First Family News -

Mission Update
First Family News
A Monthly Publication
April 2015
Luke 14:25-26
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his
Father or Mother, wife and children, brothers
and sisters – yes, even one’s own life – cannot be
my disciple.”
Neil Anderson was a Bible translator working with the Folopa people in Papua, New Guinea in
the 1970’s and 80’s. When Anderson came to translate Scriptures in the Folopa language, the
Folopa had only just recently heard the Gospel and only a few had become followers of Christ.
Before the introduction of the Good News of Christ, violence was an everyday part of Folopa
When Anderson and his team began to translate this passage in Luke, they were confused. The
Lenten Lunches
12 noon to 1:00 pm in the WWC Fellowship Hall- Please make
reservations with Lisa Smith, or 256-539-5738 ext. 210.
Lunches will be catered by Dallas Mill Deli and the cost is $9 per person.
Guest Speakers:
Monday, March 30 - Mike Segrest
Tuesday, March 31 - Kevin Wiesmann
Wednesday, April 1 - Sheriff Blake Dorning
Easter Services
April 2nd - 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday Service, Sanctuary
April 5th - Easter Sunday Services
8:30 am Traditional Service, Sanctuary
9:30 am New Song Service, Wesley Worship Center
9:45 am Traditional Service, Sanctuary
10:00 am Chapel Service
11:00 am Exalt Service, Wesley Worship Center
11:00 am Traditional Service, Sanctuary
Folopa had come to understand that the Good News was a message of peace and love, so they
could not comprehend why Jesus told his disciples to hate their own family. It was a real life
experience that brought the message home for one of the Folopa translators named Wheare.
While they were wrestling with this passage, a person in the community died. The local
shaman stated that the death was a result of sorcery by a specific person. Folopa culture
dictated that the community must take retribution for the dead person. Vengeance was required
in order for the community to have a sense of justice and battle plans were made. Wheare had
become very familiar with the teachings of Scripture as he worked on the Folopa translation.
He realized he could not participate in the violence if he was to be true to the Gospel, but he
was concerned about what would happen if he did not go. He said, “The man [who died] was
my clan brother. If I don’t go, what will they think? That I don’t love him? They may even
conclude…I must have had a part in it.”
Through this experience, Wheare began to understand this hard teaching of Jesus. He was
caught between his culture’s call for revenge and the Gospel message of peace and love. In
this moment, he began to appreciate what Jesus meant when He said following Him will mean
we “hate” our own family. At some point in time, every follower of Christ decides whether his
or her primary allegiance is to Christ or to “family.” It is the true test of a Disciple.
John Bailey
A Note From Your Executive Pastor
A Note From Your Executive Pastor, continued
After Easter Sunday, on the three remaining Sundays of April we will focus
40 Days of Lent, 50 Days of Easter, and BEYOND!
In last month’s Lenten article Pastor Glenn stated that Jesus “called
that which was wrong by name… evil.” He reminded us that Lent is
“a time of reflection and repentance…for all of us.” As Lent brings us
to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week, Mike Segrest, Kevin
Weisman, and Blake Dorning will help us reflect in the context of our Holy
Week Luncheons on the meaning of the Old Rugged Cross. What does the
cross mean to me?
While the 40 days of Lent and Holy Week offer appropriate high and low
points for reflection and repentance, the 50 days of Easter call us to
Resurrection and ACTION. In fact, William James, calling us “EASTER
PEOPLE” wrote “Easter people, raise your voices, sounds of heaven in earth
should ring. Christ has brought us heaven’s choices; heavenly music, let it
ring. Alleluia! Alleluia! Easter people, let us sing.” James clearly states that
the faith we sing on Easter Sunday should move us to the actions implied in
our praying of the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in
heaven.” William James wrote, “Every day to us is Easter, with its
resurrection song. When in trouble move the faster to our God who rights the
On the first Easter the fear of death was so huge the followers of Jesus were
meeting secretly behind closed doors. In spite of the open fears and closed
doors Jesus appeared, showed them his hands and side, gave them authority
to forgive, commissioned them to continue his work, and gave the Holy
Spirit and Peace.
a few minutes of our time in each of our Sunday worship services on a
theme we have entitled “THE ACCESSIBLE KINGDOM.” Through this
theme we will celebrate the ways in which we attempt to make the good
news of Easter accessible so that…
With such Easter blessings the Easter People always find infinite ways to
partner with the Resurrected Lord who rights the wrong in our world and in
our lives.
Those who are blind may “see” it,
The deaf may “hear” it,
People with intellectual disabilities may understand it and people with
physical disabilities can actually enter the church building to hear the
preaching of the Word of God.
In addition, we also want to ensure that the Easter message indeed is
accessible: that the loving “hands and feet of our resurrected Jesus” are
reaching out to families touched by disability—both in our communities and
our community of faith.
Coy Hallmark
Happenings Around the Church
Inclement Weather - if the weather is such that the Huntsville City Schools
decide to close or delay openings, all functions of the church follow their policy.
For example, if the schools are delayed 2 hours, the church will open at 10:30 am, if
the schools close for the day the church will be closed as well.
Youth Happenings
Children’s Happenings
April 5th
No Youth Group! Have a great Easter!
