ANGELO STATE UNIVERSITY Air Force ROTC DET 847 CADET HANDBOOK Current as of Spring 09 J:\Student Organizations\AFROTC\Cadet Positions\Public Affairs Officer\Det 847 Cadet Guidebook CADET HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………………....4 CADET CLASSIFICATION…………………………………………………………………………………4 GMC POC Airmen/Officer AFROTC CURRICULUM……………………………………………………………………………….…..5 Aerospace Studies Leadership Lab Field Training Physical Training Retention Standards QUALITIES OF AN OFFICER.........................................................................................................................7 CADET WING……………………………………………………………………………………………..….8 CADRE AND STAFF........................................................................................................................................9 RANK...............................................................................................................................................................10 COMMISSIONING CRITERIA……………………………………………………………………………..13 AIR FORCE OFFICER QUALIFYING TEST (AFOQT)…………………………………………………...13 CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES..................................................................................................................14 Saluting Reporting Addressing Officers Asking Questions Calling the Room to Attention Flag Ceremonies Award Ceremonies UNIFORM WEAR.........................................................................................................................................16 Policies Male Blues Uniform Standards Female Blues Uniform Standards Male and Female BDU Uniform Standards Other Uniform Information Uniform Accessories Grooming Standards Dress and Appearance Pictures Care of Uniform PHYSICAL FITNESS....................................................................................................................................26 Importance of Physical Fitness Physical Training (PT) Height / Weight Standards Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Tips for PFA 1 BASIC, DRILL, COMMANDS, AND OPEN RANKS INSPECTION (ORI).............................................27 Reference Jodies Open Ranks Inspection Road Guard Procedures CHAIN OF COMMAND...............................................................................................................................29 Importance Your Chain of Command AWARDS.......................................................................................................................................................30 Flight Level Awards Individual Cadet Awards AFROTC Awards ACTIVITIES..................................................................................................................................................33 Cadet Calls Parade Dining Out Awards Banquet (DOAB) Base Visits Arnold Air Society (AAS) Silver Wings (SW) Incentive Rides and Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Recruiting Booster Club Bonfire Drill Meet Flight Parties Holiday Party Commissioning Ceremony Professional Development Training (PDT) WARRIOR KNOWLEDGE...........................................................................................................................37 Air Force Core Values Oath of Office Honor Code Phonetic Alphabet Military Time (24 Hour Time) Air Force Song Code of Conduct Principles of War The Airman’s Creed CORPS AREA RULES..................................................................................................................................42 Dress and Appearance Cadet Library Printers ATTACHMENTS...........................................................................................................................................43 BIBLIOGRAPHY...........................................................................................................................................44 SIGNATURE PAGE......................................................................................................................................45 2 1. Introduction Welcome to Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC) Detachment 847! This guidebook has been created to assist cadets in the AFROTC program at Angelo State University. It is intended to provide quick guidance to the customs, courtesies, and basic knowledge of the United States Air Force (USAF) and life in AFROTC. Whether you have prior military experience, Junior ROTC experience, or no military experience, this guide sets forth the basic military principles and policies required of a cadet. This is not a substitute for your assigned sponsor, rather to aid you as a reference. There are many ways to get involved and be a viable part of the 847th Cadet Wing. We are looking forward to an outstanding semester and welcome you to the program! If there are any questions or comments concerning the information contained within this guide or if you feel that any additional content should be added, please contact either the Cadet Wing Vice Commander (if you are a Professional Officer Course (POC) cadet) or the General Military Course Liaisons (CCGs) (if you are a General Military Course (GMC) cadet). 1.1 Detachment 847 Mission “Provide the leadership and environment required to commission new second lieutenants into the Air Force” 1.2 Detachment Heritage Det 847 has enjoyed a long and proud history, having come into existence in 1971. The first class of the Aerospace Studies Department had 44 cadets and met in the basement of the Science Building. The Detachment has expanded dramatically over the years and is now located on the second floor of the Emil C. Rassman Business-Computer Science Building. The detachment has provide training to thousands of candidates and commissioned over 562 topnotch 2nd Lieutenants. The 847th Cadet Wing continues to be one of the premier organizations on the ASU campus and has won several prestigious national awards. One of the most distinguished is the “High Flight” award, which recognized our Cadet Corps as the best detachment in our region and one of the top five in the nation! Our unit also received six Air Force Organizational Excellence awards for meritorious service. In 1977, the Cadet Corps formed an Arnold Air Society squadron (AAS). AAS is a service organization for cadets. The Squadron has been active in the community since day one and has been recognized both regionally and nationally for their many acts of service. The Squadron won the Hagan Trophy in 1992, 1993 and 1999 for the “Most Outstanding Medium Squadron in the Nation.” The Cadet Corps also sponsors a color guard known as “Ram Guard” which performs at over 25 events each year. Det 847 has a proud tradition of excellence that stretches for over a quarter of a century. 2. Cadet Classification 2.1. The General Military Course (GMC). The first and second years of the 4-year AFROTC program typically consisting of AS100 and AS 200 cadets, but also includes AS 250 cadets. 2.1. 1. AS 100 Cadets. Contract (scholarship) or non-contract (non-scholarship) cadets enrolled in the first (freshman) aerospace studies (AS) course and Leadership Laboratory (LLAB). 2.1.2. AS 200 Cadets. Contract (scholarship) or non-contract (non-scholarship) cadets in the second (sophomore) AS course and LLAB. 2.1.3. AS 250 Cadets. Contract (scholarship) or non-contract (non-scholarship) cadets dual enrolled in the first (freshman) and second (sophomore) AS courses, simultaneously. These cadets must meet all LLAB objectives for both courses. 3 2.2. The Professional Officers Course (POC). Normally, the third and fourth years of the 4-year AFROTC program, typically consisting of AS 300 and AS 400 cadets, but also includes AS 700 and 900 cadets. 2.2.1. AS 300 Cadets. Scholarship or non-scholarship cadets on contract or in pursuing status with AFROTC who are enrolled as a member of the first year of the POC and are attending the third (junior) year of AS course and are participating in LLAB. 2.2.2. AS 400 Cadets. Scholarship or non-scholarship cadets on contract with AFROTC who are enrolled as a member of the second year of the POC and are attending the fourth (senior) year of AS course and are participating in LLAB. 2.2.3. AS 700 Cadets. Contract cadets who have completed all AS class and LLAB requirements but have not graduated. 2.2.4. AS 900 Cadets. Cadets who have completed all AFROTC and graduation requirements and are awaiting commissioning due to a delay. 2.3. General Classification. 2.3.1. Cadet Officers. POC cadets who have satisfactorily completed Field Training. 2.3.2. Cadet Airmen. Cadets who have not satisfactorily completed Field Training. 3. AFROTC Curriculum The AFROTC curriculum is the principal instrument by which AFROTC cadets are educated, motivated, and trained for AF commissioned service. The curriculum consists of three primary areas; the AS courses, LLAB, and Physical Training (PT). In addition to the curriculum, cadets must attend and satisfactorily complete Field Training (FT). 3.1. Aerospace Studies Courses. 3.1.1. GMC. The GMC is a two-year course, consisting of AS 100 and AS 200, designed to motivate and prepare cadets for entry into the POC. Each course is designed as a weekly, one academic-hour course. AS 100. The AS 100 curriculum, entitled: “The Air Force Today”, introduces cadets to the AF Organization and its role in the national security organization. AS 200. The AS 200 curriculum, entitled “The Development of Air Power”, introduces cadets to the general aspects of air and space power through a historical perspective. 3.1.2. POC. The POC is a two-year course, consisting of AS 300 and AS 400, designed to prepare cadets for active duty as AF officers. Each course in the POC is designed as a weekly, three academic-hour course. AS 300. The AS 300 curriculum, entitled “Leadership and Management”, focuses on leadership, management fundamentals, professional knowledge and feedback, leadership ethics and the communication skills required of an AF officer. AS 400. The AS 400 curriculum, entitled: “National Security Affairs and Preparation for Active Duty”, focuses on the national security process, regional studies, advance leadership ethics and AF doctrine. 3.2. Leadership Laboratory (LLAB). The purpose of the LLAB program is to augment the AFROTC academic curriculum by providing cadets with dynamic activities, opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful AF officers. It is a student planned, organized and executed practicum conducted under the 4 supervision of the Detachment Commander and Commandant of Cadets. LLAB provides a training environment in which each cadet can develop and exercise the skills and techniques necessary for success as an Air Force officer. LLAB normally consists of a 2-hour session, 1500-1700 hours on Wednesdays. Activities that complement LLAB objectives take place throughout the semester. These include paintball, base visits, orientation flights, etc. 3.2.1. First-year – Initial Military Training (IMT): LLAB provides new cadets with basic skills and knowledge needed to be a functional member of the cadet corps. Activities are designed to build camaraderie and esprit de corps, as well as help them develop followership and teamwork skills. 3.2.2. Second-year – Field Training Preparation (FTP): is designed to provide training that ensures cadets are adequately prepared mentally and physically for the rigorous field-training environment. 3.2.3. Third-year - Intermediate Cadet Leader (ICL): provides intermediate cadet leaders, typically AS300 cadets that are Field Training graduates, the opportunity to further develop the leadership and followership skills learned at field training. Intermediate cadet leaders will be given the opportunity to sharpen their planning, organizational, and communication skills, as well as their ability to effectively use resources to accomplish a mission in a constructive learning environment. 3.2.4. Fourth-year - Senior Cadet Leader (SCL): provides soon to be commissioned cadets, typically AS400s, with additional opportunities to develop their leadership and supervisory capabilities and prepares them for their first active duty assignment. It also provides the opportunity to develop and receive feedback on the leadership skills they will be expected to possess when they arrive at their first duty station. 