which can be closed when not in use. Vehicle access requested to the change and storage facility for transporting equipment and to provide disabled access. As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), the amenity block would have provision for service vehicles maintenance access only. Install subsurface drainage to oval #1, #2 and #3 to resolve playing field drainage issues, and capture and re-use of water to irrigate playing fields. As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), an Integrated Water Management Plan has been recommended to review the subsurface drainage of oval #3, and report on site wide integrated water quality, control and harvesting (for re-use) recommendations. Proposed change: the proposed change is to allow for vehicular access along Princes St (up to the junction of oval #2 and #3) during home game days, designated organised sporting group training times and sporting/community events only, and installation of permeable perpendicular WSUD parking along the southern side of the road during these events, would be subject to consultation with the local community/sporting groups and detailed design (refer 3.1.12 below) to determine carparking capacity needs. Informal carpark is to be removed between oval #2 and #3, with maintenance/emergency/disabled vehicle access and maintenance/emergency/disabled parking only to the proposed amenity block. These works would require preparation of a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) prior to construction. Proposed change: recommendation for Integrated Water Management Plan will be amended to also note review of subsurface drainage of oval #1 and #2. 3.1.9 Disagree with issues/recommendations noted in PoM for oval #3 embankment bank instability, and low success rate of bank planting. The issues described within the action plan (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM) regarding the stability and planting success of the embankment adjacent to oval #3 are based on inspections of the embankment by council and their consultants, and written submissions to council. No change 3.1.10 Erosion concerns related to oval #3 embankment can be resolved when oval #3 subsurface The issue described within the action plan (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM) regarding erosion of the embankment adjacent to oval #3 are based on inspections of the embankment by council and their consultants, and written submissions to REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 8 No. Summary of submission drainage installed. Response council. The bank erosion will be assessed and resolved as a separate matter to the subsurface drainage, which is subject to the availability of council funds, and may not be resolved in the short to medium term. No change 3.1.11 Support viewing lookout, located above cliff area on western side of oval #3, with capacity of about 70 spectators. As noted in the action plan (referrer 2.2 in the Draft PoM), the viewing and seating lookout is intended to provide greater appreciation of the broader site views for the local community. Elevated viewing for large groups watching rugby games can be achieved from the existing escarpment No change 3.1.12 Princes Street gate should be open at all times to provide access to carpark at oval #3, including emergency vehicle areas. The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) notes Princes St will continue to be locked due to the potential impact on the amenity of the park, open space, recreational experience, and the adjacent Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). Emergency vehicle access could be provided across oval #2 via the Park St carpark, or through unlocking the Princes St gate, and is not dependant on Princes St being opened at all times. Proposed change: given the comments raised about parking in the local area (during home game days and sporting/community events) in the public exhibition of the draft, it is proposed that the PoM is amended to allow for vehicular access along Princes St (up to the junction of oval #2 and #3) during home game days, designated organised sporting group training times and sporting/community events only, with Park St locked gate to be opened and closed by council officers only, installation of permeable perpendicular WSUD parking along the southern side of the road only, and installation of vehicle exclusion barriers to the road edges .Informal carpark is to be removed in this area, , with maintenance/emergency/disabled vehicle access and maintenance/emergency/disabled parking only to the proposed amenity block. These works would require preparation of a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) prior to construction. 3.1.13 Princes Street should have parking along its length. The PoM does not suggest parking along the length of Princes St, and proposes investigation to improve overflow parking capacity near oval #2 (refer 1.3 in the Draft PoM). Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 and 3.1.12 above. 3.1.14 3.1.15 Annual assessment of playing surface and growing medium on ovals #1, #2 and #3 is required The Draft PoM has not commented on the issue of playing field surface condition assessment in detail. Oval #1 and #2 complete resurfacing within 2 years, with oval #1 requiring laser levelling. Council’s annual assessment will make recommendations for requirements and timing in regards to resurfacing and levelling, subject to available funding and prioritisation as outlined in council’s Delivery and Operations Plan. Proposed change: it is proposed that the PoM is amended to note council’s annual assessment and of all ovals is to continue. Proposed change: refer 3.1.14 above. 3.1.16 Increase the priority to the following: upgrade lighting on oval #1 and #2 in accordance with Australian Standard 2560.2.3 – 2007 to improve field The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes existing lighting is to be assessed for efficiency, and higher efficiency lighting technology solutions are to be implemented. The existing lighting of oval #1 and #2 was upgraded by council in early 2015 to improve field lighting. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 9 No. Summary of submission lighting. Response Proposed change: PoM will be updated to note completion of works by council to improve existing field lighting in early 2015. 3.1.17 Replace lighting on oval #1 and #2 in accordance with Australian Standard 4282 – 1997 to control light spill. The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes that light spill into surrounding bushland areas is to be considered. The existing lighting of oval #1 and #2 was upgraded by council in early 2015 to reduce light spill. Proposed change: PoM will be updated to note completion of works by council to reduce light spill from existing lighting in early 2015. 3.1.18 Provide new lighting to oval #3. The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes any new lighting within Boronia Park (including oval #3) would be subject to further consultation, council assessment, and detailed design to determine requirements, feasibility, etc. Proposed change: Given comments received, the PoM action plan will be updated to note that a development Application (DA) is required for any new lighting within Boronia Park. 3.1.19 Undertake urgent repairs/refurbishment of fencing around oval #1. The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes maintenance repairs are required to the boundary fence of oval #1. Council have begun works to repair the oval #1 fencing in early 2015, and will complete works in a staged approach. No change 3.1.20 3.1.21 3.1.22 3.1.23 3.2 Council to negotiate with HHRUFC regarding long term tenure and for the use of Boronia Park. Negotiations regarding long term tenure for use of the park by a sporting club are beyond the scope of the PoM. Support upgrades to the existing pavilion (grandstand), and recommend extending the facility to include a community space. This comment supports the action plan recommendations to upgrade the existing pavilion (grandstand) building (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM). Support strategies and actions regarding bushland management, and believe active sports area upgrades are complementary to these. This comment supports the recommendations to the bushland management zone (refer section 4.5.1 in the Draft PoM). Increase the priority for provision of interpretive signage within park to assist to raise awareness of visitors about the cultural and historic park values. Preparation of a signage strategy is recommended in the action plan (refer 1.4 and 3.3 in the Draft PoM). No change Proposed change: pavilion (grandstand) recommendations will be amended to note meeting room would be sized and coordinated for use by sporting clubs and the local community. No change No change Sydney Junior Rugby Union (SJRU) No. Summary of submission Response 3.2.1 Boronia Park fields have been Noted. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 10 No. Summary of submission used for many years for junior rugby. Response 3.2.2 Wish to use ovals #1, #2 and #3 for three day regional tournaments in the future, which requires adequate provision of amenities and facilities. Concerned the amenity block as proposed will not adequately meet demands of rugby events, effecting HHRUFC and local businesses. Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 and 3.1.21 above. 3.2.3 Concerned about potential downgrade of maintenance for the playing fields. The Draft PoM proposes no downgrading of the maintenance for the playing fields. 3.3 Proposed change: refer 3.1.14 above. International Environmental Weed Foundation (IEWF) No. Summary of submission Response 3.3.1 Support majority of the proposals in the Draft PoM, and believe it offers a reasonable outcome for all interested parties. Noted. 3.3.2 Concerned PoM will be amended without further consultation. Significant changes to the Draft PoM would require the PoM to be re-exhibited to the public. Upgrade of existing pavilion (grandstand) amenity facilities preferred. If new building required, should be similar to the size, amenity and function of the recent Riverglade Reserve toilets. If new building is required, additional consultation mandatory. Comment gained from the sporting club stakeholders during the consultation and exhibition phase informed the requirement and location of the amenity block, which has been centrally located within the active sporting area. As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), the amenity block would be subject to a detailed design phase which would require consultation with the council and sporting clubs regarding the amenity of the facility to reflect the needs of these groups, and the local community. 3.3.3 No change Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 above. 3.3.4 3.3.5 European Heritage and Land Use section of PoM to note bush regeneration and voluntary bushcare historic works within Boronia Park. Noted. Bush regeneration and voluntary bush care is an important part of the history of the site which helped shape the current condition of the bushland within Boronia Park. Existing lighting of fields and facilities adequate, but requires upgrade to reduce light spill. Additional lighting should not be considered due to impact on The existing lighting of oval #1 and #2 was upgraded by council in early 2015 to reduce light spill. The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes any new lighting within Boronia Park would be subject to further consultation, council assessment, and detailed design to determine requirements, Proposed change: a description of the bush regeneration and voluntary bushcare history within the park will be included in section 2.5.2 European Heritage and Land Use. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 11 No. Summary of submission native fauna. Response feasibility, etc. Proposed change: PoM will be updated to note completion of works by council to reduce light spill from existing lighting in early 2015. Given comments received, the PoM action plan will be updated to note that a development Application (DA) is required for any new lighting within Boronia Park. Princes Street should remain locked, defining the boundary between bushland and active sporting fields. Allowing cars into the park would detract from the recreational experience. The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) notes Princes St will continue to be locked due to the potential impact on the amenity of the park, recreational experience, open space, and the adjacent Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). Any enhancements undertaken within a defined zone of the park should not impact other zones, and should be subject to relevant planning applications, environmental assessments and community consultation. Any future works within Boronia Park that is a sufficient change in land use would be subject to the Development Application (DA) and Construction Certificate (CC) processes, which include environmental assessment and public exhibition. 3.3.8 Support no parking in Princes Street, which provides safe pedestrian access to the lower bushland areas. Proposed change: refer 3.3.6 above. 3.3.9 Do not support turning circle on Princes St due to potential drainage impacts on adjacent bushland. Turning circle not required. Two way road provides sufficient space for three-way turn when vehicle access is permitted into Princes St (during home game days, designated organised sporting group training times and sporting/community events only). 3.3.6 3.3.7 Proposed change: given the comments raised about parking in the local area (during home game days and sporting/community events) in the public exhibition of the draft, it is proposed that the PoM is amended to allow for vehicular access along Princes St (up to the junction of oval #2 and #3) during home game days, designated organised sporting group training times and sporting/community events only, with Park St locked gate to be opened and closed by council officers only, installation of permeable perpendicular WSUD parking along the southern side of the road only, and installation of vehicle exclusion barriers to the road edges. Informal carpark is to be removed in this area, with maintenance/emergency/disabled vehicle access and maintenance/emergency/disabled parking only to the proposed amenity block. These works would require preparation of a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) prior to construction. No change Proposed change: refer 3.3.6 above. 3.3.10 Community consultation required for proposed bushland circle loop track. This comment supports the action plan recommendation (refer 3.3 in the Draft PoM) for a bushland looped walking track. Proposed change: refer 3.3.7 above. 