Hurst Horticultural Show 22nd August 2015 Hurst Village Halls, School Road, Hurst, RG10 0DR Entry Details & Class Lists The Hurst Horticultural Show is organised by the Hurst Horticultural & Cottage Garden Society which is affiliated to The Royal Horticultural Society Show Entry – Now Free for Children The Show opens at 1:30pm and entry is free for children 18 and under and £2.00 for everybody else. How to enter an exhibit First choose horticultural, home industries, and / or children’s classes from the attached list and then complete the entry form on the website or from our printed schedule (available mid-June). The entry fee for all classes is 50p per class for the first 10 classes, additional classes are then free (i.e. maximum cost is £5.00 for as many classes as you wish). Key Dates and Times for exhibitors and visitors…… Wednesday 19th August: 7.00pm - Deadline for entries Saturday 22nd August - Show Day 7:00am Halls open for staging of entries 10:30am Halls closed for judging 1:30pm Show open to all 3:30pm Prize Giving 4:00pm Start removal of exhibits 4:30pm Deadline for removal of exhibits 4:45pm Auction of remaining exhibits Please note that exhibits cannot be removed until 4:00pm Children’s Classes To encourage younger entrants to the Show children’s classes are organised in a separate section and now include a horticultural class in each age group, these are classes: 118, 122, 126, and 130. As last year, all children’s classes except the growing ones above receive cash prizes as follows £3 for first, £2 for second and £1 for third. Prize money in the horticultural classes : 118, 122, 126, and 130 have been topped up by a private donation to £6 for first, £4 for second and £2 for third. Every child entry will receive a special certificate. and there are also cups for those with the most points in each age group, as well as most points overall. Children are also welcome and encouraged to enter any class in the Show. Winning a Cup Points for cups are awarded for all classes except those in bold type as follows: 1st place – 4 points; 2nd place - 3 points; and 3rd place - 2 points. Classes in bold type get more points as follows: 6 for 1st, 4 for 2nd, and 3 for 3rd. Hurst Horticultural Show Entry Details & Class Lists - version 7 of 17 June 2015 Page 1 of 7 Cups are given to either: 1) winners of some selected classes; 2) exhibitors with the most points in a group of classes; or 3) judge’s choice. For more details download the list of cups from the website or see it in the printed schedule. (The printed schedule will be available towards the end of June) All classes will receive certificates for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. Rules Show rules can be downloaded from our website:, or cut out from our printed program available at the end of June. Dogs are not allowed in the exhibition halls, however, well behaved ones are welcome outdoors. Hurst Horticultural Show Entry Details & Class Lists - version 7 of 17 June 2015 Page 2 of 7 List of Classes Note: The symbol indicates a cup is awarded to the section or class winner; and classes in bold type earn additional trophy points - see rule 13. Horticultural Classes: Flowers - David Machin Cup 1 Vase of flowers - 1 kind, mixed colours allowed 2 2 Vases of flowers - distinct kind in each vase, mixed colours allowed 3 Vase of mixed flowers - arranged for effect 4 Rose - 1 bloom 5 Roses - 1 bowl, six blooms of not less than three varieties – own foliage only 6 Roses - Floribunda or Clustered - 1 vase of 2 stems 7 Roses - Cycle of Bloom, 1 bud in colour, 1 bloom and 1 full blown flower, all of the same variety 8 1 Specimen Bloom, excluding roses 9 1 Specimen Spike, e.g. Gladiolus, Delphinium, etc. 10 Gladioli - 1 vase of 3 spikes 11 Any other Annual - 5 blooms raised from seed during 12 months preceding the show, mixed types & colours permitted. 