3.3 Field Training (FT) In order to become a member of the POC, a GMC cadet must compete for and receive a slot to attend one of the AFROTC FT encampments. If a cadet has completed the AS 100 and 200 courses, or is given credit by the Professor of Aerospace Studies for having JROTC or prior military service, the cadet then competes for a 4-week encampment. Otherwise, the cadet must compete for a 6-week encampment. FT is a mandatory program for all individuals qualified to pursue an AF commission through AFROTC. Cadets usually attend FT during the summer between their sophomore and junior year. The purpose of FT is to provide an appropriate environment to evaluate a cadet’s military leadership potential and discipline. FT is an intense environment that provides a mental, physical, and emotional challenge while stimulating the development of military leadership. The FT curriculum consists of physical conditioning, drill and ceremonies, leadership and followership training, career exposure, academic instruction, values clarification, and personal development. Satisfactory completion of FT is a requirement for entry into the POC. 3.4. Physical Training (PT) The goal of the PT program is to enhance the physical fitness level of cadets and motivate cadets to pursue a physically fit lifestyle. Every cadet must attend at least 2 sessions of physical activity each week. These sessions are organized by the Cadet Wing. 3.5. Retention Standards In order to remain in AFROTC, a cadet must meet the retention standards found in AFOATSI 36-2011. They differ slightly for contract and non-contract cadets. Failure to maintain the applicable membership and retention standards will result in placement on conditional status, suspension of scholarship, termination of scholarship, or disenrollment from AFROTC. 3.5.1. Contract cadet. A cadet who is on AFROTC scholarship or a member of the POC, who has completed the contract to enlist in the AF Reserve. 5 3.5.2. Non-contract cadet. A cadet who has not signed the enlistment contract. 3.5.3. Common Retention Standards. Must receive a grade of “C-” or better in AS classes and pass LLAB. Good moral character. In addition, cadets must not display neglect for the AF Core Values of integrity, service, and excellence. Physical fitness. Cadets must meet AF weight/body fat standards, remain medically qualified, and meet PT attendance requirements outlined in AFROTCI 36-2017. Maintain good academic standing at your school. A term or cumulative grade point average (GPA), regardless of your school’s policy, of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale is the minimum requirement. Not receive one or more final grades of “F” or “I”, or their equivalent, during a term. Maintain full-time student status. All drops, adds, and withdrawals must be reported to your AS instructor immediately. NOTE: The only time Full-time status is NOT required for a cadet’s last semester in the program. completed AFOATS Form 48 on record. The AFOATS Form 48 is a cadet’s academic plan outlining all classes s/he will take to get a degree. Each term, each cadet’s academic program and progress toward his/her degree is reviewed. Have no serious involvement with civil, military, or school authorities. All incidents, regardless of seriousness, must be reported to the detachment staff within 72 hours of occurrence, when school is in session, or within 72 hours after return to school from a vacation period, FT attendance, or other absence from the campus. 4. Qualities of an Air Force Officer As a potential officer in the US Air Force, it is important to recognize the qualities of a good officer do not simply appear upon entering into active duty. An officer's character, as well as the ability to lead, is developed during the entire cadet program. The Air Force expects no less than these characteristics in its officers... Integrity…Responsibility…Dependability…Commitment 4.1.INTEGRITY is doing the right thing when no one is looking and is expected of all cadets, in and out of uniform. The military is proud of the tradition of the sacredness of an officer's word and signature. Dishonesty or intentional deception is not tolerated within the cadet wing. 4.1.1. The cadet honor code is as follows: “We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.” 4.1.2. The word and signature of any officer, airman, or cadet should be accepted as the truth. 4.1.3. Quibbling, evasive statements, or using technicalities in order to shield guilt or to delay the ends of justice are dishonest. 4.1.4. A cadet's signature affixed to anything means exactly what it says both in letter and in spirit. 4.1.5. Falsifying any document whether signed or unsigned is a violation of the cadet honor code. 6 4.2. RESPONSIBILITY exhibits itself in all facets of the cadet wing. You are expected to complete tasks promptly and to the best of your ability. As a future leader, you set an example by your behavior. This includes attending required functions and being on time. Unexcused absences and tardiness reflect a lack of professionalism and indifference to the military training. Be responsible by being on-time to all appointments and checking our messages twice daily. 4.3. DEPENDABILITY is the cornerstone of a good cadet. Others depend on you to perform your tasking to your best ability. Teamwork is key to AFROTC and everyone must depend on one another to accomplish the mission. Don’t let your team down because your actions affect others besides yourself. 4.4. COMMITMENT improves performance. The manner in which you approach AFROTC is reflected in your performance and your relationship with other cadets within the wing. The more you want to do things, the better you will do them. Interest in becoming the best cadet possible produces respect among your peers and pride and confidence within you. 5. CADET WING The Cadet Wing Commander is selected by the Professor of Aerospace Studies (PAS). The Cadet Wing Commander, with PAS and COC coordination, then selects the Cadet Wing, Group, and Squadron staffs. Cadets are selected for these key positions based upon their demonstrated traits of leadership, character, motivation, academic standing, military bearing, and needs of the corps. Bulletin boards in the Corps area are important sources of information for cadets, so cadets should read them at least twice a week. Cadets are responsible for compliance with directives as posted. Cadets will consult Operating Instructions (OIs), their respective supervisor, and/or the COC prior to posting notices on bulletin boards. The AFROTC Cadet Library is designated for cadets to accomplish the Cadet Wing mission. Cadets will consult Cadet Wing OIs and/or their respective supervisor regarding conduct while in the Corps area. The Cadet Wing structure is posted on the Official Board. The following diagram depicts a generic Cadet Wing structure. 5.1. Detachment Organization The units of organization within the wing are divided separately into groups in accordance with USAF drill organization. Ranking from largest division to smallest, they are Wing, Group, Squadron and Flight. Wing Staff (Wing Level): Includes the Wing Commander and staff. They are responsible for creating and administering the activities for the year. Group Commanders (Group Level): Ensures Wing Staff taskings are accomplished by each squadron. Usually, each group is comprised of one or more squadrons. Squadron Commander (Squadron Level): Supervises flight commanders to ensure all training objectives are met. Usually, each squadron has two or more flights. Flight Commander (Flight Level): Develops, advises and leads flight members in the training environment. 7 Common Position Titles. Position Commander Vice Commander Executive Officer Force Support Squadron General Military Course Advisor Honor Guard Protocol Maintenance Public Affairs Force Development Training Squadron Physical Training Leader Military Training Leader Safety Field Training Preparation Arnold Air Society Abbreviation CC CV CCE FSS GMCA HG CCP MX PA FD TRS PTL MTL SE FTP AAS 5.2. Leadership positions Leadership positions are set by the COC. Leadership positions are corps positions that provide ample opportunity for cadet to demonstrate leadership ability and be evaluated by cadre for commissioning purposes. Every cadet must hold at least one leadership position before commissioning. 6. CADRE AND STAFF 6.1. Commissioned Officers and Professors 6.1.1. Detachment Commander/ Professor of Aerospace studies (PAS) is the senior AF member on duty at Angelo State University (ASU). S/he is the Commander of AF personnel assigned to the detachment and a full professor on the university faculty. The PAS also teaches the AS200 course. 6.1.2. Commandant of Cadets (COC) The COC is primarily responsible for cadet training, to include the enforcement of military and academic standards. The COC holds a position as an assistant professor with the university and works very closely with the Wing Commander. The COC usually teaches the AS300 courses.. 6.1.3. Education Officer (EO) is in charge of educational and commissioning requirements for all cadets. The EO usually teaches the AS400 courses. 6.1.4. Unit Admissions Officer (UAO) is responsible for the recruitment of new cadets into the AFROTC program and usually teaches the AS100 courses. 6.2. Non-commissioned Officers 6.2.1. Cadet Personnel. The Non Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC) for Cadet Personnel is responsible for enlistments, disenrollments, scholarship activation, records management, assignments, and commissioning. 8 6.2.2. Information Management. The NCOIC for Information Management is responsible for cadet pay, supply procurement, equipment accountability, physical exams, field training, suspense control, and publications. 6.3. Other Detachment Staff There are other detachment staffs to include the uniform custodian and secretary, the uniform custodian maintains and distributes uniforms to cadets. The secretary, located in the front entrance to the corps area, schedules appointments for the PAS and various administrative tasks. 7. Rank 7.1. Cadet Rank Epaulet Rank Boards/Marks Utility Uniform Rank Pins Rank (Abbreviation) Cadet Colonel (C/Col) Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (C/Lt Col) O f f i c e r Cadet Major (C/Maj) Cadet Captain (C/Capt) Cadet First Lieutenant (C/1Lt) Cadet Second Lieutenant (C/2Lt) A i r m a n Cadet Third Class (C/3C) Cadet Fourth Class (C/4C) 9 7.2. Enlisted Rank E1 E2 E3 Army Navy Coast Guard Marines Air Force Private Private E-2 (PV2) Seaman Recruit (SR Seaman Apprentice (SA) Private Private First Class (PFC) Airman Basic Airman (Amn) Private First Class (PFC) Seaman (SN) Lance Corporal (LCpl) Airman First Class (A1C) Petty Officer Third Class(PO3) Corporal (Cpl) Senior Airman (SrA) Sergeant (SGT) Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Sergeant (Sgt) Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Staff Sergeant (SSG) Petty Officer First Class (PO1) Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Technical Sergeant (TSgt) Sergeant First Class (SFC) Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Corporal (CPL) Specialist (SPC) E4 E5 E6 E7 Master Sergeant (MSG) First Sergeant (1SG) Sergeant Major (SGM) Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) E9 Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) Fleet/Command Master Chief Petty Officer Master Chief Coast Guard Petty Officer (MCPOCG) of the Navy ooooooooooo (MCPON) mmmmmmm First Sergeant First Sergeant Master Sergeant (MSgt) First Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt) Sergeant Major (SgtMaj) Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) E8 Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO) Master Sergeant (MSgt) Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SgtMajMC) E9 10 First Sergeant Command Chief Master Sergeant (CCM) Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) 7.3. Officer Rank Insignia Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps Rank Navy and Coast Guard Rank O-1 2nd Lieutenant Ensign O-2 1st Lieutenant Lieutenant Junior Grade O-3 Captain Lieutenant O-4 Major Lieutenant Commander O-5 Lieutenant Colonel Commander O-6 Colonel Captain O-7 Brigadier General Rear Admiral (Lower Half) O-8 Major General Rear Admiral (Upper Half) O-9 Lieutenant General Vice Admiral O-10 General Admiral Pay Grade 11 8. COMMISSIONING CRITERIA 8.1. Age. You must be able to commission before age 31. Waivers may be considered if you’re over age 31 but under age 35 at the time of commissioning. 