3.3.11 3.3.12 Incorrect cross-reference in the action plan to 1.4 should refer to 1.1. Noted. Section 1.4.2 should be updated to note Aboriginal objects are Noted. Proposed change: PoM will be updated to amend this incorrect cross-reference. Proposed change: PoM will be updated to describe the REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 12 No. Summary of submission protected under The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. Response relevant legislative (National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974) for protection of Aboriginal objects in section 1.4.2 in the Draft PoM. 3.3.13 Minor typing error in section 2.3. “Borders” to be corrected to “boarders”. Noted. Section 2.5.1 should define AHIMS. Noted. Section 2.5.1 should describe Aboriginal use of the area. Noted. Aboriginal use of the site is an important part of the history of Boronia Park. 3.3.14 3.3.15 Proposed change: PoM will be updated to amend this typing error. Proposed change: section 2.5.1 and glossary in the Draft PoM will be updated to define AHIMS acronym. Proposed change: a brief description of Aboriginal use within the park will be included in section 2.5.1 Indigenous Heritage in the Draft PoM. 3.3.16 Section 2.6 should detail key threatening processes as noted in section 1.4.2d. Noted. The threatening processes relating to the threatened species within Boronia Park were not described in the Draft PoM. Proposed change: a brief description of the threatening processes within the park will be included in section 2.6 Site Characteristics in the Draft PoM. 3.4 Bike North No. Summary of submission Response 3.4.1 Include bike parking rails near the pavilion (grandstand), playgrounds and picnic facilities. The action plan (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) notes bike parking facilities are to be implemented in select locations within Boronia Park. Proposed change: description regarding bike parking will be expanded to provide further detail about proposed locations for bike parking rails. 3.4.2 3.4.3 Public toilets behind pavilion (grandstand) to remain open from sunrise to sunset. The public toilets behind the pavilion (grandstand) are opened and closed by automatic gate from sunrise to sunset. Install drinking fountain and water bottle filling facility near existing tap behind pavilion (grandstand). Drinking fountains were not proposed in the Draft PoM. The location of drinking fountains/water bottle stations is beyond the scope of the PoM, and would be part of council’s prioritisation and implementation of park infrastructure within the municipality. No change Proposed change: The PoM will be amended to note that additional drinking fountains are to be provided at key locations within the park. 3.4.4 Install circuitous bike route, separate from walking trails, around the open space area at the junction of Park Rd and High St. A bike route in this location was explored during preparation of the Draft PoM. On consideration of the comments gained from the stakeholders during the consultation and exhibition phase, the community do not require a bike route in the location given the potential impacts on the social, aesthetic REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 13 No. Summary of submission Response and environmental values of the site. No change. 3.4.5 Princes Street should be shared use trail from the locked gate at the round-a-bout down to the river. The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) notes Princes St will continue to be locked due to the potential impact on the amenity of the park, open space, recreational experience and the adjacent Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). Proposed change: The PoM will be amended to note that Princes St will be opened during home game days, designated organised sporting group training times and sporting/community events only (refer 3.1.12 above). This amendment will note that Princes St will be signed as a shared use trail when not used for vehicular traffic, and a suitable route will be incorporated into the road design down to the river edge. 3.4.6 Install cycling logos on Princes St, High St and Park Rd to alert vehicles to presence of cyclists near the park. This level of detail is beyond the scope of the PoM, and the road is beyond the PoM study area. These works would be part of council’s prioritisation and implementation of road infrastructure within the municipality. No change 3.4.7 3.5 Support the installation of picnic facilities, particularly by the river edge, which would need to be well maintained. This comment supports the action plan recommendations regarding the installation of additional picnic facilities within the park (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM). No change St Joseph’s College No. Summary of submission Response 3.5.1 Boronia Park is a valued resource for many St Joseph’s College students for active and passive recreation, and appreciation of the natural and environmental heritage. Noted. 3.5.2 Support concept of appropriately accessible toilet and change room facility located centrally within active sports area. This comment supports the action plan recommendations regarding provision of a small amenity block between oval #2 and oval #3 (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM). 3.6 Proposed change: further detail will be provided in the PoM regarding the internal facilities and design process for the amenity block (refer 3.1.5 above). All Saints Hunters Hill Soccer Club (ASHHSC) No. Summary of submission Response 3.6.1 ASHHSC growth presents Noted. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 14 No. 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6 3.6.7 Summary of submission challenges to securing adequate playing space due to limited suitable fields within HHC area, and limited resources of council. Response No change Hunter’s Hill Council Outdoor Sport and Recreation Plan (HHCOSRP) 2013 accurately describes council relying on local sporting club culture of ‘self help’ in regards to sporting field upgrades due to limited council resources. Noted. ASHHSC have great respect for HHRUFC, and note it is an extremely well run club. Noted. ASHHSC played soccer on ¾ size field on oval #3 every Saturday morning during winter prior to reconstruction of this field. ASHHSC was evicted from Boronia Park when oval #3 was decommissioned, without provision of additional junior playing field to replace the loss. Noted. Support PoM objective for the active recreation management zone. This comment supports the Draft PoM active recreation management zone objective. HHC to introduce sports ground booking system that gives priority to long term active sporting clubs within the municipality. Coordination of a council wide sportsground booking system is outside the scope of the PoM. Ground sharing to be introduced to oval #3. Ground sharing of oval #3 would be subject to further investigations regarding capacity, as noted in the Hunter’s Hill Council Outdoor Sport and Recreation Plan (HHCOSRP) 2013 No change No change No change No change No change No change 3.6.8 3.6.9 Support HHCOSRP recommendation for all HHC grounds to be hired, not leased by clubs. Recommendations regarding the hiring and leasing of HHC sportsgrounds is outside the scope of the PoM. HHC to consult with sporting clubs to resolve drainage issues at oval #3. As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), an Integrated Water Management Plan has been recommended to review the subsurface drainage of oval #3, and report on site wide integrated water quality, control and harvesting (for re-use) recommendations. No change Proposed change: considering the comments gained during the public exhibition period from the sporting group stakeholders, the recommendation for an Integrated Water Management Plan will be amended to also note review of subsurface drainage of oval #1 and #2. 3.6.10 Support discrete amenity As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), the REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 15 No. 3.6.12 3.6.12 3.6.13 Summary of submission building between oval #2 and #3, similar to the new Riverglade Reserve toilets, but ideally with some additional storage capability. Response amenity block would be subject to a detailed design phase which would require consultation with the council and sporting clubs regarding the amenity of the facility to reflect the needs of these groups, and the local community. Support the HHCOSRP long term aspiration for Boronia Park to be a premier sporting venue. Noted. HHC to actively pursue securing additional land/sharing open space resources to increase sports ground capacity. Recommendations regarding council securing additional land for sporting use are outside the scope of the PoM. Support recommendation for user pays lighting system. This comment supports the action plan recommendation for council to coordinate and enforce a “use pays” lighting system (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM). Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 above. No change No change No change Support HHCOSRP recommendation for the establishment of a sporting advisory committee. Coordination of sporting advisory committee is outside the scope of the PoM. 3.6.15 Support recommendation for amendments to existing lighting to implement more efficient lighting, and to reduce light spill on neighbouring properties. Proposed change: refer 3.3.5 above. 3.6.16 Support upgrades to the existing pavilion (grandstand), with suitably sized meeting room for equal access by all sporting clubs. Proposed change: refer 3.1.21 above. 3.6.17 Support recommendation for installation of exercise equipment for the benefit of the whole community. This comment supports the action plan recommendation for provision of outdoor exercise (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM). 3.6.14 3.7 No change No change New South Wales Rugby No. Summary of submission Response 3.7.1 Considers Boronia Park a critical piece of Sydney’s sporting infrastructure. Noted. 3.7.2 HHRUFC and Boronia Park are historically associated with Rugby Union in Sydney, and HHRUFC are a major supporter of both junior and senior rugby development. Noted. 3.7.3 Boronia Park playing fields are viewed as a significant rugby resource, and any downgrading The Draft PoM proposes no downgrading of the playing fields facilities, or limiting access to the playing fields. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 16 No. Summary of submission of the sporting facilities, or limiting access, would negatively impact rugby users in the local area. Response No change 3.7.4 Reinstate amenity block and community facility at oval #3 as per the 2002 PoM including 4 change rooms, storage, canteen and disabled access. Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 above. 3.7.5 Provide vehicular access and parking along the entire length of Princes Street, during daylight hours, sporting sessions, game days or as required. Proposed change: refer 3.1.13 above. 3.7.6 Provide access road and carpark (for 40 cars and disabled parking) at junction of oval #2 and #3. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 and 3.1.12 above. 3.7.7 Oval #1 and #2 complete resurfacing within 2 years, with oval #1 requiring laser levelling. Proposed change: refer 3.1.15 above. 3.7.8 Install subsurface drainage to oval #1and #2 to resolve playing field drainage issues, and capture and re-use of water to irrigate playing fields. Proposed change: refer 3.1.8 above. 3.7.9 Provide new lighting to oval #3, which does not spill into neighbouring houses. Proposed change: refer 3.1.18 above. 3.7.10 Council to negotiate with HHRUFC regarding long term tenure and for the use of Boronia Park. Negotiations regarding long term tenure for use of the park by a sporting club are beyond the scope of the PoM. 3.8 No change Australian Rugby No. Summary of submission Response 3.8.1 HHRUFC help ensure the success of rugby, and the benefits it brings its participants. Noted. 3.8.2 Note health and social benefits of sports participation. Noted. 3.8.3 HHRUFC one of Australia’s oldest and most prestigious clubs, and Boronia Park is an important resource providing a fantastic venue for training and hosting matches. Noted. 3.8.4 Boronia Park playing fields are viewed as a significant rugby The Draft PoM proposes no downgrading of the playing fields facilities, or limiting access to the playing fields. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 17 No. Summary of submission resource, and any downgrading of the sporting facilities, or limiting access, would negatively impact rugby users in the local area. Response No change 3.8.5 Reinstate amenity block and community facility at oval #3 as per the 2002 PoM including 4 change rooms, storage, canteen and disabled access. Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 above. 3.8.6 Provide vehicular access and parking along the entire length of Princes Street, during daylight hours, sporting sessions, game days or as required. Proposed change: refer 3.1.13 above. 3.8.7 Provide access road and carpark (for 40 cars and disabled parking) at junction of oval #2 and #3. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 and 3.1.12 above. 3.8.8 Oval #1 and #2 complete resurfacing within 2 years, with oval #1 requiring laser levelling. Proposed change: refer 3.1.15 above. 3.8.9 Install subsurface drainage to oval #1and #2 to resolve playing field drainage issues, and capture and re-use of water to irrigate playing fields. Proposed change: refer 3.1.8 above. 3.8.10 Provide new lighting to oval #3, which does not spill into neighbouring houses. Proposed change: refer 3.1.18 above. 3.8.11 Council to negotiate with HHRUFC regarding long term tenure and for the use of Boronia Park. Negotiations regarding long term tenure for use of the park by a sporting club are beyond the scope of the PoM. 3.9 No change The Hunters Hill Trust (HHT) No. Summary of submission Response 3.9.1 Support direction of the Draft PoM, and believe it is well researched, written and illustrated. Noted. 3.9.2 Concerned PoM will be amended to diminish the current direction of the PoM by alienating parts of the park from public use, opening and hardening parts of the park for vehicular access. Written submissions gained from stakeholders and individuals during the public exhibition phase will be reviewed and assessed to inform the Final PoM. The Final PoM actions will provide a balance of the issues and opportunities noted within these written submissions. Changes to the Draft PoM deemed significant would require the PoM to be reexhibited to the public. No change REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 18 No. Summary of submission Response 3.9.3 Recognise the rugby club has downgraded the amenity and community facility requirements, but believe the currently proposed facility would still represent a major change in use patterns of the park. Support discrete amenity building between oval #2 and #3, similar to the recent Riverglade Reserve toilets. As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), the amenity block would be subject to a detailed design phase which would require consultation with the council and sporting clubs regarding the amenity of the facility to reflect the needs of these groups, and the local community. Support Draft PoM recommendation for council retaining control of the locked gate at Park St. The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) notes Princes St will continue to be locked due to the potential impact on the amenity of the park, open space, recreational experience and the adjacent Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). 3.9.4 Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 above. Proposed change: given the comments raised about parking in the local area (during home game days and sporting/community events) in the public exhibition of the draft, it is proposed that the PoM is amended to allow for vehicular access along Princes St (up to the junction of oval #2 and #3) during home game days, designated organised sporting group training times and sporting/community events only, with Park St locked gate to be opened and closed by council officers only. Informal carpark is to be removed in this area, with maintenance/emergency/disabled vehicle access and maintenance/emergency/disabled parking only to the proposed amenity block. 