12 Dahlias - 1 vase of 3 Decorative blooms, mixed colours allowed 13 Dahlias - 1 vase of 3 Cactus or Semi-cactus blooms, mixed colours allowed 14 Dahlias - 1 vase of 5 Ball blooms, mixed colours allowed 15 Dahlias - 1 vase of 5 blooms any other type, e.g.: orchid, water lily, or pom-pom, mixed types and colours allowed 16 Dahlias - Three vases as follows: • 3 Decorative blooms • 3 Cactus or semi-cactus blooms and • 3 Ball Blooms, or 5 Pom-Pom blooms not exceeding 2" diameter 17 5 Individual Fuchsia Flower Blooms, mixed kinds allowed (to be displayed in the phials provided on the day) 18 5 Individual Pansies and/or Viola flower blooms, mixed kinds allowed. (to be displayed in the phials provided on the day) 19 Vase of Foliage - 5 different kinds, stems bearing leaves only 20 Vase of mixed Flowers and a collection of 3 vegetables - 1 each of 3 distinct kinds Pot Plants - A F Jarvis Cup 21 Cactus or Succulent -1 pot 22 Specimen Plant - flowering 23 Specimen Plant - foliage excluding Coleus 24 Coleus Pot Plant 25 1 Fuchsia - Standard or half standard 26 1 Pelargonium or Geranium - pot plant 27 An item of Bonsai 28 A Tree or Shrub in a Container; max 45cm dia. 29 Orchids 1 Plant Vegetables - Evening Post Cup 30 Beans - 9 scarlet runners 31 Beans - 12 dwarf French or string less 32 Beetroot - 3 roots Globe (round type) 33 Carrots - 3 roots, any type/variety, mixed not allowed 34 Parsnips - 2 roots, long 35 Onions - 5 large, over 31/2" diameter 36 Onions - 5 small, under 31/2" diameter Hurst Horticultural Show Entry Details & Class Lists - version 7 of 17 June 2015 Page 3 of 7 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Onions - 5 red, under 31/2" diameter Potatoes - 5 white, kidney, round or oval Potatoes - 5 coloured, kidney, round or oval Potatoes - 5 best large Potatoes - best gallon (approx. 7 lbs.) Leeks - 3 roots Shallots - 9 bulbs, any variety Shallots - 9 bulbs, pickling, under 11/2" diameter Marrow - 1 pair, not less than 8" long Courgettes - 1 pair not to exceed 8" long Tomatoes - 5 red round, of one variety Tomatoes - 5 red, cherry/miniature type, of one variety Tomatoes - 1 truss, heaviest - need not be ripe Tomatoes - 5 Novelty (e.g. plum/yellow/stripe) Cabbage - 2 heads Herbs - 3 bunches, different kinds, in 1lb jars Indoor Cucumber - 1 pair Outdoor Cucumber - 1 pair Sweet Corn, 2 cobs Sweet Peppers, one pair Any other vegetable Longest runner bean Heaviest potato Heaviest marrow Heaviest tomato Collection of Vegetables – 4 distinct kinds, numbers as in individual classes – space allowed 2’6” x 2’ Fruit - The Leversuch Cup 63 Apples - 5 cooking 64 Apples - 5 dessert 65 10 plums or greengages 66 Any other fruit - 1 dish, 1 kind 67 Dish of mixed fruit 68 Rhubarb - 3 sticks Sunday Lunch Trug 69 A Trug of fruit and vegetables for Sunday lunch - must all be own produce. Novice Flowers 70 Rose - best single bloom 71 Dahlias - 1 vase of 3 blooms, any type or types, (mixed Colours allowed) 72 Pot Plant - Flowering or Foliage 73 Vase of Mixed Flowers Novice Vegetables 74 Collection of Vegetables - 4 kinds, 1 of each 75 Tomatoes - 3 round red, 1 variety 76 Onions - 3 quality 77 Carrot - 1 best large Note: See rule 15 for explanation of “Novice” Hurst Horticultural Show Entry Details & Class Lists - version 7 of 17 June 2015 Page 4 of 7 Home Industries Classes: Flower Arranging (bought flowers allowed) - George Heath Cup 78 Men Only – An arrangement in a tankard – max. overall size 45cm 79 A Floral pin cushion – not exceeding 10cm in any direction. 80 An arrangement entitled “For a Country Kitchen Table” – 45cm overall. 81 An arrangement on the theme “Wonderful in White” max. overall size 45cm 82 An arrangement to illustrate “Anyone for Tennis” – accessories allowed. (This class will be displayed in individual alcoves - 60cm wide x 60cm high) 83 Novices Only – An arrangement of foliage (see rule 15 for explanation of “novice”) Cooking – Florence Parkin Cup All entries must be covered in cling film. 84 A Battenberg Cake 85 A Quiche Lorraine 86 To a given recipe - see below 87 A Decorated Christening Cake– to be judged only on decoration 88 A Loaf of Banana Bread 89 4 Squares of Iced Ginger Bread 90 Boiled Fruit Cake 91 Men Only - Apple Flan Preserves – The Preserves Cup All preserves should be in plain jars of approx. 