8.2. Academic Requirements. You must complete your bachelor’s degree in order to be commissioned. Additionally, you have to successfully pass the appropriate AFROTC courses (the Junior and Senior courses at a minimum). You must have at least a 2.0 term and cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale. NOTE: For details on qualifying for a scholarship, see your instructor. 8.3. The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT). In order to achieve an Enrollment Allocation for Field Training you must pass the AFOQT. This test not only allows you to continue in the program but also helps determine your ranking for rated jobs. You must achieve a score of at least 15 in Verbal and 10 in Quantitative (on a scale of 99 points in each category). See Section VII. For more information about the AFOQT. 8.4. Physical Fitness. The AFROTC Physical Fitness Test (PFT) consists of three events: sit-ups, push-ups, and a 1 1/2-mile run. You must be able to pass this test to qualify. Additionally, you must meet Air Force weight and height standards. 8.5. Medical Examination. You must pass a military service medical examination. 8.6. Good Conduct and Moral Character. You must have minimal adverse involvement with school, civilian and military officials. 8.7. Field Training. You must be able to attend a 4-week or 6-week field training encampment during one summer (ideally the summer after your sophomore year). Subject to change-see COC for current information. 8.8. Citizenship. You must be a U.S. citizen. 9. AIR FORCE OFFICER QUALIFING TEST (AFOQT) 9.1. The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) is a timed SAT/ACT-like aptitude test, which lasts approximately 3.5 hours. This test is designed to help select candidates for officer commissioning and officer training programs. Although there are five sections, you must, at a minimum, pass the verbal and quantitative sections as stated above. The AFOQT is offered at no cost and incurs no obligation. There are five AFOQT composite scores. The knowledge and abilities they measure are described below: 9.1.1. Pilot. This score measures knowledge and abilities considered necessary for successful completion of pilot training. The Pilot composite score measures verbal ability, knowledge of aviation and mechanical systems, ability to determine aircraft altitude from instruments, knowledge of aeronautical concepts, ability to read scales and interpret tables, and certain spatial abilities. 9.1.2. Navigator. This score measures knowledge and abilities considered necessary for successful completion of navigator training. The Navigator composite score measure quantitative aptitudes, spatial visual abilities, and knowledge of general science. 9.1.3. Academic Aptitude. This score measures verbal and quantitative knowledge and abilities. The Academic Aptitude composite combines all subsets used to score the Verbal and Quantitative composites which are described below. 9.1.4. Verbal (English Skills). This score measures various types of verbal knowledge and abilities. The Verbal composite score measures ability to reason and recognize relationships among words, ability to read 12 and understand paragraphs on diverse topics, and ability to understand synonyms. Minimum passing score is 15. 9.1.5. Quantitative (Math Skills). This score measures various types of quantitative knowledge and abilities. The Quantitative composite score shares subsets with the Navigator-Technical composite. It measures ability to understand and reason with arithmetic relationships, interpret data from graphs and charts, and use mathematical terms, formulas, and relationships. Minimum passing score is 10. 10. CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES 10.1. Military customs are mannerisms passed as tradition. Customs and traditions provide the framework of AF heritage. The most important tradition of an AF officer is to maintain a high degree of integrity. Military courtesies are polite and considerate behavior often linked to customs. Lack of military courtesies can bring disciplinary action. The following is not a complete list but among the most meaningful. 10.1.1. GMC cadets will be addressed as Cadet and their last name (i.e. Cadet Hogg). 10.1.2. The place of honor is always on the right. A junior walks, sits, or rides on a senior’s left. When boarding a vehicle, the senior enters last, and when departing a vehicle, the senior leaves first. A senior always enters the door first. 10.1.3. If seated, all cadets will stand when addressed by an officer, non-commissioned officer, or senior cadet. 10.1.4. Cadets will rise when a commissioned officer enters the room and render a verbal greeting unless a higher ranking officer is already in the room. 10.1.5. Cadets should refrain from placing their hands in their pockets while in uniform. 10.1.6. Ensure your actions and attitude always reflect upon your professionalism. 10.1.7. Sit up straight; it is disrespectful to lean against a senior’s desk or to “slouch” in a chair. 10.1.8. When out of uniform and in North Hall, clothing must be conservative and in good taste. No ripped/torn clothing. No “short” shorts/ extreme mini-skirts. No foul/inappropriate graphics/verbiage. No midriff shirts (shirts must cover stomach). No hats. Cell phones must be turned off or silent during LLAB, PT, and AS class. Proper grooming standards apply 10.2. Saluting. In the U.S. Military, custom dictates that all enlisted personnel and officers render a salute to higherranking officers to show respect for their higher position and greater authority. In return, the higher-ranking individual returns the salute, acknowledging the respect proffered and also demonstrating respect for the individual who rendered the salute. Always remember as you gain rank, “a salute rendered is a salute returned.” Mutual respect goes both ways. In keeping with this tradition, Air Force cadets must salute higher-ranking cadet officers and commissioned officers of any service. There could be situations that are not covered here. Therefore, if you are ever in doubt, salute. 10.2.1. The junior member should initiate the salute in time to allow the senior officer to return it. To prescribe an exact distance for all circumstances is not practical, but good judgment indicates when exchanging salutes is appropriate. 13 10.2.2. It is also appropriate to include a verbal greeting with the salute: “Good Morning, Sir/Ma’am” or “Good afternoon, Sir/Ma’am.” 10.2.3. Any time a cadet is outdoors, in uniform and wearing a cover, the cadet must salute all uniformed higher-ranking cadet officers and all commissioned officers, regardless of branch of service. 10.2.4. If a higher-ranking officer approaches a group of four or more cadets, all cadets salute immediately unless they are in formation of some kind. That formation leader comes to attention and salutes for the entire group. 10.2.5. When walking with a higher-ranking cadet or commissioned officer, lower ranking cadets should walk on the left side of the higher-ranking officer. The higher ranking would render the salute for the group. 10.2.6. Cadets should not render salutes to Non-Commissioned Officers, but should treat them with respect and greet them cordially. If an NCO initiates a salute to a cadet, it must be returned sharply. 10.2.7. During LLAB, or in an area designated as a “no salute zone,” cadets will not be required to salute each cadet officer of higher rank but will salute all active duty officers. This allows cadets to focus on the training objectives of LLAB without having to preoccupy themselves with saluting. 10.3. Reporting. Reporting-in to a commissioned officer or cadet officer must be done in a professional military manner. The following are the steps that a cadet should take when reporting in to an officer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Knock twice before entering a room where there are commissioned officers or cadet officers. If permission to enter is granted, walk in the most direct manner squaring all corners, and position yourself, standing at attention, approximately two paces in front of and centered on the person being addressed. If you have been directed to report, render a salute and say, “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (Last Name) reports as ordered. If you are reporting on your own, you will state appropriately: a. “Sir/ Ma’am, Cadet (Last Name) reports to ask a question.” b. “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (Last Name) reports to make a statement.” The position of attention is maintained until the officer otherwise advises the cadet. When business in concluded, while still seated, ask “Will that be all, Sir/Ma’am?” If seated, rise, stand before the officer, render a salute, and say, “Good morning (afternoon or evening) Sir/Ma’am.” When permission is granted, drop the salute, do an appropriate facing movement, and depart in the most direct manner. If the officer states, “That will be all” or “You are dismissed” before you ask, “Will that be all, Sir/Ma’am,” then do not ask, “Will that be all, Sir/Ma’am?” ; just salute and render the appropriate exit greeting such as, “Good evening, Sir/Ma’am” 10.3.1. When reporting in to a flight formation, a cadet should approach the flight commander, squaring all corners. The cadet should then stand at attention and render a salute, saying, “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (Rank & Name) reports (or ‘reports as ordered’ if instructed to report). Request permission to fall into the flight.” When permission has been granted, the cadet should take one step back, do an about face and fall into position in the flight from behind the element, squaring all corners. 10.4. Addressing Officers. Commissioned officers of all services are to be addressed as either “Sir/Ma’am” or by their rank and last name. Conversation should be formal (hence no “yeah”, “naw” or “uh huh”), and respect must be shown at all times. If you are sitting you will stand when addressed and to address an Officer. Cadet Officers are to be addressed in the same manner when both cadets are in a military setting. 14 10.5. Asking Questions. When asking a question in LLAB, the cadet raises his hand, and when called upon, stands at attention and precedes the question by saying, “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (Rank & Name), ____ Flight.” Remain standing until told to sit down. 10.6. Calling the Room to Attention. Whenever a commissioned officer enters a room of cadets, the room will be called to attention (if and only if there is not a higher, or equal-ranking officer already present in the room) by the first cadet to see the officer. The room of cadets will stand at attention until otherwise advised by the officer. When outdoors, the area will be called to attention using the procedure outlined above. The area is called to attention when the officer is approximately six to twelve paces away from the training area. 10.6.1.During LLAB, the room or area (depending on the location of LLAB – inside or outside) will only be called when the officer that will be supervising LLAB, usually the COC, arrives immediately before the start of LLAB. The room or area does not need to be called every time an officer approaches the area or enters the room, as this is disruptive to the training environment of LLAB. The room or area will be called to attention again at the end of LLAB, when the ranking officer departs. 10.6.2. In the corps library, the room will be called to attention, only for Colonels and above. Cadets will stand up and render a verbal greeting to all active duty officers. Cadets should render a verbal greeting to all cadre members, regardless of rank, when the cadre member enters the corps library. Within the corps hallway, the command “hallway attention” will be called for all officers. The command “area attention” will be called for all Colonels and above. 10.7. Flag Ceremonies. The United States Flag is a symbol of our country and the principles on which it was built. Whenever a flag passes a cadet, the cadet salutes the flag while it is within six paces of the cadet. Flags on flagpoles are not saluted unless at reveille, retreat, or at special ceremonies. Cadets must render proper courtesies whenever the National Anthem or “To the Colors” is played. When in uniform and outdoors, the cadet should turn to face the flag and salute when the National Anthem or “To the Colors” is played. If the flag is not visible, the cadet should salute in the direction of the music. When in uniform, yet indoors, come to attention and face in the direction of the flag or the music. No salute is rendered. When not in uniform, cadets should come to attention, face the direction of the flag or the music, and place right hand over heart. If wearing a cover while in civilian clothes, cadets will remove their cover with their right hand and hold it over their heart. 