3.9.5 Support Draft PoM recommendation for no carparking within Boronia Park. The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) recommends no increase in carparking within Boronia Park, and proposes investigation to improve overflow parking capacity near oval #2 (refer 1.3 in the Draft PoM). Proposed change: given the comments raised about parking in the local area (during home game days and sporting/community events) in the public exhibition of the draft, it is proposed that the PoM is amended to allow for installation of permeable perpendicular WSUD parking along the southern side of Princes St only (up to the junction of oval #2 and #3) to protect the EEC to the northern side of the road, and installation of vehicle exclusion barriers to the road edges, with Park St locked gate to be opened and closed by council officers only .These works would require preparation of a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) prior to construction. 3.9.6 Understand vehicular access into the park is required for emergency vehicles, and at council’s discretion. The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) notes Princes St will continue to be locked, with traffic management by council. No change 3.9.7 Improve existing deteriorating road surfaces and site drainage. The action plan (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) notes the Princes St road width will be reduced, and drainage improved, from the amenity block to the river edge. Proposed change: recommendations will be provided in the PoM to improve the surface and drainage of existing road surfaces within the park. 3.9.8 Support recommendations for ameliorating light spill from existing lighting to oval #1 and Proposed change: refer 3.3.5 above. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 19 No. Summary of submission #2. Oppose additional lighting to oval #3 due to impact on native fauna and neighbouring properties. Response 3.9.9 PoM to commit to ongoing consultation with residents and user groups regarding the ongoing park management and any proposed amendments to the Draft PoM. Any future works within Boronia Park that is a sufficient change in land use would be subject to the Development Application (DA) and Construction Certificate (CC) processes, which include environmental assessment and public exhibition. Proposed amendments to the PoM, as outlined within this report, will be made. Significant changes would need to be advertised and further public submissions invited. No change 3.9.10 Lack of transparency, and poor construction management, for recent works to construct oval #3. Noted. Any future works within Boronia Park that is a sufficient change in land use would be subject to the Development Application (DA) and Construction Certificate (CC) processes, which include environmental assessment and public exhibition. No change 3.9.11 Poor design, quality and planning process for infrastructure and built form within the park in the past Refer 3.9.10 above. 3.9.12 Support closure of Princes St east to vehicles. This comment supports the action plan recommendation (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) to alter Princes St downhill from the second vehicle exclusion gate. No change 3.9.13 Support playground designed for older children. 3.9.14 Support a comprehensive signage and interpretation strategy. 3.9.15 Support recommendations to complete oval #3 embankment, drainage and remediation of the adjacent bush. 3.9.16 Remove gravel path and stairs between oval #2 and #3, and replacement with suitably designed path. This comment supports the action plan recommendation (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) for a feature playground for senior children. No change This comment supports the action plan recommendation (refer 3.3 in the Draft PoM) for a comprehensive interpretive signage strategy. No change This comment supports the action plan amelioration recommendations to the oval #3 subsurface drainage (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), embankment stabilisation and bank planting (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM). Council have begun works to revegetate and control erosion on this embankment in early 2015, and will complete works in a staged approach. Proposed change: given the comments raised about the oval #3 embankment, the recommendation regarding planting of the batter will be expanded to note the planting works will include enhancement of the adjacent bushland. The gravel path and stairs between oval #2 and #3 has not been commented on in the Draft PoM. 3.9.17 Support upgrades to the existing pavilion (grandstand), and Proposed change: recommendations will be provided in the PoM to remove the existing gravel path and stairs between oval #2 and #3 and replace with a path that is designed and constructed in accordance with relevant Australian Standards, and with consideration of the park and user group requirements. Proposed change: refer 3.1.21 above. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 20 No. Summary of submission recommend extending the facility to include a community space. Response 3.9.18 Support public access to all facilities provided at the park 3.9.19 Upgrade facilities in the picnic area below Tipperary Falls, and providing ongoing maintenance. This comment supports the Draft PoM action plan objectives to increase access to park facilities for all user groups. No change The action plan (refer 1.3 in the Draft PoM) proposed removing the facilities in this area as there is limited opportunities for passive surveillance, which can expose picnic facilities to vandalism, and ongoing council maintenance. Proposed change: recommendations will be provided in the PoM to provide robust and vandal resistant picnic tables/seating in this area. 3.9.20 Draft PoM restrictive in its dog policy, and contradicts the 2002 PoM. The Draft PoM is intended to replace the 2002 PoM, and is based on the current legislative policies related to the site, the current site conditions and needs, and submissions gained from the stakeholder/community consultation phase. 3.9.21 Finlay’s Paddock to be used as an off-leash dog area. Given the presence of threatened and vulnerable fauna (refer 2.6.6 in the Draft PoM), and endangered ecological communities (refer 2.6.5 in the Draft PoM) within Boronia Park, the action plan (refer 1.3 in the Draft PoM) recommends retaining the current dogs on leash policy. Further recommendations regarding designated off-leash dog areas would be subject to a whole of council dog strategy. No change 3.9.22 Playing fields to be used as offleash dog areas when not in use for organised sport. Proposed change: refer 3.9.21 above. 3.9.23 Oppose exercise equipment stations along the loop path due to potential conflicts with passive park uses. Comment gained from the community and sporting club stakeholders during the consultation phase informed the proposal for exercise stations on the loop path (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM), which would be in keeping with the active recreation and passive recreation management zone objectives. No change 3.9.24 Oppose reuse of the electrical shed adjacent to oval #1, and would prefer this building to be removed. Comment gained from the sporting club stakeholders during the consultation phase informed the proposal to investigate reusing the electrical shed for storage (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM). Proposed change: PoM to include further description that the electrical shed is to be removed if this investigation identifies the building is not required. 3.9.25 Conceal unsightly sheds and water tanks surrounding oval #1 with mass planting and painting. The Draft PoM did not provide a recommendation in regards to visually concealing the water tanks and sheds around oval #1, as this was not identified as a concern during the consultation phase. Proposed change: recommendations will be provided in the PoM action plan to visually conceal the oval #1 sheds and water tanks through the installation of mass planting and painting with a recessive colour. 3.9.26 Oppose recommendation to The action plan recommends improving and maintaining the REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 21 No. Summary of submission improve and maintain the long jump pit, and would prefer the pit to be removed. Response long jump pit (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM), based on comment gained from the sporting club and community stakeholders during the consultation phase that the long jump pit is no longer used due to being poorly maintained. No change 3.9.27 Planting of the steep embankment between oval #2 and #3. The action plan recommends mass planting of the steep embankments to the north of oval #2 and #3 (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM). Proposed change: this recommendation will be expanded to investigate mass planting of the embankment between oval #2 and #3. 3.9.28 Lack of drinking fountains in the park. Proposed change: refer 3.4.3 above. 3.9.29 Council to plan and allocate adequate funding to maintain the park, including a schedule for periodic maintenance and commitment to funding for ongoing weed control. Coordination of a council maintenance planning and scheduling is outside the scope of the PoM. Existing park garden beds are poorly designed and not well maintained. Recommend removing, or replanting with suitable indigenous species. The action plan recommends entry upgrade at the Princes St and Ryde Road entries to the park (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM). 3.9.31 Signage important to inform the community of the park’s history, ecological and cultural importance. Proposed change: refer 3.1.23 above. 3.9.32 Following supply of the HHT submission, an addendum was lodged regarding the Draft PoM in an article from The Weekly Times (3 March, 2015). Noted. 3.9.30 3.10 No change Proposed change: this recommendation will be expanded to describe replanting of the existing park garden beds with suitable indigenous species. Friends of Boronia Park (FOBP) No. Summary of submission Response 3.10.1 Believe that overall the Draft PoM is a good document. Noted. 3.10.2 FOBP is a community group with a long association with Boronia Park, and have worked cooperatively with council in bush regeneration and participating in council committees. Noted. 3.10.3 Objectives of FOBP are to care Noted. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 22 No. Summary of submission for the bushland of Boronia Park, prevent alienation of any portion of the park, preserve and promote bushland regeneration, prevent the spread of exotic growth, cooperate with other organisations with similar objectives, and do all things that are incidental or conducive to the retention of the bushland environment of Boronia Park. Response 3.10.4 Boronia Park has significant environmental, social, cultural and heritage values that need to be protected. Noted. 3.10.5 Specify active bush regeneration as a key strategy to meet the objectives of the bushland management zone. The action plan (refer 1.2 in the Draft PoM) notes the bushland is to be maintained and protected in accordance with the Estuary Vegetation Rehabilitation Plan for Buffalo Creek Reserve and Boronia Park 2010 which specifies actions, priorities, timing, costs and parties responsible for bush regeneration of the Boronia Park bushland (refer section 9.0 Bushland Regeneration Works). Works are subject to available capital and grant funding. No change 3.10.6 Support bushland loop track, which would need to consider measures to address potential erosion and weed infestation. The action plan (refer 2.3 in the Draft PoM) notes the new loop track within Boronia Park would be subject to concept design and detailed design phases which would address detailed design issues, determine the final trail alignment, and develop measures to mitigate construction impacts, etc. No change 3.10.7 Incorporate the trail from the Park Rd round-about bus stop to Montefiore into the loop track. Proposed change: refer 3.10.6 above. 3.10.8 Upgrade of existing pavilion (grandstand) amenity facilities preferred. If new building is required it should be very small and visibly discreet toilets only. Proposed change: refer 3.3.3 above. 3.10.9 Oppose community facility in the middle of the park due to impact on passive recreation user’s enjoyment of the park. Proposed change: refer 3.1.6 above. 3.10.10 Support upgrades of the pavilion (grandstand) to provide to fulfil the sporting clubs need for a community facility. Proposed change: refer 3.6.15 above. 3.10.11 Oval #1lighting to be improved to prevent light spill. Proposed change: refer 3.1.17 above. 3.10.12 Oppose recommendation to install hard surface to netball courts due to potential for this to limit the available use of oval #2. The action plan recommends consultation with the netball club, and assessment of court surface upgrading with asphalt or similar (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), based on comment gained from the stakeholders during the consultation phase that the netball courts have low usage as the playing surface REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 23 No. Summary of submission Response is in poor condition. Installation of hard surface to the netball courts will not limit use of oval #2. Council has funding allocated to the netball courts resurfacing in 2015, subject to endorsement of the PoM. No change 3.10.13 Planting of embankment adjacent to oval #3 to be undertaken under the supervision of council’s bushland coordinator. The action plan recommends implementation of dense planting, and maintenance, to ensure plant establishment (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM). Council have begun works to revegetate and control erosion on this embankment in early 2015, and will complete works in a staged approach. No change 3.10.14 Support recommendations to ameliorate oval #3 embankment erosion, and remediation of the adjacent bush. Proposed change: refer 3.9.15 above. 3.10.15 Oppose location for senior playground proposed in the Draft PoM due to visual impact on the wide open grass field currently in this area. Support playground for older children adjacent to existing play equipment near Ryde Rd. This comment supports the action plan recommendation (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) for a feature playground for senior children. This recommendation notes the senior children’s playground track within Boronia Park would be subject to concept design and detailed design phases which would address detailed design issues, determine the final playground location, etc. 3.10.16 Support no parking in Princes Street, and routine locking of the road. Proposed change: refer 3.3.6 above. 