April 4th - 10:00 am Easter Egg Hunt
May 1 - 3 - big d.o.G. Retreat (4th - 5th graders)
June 15 - 19 - Vacation Bible School
April 12th
Meet us at 5pm on Sunday to kick off our four week
series called "Once Upon a Time"
April 19th
Meet at 5pm Sunday for week two of "Once Upon a Time"
April 26th
Meet at 5pm Sunday for week three of "Once Upon a Time”
Information and registration forms can be found
on our website,
Zone 45 Retreat 2015
Camp Sumatanga
All Youth
Grades 6 - 12
June 7 - 13
Deadline: April 1st!
Senior High
Grades 9 - 12
July 12 - 18
Deadline: June 1st!
JUNE 15-19
Adult Education & Spiritual Formation
(For more information contact Marla Wood at To Register for these classes, contact
Elizabeth Bell 256-539-5738 or email
Balance for Life (Exercise Classes)
Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m., Youth Room 203
Ann Parents, Instructor
First Family Shares
Joys, Sorrows and News (as of February 10 - March 11, 2015)
NOTE: Please send information for the First Family Shares column to
Donna-Lynn Lockard (
In Memoriam
Start Date: February 3rd
This free of charge class is based on exercise protocol demonstrated to be effective in fall
prevention, improving balance, and flexibility. Included are activities beneficial to individuals
with Arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, and Dementia. These classes are aimed at individuals
sixty-five years of age or older, and younger persons with special needs. All classes are open
to all persons regardless of race, color, creed, religion, or sexual orientation. All Balance for
Life instructors are trained in their specialty field of balance & fitness exercise therapy.
Classes will be held in the Youth Room (Wesley Center, 2nd Floor).
Esther Wills Owen (Mrs. Alfred)
February 20, 2015
Ann Hazel Warren (Mrs. William H.)
March 2, 2015
Pauline P. Precise
March 6, 2015
Alice Edwina Hall (Mrs. Ron)
March 7, 2015
Music Notes
A Musical Celebration of the Earth (in honor of Earth Day) Thursday, April 16 at 7:30pm
Huntsville First United Methodist Church Sanctuary
Missa Gaia (A Mass in Celebration of Mother Earth), by Paul Winter
UAH Concert and Chamber Choirs with UAH Faculty Chamber Ensemble
Mary Beth Taylor, soprano
Erin Colwitz, conductor
Originally performed by the Paul Winter Consort, Missa Gaia is a contemporary ecumenical
and ecological Mass celebrating the Earth. The work features the Consort's trademark lyrical
melodies with dynamic rhythms from African, Brazilian and American gospel traditions,
incorporating traditional Mass and biblical texts and interweaving the voices of wolf, whale
and harp seals. Deaths : Our sincere sympathy is expressed to.
Friends and Family of David Crocker Cooper, who died February 9
Calame and Dianne Sammons and Family in the death of her mother, Virginia
Paradise, February 15
Rondia Turner and Family in the death of her husband, Richard “Dick” W.
Turner, Sr., February 21
Brian and Jennifer Herrin and Family in the death of her father, Dr. Charles W.
Lambert, March 6
Spike and Rica McRoy and Family in the death of her great-aunt, Patricia Ann
Warren, March 6
Doreen Forsythe and Family in the death of her mother, Ethel Forsythe, March 11
First Family Shares, cont.
Joys, Sorrows and News (as of February 10 - March 11, 2015)
Baptisms: We rejoice to receive our newest Baptized Members.
Hadley Grace Elwell, daughter of Jason and Jennifer Elwell, March 8
Saylor Marie Davis, daughter of Stephen and Kristin Davis, March 8
Births: We share in the joy of these families who have welcomed the
following little ones.
Lillian Katherine Lomax (Lillian Kate) was born January 13, to Landon and
Lee Lomax.
Caroline Grace Sweeney was born February 19, to James and Heather
Sweeney. Paternal grandmother is Brenda Wagner.
Grant Emerson Holden was born March 4, to Shaf and Melinda Holden
Our best wishes and congratulations are expressed to the
following recently married couples.
Stephanie Jo Berryman and Steven Bruce Rauseo, who were married
March 7
Memorials and Honorariums
In Memory of
Alter Guild
Janet Christian
Margaret Partee
Amanda Taylor Watson Graduate
Cordelia Roten
Robbie Burlison
Helen Lewis & Family
Children First
Tom Robinson
Glenda & Joe Bragg
Faith Promise
Helen Branum
Glenda & Joe Bragg
Faith Property Endowment
Helen Branum
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Hubbard, Jr.
Lois Foster
Gerald W. Patterson
Robert W. Moores
Cordelia Roten
Mr. & Mrs. William Herrin
Kenneth V. Turvey Music Fund
Scholarships & Endowments
New Endowment
Members of the church’s Landscape Team requested and received approval to establish a
“Garden” endowment. This endowment along with the existing Peeler Landscape Endowment
for the Greene Street garden area will now encompass all our garden areas. This is the
beginning of an endowment process to fully fund all landscape areas. The goal is to grow a
source of long term stable funding. These funds are also a memorial to the dedicated church
members who have “worked” the garden areas over the years. Your support to help these
endowments achieve full funding is appreciated.
Hazel Warren
Billie Scott Sunday School Class
Local Welfare Fund/CUP
Glenn Rowe Sanderson
Glenda & Joe Bragg
Milton Peeler Landscape Fund
Virginia Paradise
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lowe
(Feb. 9 - March 8, 2015)
In Honor of
Altar Guild
Reverend Coy Hallmark
Susan Rutenberg
Local Welfare Fund/CUP
Mary Beth Pendley
Cleo & Norven Goddard
Staff Contact List
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