10.8. Award Ceremonies. The Cadet Wing holds award ceremonies during LLAB. When receiving an award during this or any other awards presentation, the cadet should square all corners approaching the presenter and come to the position of attention directly beside the officer. When the officer is done speaking, the cadet should face him or her. Upon receiving the award, the cadet should follow the procedure of 1 - shake, 2 - take, 3 - salute. The cadet will first shake the hand of the officer presenting the award, then take the award and then render a salute to the presenting officer. After the salute has been returned the cadet will do the appropriate facing movement and exit in a military fashion. 11. UNIFORM WEAR (Reference AFI 36-2903 & AFROTCI 36-2008) When in uniform, cadets represent both the AFROTC Detachment and the USAF at ASU, and must be aware of their responsibility for maintaining the uniform in good order, for wearing it correctly, and for upholding the dignity of the USAF. When cadets wear the uniform, they must wear it correctly and completely. Never wear part of the uniform – wear all of it or none of it. If questions arise on how to properly wear the uniform and the regulations are not clear, please take the initiative to ask your flight commander, a fellow cadet member, or cadre member for assistance or refer to the appropriate regulations. The Operations Order will tell you the uniform of the day for Wednesdays; you may dress up, but cannot dress down. For your AS class, refer to the uniform calendar posted in the corps hallway and blackboard. Cadet Airmen are only allowed to wear uniform items issued by the uniform custodian (with few exceptions). Cadet Officers may purchase and wear non issued uniform items. See Section D.4 for details. Remember if you do not 15 understand the regulations or the interpretation in this guide; please ask questions instead of improperly wearing the uniform. See Figures G1-G6 for more help on wearing the uniform. Cadets are required to replace, at their own expense, any issued clothing or accessories lost, damaged or destroyed through normal wear and while in the program. If the uniform does not fit properly when a cadet first receives it, it will be tailored for them at the expense of the AF. The uniform custodian will authorize the necessary tailoring. The AF will pay for alterations in the length of the skirt, trousers, and sleeves of the service dress jacket. Other than the initial hemming and normal alterations, cadets may not tailor issued items in anyway without the approval of the uniform custodian. If a uniform item no longer fits properly, contact the uniform custodian for approval to get the item tailored. 11.1. Uniform Policies. 11.1.1. Uniforms will be kept zipped, snapped, or buttoned, including all pockets. 11.1.2. Cadets in uniform will wear proper headgear at all times when outdoors. Headgear will be removed: Immediately upon entering a building. While riding a bus or other form of public transportation. 11.1.5. Do not allow anything to protrude from uniform pockets. 11.1.6. Cadets are not authorized to place their hands in their pockets for reasons other than retrieving items. 11.2. Male Blues Uniform Standards. 11.2.1. Short Sleeve Blues Shirt. This uniform consists of the trousers, short-sleeve blue shirt, soft shoulder rank, flight cap, black shoes, and the tie is optional. Center the name tag over the right pocket, resting on but not over it. A white v-neck t-shirt is worn underneath this uniform. 11.2.2. Long Sleeve Blue Shirt. This uniform consists of trousers, long-sleeved blue shirt, soft shoulder rank, flight cap, black shoes, and the tie is mandatory. Center the nametag over the right pocket, resting on but not over it. A white v-neck t-shirt is worn underneath this uniform. 11.2.3. Service Dress Uniform. This uniform consists of the service dress coat, trousers, long or short sleeved blues shirt, soft shoulder rank, flight cap, black shoes, and the tie is mandatory. The U.S. lapel insignia is worn with this uniform, one on each collar. The insignia is placed halfway up the seam resting on but not over it, and is parallel to the ground as you wear the coat. 11.2.4. Lightweight Blue Jacket. This jacket is worn with the long or short sleeved blues uniform. The rank for the jacket is the metal pin on rank and should be placed on the jackets epaulet 1 inch from the outer seam and centered. For CADET AIRMAN rank, the pointed side will face towards the inside, and for CADET OFFICER rank the lines are parallel to the shoulder seem. When worn, jackets must be zipped up at least halfway. AS400 cadets in the last semester are authorized to have the Air Force logo embroidered on the front of the jacket. 11.2.5. Tie. The tie is mandatory while wearing the long-sleeve blues uniform and the service dress uniform. The tie is tied in a double Windsor knot; there are instructions posted in the uniform room. The tip of the tie will not extend more than ½ an inch above or below the center of the belt buckle. If the small end of the tie extends further than the large end, then place the excess into your pants. 16 11.2.6. Flight Cap. This is the cap that is worn will all combinations of the blues uniform. It is placed resting on the top of the head with two fingers width between the bridge of the nose and the front of the cap and will not be split on top. The metal rank insignia will be placed on the left side of the cap 1 ½ inches from the front and vertically centered between the bottom of the cap and the top seam, where the silver braid is. The flight cap is worn slightly tilted to the left. 11.2.7. Belt. The belt is blue with a chrome buckle and tip. Sometimes the belt will need to be cut to correctly fit. If this needs to be done ensure that you leave enough extra belt, not to exceed 1 ½ inches. Place the belt on, beginning it on the left side of the pants, so that the tip is facing your left. Once on, ensure that the chrome tip is slightly out of the buckle, aligning the inside edge of the tip with the edge of the buckle. 11.2.8. Shoes. These shoes will be kept polished, worn with black socks, and laced to the top. All cadets who have not attended field training will wear detachment issued boots and detachment issued low quarters only. 11.2.9. Gloves. Gloves can be worn during inclement weather in the following uniforms only: BDUs, blues service dress, and the blues windbreaker. 11.3. Female Blues Uniform Standards 11.3.1. Short Sleeve Blues Shirt. This uniform consists of the trousers or skirt, short-sleeve blue shirt, soft shoulder rank, flight cap, black shoes, and the tie tab is optional. Center name tag on right side of the uniform even with or up to 1 ½ inches above or below the first buttoned button and parallel to the ground. If the blouse has a short rounded tail it may be worn un-tucked, but if not it must be tucked in. Only cadet officers are authorized to wear Over-blouses (un-tucked style shirts). Make sure that undergarments are properly tucked in and not visible. 17 11.3.2. Long Sleeve Blues Blouse. This uniform consists of trousers or skirt, long-sleeved blue shirt, soft shoulder rank, flight cap, black shoes, and the tie is mandatory. Center name tag on right side of the uniform even with or up to 1 ½ inches above or below the first buttoned button and parallel to the ground. If the blouse has a short rounded tail it may be worn un-tucked, but if not it must be tucked in. Only cadet officers are authorized to wear Over-blouses (un-tucked style shirts). Make sure that undergarments are properly tucked in and not visible. 11.3.3. Service Dress Uniform. This uniform consists of the service dress coat, trousers or skirt, long or short sleeved blues shirt, soft shoulder rank, flight cap, black shoes, and the tie tab is mandatory. The U.S. lapel insignia will be worn with this uniform, one on each collar. The insignia is placed halfway up the seam resting on but not over it, and is parallel to the ground as you wear the coat. 11.3.4. Skirt. The skirt is worn with any blouse or service coat. It is hemmed so that it is no shorter than the top of the kneecap and no longer than the bottom of the knee cap. A good guideline is to ensure that the skirt is at the middle of the knee. It is worn with black, navy, or flesh tone panty hose, and low quarters or black pumps, with a heel no higher than 2 ½ inches. 11.3.5. Lightweight Blue Jacket. This jacket is to be worn with the long or short-sleeved blues uniform. The rank for the jacket is the metal pin on rank and should be placed on the jackets epaulet 1 inch from the outer seam and centered. For CADET AIRMAN ranks the pointed side will face towards the inside, and for CADET OFFICER rank the lines are parallel to the shoulder seem. AS400 cadets in the last semester are authorized to have the Air Force logo embroidered on the front of the jacket. 11.3.6. Tie Tab. The tie is mandatory while wearing the long-sleeve blues uniform and the service dress uniform. The tie tab is positioned so that the two points of the collar are in the long section of the tab and the middle is aligned with the gig line. 11.3.7. Flight Cap. This is the cap that is worn with all combinations of the blues uniform. It is placed resting on the top of the head with two fingers width between the bridge of the nose and the front of the cap. The metal rank insignia is placed on the left side of the cap 1 ½ inches from the front and vertically centered between the bottom of the cap and the top seam, where the silver braid is. . 11.3.8. Belt. The belt is blue with a chrome buckle and tip. Sometimes the belt needs to be cut to fit correctly. If this needs to be done ensure you leave enough extra belt, not to exceed 1-½ inches. Place the belt on, beginning it on the right side of the pants, so the tip is facing your right. Once on, ensure the chrome tip is slightly out of the buckle, aligning the inside edge of the tip with the edge of the buckle. 11.3.9. Gloves. Gloves can be worn during inclement weather in the following uniforms only: BDUs, blues service dress, and the blues windbreaker. 11.4. Male and Female BDU Uniform Standards 11.4.1. Battle Dress Uniform (BDUs). This uniform consists of belt, camouflage pants, camouflage jacket, black socks, black combat boots, camouflage cap, and a brown or black T-shirt under the uniform. 11.4.2. BDU Jacket. The name tag is sewed on and centered over the right pocket. The US AIR FORCE tape is sewed on and centered over the left pocket. The metal pin on rank is used for this uniform and placed 1 inch above and parallel to the seam of the collar, as well as centered from left to right. Thus, when the uniform is worn the metal rank is at a slight angle outward. The sleeves of the uniform may be worn up or down, please seek help from your flight commander on the proper way to roll the sleeves. 11.4.3. BDU Pants. The pants are worn with a blue belt with a black tip and buckle. Place the belt on from left to right, when finished the tip should face the wearers left. The tip of the belt can have excess of 18 no more than 2 inches out of the buckle. The bottom of the pants must be bloused just slightly over the top of the boot and must not be tucked inside the boot. 11.4.4. T-Shirts. The undershirt for this uniform is a brown or black T-shirt and is tucked into the pants. Only cadet officers are authorized to wear the black T-shirt. 11.4.5. Combat Boots. The boots are kept polished, worn with black socks, and snugly laced up at all times. The extra laces are tucked inside the boot. 11.4.6. Cap. The BDU cap is not worn like a baseball cap, but is worn resting on the top of the head with a three finger gap from the bridge of the nose to the bill of the cap and parallel to the ground. The metal rank insignia is worn with this cap and is centered vertically and horizontally on the front of the cap. 11.5. Other Uniform Information 11.5.1. BDUs at Football Game. All cadets are authorized to wear BDU pants to football games. However, the following conditions apply: BDU pants must be ironed, properly bloused, and worn with an Air Force issue belt; cadets must wear either their flight T-shirt or other approved T-shirt; and military combat boots must be worn. 11.5.2. Physical Fitness Uniform (PFU). The Physical Fitness Uniform is an official uniform. All uniform standards apply while in the PFU. This includes hair and shaving! Cadets do not need to salute in the PFU. The PFU is worn at all authorized PT sessions. Reference AFI 36-2903 & AFROTCI 36-2008. 