3.10.17 Support capture and re-use of water to irrigate playing fields. This comment supports the action plan recommendation (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) for a whole-of-park Integrated Water Management Plan. No change No change 3.10.18 3.10.19 3.10.20 3.11 No. Surprised at allocation of council funding to rectify oval #3 drainage issues. Boronia Park is a public park, and no area should be restricted for the exclusive use of any person(s), group or organisation. Hunter’s Hill residents feel let down by council as a result of significant park works undertaken without consultation in the past (oval #3), and require a greater level of consultation for future works within Boronia Park. Noted. No change Noted. No change Proposed change: refer 3.3.7 above. Ryde Hunters Hill Cricket Club (RHHCC) Summary of submission Response REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 24 No. Summary of submission Response 3.11.1 RHHCC have provided opportunities for children and adults to participate in organised cricket since 2003, and identify Boronia Park as their home. Noted. 3.11.2 RHHCC is one of the largest junior cricket clubs in NSW. Noted. 3.11.3 RHHCC passionate about the preservation of Boronia Park, respect the bushland zones, and Boronia Park as a venue for cricket. Noted. 3.11.4 RHHCC has invested over $180,000 over the past five years in the construction and maintenance of the cricket nets and storage shed at Boronia Park, and are solely responsible for repair and maintenance of these facilities. Noted. Cricket nets are highly used by club members in the summer months, and are available for use by any member of the community free of charge. Nets are locked for protection from vandalism. The action plan has made recommendations (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM) to improve the accessibility of the cricket nets by the general community, based on comment gained from the community and stakeholders during the consultation phase that the locked cricket nets are not easily accessible for the general community. 3.11.3 RHHCC disappointed and concerned with many elements of the Draft PoM. Noted. 3.11.4 Believe the Draft PoM has failed to reflect many of the important elements of the HHCOSRP, and the 2002 PoM items concerning active sport usage. The Draft PoM is intended to replace the 2002 PoM, and is based on the current legislative policies and guidelines related to the site (including the HHCOSRP), the current site conditions and needs, and submissions gained from the stakeholder/community consultation phase. 3.11.5 Club requires a suitably sized club house and meeting area for the club and its members as part of the upgrades to the pavilion (grandstand), or the construction of a new facility between oval #2 and #3, or both. No change: refer 3.1.6 above. 3.11.6 RHHCC cricket net lighting does not interfere with bushland areas or adjacent residents. Noted. 3.11.7 Council to negotiate with RHHCC regarding long term tenure and for the use of Boronia Park. Negotiations regarding long term tenure for use of the park by a sporting club are beyond the scope of the PoM. Annual assessment of playing surface ovals #1 and #2 require following the winter playing season. The Draft PoM has not commented on the issue of playing field surface condition assessment in detail. 3.11.5 3.11.8 No change No change No change Proposed change: it is proposed that the PoM is amended to note council’s annual assessment and of all ovals is to continue. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 25 No. Summary of submission Response 3.11.9 Upgrade central wicket square of oval #1. Cost for these works in the order of $40,000. The Draft PoM has not commented on the issue of the central wicket square condition. 3.11.10 Draft PoM does not follow council’s stated objective of “encourage, promote and facilitate organised sport”. No change: refer 3.1.4 above. 3.11.11 Facilities described in Draft PoM amenity block between oval #2 and #3 do not satisfy the requirements of RHHCC and HHRUFC. Concerned that the facility as proposed will not adequately cater to the number of players required to use three ovals. Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 above. 3.11.12 Support recommendations to rectify oval #3 subsurface drainage, to be implemented in 2015. This comment supports the action plan amelioration recommendations to the oval #3 subsurface drainage (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM). Timing for delivery of this recommendation would be subject to the availability of council funding. Proposed change: it is proposed that the PoM is amended to include upgrade of the central wicket square. Timing for delivery of this recommendation would be subject to the availability of council funding. . No change 3.11.13 Oval #1 and #2 complete resurfacing within 2 years, with oval #1 requiring laser levelling. Annual assessment and reporting will make recommendations for requirements and timing in regards to resurfacing and levelling. Proposed change: refer 3.1.14 above. 3.11.14 Allow cricket club to install lighting to the cricket net lanes, at its own cost. The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes any new lighting within Boronia Park would be subject to council assessment of feasibility and detailed design to determine requirements. Proposed change: Given comments received, the PoM action plan will be updated to note that a development Application (DA) is required for any new lighting within Boronia Park. 3.11.15 Replace fencing around oval #1 with metal picket fencing. The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes maintenance repairs are required to the boundary fence of oval #1, due to the high capital cost of replacing this fencing. Council have begun works to repair the oval #1 fencing in early 2015, and will complete works in a staged approach. No change 3.11.16 Provide access road and carpark (for 50 cars and disabled parking) to oval #3. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 above. 3.11.17 Princes Street gate should be open for all sporting uses, to provide access to carpark at oval #3. Princes Street should have parking along its length. Proposed change: refer 3.1.12 above. 3.11.18 Install subsurface drainage to oval #1 and #2 to resolve playing field drainage issues, Proposed change: refer 3.1.8 above. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 26 No. Summary of submission and capture and re-use of water to irrigate playing fields. Response 3.11.19 Upgrade lighting on oval #1 and #2 to improve field lighting and control light spill. Proposed change: refer 3.1.16 and 3.1.17 above. 3.11.20 Provide new lighting to oval #3. No change: refer 3.1.18 above. 3.11.21 Information to be included in the executive summary regarding the important role of organised sport in the park. The executive summary provides an overview of the PoM. Information regarding the organised sporting history and use within the park is provided in sections 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 in the Draft PoM. Proposed change: additional relevant information regarding the organised sporting use of the site will be included into the executive summary. 3.11.22 Information to be included in section 2.5.2 European Heritage and Land Use, regarding the cricket club. Noted. 3.11.23 Oppose recommendation to improve and maintain the long jump pit, and would prefer the pit to be removed. No change: refer 3.9.26 above. 3.11.24 Information to be included in section 2.8.2 Active Recreation Management Zone to describe oval #1 turf centre wicket square in very poor condition. Noted. Information to be included in section 2.8.2 Active Recreation Management Zone to further describe cricket nets funding, use and condition. Funding descriptions are not included in this section of the PoM. Information to be included in section 2.8.2 Active Recreation Management Zone to further describe cricket sheds funding, use and condition. Funding descriptions are not included in this section of the PoM. Include detailed description of the cricket club consultation timing within section 3.1 The Planning Process. Detailed descriptions of the consultation sessions are not included in section 3.1 of the Draft PoM, and are outlined in Appendix D Stakeholder Meetings and Attendees in the Draft PoM. 3.11.25 3.11.26 3.11.27 Proposed change: additional relevant information regarding the cricket club will be included in section 2.5.2 European Heritage and Land Use in the Draft PoM. Proposed change: additional relevant information regarding the oval #1 wicket square will be included in section 2.8.2 Active Recreation Management Zone in the Draft PoM. Proposed change: additional relevant information regarding the cricket nets use and condition will be included in section 2.8.2 Active Recreation Management Zone in the Draft PoM. Proposed change: additional relevant information regarding the cricket sheds use and condition will be included in section 2.8.2 Active Recreation Management Zone in the Draft PoM. No change 3.12 Ryde – Hunter’s Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society (RHHFFPS) No. Summary of submission Response 3.12.1 Concerns regarding recent Noted. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 27 No. Summary of submission development of the park, which was not specifically identified in the 2002 PoM, and the way council managed this development. Response 3.12.2 Concerned that recent development of the park (oval #3, cricket sheds and nets), promote exclusive use by sporting clubs, which is not in keeping with principle of multiuse. Noted. 3.12.3 Limited environmental and landuse assessment in recent site works reflect lack of proper strategic planning and transparency in council’s processes. Noted. 3.12.4 Support recommendations to complete oval #3 embankment, drainage and remediation of the adjacent bush. This comment supports the action plan amelioration recommendations to the oval #3 subsurface drainage (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), embankment stabilisation and bank planting (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM). Council have begun works to revegetate and control erosion on this embankment in early 2015, and will complete works in a staged approach. Proposed change: given the comments raised about the oval #3 embankment, the recommendation regarding planting of the batter will be expanded to note the planting works will include enhancement of the adjacent bushland. 3.12.5 3.12.6 3.12.7 3.12.8 3.12.9 Increase in sport related vehicle access through Princes St, and uncontrolled parking inside the park, causing environmental damage to adjacent EEC, and conflict with pedestrian use. Submission provides detailed description of 2002 PoM process and recent works. Concerned PoM could be significantly amended without further consultation, as occurred following exhibition of the Draft version of the 2002 PoM. Query if a Plan of Management prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act (LGA) is the correct legal document to manage Boronia Park. Draft PoM recategorises some sections of the plan, which would require a public hearing under the LGA. Proposed change: refer 3.1.12 above. Noted. Noted. No change A PoM prepared under the guidelines of the Local Government Act 1993 is the correct legislative document to guide future development of Boronia Park. No change The action plan proposes recategorisation of the park in keeping with the current management principles and proposals (refer 4.6 in the Draft PoM), therefore a public hearing is not required. No change 3.12.10 Construction of oval #3 has encroached into an area zoned An amendment of the LEP is not required, as recommendations have been made within this report (refer REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 28 No. 3.12.11 Summary of submission E2 in the Hunter’s Hill LEP 2012. Council to clarify if this section of Boronia Park now requires rezoning as RE1 via an amendment to the HHLEP 2012. Response 3.9.15 above) to ameliorate and revegetate the minor embankment and the adjacent bushland in the southern corner of oval #3, which encroaches slightly into the area designated as E2 (Environmental Conservation). Society does not believe sufficient funding has been allocated in the Draft PoM towards biodiversity protection, passive recreation and protection of cultural heritage. The Draft PoM notes management/regeneration/revegetation of the Boronia Park bushland is to be undertaken in accordance with the EVRP. Council’s annual capital budget is not sufficient to manage the bushland in accordance with the EVRP. Implementation of these works has historic been undertaken through grant application and Contractor’s via capital works and bushcare staff. Hence, the Draft PoM action plan (refer 1.1). No change The action plan has made recommendations (refer section 4.5.3 in the Draft PoM) to improve passive recreation opportunities based on comment gained from the community and stakeholders during the consultation phase, and funding has been allocated in the action plan to cover these works. The action plan has made a recommendation (refer 1.4 in the Draft PoM) to retain and protect historical items on site. As outlined above, council’s annual capital budget is not sufficient to complete these works, hence the action plan notes these works will be completed as council maintenance staff works. Proposed change: the action plan will be updated to note protection of historical items on site, and implementation of the bushland works, will also be funded through capital works and grant funding where possible. 3.12.12 3.12.13 3.12.14 3.12.15 3.12.16 3.12.17 Require increased commitment and funding for bush regeneration. Would prefer funding that has been allocated to new seating within the park ($10,000) be allocated to saltmarsh monitoring. Proposed change: refer 3.12.11 above. Funding allocation to rectify oval #3 must address embankment stability, drainage and remediation of the adjacent bush. Need for improved amenity of the entrance point from Boronia Ave into the park. Proposed change: refer 3.9.15 above. Do not believe the viewing platform adjacent to oval #3 is a priority until the remedial works are completed. The viewing platform is noted as low priority in the action plan, whilst remedial works to the oval #3 embankment are noted as high priority in the action plan. Support recommendations for ameliorating light spill from Proposed change: refer 3.3.5 above. Written submissions from a range of stakeholders and individuals were reviewed and assessed to inform the Draft PoM. The Draft PoM actions provide a balance of the issues and opportunities noted within written submissions, questionnaires, and further submissions/information gained during the consultation phase. The Draft PoM has not commented on providing improved amenity at this entry into the park. Proposed change: it is proposed that PoM is amended to include a recommendation for improved amenity at the Boronia Ave entry including signage, seat and improved trail surfaces. No change REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 29 No. Summary of submission existing lighting to oval #1 and #2. Oppose additional lighting to oval #3 due to impact on native fauna and neighbouring properties. Response 3.12.18 No further buildings should be constructed inside the park. Upgrade of existing pavilion (grandstand) amenity facilities preferred. If new building is required, should be a new toilet block near the High St playground. Proposed change: refer 3.3.3 above. 3.12.19 Support upgrades to the existing pavilion (grandstand), and recommend extending the facility to include a community space. Proposed change: refer 3.1.21 above. 3.12.20 Princes Street should remain locked. Proposed change: refer 3.3.6 above. 3.12.21 Remove the informal carpark between oval #2 and #3. Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 above. 3.12.22 Support no parking in Princes Street. Proposed change: refer 3.3.6 above. 