Thump Sports Winter League 2015

Thump Sports Winter League 2015
Mitchell Park Racquet Centre & Khandallah Tennis and Squash Club
THE DETAILS…Playing times: (12pm or 2.30pm starts on Saturdays)
Singles League: May 9 & 24 , June 13th & 27 , Aug 1 & 15 ,
Aug 29 , Finals Day 19 September: 1v2, 3v4, 5v6 7v8
Doubles League: May 16 , June 6 & 20 , July 25 , Aug 8 ,
Aug 22 & Sep 5 , Finals Day 19 September: 1v2, 3v4, 5v6, 7v8
1. Match Play Rules:
a. Tennis NZ rules apply.
b. Best of 3 (6-6) Tiebreaker sets.
c. Points: Players are awarded 1 point per set and 1 point for victory.
d. In the event of a tie in points, the winner of the tie between the teams tied will receive the higher
placing. If there is more than two tied, there will be a count back on sets won, and if needed, games
won to determine final placings.
2. Entry Conditions:
a. You must be a member of a NZ Tennis Club.
b. You need to have a Configure Rankings (Top Dog) Code. (Please contact your club administrator if
you do not have one).
c. Competition is open to all junior and senior tennis players.
d. Entries will only be accepted upon full entry fee being paid. Your entry is not secured until payment
has been received in full.
e. Singles Entry is $60 and Doubles $100 per combination.
f. Payment Options:
i. Credit Card, Eftpos or Cash: Mitchell Park Pro Shop (Open M-F 12-6pm, S-S 9-3pm).
ii. Credit Card: Freephone Thump Sports on 0800 484 867.
iii. Internet Banking: 06-0513-0265784-25 Thump Sports Limited
(Reference payment with Winter League and Player(s) Ranking Code).
g. Entry closes Friday 1 May, 5pm.
3. Locations:
a. Leagues will be run at:
i. Mitchell Park Racquet Centre – 10 Mitchell Street, Epuni, Lower Hutt
ii. Khandallah Tennis & Squash Club – 55 Delhi Crescent, Wellington.
4. Draws and Schedule:
a. Will be circulated via email and posted on:
b. 8 player draws (7 rounds + 1 finals) based on Configure Rankings Points.
c. Total of 8 matches (incl. finals match).
d. Singles players (or a reserve) must be available to play fortnightly on the dates above.
e. Doubles players (or a reserve) must be available to play fortnightly on the dates above. – New Zealand’s #1 Online Pro Shop
Thump Sports, PO Box 52083 , Titahi Bay , Porirua 5242 , New Zealand
Ph 0800 484 867 , Email
5. Defaults:
a. Players 15+mins late for match start time may be defaulted by opponent. It is their decision.
b. Defaults will result in a loss of 1 competition point.
c. If a player defaults, the winner will get 3 competition points.
d. If you are injured or unavailable you can arrange a replacement provided the player
substituting you has the same ranking level or lower. For example, if you are a S6, you can
replace yourself with any S6 player or lower. It is your responsibility to find a replacement
or let us know you are defaulting.
e. If you default 2 matches without good reason you will be replaced and forfeit your entry fee.
6. Cancellations:
a. Players will be sent a txt message at the earliest opportunity advising if the round is cancelled due
to wet weather.
b. Rained off or matches that have started and are not completed in full on the scheduled day will
mean you will have to rescheduled your match by the next competition day or you will both receive
zero points.
c. If the finals are rained off, the final placings are determined by the final points tally. If points are
tied, final placings are determined by the player who won the match, then sets and games if
7. Disputes:
a. Refer disputes to Zak Gatara His decision is final.
8. Results:
a. The winner of the match must email by Monday 5pm with the score.
b. Results will be submitted to the Configure Rankings system and displayed on the League Webpage
by competition organisers each Monday.
9. Balls:
a. Each person or doubles combination must supply 1 new Tecnifibre X-One ball for each round.
(Total of 2 balls).
b. Thump Sports is offering entrants a special ball price for event duration:
i. Tecnifibre X-One 4 Ball Can = $16
ii. Tecnifibre X-One Box (12 x 4 Ball Cans) = $186 ($15.50/can) – New Zealand’s #1 Online Pro Shop
Thump Sports, PO Box 52083 , Titahi Bay , Porirua 5242 , New Zealand
Ph 0800 484 867 , Email