11.5.3. Non-Detachment Issued Uniforms Items. Cadets are authorized wear of the Gore-Tex jacket and cardigan sweater. Cadets may petition the PAS through the flight commander, wing commander and COC, to request wear of other uniforms authorized for active duty personnel. All cadets who completed field training are authorized to wear coroframs (patent leather) and other non-issued foot gear. All other cadets will wear Detachment issued items. Honor Guard will adhere to AFROTCI 36-2008 2.9, which states, “Except for the shoulder cord, all other items may only be worn while preparing for, performing, or coming from performing duties as a member of AFROTC sponsored Color Guard, Drill Team, or Honor Guard.” For the purpose of standardization, all cadets will wear issued headgear to Lead Lab. Cadets may not wear wheel hats. Cadets must follow the Operations Order when wearing uniforms to all classes on Wednesdays. 11.5.4. Awards and Decorations. Ribbons earned in AFROTC, or medals earned on Active Duty for valor or gallantry can be worn with any combination of the blues uniform. The ribbons are worn in rows of three and centered above the left pocket for males and centered on the right and even with the bottom of the nametag for females. Different ribbons have priority over others and must be placed in a specific order in the row. For further instruction on this see the ribbon section of the AFROTCI 36-2008 or see your flight commander for help. Reference AFI 36-2903 & AFROTCI 36-2008. Do not mix AFROTC and Active Duty medals together on a blues uniform. 11.6. Uniform accessories 11.6.1. Earrings. Earrings are worn by female cadets if they are small and conservative. They must be white pearl, gold, silver, black, or diamond, and be spherical in shape (studs). Only one matching pair are worn at any time. Males will not wear earrings in uniform, in or around the corps area, or to any corps supported functions. 11.6.2. Watches. Must be professional and conservative in color and size. 11.6.3. Rings. You may wear up to three rings in uniform; two on one hand and one on the other. They must be conservative and professional. 19 11.6.4. Bracelets. You may wear one bracelet that is no wider than 1/2 inch, is conservative in color, and it must be worn on the opposite side as the watch. 11.6.5. Necklaces. If worn, it must be concealed, 11.6.6. Tattoos and Body Piercing. Excessive tattoos are not exposed or visible (including visible through the uniform) while in uniform. Excessive is defined as any tattoo that exceeds ¼ of the exposed body part and those above the collarbone and readily visible when wearing an open collar uniform. Body piercings are unauthorized while in uniform, in the cadet area, while on any official duty in civilian attire, and while on any military installation. 11.6.7. Sunglasses. Sunglasses must be free from ornamentation, conservative, cannot have mirrored lenses, and cannot be worn while in formation. Frames may be black or brown material or gold/silver wire. Conservative wrap-around style sunglasses are authorized. Small, conservative ornamentation on nonprescription sunglasses and eyeglasses is authorized. Brand name glasses may be worn with a small, conservative logo on the frames of lens. If worn, the logo must be same color as frames or lens. Sunglasses will not be worn around the neck, on the top of the head, or hanging from the uniform in any way. 11.6.8. Backpacks. Book bags (solid dark blue or solid black in color) are authorized for wear with any uniform. If wearing a book bag with the uniform, the bag should present an acceptable appearance and be in good condition. Book bags may be worn over both of the cadet's shoulders. If cadet chooses to wear a book bag over one shoulder, it must be worn over the left shoulder. If wearing BDUs, cadets are also authorized to wear woodland camouflage or olive drab color book bags. Book bags that are not authorized colors must be carried in the left hand, except as authorized for safety concerns in paragraph. Book bags provided by AFROTC as recruiting promotional items or other AFROTC provided book bags may be worn if the detachment commander determines they are consistent with the professional image intended by this paragraph. Only solid black color book bags are authorized when worn off-campus or on military installations. Although many colors are authorized on campus, it is recommended that cadets use solid black color book bags as they are the most versatile, may be worn with any uniform combination, and may be worn on or off-campus and on military installations. 11.6.9. Cellular phones, pagers, and beepers. One small, black, nondescriptive personal digital assistant (PDA), pager, or cellular phone at a time can be worn on the uniform belt. Use of a black case or cover is authorized if the device is not black. 11.7. Personal Grooming Standards 11.7.1 Male Hair. Must have a tapered appearance. Tapered appearance is defined as one that when viewed from any angle outlines the cadet’s hair so that it conforms to the shape of the head. The hair can be no more than 1 ¼ inches thick in bulk (from the skin to the top when combed) and must not rest on the ears. Sideburns cannot extend past the lowest opening of the ear, must be kept trimmed, and the bottom must also be cut straight across. Shaving. Cadets must be clean-shaven while in uniform and anytime while inside the corps area. Mustaches can be worn, but must be kept trimmed, and will not extend past the corner of the mouth, or past the upper lip. Beards are prohibited except with a shaving waiver. 11.7.2. Female Hair. The hair will not extend past an imaginary line parallel to the ground starting at the bottom edge of the back of the collar and must not be more than 3 inches in bulk. Pins, combs, or other devices that are the same or similar color to your hair color will place the hair up. It will not touch the eyebrows, or 20 contain ornaments (scrunchies, shiny object, etc.) No faddish hairstyles or unnatural colors are permitted and cannot interfere with the wear of your headgear. Nail Polish. It may not be ornamented, must be a single conservative color, and in good taste. 11.8. Dress and Appearance Pictures Sort Sleeve/Long Sleeve Blues Uniform Male Figure G1 Female Cadet Pilot Badge AAS Pin Parachutist Badge Parachutist Badge AAS Pin CTA Badge Pershing Rifle Badge CTA Badge Pershing Rifle Badge Flight Cap Placement Cadet Airman Figure G2 21 Cadet Officer Service Dress Uniform Figure G3 Service Dress Uniform Male Cadet Airman Figure G4 Cadet Officer Service Dress Uniform Female Cadet Airman Figure G5 22 Cadet Officer Male and Female BDU Uniform Figure G5 Figure G6 Cadet Airman Cadet Officer Centered Centered 1 in 1 in 23 Insignia and Badges Pictures Cadet Officer Flight Cap Lapel Insignia for Service Dress Coat Cadet Officer Flt Cap Insignia Cadet Pre-Health Badge Cadet Pilot Badge Cadet Senior Pilot Badge CTA Badge Cadet Navigator Badge Cadet Senior Navigator Badge Parachutist Badge 24 Cadet Nurse Badge 11.8. Uniform Care 11.8.1. Cleaning. Uniforms are to be kept clean and serviceable at all times. Each cadet is responsible for cleaning and laundering his/her own uniform. Cleaning must be done so as to not interfere with the wearing of the uniform to classes, LLAB, or other AFROTC activities. Cadets are responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of their uniforms up to and including commissioning/disenrollment. Service Uniform (Blues). Short Sleeve and Long Sleeve shirts can be machine washed. All other Service Uniform items need to be dry-cleaned. BDU. Are machine washable but can also be dry-cleaned. 11.8.2. Pressing. Uniforms should be neatly pressed to present a military image at all times. Military creases are not allowed. When pressing at item, put a cloth or handkerchief over the section being pressed to prevent a shine along the seams and creases. Hang the uniform on a suit hanger to prevent wrinkling. 11.8.3. Ironing. Avoid ironing multiple creases in the same area (“railroad tracks”.) If using starch, dampen the area and wait for starch to soak into the fabric before ironing. When using starch, keep the iron moving across the fabric to avoid starch marks. 11.8.4. Uniforms are to be kept lint-free. Use a lint brush or masking tape to remove lint. Hang the uniform in a plastic bag to prevent collection of lint. 11.8.5. Alterations & Exchanges. No alteration of any item will be made by a cadet without prior approval of the uniform custodian. Cadet should speak with uniform custodian for any necessary exchanges of uniform items. 11.8.6. Shoes – Issue & Shining. One pair of shoes is issued to each cadet entering the program. Shoes cannot be returned after issue; they become cadet property. Shoes are to be kept shined to a high shine at all times. There are many different techniques for shoe shining. The minimum materials required are black shoe polish, some water, and a rag (or cotton balls). Hot water works best, because it melts the polish evenly over the shoe, giving a glossier shine. First and most important is to CLEAN THE SHOE before applying polish. Next, pick an area, such as the toe, heel, or side of the shoe. Dip a part of the rag or a cotton ball in the water, and squeeze the excess water out of it. Swipe a light amount of polish onto it – we will call this the applicator. To apply the polish to the selected area, use moderate pressure and smooth the polish in with circular motions. Whether clockwise or counter-clockwise, ALWAYS continue in the same circular direction once you’ve started. Do this over the area until the polish is even and smooth. Apply additional coats in thin layers to build shine. Take a different area of the rag or a fresh cotton ball and dip it in the water. This will be called the buffer. In the same fashion as the applicator, buff the polish onto the shoe until a proper shine can be seen. Use the hot water frequently to wet the applicator and buffer. 12. PHYSICAL FITNESS 12.1. Importance of Physical Fitness. Physical fitness is very important for all military personnel. As an Air Force officer you need to be physically fit to endure the rigors and stress of your job both in battle and in peace time. Being physically fit helps you make sounds decisions and performs under pressure. We all, as military personnel, must be physically fit and prepared to do battle and defend our country and constitution. It is also important to be physically fit so that we maintain a professional, healthy, representation of the detachment, AFROTC, and the Air Force. 25 12.2. Physical Training (PT). Scheduled PT is mandatory for all cadets unless stated otherwise by the cadre. Cadets must attend no less than 2 of the scheduled PT sessions a week. Additional PT sessions may be scheduled at the discretion of the Cadet Wing Commander, Commandant of Cadets, or Professor of Aerospace Studies. 12.3 Height Weight Standards. Cadets must stay within a healthy weight limit, as indicated on the weight standards chart in this cadet guide. If the cadet’s weight is over the maximum allowable weight (MAW) for their particular height, then the cadet will be measured to determine body fat percentage. If the cadet's body fat content is above the limit, that cadet is not allowed to wear the Air Force uniform until within standards. The cadet will also be considered for possible release from Air Force ROTC. A cadet who fails to meet standards may lose his/her scholarship and/or be released from the AFROTC program. If you are a contracted cadet and you fail weight or body fat standards, you will be placed on the weight management program. 12.4. Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). The Physical Fitness Assessment is a test administered to ensure that cadets maintain a good fitness level. The PFA is completed at least once each semester by the entire cadet wing; the test is composed of three events and a waist circumference measurement. These events are sit-ups, pushups and the 1.5-mile run. Cadets on scholarship must pass the PFT with a minimum score of 75! 