3.12.23 Support upgrades to the perimeter road parking. The action plan recommends all existing nature strip parking is maintained to be safe for public parking (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM). No change REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 30 4. Submissions from individuals 4.1 Overview A total of 522 written submissions were received from individuals. Some of these submissions were based on proformas distributed by the different clubs and organisations, while other submissions were written in the form of letters. All the submissions have been summarised, and the comments categorised for interpretation of the results. The comments made about the PoM covered a range of topics, with the most comments made about organised sport and recreation facilities and vehicle access and car parking. 4.2 Summary list of all comments from individuals The following comments are grouped into common topics, and have been summarised from all the comments made in the submissions. The numbers adjacent to each comment represent each time a comment was made and not the total number of submissions. The number adjacent to the topic heading is the total number of comments, both positive and negative, made on this topic. Comments with two or more responses are included in the response table in Section 4.3 of this report. 1,532 190 188 188 187 185 143 88 82 60 55 51 43 20 13 10 7 Organised sport and recreation facilities (excluding buildings) Lighting - update existing lighting to minimise light spill on adjacent houses and bushland Lighting - support lighting to oval #3 with no light spill to adjacent houses and bushland Oval #3 - remedial works required to fix recent earthworks, stabilise bank and prevent erosion (including rock wall) Lighting - support no additional lighting of ovals Land Tenure - HHC to negotiate with Hunter's Hill Rugby Union Club to gain long term tenure Intensification of use - concern about ongoing incremental intensification of sporting use and its impact on other uses and values in the park Land Tenure - HHC to negotiate with cricket clubs to gain long term tenure Facilities - sports areas should be managed in accordance with HHC Outdoor Sport & Rec. Plan 2013 Fencing - replace damage fencing to oval #1 with suitable alternative Turf wicket oval #1 - requires renovation Lighting - provide lighting to cricket nets for club and public use Lighting - support user pays system Hunters Hill Rugby Club - the club have facilitated improvements to the park Facilities - dominated by sport, need to better cater for the diverse range age groups, activities and uses Facilities - need more diversity of organised sport facilities Usage - improve control over how the facilities are used REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 31 7 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,492 267 212 191 189 181 175 84 79 57 41 10 3 1 1 1 Cricket nets - increase community access Facilities - there are enough sporting facilities already, no more required Future works - ensure no sporting development outside current sports field precinct Costs - clubs should contribute to development Walking tours - educational excursions Sporting activities - to be carefully integrated so they do not impact negatively on the natural surrounding Oval #3 - remedial works required to ameliorate recent planting works to perimeter Oval #3 - improvements required Oval #2 - leave as is Oval #1 - leave as is Lighting - provide lighting to netball courts for club and public use Parking and vehicle access Access - provide disabled parking access Emergency vehicles - provide emergency vehicle access to organised sporting facilities Access - provide parking and vehicle access to oval #2 and oval #3 Princes Street - daytime only vehicle access and parking along entire road length Carparking - no parking inside the park other than the existing sealed car park Carparking - support parking around perimeter of park only Princes Street - support daytime parking and vehicle access to improve access to oval #3 Princes Street - daytime and night time vehicle access and parking along entire road length Princes Street - retain locked gate at roundabout Carparking - remove informal carpark between oval #2 and oval #3 Carparking - provide alternative parking facilities to reduce traffic and parking impact on surrounding streets Princes Street - do not support narrowing the road width Boronia Ave - lack of traffic management on game days Princes St - upgrade road surface Car parking - support improving overflow parking conditions near oval #2 826 271 242 239 35 29 6 3 1 Maintenance of playing fields and grassed areas Drainage - improve drainage to oval #1 and oval #2 Turf - regrade and resurface oval #1 Turf - resurface oval #2 Maintenance - to be continued Turf - resurface all fields with hard wearing turf species Overall - improved maintenance required Maintenance - important as well as upgrades to playing fields Facility maintenance - required 536 207 164 146 8 6 Open space values Community - Boronia Park is a highly valued place for everyone to enjoy Health - important for encouraging physical activity Natural character - highly valued Open space - important as a place to relax Open space - beneficial to health REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 32 2 2 1 536 214 197 78 39 5 3 403 181 62 52 39 38 13 8 3 3 2 1 1 277 277 242 242 241 141 39 38 5 3 3 2 2 Sport & facilities - impact on areas to relax and unwind Open space - important place to experience nature Health - improve to encourage physical activity Community facility building Community facility building - do not support any new building in the centre of the park Community facility building - support new community facility building between ovals #2 and #3 with expanded facilities beyond those proposed in the draft POM Community facility building - support new community building between ovals #2 and #3 Community facility building - small amenities building with no showers or storage acceptable Community facility building - support new community facility building near pavilion (grandstand) Community facility building - small amenities building as described in Draft POM and not larger Management of park Land tenure - oppose exclusive club use of any grounds within park Land tenure - oppose exclusive club use of any building within park Consultation - more required for any future works Dogs - council wide dog management strategy required Dogs - provide bins and bag dispensers Future use - achieve a balance between future use and facilities and the natural character of the park Dogs - provide extensive off leash areas Safety - concern about lack of lighting and personal safety in the bushland areas of the park Dogs - provide off leash area in Finlay’s Paddock Dogs - no off leash permitted in park Graffiti - maintenance required Funding - concern about council's ability to fund future works Pavilion (grandstand) building Pavilion (grandstand) building upgrades - support upgrades for community and sporting clubs use Sustainability Integrated water management - support proposals for the collection and reuse of water on the site Trails Access - sealed access along Princes Street is important for non-vehicle access for all into the natural areas of the park Loop track - support with consultation for areas through bushland Cycling - manage trails to prevent informal cycle tracks Walking paths - consolidate walking paths Walking paths - increase walking paths Cycling - provide designated bicycle track through active and passive recreation areas Signage - provide improved directional and regulatory signage Links - provide connections between playing fields REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 33 2 2 1 1 1 1 233 180 8 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 224 142 56 18 2 1 1 1 1 Improve path condition/surface - on well used tracks Great North Walk - improve signage Cycle - no cycle paths in bushland Walking paths - retain informal access trails Paths - improve safe access to open spaces Great North Walk - improve trail condition Informal recreation facilities Playground - support small toilet facility near High Street playground Toilets - provide more Signage - provide information/educational signage Playground - support senior playground near High Street playground Drinking fountains - more required to all active areas Water based recreation - support non motorised watercraft launching facilities Water based recreation - no requirement for watercraft launching facilities Exercise equipment - increase the provision of fitness stations Water edge recreation - support picnic facilities at end of Princes Street Picnic facilities - upgrade at Tipperary Falls Water edge recreation - do not support picnic facilities at end of Princes Street due to rubbish Seating - more required Playground - support senior playground Long jump - remove Toilets - public toilets should only be open during daylight hours Diversity - increase diversity of informal recreational facilities Water based recreation - support boat storage racks at end of Princes Street Shelters more required Seating - adequate provision Playground - Ryde Road, replace fencing Playground - Ryde Road, provide more play facilities Playground - High St, provide more play facilities Grassy bank - maintain sufficient turf areas for passive recreation to north of oval #2 Fishing - provide fishing facilities along river edge Cycling - increase bicycle parking facilities 1 Environmental values Environmental character - highly valued Flora & Fauna - protect core habitat bushland corridors Vegetation - protect sensitive bushland Vegetation - use only native species Vegetation - use only indigenous species to revegetate steep banks Waterways - no earthworks adjacent to waterways Waterways - improve water quality and condition Waterways - important to preserve Vegetation - replace exotic understorey species near pavilion (grandstand) with suitable indigenous species Trees - remove dead and dangerous trees along walking trails 99 42 42 Heritage Non-Indigenous values - conserve and protect Indigenous heritage values - conserve and protect 1 REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 34 13 1 1 54 45 3 3 2 1 4.3 Non-Indigenous - important to protect heritage features Signage - to interpret heritage values Indigenous heritage - remove recommendation to join North Sydney Aboriginal Heritage Office Bushland management Maintenance - of bushland to be continued Overall - improved bushland maintenance required Maintenance - of bushland is important as well as upgrades to the park Weeding - additional in bushland required Bushland - bushfire management to be considered Response to comments from individuals No 4.3.1 Responses Below is a table listing the key comments made by two or more submissions, with the response to how this relevant to the PoM, and whether or not a change to the final PoM is required as a result of the comment. Proposed change Comment Response Organised sport and recreation facilities (excluding buildings) – total 1,532 4.3.1a 190 Lighting - update existing lighting to minimise light spill on adjacent houses and bushland The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes that light spill into surrounding bushland areas is to be considered. The existing lighting of oval #1 and #2 was upgraded by council in early 2015 to reduce light spill. Proposed change: refer 3.1.17 above. 4.3.1b 188 Lighting - support lighting to oval #3 with no light spill to adjacent houses and bushland The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM notes any new lighting within Boronia Park (including oval #3) would be subject to consultation, council assessment and detailed design to determine requirements, feasibility, etc. Proposed change: refer 3.1.18 above. 4.3.1c 188 Oval #3 - remedial works required to fix recent earthworks, stabilise bank and prevent erosion (including rock wall) This comment supports the action plan amelioration recommendations to the oval #3 subsurface drainage (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), embankment stabilisation and bank planting (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM). Council have begun works to revegetate and control erosion on this embankment in early 2015, and will complete works in a staged approach. No change 4.3.1d 187 Lighting - support no additional lighting of ovals Refer response 4.3.1b No change 4.3.1e 185 Negotiations regarding long term tenure for use of the park by a sporting club is beyond the scope of the PoM. No change 4.3.1f 143 Land Tenure - HHC to negotiate with Hunter's Hill Rugby Union Club to gain long term tenure Intensification of use concern about ongoing incremental intensification of sporting use and its The Draft PoM actions provide a balance of the issues and opportunities noted within written submissions, questionnaires, and submissions/information gained during the consultation phase. The proposed No change REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 35 Responses No Proposed change Comment impact on other uses and values in the park Response amendments to the park zoning (refer 4.6 in the Draft PoM) reflects the above, and determines the core objectives for each area of the park. Land Tenure - HHC to negotiate with cricket clubs to gain long term tenure Facilities - sports areas should be managed in accordance with HHC Outdoor Sport & Rec. Plan 2013 Fencing - replace damaged fencing to oval #1 with suitable alternative Turf wicket oval #1 requires renovation Refer response 4.3.1e. No change Noted. No change The Draft PoM (refer 2.1) notes maintenance repairs are required to the boundary fence of oval #1. No change The Draft PoM has not commented on the issue of the central wicket square condition. Proposed change: refer 3.11.9 above. Proposed change: refer 3.1.18 above. 4.3.1g 88 4.3.1h 82 4.3.1i 60 4.3.1j 55 4.3.1k 51 Lighting - provide lighting to cricket nets for club and public use The action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) notes any new lighting within Boronia Park would be subject to council assessment of feasibility and detailed design to determine requirements. 4.3.1l 43 Lighting - support user pays system This comment supports the action plan recommendation for council to coordinate and enforce a “use pays” lighting system (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM). No change 4.3.1m 20 Noted. No change 4.3.1n 13 Refer response 4.3.1f. No change 4.3.1o 10 Hunters Hill Rugby Club - the club have facilitated improvements to the park Facilities - dominated by sport, need to better cater for the diverse range age groups, activities and uses Facilities - need more diversity of organised sport facilities This comment supports the action plan objective for the Active Recreation Management Zone (refer section 4.5.2 in the Draft PoM). No change 4.3.1p 7 Usage - improve control over how the facilities are used The action plan has made recommendations (refer 2.2 in the Draft PoM) to improve the accessibility of the cricket nets by the general community. No change 4.3.1q 7 Refer response 4.3.1p. No change 4.3.1r 3 Refer response 4.3.1f. No change 4.3.1s 2 Cricket nets increase community access Facilities - there are enough sporting facilities already, no more required Future works - ensure no sporting development outside Refer response 4.3.1f. No change REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 36 Responses No Proposed change 4.3.2 Comment Response current sports field precinct 2 Costs - clubs should Noted. contribute to development Parking and vehicle access – total 1,492 4.3.2a 267 Access - provide disabled parking access There are two disabled parking spaces in the existing Park Road carpark. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 above. 4.3.2b 212 Emergency vehicles provide emergency vehicle access to organised sporting facilities There is currently emergency vehicle access to oval #1 and #2 of the Park Rd carpark. Emergency vehicle access to oval #3 could be provided across oval #2 via the Park St carpark, or through unlocking the Princes St gate. No change 4.3.2c 191 Access - provide parking and vehicle access to oval #2 and oval #3 As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), the amenity block would have provision for service vehicles maintenance access only. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 above. 4.3.2d 189 Princes Street daytime only vehicle access and parking along entire road length The PoM does not suggest parking along the entire length of Princes St, and proposes investigation to improve overflow parking capacity near oval #2 (refer 1.3 in the Draft PoM). Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 and 3.1.12 above. 4.3.2e 181 Carparking - no parking inside the park other than the existing sealed car park The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) recommends no increase in carparking within Boronia Park, and proposes investigation to improve overflow parking capacity near oval #2 (refer 1.3 in the Draft PoM). Proposed change: refer 3.9.5 above. 4.3.2f 175 Refer response 4.3.2f. 4.3.2g 84 Proposed change: refer 3.9.5 above. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 and 3.1.12 above. 4.3.2h 79 4.3.2i 57 Carparking - support parking around perimeter of park only Princes Street support daytime parking and vehicle access to improve access to oval #3 Princes Street daytime and night time vehicle access and parking along entire road length Princes Street - retain locked gate at roundabout 4.3.2j 41 4.3.2k 10 Carparking - remove informal carpark between oval #2 and oval #3 Carparking - provide alternative parking facilities to reduce traffic and parking impact on surrounding streets 4.3.1t No change Refer response 4.3.2d. Refer response 4.3.2h. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 and 3.1.12 above. The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) notes Princes St will continue to be locked due to the potential impact on the amenity of the park, open space, recreational experience and the adjacent Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). Proposed change: refer 3.9.4 above. Removal of this informal carpark would be part of the amenity block design and construction works (refer 3.1.5 above). No change Refer response 4.3.2f. Proposed change: refer 3.9.5 above. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 37 Responses No 4.3.2l 3 Comment Princes Street - do not support narrowing the road width Response The action plan has made recommendations (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) to reduce the width of Princes St (downhill from the junction of oval #2 and #3) based on comment gained from the community and stakeholders during the consultation phase. Proposed change No change 4.3.3 Maintenance of playing fields and grassed areas – total 826 4.3.3a 271 Drainage - improve drainage to oval #1 and oval #2 As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), an Integrated Water Management Plan has been recommended to review the subsurface drainage of oval #3, and report on site wide integrated water quality, control and harvesting (for re-use) recommendations. Proposed change: refer 3.1.8 above. 4.3.3b 242 Turf - regrade and resurface oval #1 The Draft PoM has not commented on the issue of playing field surface condition assessment in detail. Council’s annual assessment will make recommendations for requirements and timing in regards to resurfacing and regrading subject to available funding and prioritisation as outlined in council’s Delivery and Operations Plan. Proposed change: refer 3.1.14 above. 4.3.3c 239 Turf - resurface oval #2 Refer response 4.3.3b. Proposed change: refer 3.1.14 above. 4.3.3d 35 Maintenance - to be continued Noted. No change 4.3.3e 29 Turf - resurface all fields with hard wearing turf species Refer response 4.3.3b. Proposed change: refer 3.1.14 above. 4.3.3f 6 Overall - improved maintenance required Noted. No change 4.3.3g 3 Maintenance important as well as upgrades to playing fields Noted. No change 4.3.4 Open space values – total 536 4.3.4a 207 Community - Boronia Park is a highly valued place for everyone to enjoy Noted. No change 4.3.4b 164 Health - important for encouraging physical activity Noted. No change 4.3.4c 146 Natural character highly valued Noted. No change 4.3.4d 8 Open space important as a place to relax Noted. No change 4.3.4e 6 Open space beneficial to health Noted. No change 4.3.4f 2 Sport & facilities impact on areas to relax and unwind Noted. No change 5.3.4g 2 Open space - Noted. No change REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 38 Responses No Comment important place to experience nature Proposed change Response 4.3.5 Community facility building – total 536 4.3.5a 214 Community facility building - do not support any new building in the centre of the park In preparation of the Draft PoM, and consideration of the community and stakeholder consultation phase findings, the community needs do not require a community facility in the middle of the park given the potential impacts on the social, aesthetic and environmental values of the site. Upgrades of the existing pavilion (grandstand) building (refer 3.1.21 above) would fulfil the requirements of the community and stakeholders. No change 4.3.5b 197 Refer to response 4.3.5a. No change 4.3.5c 78 Refer to response 4.3.5a. No change 4.3.5d 39 Community facility building - support new community facility building between ovals #2 and #3 with expanded facilities beyond those proposed in the draft POM Community facility building - support new community building between ovals #2 and #3 Community facility building - small amenities building with no showers or storage acceptable As noted in the action plan (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM), the amenity block would be subject to a detailed design phase which would require consultation with the council and sporting clubs to ensure the amenity block suitably reflects the needs of these groups, and the local community. Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 above. 4.3.5e 5 No change 4.3.6 Community facility Refer to response 4.3.5a. building - support new community facility building near pavilion (grandstand) 3 Community facility Refer to response 4.3.5d. building - small amenities building as described in Draft POM and not larger Management of park – total 403 4.3.6a 181 Refer response 4.3.1e. No change 4.3.6b 62 Refer response 4.3.1e. No change 4.3.6c 52 Any future works within Boronia Park that is a sufficient change in land use would be subject to the Development Application (DA) and Construction Certificate (CC) processes, which include environmental assessment and public No change 4.3.5f Land tenure - oppose exclusive club use of any grounds within park Land tenure - oppose exclusive club use of any building within park Consultation - more required for any future works REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 above. 19/05/15 PAGE 39 Responses No Comment Response exhibition. Proposed change 4.3.6d 39 Dogs - council wide dog management strategy required Given the presence of threatened and vulnerable fauna (refer 2.6.6 in the Draft PoM), and endangered ecological communities (refer 2.6.5 in the Draft PoM) within Boronia Park, the action plan (refer 1.3 in the Draft PoM) recommends retaining the current dogs on leash policy. Further recommendations regarding designated off-leash dog areas would be subject to a whole of council dog strategy. No change . 4.3.6e 38 Dogs - provide bins and bag dispensers Dog faeces bins and bag dispensers were not proposed in the Draft PoM. Consideration of the locations for the bins and bags is beyond the scope of the PoM, and would be part of council’s prioritisation and implementation of park infrastructure within the municipality. 4.3.6f 13 Future use - achieve a balance between future use and facilities and the natural character of the park Written submissions from a range of stakeholders and individuals were reviewed and assessed to inform the Draft PoM. The Draft PoM actions provide a balance of the issues and opportunities noted within written submissions, questionnaires, and further submissions/information gained during the consultation phase. Proposed change: The PoM will be amended to note that bag dispensers and standard council bins are to be provided at key locations within the park. No change 4.3.6g 8 Refer response 4.3.6d. No change 4.3.6h 3 Dogs - provide extensive off leash areas Safety - concern about lack of lighting and personal safety in the bushland areas of the park Given the presence of threatened and vulnerable fauna (refer 2.6.6 in the Draft PoM), and endangered ecological communities (refer 2.6.5 in the Draft PoM) within Boronia Park, additional lighting was not considered as appropriate in the bushland area. Recommendations within the Draft PoM action plan will help improve personal safety by increasing usage of the park, which will improve passive surveillance. No change 4.3.6i 3 4.3.6j 4.3.7 4.3.7a 4.3.8 4.3.8a Dogs - provide off Refer response 4.3.6d. leash area in Finlay’s Paddock 2 Dogs - no off leash Refer response 4.3.6d. permitted in park Pavilion (grandstand) building – total 277 277 Pavilion (grandstand) This comment supports the Draft PoM building upgrades recommendations to upgrade the existing support upgrades for pavilion (grandstand) building (refer 2.1 in the community and Draft PoM). sporting clubs use Sustainability – total 242 242 Integrated water management support proposals for the collection and This comment supports the Draft PoM recommendations (refer 2.1 in the Draft PoM) to undertake an Integrated Water Management REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 No change No change Proposed change: refer 3.1.21 above. Proposed change: refer 3.1.8 above. PAGE 40 4.3.9 4.3.9a Responses No Comment reuse of water on the site Trails – total 241 141 Access - sealed access along Princes Street is important for non-vehicle access for all into the natural areas of the park Response Plan to review the subsurface drainage of oval #3, and report on site wide integrated water quality, control and harvesting (for re-use) recommendations. Proposed change The action plan (refer 3.2 in the Draft PoM) notes Princes St will continue to be locked due to the potential impact on the amenity of the park, open space, recreational experience and the adjacent Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). The reduced width trail on Princes St downhill from the junction of oval #2 and #3 would be sealed. Proposed change: refer 3.4.5 above. Loop track - support with consultation for areas through bushland Cycling - manage trails to prevent informal cycle tracks This comment supports the Draft PoM recommendation (refer 3.3 in the Draft PoM) for a bushland looped walking track. Proposed change: refer 3.3.7 above. This comment supports the Draft PoM recommendation (refer 1.2 in the Draft PoM) to identify and remove unauthorised mountain bike trails. No change 4.3.9b 39 4.3.9c 38 4.3.9d 5 Walking paths consolidate walking paths This comment supports the Draft PoM recommendation (refer 1.1 in the Draft PoM) for assessment of the bush trails, and selected paths to be closed for bush regeneration. No change 4.3.9e 3 Walking paths increase walking paths This comment supports the Draft PoM recommendation (refer 3.3 in the Draft PoM) for a bushland looped walking track. No change 4.3.9f 3 Cycling - provide designated bicycle track through active and passive recreation areas A bike route in the northwest of the park was explored during preparation of the Draft PoM. On consideration of the comments gained from the stakeholders during the consultation and exhibition phase, the community do not require a bike route in the location given the potential impacts on the social, aesthetic and environmental values of the site. No change 4.3.9g 2 Preparation of a signage strategy is recommended in the Draft PoM action plan (refer 1.4 and 3.3 in the Draft PoM) No change 4.3.9h 2 Signage - provide improved directional and regulatory signage Links - provide connections between playing fields The gravel path and stairs between oval #2 and #3 has not been commented on in the Draft PoM. Proposed change: refer 3.9.16 above. 4.3.9i 2 Improve path condition/surface - on well used tracks This comment supports the Draft PoM recommendation (refer 1.1in the Draft PoM) for assessment of the bush trails, selected paths to be closed for bush regeneration, and other paths to be improved. No change 4.3.9j 2 Great North Walk improve signage Preparation of a signage strategy is recommended in the Draft PoM action plan (refer 1.4 and 3.3) No change 4.3.10 Environmental Values – total 224 142 Environmental Noted. 