450gm (one pound), labelled with date and contents, sealed with a twist top or a wax disc and cellophane. Chutneys should have a lid resistant to corrosion by vinegar e.g. plastic lined metal or plastic. 92 A Jar of Lemon Curd 93 A Jar of Raspberry Jam 94 A Jar of Strawberry Jam 95 A Jar of Any Other Jam 96 A Jar of Jelly 97 A Jar of Marmalade 98 A Jar of Chutney Wine, Honey and Eggs 99 A Jar of Honey. 100 A Bottle of Home Made Wine 101 Ladies Only - Fruit Liqueur 102 6 Fresh Eggs from exhibitor's own poultry, un-refrigerated. Handicraft - Una Webb Cup 103 An item of jewellery 104 Something(s) knitted 105 A fabric Tote bag 106 Any other handicraft item - not textile or yarn Photography Overall size not to exceed A4, may be mounted but must be anonymous. 107 On a theme of “Sky” 108 A black and white or sepia photograph 109 On a theme of “In the garden” 110 On a theme of “pet antics” NB: The 2016 schedule will include a “YouTube” video class entitled “Perspectives on Hurst” no longer than 2.5 minutes. Hurst Horticultural Show Entry Details & Class Lists - version 7 of 17 June 2015 Page 5 of 7 Art - Robbie Robertson Cup All paintings and drawings must be anonymous. Photographs not allowed. 111 Landscape – any medium 112 Original drawing – any medium 113 Still life – any medium Young at Heart - George Jones Cup (Ages 1 – 101 years) 114 An edible necklace 115 Your own hand written limerick 116 A decorated egg 117 Cookery Class: Six chocolate truffles Children’s Classes: Prize money is given for all children’s classes. See page one for details. For the painting classes the appropriate age group is based on when the picture was painted, and not the age at Show date. Age Group: under 5 years - Josie Hatch Nursery Cup 118 A tub of cress 119 4 chocolate crispies 120 A glove puppet 121 A finger painting; max. size A3 Age Group: 5 - 7 years - Josie Hatch Infant Cup 122 A bunch of radishes 123 A mask 124 4 iced animal shaped biscuits 125 A painting of an alien from outer space; max. size A4 Age Group: 8 - 11 years - Josie Hatch Junior Cup 126 A 9 inch (maximum) pot of annual flowers grown from seed e.g. marigold, love-in-a mist, etc. 127 An insect made from recycled materials 128 An apple crumble 129 A painting of an alien from outer space; max. size A4 Age Group: 12 - 15 years - Richmond Young Achiever Cup 130 A tray of salad leaf plants 131 An alien made from fruit and/or vegetables 132 4 muffins 133 Design for a computer game cover 134 A photograph taken by a mobile phone “capturing the moment”; max size A4 Note: The children’s horticultural classes, 118, 122, 126 and 130 will be staged in the Horticultural hall and not the Home Industries hall. Hurst Horticultural Show Entry Details & Class Lists - version 7 of 17 June 2015 Page 6 of 7 Recipe for Class 86 – Apricot & Almond Tart Ingredients Pastry: 225g 100g 100g 1 plain flour icing sugar butter, cubed egg Filling: 275g almond paste, home made or shop bought, coarsely grated or chopped 2x400g tins of halved apricots in natural juice To Serve: icing sugar Method o Pre-heat the oven to 200 C/ Gas Mark 5 and place a flat baking tray in the oven to preheat. Make the pastry in a processor or by the rubbing-in method. Gather together on a floured table. Wrap in cling film and leave in the fridge for about 15 minutes. Take off one-third of the chilled pastry for the top. Roll out the rest to make a circle large enough to line the base and sides of a 23cm fluted flan tin. Spread the grated almond paste over the pastry lined base of the flan. Drain the apricots thoroughly, pat dry with kitchen paper and arrange on the base of the flan tin, cut side down. Roll out the remaining pastry for the lid. Damp the edge of the pastry base in the tin. Lift the pastry over the top of the fruit, and press the two layers of pastry together around the edge of the tin. Transfer to the oven to bake on the heated baking sheet for 30-35 minutes until a good golden colour. Sieve some icing sugar over before serving. Hurst Horticultural Show Entry Details & Class Lists - version 7 of 17 June 2015 Page 7 of 7
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