12.4.1. Tips for PFA. Just before the PFA: Make sure you are hydrated. You need to be drinking water a couple of days prior to the PFA. If you are not hydrated well before the event drinking mass quantities of water just before the PFA will not hydrate you and may cause cramps. Do not eat heavy meals 1-2 hours before the PFA. When you have food in your stomach/intestines, blood is directed away from your muscles to your digestive system to digest food. This in turn, may cause cramping. Do not eat simple sugars/ do eat complex carbohydrates. Do not eat foods with simple sugars such as candy and soda. They give you a quick energy boost at the beginning but soon send your body's energy level crashing down. You should eat a good lunch and dinner the day before filled with complex carbohydrates. These are cereals, breads, pastas, etc. They give you a good amount of energy that will be sustained for long amounts of time. Overall. Your fitness is determined by your diet, how much you exercise, and other factors and habits (smoking, drinking, etc). To maximize your results you need to control all three of these factors making healthy choices. 13. BASIC DRILL COMMANDS AND OPEN RANKS INSPECTION (ORI) 13.1. Reference. Refer to AFMAN 36-2203 located in blackboard under course information, Air Force publications, other Air Force manuals. A hard copy can be found in the corps library on the bookshelf. Additional drill and ceremony information that is not in AFMAN 36-2203 is listed below. 13.2. Jodies. These are songs that are sung with a rhythmic beat when you are marching or running to keep you in step. These can be done nearly anywhere but must be of good taste. All jodies must be approved by cadre before being used. No jodies with obscenities or profanity! 13.3. Open Ranks Inspection (ORI). The primary function of an ORI is to inspect the uniform condition of the cadets. 13.3.1.Flights will march to their inspection area, position themselves “taller-tapped” and stand at parade rest. The Flt CC will be centered on the flight and three spaces away. When the inspector approaches, the Flt CC will call the flight to attention. The inspecting official will direct the Flt CC to prepare the flight for inspection. The Flt CC will command, “OPEN RANKS MARCH,” the third element will stand fast and 26 execute dress right dress, the second element will take one step forward and execute dress right dress, and the first element will take two steps forward and execute dress right dress. All members will cover on the person in front of them. The Flt CC will then march three paces past the guidon bearer execute a left face and command “READY FRONT.” The Flt CC will then take one step forward and execute a right face. 13.3.2.The Flt CC will then salute the inspector, and report, “Sir/Ma’am __ Flight prepared for inspection.” After the Flt CC is inspected he or she will command “Second and third elements, “PARADE REST.” The inspector will begin inspecting the first element from left to right, starting with the guidon bearer. The flight commander will stand to the inspector’s right and document any discrepancies. When the inspector nears the end of the first element, the second element leader will call the element to attention. The first element leader will command “1st ELEMENT, PARADE REST” when the inspector begins inspecting the second element leader, not before. The third element leader will follow the same procedure. When the inspector is finished, the third element leader will command their element to parade rest. 13.3.3.The Flt CC will then proceed to a position three paces past the guidon. He or she will then do a left face and command, “FLIGHT ATTENTION.” He or she will take one step forward and then do a right face. The inspector will then move directly in from of the Flt CC to give comments and answer any questions about the inspection. The Flt CC then requests, “Will that be all Sir/Ma’am?” If he or she is told yes, the two will exchange salutes. The Flt CC then waits until the inspector is approximately six paces from the flight and commands, “CLOSE RANKS MARCH.” 13.4. Road Guard Procedures. The primary function of the road guards is safety, ensuring the safe and orderly crossing of an intersection by the flight. They should have the proper equipment with them to ensure they are clearly visible to all oncoming traffic. During dusk or dark hours they should be equipped with a flashlight. Road guards will be equipped with a brightly colored orange vest to identify them as road guards and present a clearly visible person to traffic. 13.4.1. Assign Road Guards. When commanding the flight to fall in, the Flt CC will assign two road guards to the front and two road guards to the back. Respectively, they will maintain spacing of six paces in front and behind the flight. 13.4.2. Reaching an Intersection. When reaching an intersection, the front road guards will raise the outside arms and mark time approximately six paces from the curb. The flight will take caution to keep the proper spacing (six spaces from the road guards). DO NOT RUN INTO THE ROAD GUARDS! This action is to give the Flt CC sufficient time to take proper action. 13.4.3. Entering the Intersection. The Flt CC halts the flight looks both ways and goes into the intersection. When arriving to the center of the traffic lanes, the Flt CC will stop traffic by raising both arms. He/She will drop the arms, do an about face, and raise both arms again. The Flt CC will come to attention and call road guards out by commanding. “TWO ROAD GUARDS OUT!” **When in the middle of a four-way intersection, or a two-way double lane, four road guards will be called out. ** 13.4.4. Leaving the Intersection. The Flt CC will give the flight the command, “FORWARD MARCH!” At this command, the two back road guards tap out front road guards. As the flight marches by, the Flt CC makes facing movements, continuously watching the flight. When the entire flight has crossed the intersection, the Flt CC will give the command, “FLIGHT HALT!” Both arms will be raised, and road guards will be called in the command, “ROAD GUARDS IN!” The Flt CC then rejoins the flight. 27 14. CHAIN OF COMMAND 14.1 Importance. The purpose and importance of the chain of command is to solve problems at the lowest level of command. Essentially, there are two key links in the chain of command which closely affect you. The first is between you and your boss. This link provides you with your tasking and your boss with feedback on your performance. The second link is between you and those cadets who report directly to you (i.e., you supervise them and provide them feedback on their performance). This link provides them with their tasking and provides you with feedback. Follow the chain of command to the greatest extent possible in all your official dealings. If you have a task that you know will ultimately be done by a cadet two links down the chain, give the tasking to the cadet's boss (who works directly for you) and let it flow down from there. 14.2. Your Chain of Command. Fill in the Blanks. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CHAIN OF COMMAND President .………………………………...……………………….________________________ Secretary of Defense……………………………….......................________________________ Secretary of the Air Force ………………………........................________________________ Chief of Staff of the Air Force……………………………….…..________________________ Commander, AETC………………………………………….…...________________________ Commander, Air University …………………………………….________________________ Commander, AFOATS………………………………………..…_________________________ Commandant, AFROTC………………………………………..._________________________ Region Commander…………………………………..................._________________________ Detachment Commander (Professor of Aerospace Studies)......_________________________ Commandant of Cadets…………………………………………_________________________ Cadet Wing Commander………………………………...C/Col _________________________ Cadet Group Commander…………………………....C/Lt Col _________________________ Cadet Squadron Commander…………………………..C/Maj _________________________ Cadet Flight Commander……………………………...C/Capt _________________________ You……………………………………………………………C/ _________________________ 28 15. AWARDS AFROTC proudly recognizes outstanding cadet performance in the areas of academics, military training, physical conditioning and contributions to the Cadet Corps. Cadets will wear only prior military service awards/decorations presented by AFROTC. Cadets must keep their ribbons clean and in good repair. Ribbons should be placed in the order of precedence from most prestigious in descending order (from left to right, top to bottom). (see AFROTCVA 36-3 (Appendix B) for further guidance on ribbon arrangement) 15.1 Flight Level Awards (Everyone in flight earns award) 15.2. Spirit Flight. Spirit Flight categories consist of Flight Activity hours, number and quality of flight posters, and Lead Lab Attendance. Criteria are subject to change-see the vice commander for details. 15.3. Warrior Flight Warrior Flight categories consist of PFA Scores, PT Attendance, Warrior Knowledge, ORI, Spot Uniform Checks, Drill, and Corps Area Clean-Up. Criteria are subject to change-see the vice commander for details. 15.4. Academic Flight Academic Flight categories consist of Academic Grades, AFOQT Scores, and Study Hall hours. Criteria are subject to change-see the vice commander for details. 15.5. Honor Flight Honor Flight is the most prestigious flight level award based on the total of all the above categories. Criteria are subject to change-see vice commander for details. 15.6. Individual Cadet Awards. These include: Cadet Officer of the Month/ Semester AS100 of the Month/ Semester AS200 of the Month/ Semester TA of the Month/Semester EA of the Month/Semester Squadron of the Month/Semester National Awards for Leadership (5% of the cadet officer class annually) Superior Performer (5% of the Corps annually) Distinctive Cadet Airman (15% of the cadet airmen class annually) Monthly/Semester individual awards are based on three categories: Personal Performance, Section Performance, and Corps Performance. Personal Performance consists of uniform wear, job if applicable, GPA, and goals. Section performance consists of work done by the cadet in his/her section i.e. delegated tasks and/or efficiency. Corps performance consists of how a cadet is participating in corps functions. Criteria are subject to change-see the vice commander for details. National Semester Awards are given on a percentage basis each year. These are given out at the end of each semester. This award cannot be received twice in the same year. Cadets are nominated by any higher ranking cadet officer. Criteria are subject to change-see the vice commander for detail. 