4.3.10a REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 No change 19/05/15 PAGE 41 4.3.10b 4.3.10c 4.3.10d 4.3.11 4.3.11a Responses No Comment Response character - highly valued 56 Flora & Fauna Noted. protect core habitat bushland corridors 18 Vegetation - protect Noted. sensitive bushland 2 Vegetation - use only Noted. native species Informal recreation facilities – total 233 180 Playground - support Comment gained from the stakeholders during small toilet facility the consultation and exhibition phase informed near High Street the requirement and location of the amenity playground block in the Draft PoM adjacent to oval #2 and #3, which has been centrally located within the active sporting area. Proposed change No change No change No change Proposed change: given the comment raised about an amenity block near the High St playground, it is proposed that the PoM is amended to note inclusion of a small amenity block in this location, and note the following action: “Council to consult with community regarding the potential installation of a small amenity block adjacent to the High St playground. Small, single storey building is to be sensitively designed located for least visual impact, low maintenance and apply best practise ESD principles. Development Application (DA) and Construction Certificate (CC) is required for the amenity block prior to construction” 4.3.11b 8 Toilets - provide more Refer response 4.3.11a. No change 4.3.11c 4 Signage - provide information/ educational signage Preparation of a signage strategy is recommended in the Draft PoM action plan (refer 1.4 and 3.3) No change 4.3.11d 4 Playground - support senior playground near High Street playground This comment supports the Draft PoM action plan recommendation (refer 3.1) for a feature playground for senior children. No change REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 42 Responses No Proposed change Comment Drinking fountains more required to all active areas Response Drinking fountains were not proposed in the Draft PoM. The location of drinking fountains/water bottle stations is beyond the scope of the PoM, and would be part of council’s prioritisation and implementation of park infrastructure within the municipality. Proposed change: refer 3.4.3 above Water based recreation - support non motorised watercraft launching facilities Water based recreation - no requirement for watercraft launching facilities Exercise equipment increase the provision of fitness stations This comment supports the Draft PoM action plan recommendation (refer 3.1) for a kayak launching and docking pontoon. No change Comment gained from the stakeholders during the consultation and exhibition phase informed the requirement for a kayak launching pontoon (refer 3.1). No change This comment supports the Draft PoM action plan recommendation (refer 3.1) for exercise stations within the park. The Draft PoM action plan (refer 1.3) proposed removing the facilities in this area as there is limited opportunities for passive surveillance, which can expose picnic facilities to vandalism, and ongoing council maintenance. No change Water edge recreation - support picnic facilities at end of Princes Street 2 Water edge recreation - do not support picnic facilities at end of Princes Street due to rubbish Heritage – total 99 42 Non-Indigenous values - conserve and protect This comment supports action plan recommendation (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) for picnic facilities at the end of Princes St. No change Comment gained from the stakeholders during the consultation and exhibition phase informed the requirement for picnic facilities at the end of Princes St (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM). No change This comment supports the Draft PoM action plan recommendations (refer 1.4 in the Draft PoM) to retain and protect heritage items on site. Preparation of a signage strategy is recommended in the action plan (refer 1.4 and 3.3 in the Draft PoM) to interpret the important site heritage. No change 4.3.12b 42 Indigenous heritage values - conserve and protect This comment supports the Draft PoM action plan recommendations (refer 1.4 in the Draft PoM) to retain and protect heritage items on site, and (refer 3.3 in the Draft PoM) for council to join the Northern Sydney Aboriginal Heritage Office. No change 4.3.12c 13 Non-Indigenous important to protect heritage features This comment supports the Draft PoM action plan recommendations (refer 1.4 in the Draft PoM) to retain and protect heritage items on site. Preparation of a signage strategy is recommended in the action plan (refer 1.4 and 3.3 in the Draft PoM) to interpret the important site heritage. No change 4.3.13 Bushland management – total 54 45 Maintenance - of This comment supports the Draft PoM action 4.3.11e 4 4.3.11f 4 4.3.11g 3 4.3.11h 3 4.3.11i 2 4.3.11j 3 4.3.11k 4.3.12 4.3.12a 4.3.13a Picnic facilities upgrade at Tipperary Falls REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 Proposed change: refer 3.9.19 above Proposed PAGE 43 Responses No 4.3.13b 3 4.3.13c 3 4.3.13d 2 Comment bushland to be continued Response plan recommendations (refer 1.1) for management/regeneration/revegetation of the Boronia Park bushland to be undertaken in accordance with the EVRP. Overall - improved bushland maintenance required Maintenance - of bushland is important as well as upgrades to the park Weeding - additional in bushland required Refer response 4.3.13a. Proposed change: refer 3.12.11 above Proposed change: refer 3.12.11 above Refer response 4.3.13a. Proposed change: refer 3.12.11 above Refer response 4.3.13a. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 Proposed change change: refer 3.12.11 above 19/05/15 PAGE 44 5. Petitions 5.1 Petitions in favour of kayaking facilities Two petitions were received during the public exhibition phase proposing recommendations for kayak launching facilities within Boronia Park. A total of 103 people signed the petitions, with 91 signing one and 12 the other. Those who signed did not amend or individualise the letter, and have therefore been referred to as a petition for the purposes of this report. No. Summary of submission Response 5.1.1 Passionate about recreational sport, bush amenity and support kayaking. Noted. 5.1.2 Support recommendation for water edge park infrastructure. This comment supports the action plan recommendation (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) for picnic facilities at the end of Princes St. No change 5.1.3 Support recommendation for kayak launching pontoon. This comment supports the action plan recommendation (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) for a kayak launching and docking pontoon. No change 5.1.4 Retain metal vehicle barrier at end of Princes Street. The action plan has made recommendations (refer section 3.1 in the Draft PoM) to remove the metal vehicle barrier based on comment gained from the community and stakeholders during the consultation phase. Removal of the barrier provides an opportunity to install picnic facilities in this area, which are supported in this submission (refer 5.1.2 above), and improve visual access to the adjacent river. No change 5.1.5 Retain vehicle turning area at river edge. The action plan has made recommendations (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) to remove the vehicle turning area based on comment gained from the community and stakeholders during the consultation phase. Removal of the vehicle turning area provides an opportunity to install the picnic facilities recommended in this area, which are supported in this submission (refer 5.1.2 above). No change 5.1.6 Retain Princes St width as-is. The action plan has made recommendations (refer 3.1 in the Draft PoM) to reduce the width of Princes St downhill from the junction of oval #2 and #3 gate based on comment gained from the community and stakeholders during the consultation phase. No change 5.1.7 1-2 year trial period for vehicle access along entire length of Princes St during daylight hours for access to kayak pontoon, Proposed change: refer 3.1.13 above. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 45 No. Summary of submission with consideration of restricted access for locals only (e.g. auto gate or similar). Response 5.1.8 Minimum would be to open the front gate into Princes St only during daylight hours. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 above. 5.1.9 Upgrade Princes St road surface up the junction of oval #2 and #3. This level of detail is beyond the scope of the PoM. These works would be part of council’s prioritisation and implementation of road infrastructure within the municipality. No change 5.1.10 Support amenities block between oval #2 and #3. Proposed change: refer 3.1.5 above. 5.1.11 Support carpark between oval #2 and #3 for 60 cars. Proposed change: refer 3.1.7 above. REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 46 Attachment A – Details of clubs, organisations and individuals REPORT ON CONSULTATION OUTCOMES FOR THE BORONIA PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT V4 19/05/15 PAGE 47 First Name Zac Alex Kate Andrew John & June Adrian David Liz Brownwyn John & Annette Allan Paula Lance & Trudy Richard Vincent Alex Anna Clare Jenny Lambert Norm Tess Joe Jennie Huw Glenn Anna Sally Alastair Paul Alan Andrew Ben Bob Ron Alan Glen John Phil Matthew Wayne Ivan Darren Steve Bernie Chris James Mark Garth Surname Miles Milne Russell Wood Krizka Diggelmann Clifton-Smith Hinton Hardy Boast & Gallard Southcombe Southcombe Robey Symons Moran Tye Moran Moran Arnold van der Heide Lurie Southcombe Larrarte Butler Davies Cattell Southcombe Gaunt Lee Ramsey Evans Ball Gregory Little Fitzgerald Evans Sanford Glennon Shorten Bruce Farthing Fitz-Gerald Holly Dunnett McNamara Andrews Crehan Houlihan McBurney Address 11 George Street 6 Park Road 58 Barons Cres 7 Boronia Ave 2A James Street 21 Princes Street 66 Park Rd 87 Woolwich Rd 30 Park Rd 14 Park Rd 11 Earl St 11 Earl St 22 Auburn St 16 Blaxland St 13 Barons Cres Frederick St 13 Barons Cres 13 Barons Cres 13 Barons Cres 205/1 Roseby St 43 Earl St 30 Frederick St 153 Buffalo Rd 24 Park Rd 54 Mary St 18 Champion Rd 18 Champion Rd 15 Mars Street 18 Blaxland Street 58 Bambara Cres 92 Chandos St 93 Antoine St 7 Nelson St 11 Larooll Cres 27 Thelma St 38 Bennett St 42 Ashford Ave 5/18Campbell St 14 Kirkham St 9 Leo St Suburb Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Woolwich Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Ryde Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Drummoyne Hunters Hill Ryde Ryde Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Tennyson Point Tennyson Point Gladesville Hunters Hill Beecroft St Leonards Rydalmere Gladesville Thornleigh Eastwood West Ryde Castle Hill Balmain Beecroft Hunters Hill 30 Hay St West Ryde 10 Town St 6 Rocher Av 31 Blaxland St 21 Baird Ave Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Ryde First Name Tracey Andrew Robert Madeleine & David Tatyana Callen Simon Andrea Sarah Gareth Geoff Bruce Nick James James David Katie Georgina & Martin Jeremy Jay Patrick Morgan Geordie Pamela Chad Robert John Stuart Robert Paul Susan Glen Trevor Inga Robyn Christian Ellen Scott Kanishka Brett Geoff Ken Peter Kishan Vikrant Thomas Alexis Bruce Christopher & Alexis Surname Hetherington Calvert Adam Carter Virgara O'Brien Ramm Mulvey James James Moxham Worboys Farr-Jones Goldsmith Humphris McGuiness Turkal Philpott/Auliff Cridland Robertson McCormack McCormack McCormack McCormack Quinn Doust McCormack Macintyre Courtney McCormack Muller Harris Went Davison Duggan Serfontein Mariner Friedman Banerjee Beattie Edwards Gusse Cooke Nehru Nehru Yeoh White Gosbell White Address 21 Baird Ave 106/10 Karrabee Av Suburb Ryde Huntleys Cove 10 Richmond Cres 60 Prince Edward St 12 Ferdinand St 228 Malton Rd Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill North Epping 6 Bonnefin Rd 6 Bonnefin Rd 19 Finch Av NSW Rugby Union NSW Rugby Union Compton Hunters Hill Hunters Hill East Ryde 7 Evans St 32 Parry St 34 Jeanette St 5 Margaret St 5 Salt St 7/14 Hosking St 7/14 Hosking St 7/14 Hosking St 27 Forest Oak Chase 23 Wolfe Rd 322 Farnell St 27 Forest Oak Chase 45a Blaxland St 201/64-68 Gladesville Rd 27 Forest Oak Chase 12 Aston St Gladesville Putney East Ryde Woolwich Concord Balmain Balmain Balmain Valla East Ryde Hunters Hill Valla Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Valla Hunters Hill 25 Deakin St 4 Levy St 143 Ryde Rd 45 Batemans Rd 83 Melba Dr 33 Shipway St 4 Landsowne St 43 Morrison Rd 39 Kings Rd 42 John Miller St 51 Thompson St 11A Dunlop St 11A Dunlop St 38 Champion Rd 6A Gladesville Rd 207A Buffalo Rd 1/20 Foss St Ermington Putney Hunters Hill Gladesville East Ryde Marsfield Eastwood Gladesville Denistone East Ryde Gladesville Epping Epping Tennyson Point Hunters Hill Ryde Hunters Hill Coonamble First Name Daniel Nagaraja John Sharon & Jason Jordan Tony Damon Tony Peter Terry Pamela Lisa Brian Penny Andrew Kerrie-Anne Vince Alex William Hilda Therese & Scott Vicki Matthew Rajiv Samuel J Louis Kerry Melanie Nicholas Will Venessa Andrew Kerry Matthew Kim Tom Patricia & John Bev Michael Steve Nicole Liam Anitta Richard Julie Mitchell Trevor Samantha Surname Kleijn Srikantashastry Amery Ellerby Butler Gribben Jones Anderson Russell Reynolds Logan Croucher Smith Jones Skelly Dougan Cusumano Light Hammond De Luca Davies McGuiness Alessi Srivastava Gliddon Southcombe Dillon Brady Morris Kellaway Glenn Loadsman Loadsman Sunderland Chegwyn Beattie Kellaway Taylor Debrincat Turner Lane Dillon Cooper Lane Colley Bell Kenny Barlow Vicars Address 28 Woolwich Rd 15 Downing St 10 Knox Ave 18 Morrison Rd 7-9 Wiliam St 29d Shirley Rd 3 Ross St 41 Blaxland St Suburb Hunters Hill Epping Epping Gladesville Ryde Wollstonecraft Gladesville Hunters Hill 16 Charles St 2/3 Junction St 9 London St 28 Bird St 6 Prince Edward Pde 16 Diggers Ave 1 Toocooya Rd 5 Taylor Ave 55 Boronia St 18/14 Hosking St 2 Auburn St 21 Madeleine St 7 Evan St 26 Bobbin Head Rd 46 Ryrie St 20 Yarabah Ave 4 Park Rd 13 Irvine Cres Sydney Junior Rugby Union 1-8 The Close 15 Diggers Av 21 Auburn St 13 Auburn St 13 Auburn St 28 Bronhill Ave 10 Aminya Pl 5 Searle St 15 Diggers Av 21 Bonnefin Rd PO Box 635 2 Evans St 177 Carlingford Rd 13 Irvine Cres Leichhardt Gladesville Enmore Ryde Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Melrose Park Redfern Balmain East Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Pymble North Ryde Gordon Hunters Hill Ryde 177 Carlingford Rd 2 Nelson St 4 The Close 153 Pittwater Rd 103 Ryde Rd 1 Evan St Carlingford Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill East Ryde Riverview Ryde Gladesville Hunters Hill Gladesville Gladesville Carlingford Ryde First Name Daz Deakin Winnie Janine Sally Dane Sue & Joan Suzie Rae & Arthur Pauline Claire Les Michelle Roy Misha Marco Andrew Julie & Malcolm Jeff Nate Charli Lucy Zac Simon Matthew Rhonda Mark Luke David Derek Bradley Geoff Alison Nicholas Luke Mark Andrew Tania Nita Patricia Surname Anthaw Anthaw Anthaw Ligato Latham Latham Smithson Scott Mashford Latham Locke Sanford Talarico Maggio Hammond Angelini Christie Lockie Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hammond MacRae Keating Green Wilkinson Lewis MacRae MacRae Lindsay Andrews Giacomini Bermingham Rimer Hobden Moujalli Nohra Lane-Brown Luke James Leigh Toni Robert Debbie Stuart Joanna McCormack McCarthy Stubbs Briggs Thorpe Mackenzie Leece Natoli Address 2/105 Victoria Rd 2/105 Victoria Rd 2/105 Victoria Rd 56 Pittwater Rd 12 Woodward Rd 12 Woodward Rd 68 Barons Cres 14 Parry St 52 Park Rd 10 Woodward Rd 49 Pittwater Rd 13 Huon Pl 60 Tennyson Rd Suburb Gladesville Gladesville Gladesville Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Ryde Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Bella Vista Gladesville 288 Pittwater Rd East Ryde 5 Princes St 9 Brereton St 9 Brereton St 9 Brereton St 9 Brereton St 9 Brereton St 23 Nacooma Rd 19 Barons Cres 53 High St NSW Rugby Union Ltd 49 King St 2 Raven St 19 Barons Cres 19 Barons Cres 139 Newton Cct 10 Town St 18 Cross St 16 Salter Cres 119 Princes St 25 Boyce St 24 Clanalpine St Yerong St 1 Boronia Ave Hunters Hill Rugby Union Football Club Inc. Hunters Hill Gladesville Gladesville Gladesville Gladesville Gladesville Buff Point Hunters Hill Hunters Hill 18 Gerrish St 51 Blaxland St 18 Higginbottam Rd 11 Hinkier Ave 16 Percy St 30 Western Cres 13 Charleston Ave Eastlakes Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Thurgoona Gladesville Forest Lodge Denistone East Putney Ryde Eastwood Ryde Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Gladesville Ryde Gladesville Gladesville Earlwood First Name Rocco Terry Chris Emma Jesse Ben Matthew Michael Steven Jason Briony Tanya Anne Jamie Lyn Kasia Timothy Helen Lisa Henry Janine Ellie Maree Sunjay Rod & Honny Cecily Brent Dean Maureen Surname Natoli O'Halloran Brown Adam Croucher McCarthy Potts Stubbs John Gaff Martin David Paul Ian John Conrad & Alice Peta Jacqueline Julian Tim Max Alex Alistair Kylie Christopher Carl Tony Brigid & Leonard James Michael McGuiness Shields Pickles Diamond Oppen Southcombe Stene Arndt Vertoudakis Marraffa Larkin Power Salmon Schofield Ryves Coote Dowsett Rennie McNamara Johnstone Johnstone Mallesch Groves Gatehouse Vertoudakis Hanvey McKenna Cusumano Antaw Gadd Jain Lovett Gordon Rodgers Beatty Flowers Address 13 Charleston Ave 59 Pittwater Rd 18 Watt Ave 12A Ferdinand St 9 London St 10 Henley St 108 Ryde Rd 51 Blaxland St 21A Tyrell St 3 Ainsworth St 3 Ainsworth St 25/275 Blaxland Rd 14 Badajoz Rd 14 Badajoz Rd 6 Nemba St 15 Coolibah St 9/11-17 Carlton St 2/24 National St 82 High St 20 Ramleh St 5 Taylor Ave 2/105 Victoria Rd 211/64 Gladesville Rd 211/64 Gladesville