29 15.7. AFROTC Awards 30 Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement – This award recognizes one outstanding AS300 cadet in each AFROTC region who has demonstrated excellence in military and academic performance. Society of the American Military Engineer Award – This award is presented to a cadet who: is pursuing a 4 or 5year engineering degree, ranks in the upper 25 percent of the engineering class, is enrolled in either of the last two years of the accredited undergraduate engineering curriculum (Cadet in 5-year engineering courses are eligible during the fourth and fifth years only), and ranks in the upper 25 percent of the aerospace studies class. Air Force Association Award – Awarded to the most outstanding AS300 cadet that must possess characteristics contributing to leadership and future value in positions of responsibility such as: a positive attitude toward AFROTC and school, personal attributes, personal appearance, courtesy, and officer potential. Each cadet must rank in the upper 5 percent of the AS300 class and rank in the upper 10 percent of their graduating class. Society of the War of 1812 Award – Awarded to an AS200 who ranks in the top 20 percent of their graduating class, ranks in the top 10 percent of their AS class, and encourages and demonstrates the ideals of Americanism by deed, conduct, or both. American Legion Scholastic Award – Awarded to a cadet who ranks in the top 10 percent of their graduation class, ranks in the top 25 percent of their AS class, demonstrates outstanding qualities in military leadership, and actively participates in constructive student activities such as student organizations or sports. American Legion General Military Excellence Award – Awarded to a cadet who ranks in the top 25 percent of their AS class and demonstrates outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. Daughters of the American Revolution Award – Awarded to an AS400 who ranks in the upper 25 percent of both the AS400 class and their graduating class, demonstrates qualities of dependability and good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability, and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training. Daughters of Founders and Patriots Award – Awarded to a cadet during the second year of a 2-year or a 4-year program who ranks in the upper 10 percent of their AS class and demonstrates qualities of dependability, character, military discipline, leadership, patriotism, and an understanding of the importance of American heritage. American Veterans Award – Awarded to a cadet at the end of the first year of the 2-year or 4-year AFROTC program who demonstrates a positive attitude toward the Air Force and AFROTC, demonstrates a neat personal appearance, demonstrates outstanding personal attributes, demonstrates officer potential, has attained a grade of "A" in AFROTC during the most recent grading period, and is in good academic standing in all university course work.. Reserve Officers Association Award – Awarded to one cadet in each of the AS200, AS300, and AS400 classes possessing individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as a positive attitude toward the Air Force, personal appearance, officer potential, courtesy, and ranks in the top 10 percent of their aerospace studies class. American Defense Preparedness Association Award – Awarded to an AS400 ranking in the upper 50 percent of the graduation class, receives no less than a "B" in all CADET OFFICER academics rank in the upper 20 percent of the AS400 class, participates actively in athletics or campus activities, and demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities. Military Order of the World Wars Award – Awarded to a cadet in each of the AS100, AS200, and AS300 classes who demonstrates an outstanding desire to serve AFROTC and the United States and who is considered most improved in the categories of military and scholastic excellence. Veterans of Foreign Wars Award – Awarded to the cadet who is actively engaged in the AFROTC program and who possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership. National Sojourners Award – Awarded to an AS200 or AS300 who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism within the corps of cadets and on campus, ranks in the top 25 percent of their academic 31 class, encourages and demonstrates the ideals of Americanism by deed and conduct, and demonstrates a potential for outstanding leadership. The Retired Officers Association Award – Awarded to an AS300 who is in good academic standing, of high moral character, shows a high order of loyalty to the unit, school, and country, and shows exceptional potential for military leadership. Sons of Confederate Veterans Award – Awarded to a cadet at the end of the second year of a 2-year or a 4-year AFROTC program who is in good academic standing, of high moral character, demonstrates a high dedication to the principles of the United States Constitution, AFROTC, and the college or university, and demonstrates an exceptional potential for military leadership. Sons of the American Revolution Award – Awarded to a cadet at the end of the first year of a 2-year or a 4-year AFROTC program who demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities, military bearing, and all-around excellence in AFROTC studies and activities. National Defense Transportation Association Award – Awarded to an AS400 who is majoring in business administration or its equivalent, to include 25 semester hours in courses related to air or surface transportation, potentially qualifies for an award of AFSC 6041, Transportation Officer, and demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities, academic achievement, aptitude for military service, meritorious achievement, and noteworthy service in the promotion and preparedness for national defense of the United States. Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Award – Awarded to an AS300 with a major in one of several forms of engineering or technology and has academically demonstrated leadership and achievement in academics. USAA Spirit Award - Awarded to the cadet who best displays the traits and characteristics that embody the spirit of service to others. 16. ACTIVITIES 16.1. Cadet Calls The cadet call is an event designed for all the cadets to get to know each other and discuss important issues in the Corps. This is the perfect time for cadet airmen and cadet officers to discuss problems and find solutions together. 16.2. Parade Parades are required in ROTC to demonstrate drill proficiency and teamwork. As a cadet in ROTC, you have the chance to be involved in one parade each semester. In the fall, you will participate in the homecoming parade, which is judged against other student organizations. In the spring, you will participate in the Pass and Review parade. This is an opportunity to show our school, community and base personnel how professional we are in ROTC. 16.3. Dining Out Awards Banquet (DOAB) The Dining Out Awards Banquet (DOAB) represents the most formal aspects of Air Force social life. The purpose of the DOAB is to cadets how ceremony and tradition play an important role in the life of an Air Force unit. It enhances morale and esprit de corps and provides an appropriate setting for recognizing individual and unit achievements. It gives cadets of all rank an opportunity to create friendship bonds and better working relationships in an atmosphere of fellowship and camaraderie. A DOAB for AFROTC cadets provides experience and training in a traditional Air Force social function and cultivates a spirit of loyalty, pride, and enthusiasm. 32 16.4. Base Visits Base visits are conducted to familiarize cadets with the environment in which AF officers live and work. Cadets learn about the operations of a base and its mission; thus, base visits are an extension of AS classroom and LLAB studies. Activities during base visits include a tour of the base, visits to various base organizations and facilities, an informal meeting with junior officers, a visit to military clothing sales, possibly a flight in an AF aircraft, and a “free” road trip cross-country with fellow cadets. Academic letters or Dean's excuses can be obtained for any classes missed because of a base visit. Base visits are not required, but are encouraged, especially for new cadets. 16.5. Arnold Air Society (AAS) Det 847 is home of the Robert G. Carr Squadron of AAS. AAS is a nationally recognized honor and service organization that integrates and exemplifies achievement, enthusiasm, integrity, and dedication. The primary mission of AAS is service to others and is accomplished through a number of projects specific to each individual squadron. Some of our squadron’s projects include the Veteran’s Day vigil, Christmas in April, Elementary ROTC, High-way Cleanups, and JROTC summer leadership school. Admission to this society is selective and candidates will participate in a six to eight weeks candidacy period. Candidates must have a cumulative GPA (after one semester at ASU) of 2.5, be approved by the PAS and the AAS sponsor, be voted on by the active members of the society, and pass the PFT. See AAS Commander for details. 16.6. Silver Wings (SW) Det 847 is also home to the Robert G. Carr Silver Wings Chapter. SW is both an honor and service organization that integrates and exemplifies achievement, enthusiasm, integrity and dedication. SW is national recognized and contains members from universities throughout the US who are committed to their communities. SW membership is open to both cadets and civilians. Although SW is affiliated with AAS, it remains a separate organization with a common goal of serving the local community through various service projects. Past service projects included Toys for Tots, visits to the children’s hospital, and highway cleanup. To join, contact the SW liaison. 16.7. Incentive Rides and Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Incentive rides are an opportunity for cadets to be passengers on USAF aircraft and observe some of the functions of those aircraft. Incentive rides are typically free of charge to cadets, although there are a limited number of seats available. In the past, incentive rides have usually been on a KC-135 Stratotanker and cadets have had the chance to watch an air-to-air refueling take place. The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) works with AFROTC to allow interested cadets a chance to earn up to eight logged hours of flying time as well as orienting them with small fixed-wing aircraft. 16.8. Recruiting Recruiting is important to keep Det 847 functioning. Cadets are responsible for recruiting on campus, at local JROTC units and high schools. Other recruiting functions may include college fairs and Air Force base recruiting visits. Our hometown recruiting program “OPERATION OUTREACH” allows cadets to recruit at their former high schools. You may earn a recruiting award and ribbon (see awards section of guide). For more information see the cadet recruiting officer. 16.9. Booster Club The booster club is in charge of organizing all fundraisers associated with the detachment. Fundraisers require maximum participation from corps members. Any ideas that cadets have for fundraisers should be brought up to the booster club president through the cadet’s flight booster club liaison. 33 16.10. Bonfire Det 847 is responsible for organizing the ASU bonfire held during Homecoming week (usually in October). This gives ROTC the chance to work with the various student organizations on campus. On the burning night, ROTC and the top 3 or 4 student organizations have the privilege of lighting the bonfire. 16.11. Drill Meet Det 847 hosts and organizes the annual JROTC Drill Meet where JROTC units across Texas compete in various drill events. Cadets are responsible for job taskings to ensure the event runs smoothly. The meet is held in the spring and is an all day event. 16.12. Flight Parties Flight parties allow individual flights to get together and get to know each other a little more. During these times, the flights usually discuss upcoming events and projects that they and the corps are doing. It is usually a relaxed atmosphere where they can make up cheers and posters for upcoming LLAB’s. 16.13. Holiday Party This is the Detachment’s chance to get together for a party at the end of the fall semester. Flights show off videos or slide shows that they created during the semester. The new wing commander is announced for the spring semester. Most of all, it is a time for everyone in the detachment to relax and spend time with each other. 16.14. Commissioning Ceremony This great event is the goal cadets work hard for and look forward the privilege of earning a commission in the United States Air Force. The Commissioning Ceremony occurs at the end of each semester, in December, May, or August and is usually held at the C. J. Davidson University Center. The ceremony is for cadets commissioning into the United States Air Force. These cadets receive their gold bars as newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenants and are officially sworn in by the oath of office. This ceremony is held separate from the normal graduation and is the bridge between the AFROTC program and the active duty Air Force. 16.15. Professional Development Training (PDT) PDT programs are offered in the summer to cadets completing either their freshman or junior year in ROTC. These incentive programs give cadets an opportunity to learn more about the Air Force while having fun. It also gives cadets a chance to interact and train with other cadets from the Air Force Academy and other AFROTC detachments. Selection to these programs is similar to other ROTC ranking systems. Your grades, PFT score, unit commander rating, and participation in extracurricular activities weigh in to who gets selected for these programs. Detailed information on these programs is usually given out in December. The following are some of the AS100 PDT programs offered during the summer: Air Force Academy Freefall Parachute Training- Consists of 5 freefall jumps from 4500 feet. Parachutist badge will be awarded upon completion. Air Force Academy Soaring Program (SOAR) - Consists of 15 days of ground school and actual flight in a non-powered glider. Cadet Combative Course (CCC) - Complete 40 hr modern Army combative course emphasizing hand to hand combat and squad level, force-on-force scenarios. 34 Air Force Academy Global Engagement (GE) - 15 day program providing cadets the fundamentals of contingency operations. Operation Air Force NCO - Consists of three weeks at an Air Force base learning about all the functional areas of the base followed by an opportunity to shadow officers in selected career fields. Space Orientation (SO100) - Expose cadets to functions at an operational control station working with $3M satellites. The following are some of the AS300 PDT programs offered during the summer: Advanced Courses in Engineering (ACE) - Expose cadets to cyberwarefare environment, simulations and internship. Field Engineering and Research Lab (FERL) - Two weeks at an active duty base with a RED HORSE unit to introduce civil engineering majors to Air Force civil engineering. Immersion Programs Cadet Cultural Immersion Program (CCIP)- Cultural immersion with no language requirement held in Czech Republic, South Africa, Brazil, India or Turkey. Cadet Language Immersion Program (CLIP) - Language requirement with location TBA Cadet Summer Language Immersion Program (CSLIP) - Cultural immersion with no language requirement. Location TBA Nurse Orientation Program - Consists of a four week nursing "internship" at an active duty Air Force base (open to Cadet Officers). Space Orientation (SO300) - Expose cadets to functions at an operational control station working with $3M satellites. * Special physical and/or medical requirements apply. 35 17. WARRIOR KNOWLEDGE 17.1. Air Force Core Values Integrity First Service before Self Excellence in all We Do 17.2. Oath of Office I, FULL NAME, having been appointed a Second Lieutenant, in the United States Air Force, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. SO HELP ME GOD. 17.3. Honor Code “We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.” 17.4. Phonetic Alphabet A-Alpha B-Bravo C-Charlie D-Delta E-Echo F-Foxtrot G-Golf H-Hotel I-India J-Juliet K-Kilo L-Lima M-Mike N-November O-Oscar P-Papa Q-Quebec R-Romeo S-Sierra T-Tango U-Uniform V-Victor W-Whiskey X-X-ray Y-Yankee Z-Zulu 17.5. Military Time (24 Hour Time) The Military Time is a convention of time keeping in which the day runs from midnight to midnight and is divided into 24 hours, numbered from 0 to 23. 12 Hour Time 12:00am 1:00am 2:00am 3:00am 4:00am 5:00am 6:00am 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Military Time 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 12 Hour Time 12:00pm 01:00 pm 02:00 pm 03:00 pm 04:00 pm 05:00 pm 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 08:00 pm 09:00 pm 10:00 pm 11:00 pm 36 Military Time 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 17.6. Air Force Song 17.7. Code of Conduct THE AIR FORCE SONG THE CODE OF CONDUCT Verse I Article I Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Climbing high into the sun; Here they come, zooming to meet our thunder, At 'em boys, giv'er the gun! Down we dive spouting our flames from under, Off with one hell-uv-a-roar! We live in fame or go down in flame, Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force! I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. Article II I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist. Verse II Article III Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder, Sent it high into the blue; Hands of men blasted the world asunder, How they lived God only knew! Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer Gave us wings, ever to soar. With scouts before and bombers galore, Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force! If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy. Article IV Verse III If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. Here's a toast to the host of those who love the Vastness of the sky. To a friend we send the message of his Brother men who fly. We drink to those who gave their all of old, Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold. A toast to the host of men we boast, The U.S. Air Force. Article V When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give my name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. Verse IV Off we go into the wild sky yonder, Keep the wings level and true! If you'd live to be a gray-haired wonder, Keep the nose out of the blue. Flying men guarding our nation's borders, We'll be there followed by more. In echelon we carry on, Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force Article VI I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America. 37 17.8. Principles of War 17.9. The Airman’s Creed The Airman’s Creed Objective – Direct military operations toward a defined and attainable objective that contributes to strategic, operational, or tactical aims. I am an American Airman. I am a Warrior. I have answered my Nation’s call. Offensive – Act rather than react and dictate the time, place, purpose, scope, intensity, and place of operations. The initiative must be seized, retained, and fully exploited. I am an American Airman. My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win. I am faithful to a Proud Heritage, A Tradition of Honor, And a Legacy of Valor. Mass – Concentrate combat power at the decisive time and place. I am an American Airman. Guardian of Freedom and Justice, My Nation’s Sword and Shield, Its Sentry and Avenger. I defend my Country with my Life. Economy of Force – Create usable mass by using minimum combat power on secondary objectives. Make the fullest use of all forces available. Maneuver – Place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power. I am an American Airman. Wingman, Leader, Warrior. I will never leave an Airman behind, I will never falter, And I will not fail. Unity of Command – Ensure unity of effort for every objective under on responsible commander. Security – Protect friendly forces and their operations from enemy actions which could provide the enemy with unexpected advantage. Surprise – Strike the enemy at a time or place in a manner for which he is unprepared. Simplicity – Avoid unnecessary complexity in preparing, planning, and conducting military operations. 38 18. CORPS AREA RULES 18.1. The Corps Area consists of the ROTC Office Areas, Cadet Lounge, the ROTC Classroom, the AAS/SW room, the Uniform room and the waiting room. Cadets will follow rules when in these areas. 18.1.1. Enter and leave the detachment through the door near the Corps Library. Cadets will not use the door across from the secretary’s office unless authorized by a Cadre member for a specific event. 18.1.2. Come to attention for all officers in the cadet offices and the hallway up to the red line outside the COC’s office. Do not call the Corps Library to attention for detachment officers other than the detachment commander. 18.1.3. Do not proceed past the red lines in any office unless told to do so. 18.1.3. Use the phones in the cadet offices for corps business only. Under no circumstances will they be used for non-local calls (except for DSN). For emergencies, see a detachment staff member. 18.1.4. Detachment and cadet wing personnel only will utilize bulletin boards. Do not place anything on them without proper Cadet Corps Commander permission. 18.1.5. Sexual harassment and hazing will not be tolerated! Such behavior is investigated by cadre and may result in removal from the AFROTC program. Report all instances of such behavior to cadre. 18.2. Dress and Appearance All cadets in the Corps Area must present an acceptable appearance. Remember…we set a professional appearance at all times! 18.2.1. You must adhere to all dress and grooming standards in the detachment area, uniform room, and classroom, even when you are not in uniform, to include (i.e. haircuts, clean-shaven, proper wear of jewelry, and no body piercings/tattoos that can be seen in Uniform (including tongue rings). 18.2.2. Clothing should be conservative without revealing rips or tears, and clothing with lewd, obscene or discriminating comments or suggestions are not allowed. Specific items include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tank tops, sleeveless, spaghetti strap shirts, or shirts showing the midriff. V neck T-shirts or any low cut tops. Open toed shoes of any kind. Skirts that come higher than the tips of the wearer’s fingers. Headphone and ear pieces (unless prescribed) 18.2.3. Cadets will remove headgear in the detachment area (both male and female). Remove sunglasses from on top the head, no open toe shoes in the detachment area. 18.3. Cadet Library The Cadet Library is for cadets to use to study, hold meetings, and to just relax. Because of this, cadets do not have to call the room to attention for Officers lower than an O-6. You still need to show Cadet Officers and Commissioned Officer respect and stand when addressed by one. 18.4. Printers Printers in the Corps Area are for ROTC use only (ROTC Jobs, Flight use, and AS Class.) They are not meant for personal use or for other classes. 39 19. ATTCHEMENTS 19.1 Useful Acronyms AAS ACC ADMIN AETC AF AFA AFAFF AFI AFM AFMC AFOQT AFPC AFR AMC APAS AS ASSIST BAT BREX BX C&C CC CO CG COB COC CTA D&C Det DG DoD DP Flt FT FTO GLP GMC Arnold Air Society Air Combat Command Administrative Air Education and Training Command Air Force Air Force Association Air Force Academy Freefall (Parachute Training) Air Force Instruction Air Force Manual Air Force Material Command Air Force Officer's Qualifying Test Air Force Personnel Center Air Force Regulation Air Mobility Command Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies Aerospace Studies (AS100, 200, Etc.) AS100 Special Training Program Basic Attributes Test British Exchange Base Exchange Customs and Courtesies Commander Commanding Officer or Commissioned Officer Color Guard Close of Business Commandant of Cadets Cadet Training Assistant Drill and Ceremonies Detachment Distinguished Graduate Department Of Defense Director of Personnel Flight Field Training Flight Training Officer Group Leadership Project General Military Course HQ IAW ID IFT IG LLAB MAW MIA MPF NCO NCOIC NLT OG OPS PA PACAF PAS PDT PFT POC POCI POW PT SG SQ SP UAO UNT UPT USAFA USAFE WG 40 Headquarters In Accordance With Identification or Military ID card Introductory Flight Training Inspector General Leadership Laboratory ("LLAB") Maximum Allowable Weight Missing-In-Action Military Personnel Flight Non-Commissioned Officer Non-Commissioned Officer-In-Charge No Later Than Operations Group Operations Public Affairs Pacific Air Forces Command Professor of Aerospace Studies Professional Development Training Physical Fitness Test Professional Officer Course, also Point Of Contact Professional Officer Course Incentive Prisoner-of-War Physical Training Support Group Squadron Special Projects Officer Unit Admissions Officer Undergraduate Navigator Training Undergraduate Pilot Training United States Air Force Academy United States Air Forces in Europe Command Wing 19.2. Links 20. Bibliography Det. 847 Site On behalf of Detachment 847 Tiger Team, we would like to acknowledge these other Detachments and websites for useful information. Air Force Military Site Air Force ROTC Site Duke University, Det 585 University of Minnesota, Det 415 University of Virginia, Det 890 University of Missouri, Columbia, Det 440 University of North Carolina-Pembroke, Fayetteville State University and Methodist College, Det 607 Bowling Green State University, Det 620 University of Michigan, Det 390 Do Something Amazing… Air Force Officer, Accession & Training Schools Air Force Commercial Site 20.1. Drill & Ceremony 19.3. AFI 36-2903 Website: 19.4. AFROTCI 36-2008 s/36-2008.pdf 19.5. AFMAN 36-2203 MENTS/AFMAN36-2203.PDF 41 21. Signature Page (To Be included in Cadet’s Personal File) I acknowledge that I have read and understand the policies in the0 cadet handbook. I understand I am accountable for these guidelines and will abide by them at all times. I will uphold these standards and obligations to the best of my ability as well as encourage those around me to do so. Cadet Name (print): _________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Flight: ______________ Date: _________ Year: AS ______ Flight Commander Name (print): _________________________ Date: _________ Signature: ____________________________ Date: _________ 42
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