Rd 74 Barons Crescent 5 Jennifer Pl 18 Glendower Av 63 Batemans Rd 1/12-14 Matthew St Ryde Hunters Hill Cricket Club Suburb Earlwood Hunters Hill Ryde Hunters Hill Enmore Lane Cove Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Lilyfield Lilyfield Ryde Ryde Ryde Hunters Hill Merrylands West Kensington Leichardt Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Melrose Park Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Baukham Hills Eastwood Gladesville Hunters Hill 4 The Strand 64 Toxteth Rd Gladesville Glebe 3 Madeleine St 11 Earl St 11 Ferdinand St 119/23 Norton St 32/9 Mandolong Rd 2/5-7 Moate Av Westfields Sports David Jones Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Leichardt Mosman Brighton Le Sands Fairfield 1/123 Pittwater Rd 5 Werambie St The Hunter's Hill Trust 37 Batemans Rd 14 Crescent St 107/85 Reynolds St Hunters Hill Woolwich Gladesville Hunters Hill Balmain First Name Bradley Thomas David Patrick Surname Chalmers Cuniowski Polly Nicol Alison Lynne Bradley Dominic Lewis Marta Catherine Neryll Jill & Peter Paul Bike North Inc Alister Warwick James & Beth Manish John Pamela Lilijana Chloe & George Donald & Margarethe Peter & Robyn James &Denise Olga Felicity John & Diane Jenny Andrew Richard Patrick Tony Robert Joanne Ben Kevin & Kerrie Jenny Elisabeth A John & Anne Sheila Russell Bryan Gabriella Spiros Donna Graham McKee Jones Bullock Nottidge Nottidge Willsdon McAlpine Johnson Goldie Sharp Sherman Sloan Misra Boyle Ward Gorringe Brown Trimble MacDonald Leong Fuccilli Gabbrielli McCain & Michel Craige Johnstone Mostyn Corrigan Fisher Hayes Carmody Woods Leary Nylund Anderson Groves Thomson Jolly Kershler Alderidge Bamonte Vlachos Bell Address Glebe Police Station 306/99 Military Rd Suburb Neutral Bay Marks St North Shore Junior Cricket Association Hunters Hill 63 Burlington Rd Homebush 3 Janet St 27 Maxim St 27 Maxim St 40 Bonnefin Rd 84 Barons Cres 67 Bonnefin Rd 5 Ambrose St PO Box 719 11 Martin St 65 Huntleys Point Rd 27 Farnell St 72 High St 8 Morvan St Russell Lea West Ryde West Ryde Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Huntleys Point Hunters Hill Hunters Hill West Denistone 70 Park Rd 8 Farnell St 1 Princes St 12 Farnell St 40 Abigail St 71 Bonnefin Rd 108 Barons Cres 23A Epping Rd 5 Collingwood St Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill North Ryde Woolwich 9 Ady St Hunters Hill 5 Bangalla St 82 Barons Crescent 54 Milling St 21 Watson St 3 Gaza Ave 38 Park Rd 3/61 Ryde Rd 35 Barons Cres 14a Park Rd 11 Martin St 27 Pooley St Warrawee Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Putney Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Ryde 37 Abigail St 76 High St 57 Bonnefin Rd Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill First Name Lynne Arturo Natasha Kirsty William Ilse & Gary Allan Brad Dimitrios Georgia Shane Catherine Len Fred Lisa Kate Georgia Craig Jon Dudley Graham & Ann Yvonne& Malcolm Eric Giovanni & Assunta Paul & Barbara All Saints Hunters Hill Soccer Club Surname Broad Escartin Brockmeier Penhall Pulver Fait & Drysdale Coles Hales ?Mackrs Vlachos Comley Goswell Imber Grotte Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair Simmons Hewitt Bell Eade Brown Colussi Enright Address Suburb 79 Ryde Rd 41 Earl St 2 Note St Australian Rugby Union 15 Princes St 18B Barons Cres 24 Abigail St 13 Earl St 76 High St 73 Bonnefin Rd 23 Clayton St 4 Hillcrest Ave 57 Bonnefin Rd 22 Ramleh St 22 Ramleh St 22 Ramleh St 22 Ramleh St 32 Bonnefin Rd 41 Barons Cres 6A Barons Cres 78 High St 16 Ainsworth St 69 Bonnefin Rd 8 Park Rd Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Ryde Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Lilyfield Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Kevin Alan Doreen G Natalie Peter Sue Dianne P Pasqualina Anne Richard Terri Frances Peter &Valerie Frances Pamela Valerie Alja Grant John Kenneth Jamieson Beattie Carter Lawerence Carter Gallagher Grose-Hodge van Sommers vanSommers Lobasso Breslin Shine Shine Love King Breen Reeves Nelson Brown Bryan Pirozzi Rennie PO Box 244 8 Treborth Pl 107 Waratah St 25 Kennedy St 33 Bonnefin Rd 25 Kennedy St 66 Blaxland St 2C North Pde 9 Makinson St 9 Makinson St 14 Ramleh St 60 Blaxland St 30 Farnell St 30 Farnell St 38 Bonnefin Rd 96 High St 25 Ross St 29 Kennedy St 19 Kennedy St 53 Woolwich Rd 178 Emu Swamp Rd 22 Park Rd 27 Martin St Hunters Hill Menai Haberfield Gladesville Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Gladesville Gladesville Hunters Hill Orange Hunters Hill Hunters Hill First Name Isabella Ailsa Michelle Chris Paul Jason Quentin Keith Matthew Rod Peter & Valerie Helen Brend Vaughan Richard Craig Jason Craig Ian Matthew Paul & Rachel Peter Robert Paula Paul Stuart Dianne Samantha Louise Terry Yvonne Rosmary Steve Peter Paddy F.F. Jeremy Connal Elisabeth John & Alice Zara Bridget Christine R&G Harold Peter V Lyn Sylia Surname Shields McPherson Pike Williams Farrant Mclauchlan Ryan Carew Shillington Jacka King Crane Johnston Richards O'Grady Smith Swain Mietzke Black Cudmore Mann Labrie Mullins Mullins Gregg McCarthy Drew Piekuta Hayes McCarthy Dornan Miller Drake van der Vlies Subbaraman Grotte Redwin Hanvey Gyosy O'Connor Farmer Hawthorne Hanrahan Clark Teale Lessi Moses Langtry Green Address 4 The Strand 55 Blaxland St 37 Lavarack St 5a Blaxland St Suburb Gladesvile Hunters Hill Ryde Hunters Hill 35 Pacey Ave 40 Yanderra Gr 6 Gray St Lot 49 Frank Freeman Dr North Ryde Cherrybrook Henley Esperance WA 96 High St 24 Bonnefin Rd 16 Margaret St 37 D The Point Rd 21 Richmond Street 61 Booth St Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Woolwich Woolwich Denistone East Annandale 128 Morrison Rd 4-10 Inman Rd 123 Epping Rd 6/1 Garden St 2 Stanbury St 11 Gaza Ave 11 Gaza Ave 12 B Ferdinand St 121A Ryde Rd 19 Mortimer Lewis Dr 362 Pitwatter Rd 82 Barons Crescent 79 Park Rd 2 William Street 99 Woolwich Rd 29 Pellisier Rd 12 Abbey Rd 45 Malo Ave 11 Barons Crescent 2 Martin St 82 High St 8 Pitt St 30 Gladesville Rd 55 Farnell St 5 Alexandra St 16 Richmond Cres 35 Mary St 1 Joly Pde 48a Woolwich Rd 23 High St 65 Moncrieff Dr 3/26 Bayswater St Tennyson Point Dee Why North Ryde Telopea Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Huntleys Cove North Ryde Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Henley Woolwich Putney Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville East Ryde Drummoyne First Name Frances Tony & Glynis Alex Alfred Giuseppina R.K Marlene David John & Dianne Tibor & Lyn Eva Beverly Alex Sarah M Janet & Stephen G Rudolf & Raylee Louise John Geoff Julie Helen A Maja John Coral Tom G John Elisabeth & Tom Leonie Joyce Gail Lesley Barbara & David Honny & Rod Eric & Elaine Anne Kenneth Kathleen P.H. Stephen & Margot Pamela & William Clinton Anthony Kathleen Kate Surname Pearce Butteriss Moses Vincent Zappia Osborne Arditto Lumbers Elliot Alfoldi Filla Wilson Fawcett Conacher Conacher Deverall Howard Macenda Hochstetter Curtis Clark Byrne Ingles Schicha Vielie Popic Stephenson Wood Atkinson Sevader Hibbert Karplus McMahon Grant O'Brien Ades Coe Lovett Teoh McDonald Mochora McDonald Crowe Pegum Owens Jones Blair Vincent McClelland Address 46 Finch Av 72 River Av 23 High St 25 High St 26 Woolwich Rd 116 High St 1/1 Avenue Rd 10 Swan St 8 Boronia Av 6 Boronia Ave 68 Meyers Av 22 Farnell St 125A Pittwater Rd 8 Earl St 11Euthella Ave 18 Bonnefin Rd 23 Augustine St 141 Ryde Rd 170A Pittwater Rd 68 Park Rd 5 Figtree Rd 8 French Av 32A Barons Cres 2 Alfred St 11 Fern Rd 39A Blaxland St 1/10-14 Elgin St 7 Boronia Ave 4 Margaret St 8 Herberton Ave 19 Ferdinand St 85 Woolwich Rd 23 Ryde Rd 46A Woolwich Rd 2 Abbey St 4 Note St 74 Barons Crescent 68 Mary St 33 Everard St 35 Everard St 33 Everard St 5/11 Gladstone Av 6/8 Tiree Ave 12 Park Rd 8/67 Ryde Rd 46 Bonnefin Rd 42 Woolwich Rd 2/3 Avenue Rd Suburb East Ryde Chatswood West Gladesville Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Bankstown Hunters Hill Woolwich Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Woolwich Hunters Hill Woolwich Hunters Hill Caringbah Hunters Hill Woolwich Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Woolwich Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill First Name Ngaire Mrs E Marcus Patricia Colin & Suzanne Louise D Ross Elisabeth &Tulio Robert Gavan Beverly Mr & Mrs Kevin Elizabeth Richard Jill D. Blake Geoffrey Peter & Sue Julie Valerie RP Gladys Coleen Nicholas Martha Anna Leonard Iain Leonie & James Pamela Peter AM Heather Katie Cameron Peter Iris Sue Noel Nicholas Brendan Thalia Michael Heather Sharon Pat & Martin Margaret Surname Macri Fitzgerald Trimble Birch Langdale Fenley Richards Redfern Bogatai Johnston Thompson Allen Rush Kiddelll Davies Radford Walker Marshall Tracey Parsons Betteridge Springer Fleming Tracey Makris Pietor Stanley Armstrong Perkes Parker Kamula Always De Tullio McDowell Little Wood McFarlane Capital Burton Ford Ford Ford Broughton Bernauer Armstrong Vincent Nash Scrivener Address 12 Halcyon St 156 Pittwater Rd Suburb Gladesville Gladesville 4 John St 1 Abigail St 50 Blaxland St 2 The Strand 27 Gale St 30 Auburn St 41 Pittwater rd 3 Note St 9 Ferdinand St 3/1 Avenue Rd G04/8 Karrabee Av 13 Blaxland St 7 James St 20 Lloyd Ave 1 Muirbank Ave 28 Madeline St 36A Blaxland St 25 Moorefield Ave 8/10 Mount St 29 Malo Av 84 High St 21 Gale St 21 Gale St 54A Mary St 32 Park Rd 41 Bonnefin Rd PO Box 18 25 Gale st 24 Short St PO Box 2021 46 Park Rd 10 Carl St 62b High St 7 Boronia Ave 5 Orient Street Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Woolwich Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Huntleys Cove Hunters Hill Melrose Park Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Woolwich Woolwich Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Woolwich Gladesville Boronia Park Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville 1 Leo St 49 Pittwater Rd 49 Pittwater Rd 49 Pittwater Rd 10 Thorn St 29 Waruda Pl 18B Barons Crescent 39 Alexandra St 7 Reiby Rd 2A Viret St Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Huntleys Cove Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill First Name Suzanne Nick Jeanette RA Leena & Sanjeev Stephen & Deborah Eunice PJ R Evelyn Blair Phill David Philip Heather Trudy E&R Christine Diana Mark Dulcie Leon Priscilla Ben Tony Geoff Norman Margaret Stewart Kirsty Owen Evelyn Ned Holly Ron Julie Anne Linh Katalin Andrew Margaret Narelle Brian Lachlan To whom it may concern Robert Betty R&K David Joseph Surname Ell Ingham Tapscott Maguire Gupta Ryan Farram Clark Foster Malcolm Usling Shaw Dickerson Richardson Jenkins Jenkins Kingdom Rumble Waring Myers Armstrong Congannon Ramien O'Brien Vlatko Schulties Lurie Lurie Kirkby Kirkby Schulties Schulties Loneragan Anderson Anderson Anderson Luu Koudrin Koudrin Roberts Hammond Robbins Anderson Muratore Samad Desaz Ronning Ahimbuxutan Address 6 Figtree Road 16 Figtree Road 12 A Figtree Road 20 Figtree Road 8 Figtree Road 51 Ryde Rd 5 Martin St PO Box 40 Po Box 140 11 Princes St PO Box 140 29 Forsyth St PO Box 140 PO Box 140 8/6 Everard St 40 Barons Crescent 13 Martin St 30 Cowell St 26 The Strand 59 Blaxland st 41 Bonnefin Rd 36 Hillcrest Ave 11 Cowell St 1/102A St Georges Crescent 9 Glenview Crescent 29 Earl Street 43 Earl Street 43 Earl Street 37 Earl Street 37 Earl Street 29 Earl Street 29 Earl Street 20 Blaxland Street 4 Crescent Street 4 Crescent Street 4 Crescent Street 31 Earl Street 36 a Earl Street 36 a Earl Street 22 Elthan Street 24 Blaxland Street 15 Blaxland Street 4 Crescent Street 130 Pittwater Road 33/40 Higgenbottom Road 97 Pittwater Road 97 Pittwater Road 4 Earl Street 31/12 Ivanhoe Place Suburb Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Forestville Hunters Hill Forestville West Ryde Forestville Forestville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Gladesville Drummoyne Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Macquarie Park First Name Norman Eileen Terry Jon Lisa Gemma A Kerry Roy Melissa Dimitrios Dean Julie Rita Samuel Rod Jenny Ben Hunter Taylor Lauren Christopher Rebecca Monice Angela Lisa Wendy B Robyn Samara Erin Debra Orene Lara Jay Katrina R Ralph Maria N Alex Alison Jenni Rhonda Megan Maureen Joanne Sakuna Rhonda Surname Casamento Hawkins Hawkins Woodward McDonald Quartuccio Panucuo Rogers Gledhill Sore Maldry Hamill Hamill Lawrence Galluzzo Nylund Monaghan Owens Gilbert Djukich Dykstia Ristic Juresic Laundry Pearson Benrimos Newhouse George Richardson Crow Knott Robbins Jarzabek Wilson Parker Starti Barnes Tattan Kent-vote Teoh Morgan Williams Fazzlari Crawford Czoanit Messinis Pho Hodgson Address 72 Ryde Road 40 Princes Street 40 Princes Street 12 Earl Street 17 Farnell Street 23 Kinsellas Drive 31 Delmar Parade 23 Goulding Road 3 Earl Street 12 Earl Street 13 Earl St 5 Pelican Street 5 Pelican Street 9 Seymour Street 11 Augustine Street 140 Pittwater Road 38 Park Rd 14 Chalet Road 460 Darling Street 11 Thorn Street 183 Ryedale Road 5/192 Buffalo Road 15/24-28 Reid Avenue 6/2 Mortimer Lewis Drive 1a Maismonde Place 19 Hills Avenue 185/5 Wulumay Close 16 Moore Street 18 Wybalena Road 5/192 Buffalo Road 48/68-70 Courallie Avenue 92 Bradley Drive 15 Blaxland Street 6 Park Road 56a High Street 8 Pains Road 38 Park Rd 45 Earl Street 27 a Blaxland Street 23 Boyce Street 20 Milling Street 3b/8 Sutherland Street 44 Finlayson Street 20 Arthur Street 41 Lyons Road 3 Turner Avenue 4a Herburton Avenue 11 Tullane Place 45 Elliott Avenue Suburb Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Lane Cove Gladesville Ryde Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Gladesville Drummoyne Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Kellyville Balmain Ryde Denistone Ryde Westmead Huntleys Cove Carlingford Epping Rozelle Drummoyne Hunters Hill Ryde Homebush West Carlingford Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Balgowlah Hunters Hill Cremorne Lane Cove Ryde Drummoyne Ryde Hunters Hill Kellyville Ridge East Ryde First Name Kveta Barnes Robyn Kyoko Dems Frank Frank John Greg J Alex Lyn Robert Tony K Phil Joelle Laurie Joe Holly Stephen Alex Ryde-Hunter's Hill Flora & Fauna Preservation Society Surname Spalding Barliosa Rayes Kayama O'Shra Fitzgerald Leanza O'Malley Northcote Jones McDonald McDonald Kethel Wallbrick McAndrews Grant Grant Zeaiter Zeaiter Anderson Timbrell Mann Address 12 Hair Close PO Box 610 43 Hannah Street 24 Milne Street 24 Milne Street 52 Thompson Street 47 Princes Street 1 Short Street 38 Michael Street 45 a Ross Street 59 High Street 59 High Street 59 High Street 21 Earl Street 387 Victoria Road 37 Princes Street 37 Princes Street 30 Earl Street 30 Earl Street 4 Crecent Street 36 Earl Street 1/28 Earl Street Suburb Greenfield Park Kiama Beecroft Ryde Ryde Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill North Ryde Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Ross Tarlinton Ross David J Margery Mary Mary Matthew Catherine Gwen Helen & Stephen Jenny & David L.H. Sam Lew St Josephs College Williams Salter O'Brien Hertzberg Lea Mantella Conacher Gallo Silsby Webster Shaw Ainsworth Dermody Whitbourne PO Box 2127 Mark Street 70 Mary Street 7/2-10 Matthew St 101/16 Karrabee Avenue 2 Tiree Avenue 5a Mount Street 10/93 Pittwater Rd 8 Earl St 15 Earl Street 60 Mary St 11/6 Mortimer Lewis Dr 1 Figtree Rd 15 Glenview Crescent 11 Short Street 1/5 The Close Boronia Park Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Huntleys Cove Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Huntleys Cove Hunters Hill Hunters Hill Gladesville Hunters Hill
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