INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Dundigal, Hyderabad -500 043 CIVIL ENGINEERING COURSE DESCRIPTION Course Title Course Code Regulation Course Structure Course Coordinator Team of Instructors I. II. : STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS : 56006 : R09(JNTUH) Lectures Tutorials Practical’s Credits - 4 : 4 : Mr K. Govind Goud, Assistant Professor : COURSE OVERVIEW: 1. To introduce students to the basic concepts, techniques and applications of the structural analysis. 2. Learn how to analyses the different elements of the structure. 3. Obtaining the different methods of approach of analysis. 4. To introduce the methods of calculating the reactions, forces and moments. 5. To make the students to understand the variation of stress functions (BM/SF/AF).6. 6. To make the students to understand the variation displacements in the structural members due to static loads 7. To know the significant effect of moving loads on structures expressing as a function of position of load. COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. To define and reason about fundamental structural concepts such as shear force, relations, functions. 2. To evaluate deflections of the beams, Truss and frames. 3. To determine the redundant support reactions in indeterminate beams. 4. To draw Shear force and Bending Moment Diagrams for indeterminate beams. 5. To draw influence line diagrams for determinate beams and frames. 6. Determine the static indeterminacy and kinematic indeterminacy of beams and trusses. 7. Able to do the analysis of the elements of the building and maintain them in equilibrium condition. 8. Able to do the analysis and can be applied in the reinforced concrete structures. 9. Able to do the analysis and can be applied in the steel structures. 10. The student is able to use the result of analysis for the input of the deigning part. 11. Can participate and succeed in competitive examinations like GATE, GRE. 1|Page bending moment III. SYLLABUS: Unit –I: Analysis of Perfect Frames: Types of frames –Perfect-Imperfect and Redundant Pin jointed Frames – Analysis of determinate pin jointed frames using method of joints, method of sections and tension coefficient method for vertical loads, horizontal loads and inclined loads. Unit –II: ENERGY THEOREMS: Introduction, Strain energy in linear elastic system, expression of strain energy due to axial load, bending moment and shear forces - Castigliano’s first theorem-Unit load Method. Deflections of simple beams and pin jointed plane trusses. Deflections of statically determinate bent frames. Three Hinged Arches-Introduction-Types of Arches-Comparison between Three hinged and two hinged Arches, Linear Arch. Eddy’s theorem. Analysis of Three hinged arches. Normal Thrust and radial shear in an arch. Geometrical properties of parabolic and circular arch. Three hinged circular arch at different levels. Absolute maximum bending moment diagram for a three hinged arch. UNIT – III PROPPED CANTILEVERS AND FIXED BEAMS: Analysis of propped cantilevers and fixed beams, including the beams with varying moments of inertia, subjected to UDL, central point load, eccentric point load, Number of point loads, uniformly varying load, couple and combination of loads -shear force and bending moment diagrams for propped cantilevers and fixed beams- Deflection of propped cantilevers and fixed beams effect of sinking of support, effect of rotation of a support. UNIT –IV SLOPE-DEFLECTION METHOD AND MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD: Introduction Continuous beams, Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments- Analysis of continuous beams with and variable constant moment s of inertia with one or both ends fixed-continuous beams with overhang, Effects of sinking of supports. Derivation of slope-deflection equation, application to continuous beams with and without settlement of supports. Analysis of continuous beams with and without settlement of supports using moment distribution method. Shear force and Bending moment diagrams, elastic curve. UNIT - V MOVING LOADS AND INFLUENCE LINES: : Introduction maximum SF and BM at a given section and absolute maximum S.F. and B.M due to single concentrated load U.D load longer than the span, U.D load shorter than the span, two point loads with fixed distance between them and several point loadsEquivalent uniformly distributed load-Focal length. Definition of influence line for SF, Influence line for BM- load position for maximum SF at a section-Load position for maximum BM at a section single point load, U.D. load longer than the span, U.D. load shorter than the span- Influence lines for forces in members of Pratt and Warren trusses. Text Books: 1. Structural analysis Vol-I & II by Vazirani and Ratwani, Khanna Publications. 2. Structural analysis Vol-I & II by Pundit & Gupta-Tata McGraw Hill publishers. 3. Structural analysis by T.S.Thandavamoorty Oxford publishers Reference Books: 1. Basic Structural Analysis by K.U.Muthu et al., I.K International Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 2. Structural Analysis by Hibbeler, Pearson Education Ltd. 3. Basic Structural Analysis by C.S.Reddy., Tata McGraw Hill Publishers. 4. Fundamentals of structural Analysis by M.L.Gambhir, PHI. 2|Page IV. DISTRIBUTION AND WEIGHTAGE OF MARKS (THEORY): Subject Structural Analysis End Examination 75 Marks All the Units (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) End Examination 75 Marks Part A 25 Marks Part B 50 Marks Internal I Mid-term Examination25 examination Marks 25 Marks (Average of ( 1 hour 20 three midminutes) term examinations) II Mid-term examination 25 Marks ( 1 hour 20 minutes) V. Internal Examinations 25 Marks Total Marks 100 Marks All units Compulsory Questions 5 questions to be answered. Each question carries 10 marks. Only one question to be answered out of 2 questions from each unit. I, II and Half of the IIIrd unit Remaining Half unit of IIIrd Unit, IV and V units Objective type questions (20minutes) Descriptive type questions (60minutes) Assignment Objective type questions (20minutes) Descriptive type questions (60minutes) Assignment 10 multiple answer questions, each question carries ½ mark. 10 fill-in the blanks, Each carries ½ marks. 2 questions to be answered out of 4 questions, each carries 5 marks. 5 marks for assignment. 10 multiple answer questions, Each question carries ½ marks. 10 fill-in the blanks, Each carries ½ marks. 2 questions to be answered out of 4 questions, each carries 5 marks. 5 marks for assignment. MID EXAMINATION WISE BREAKUP OF TOPICS: I Mid UNIT I II III II Mid 3|Page III TOPIC Analysis of Perfect Frames: Types of frames –Perfect-Imperfect and Redundant Pin jointed Frames –Analysis of determinate pin jointed frames using method of joints ,method of sections and tension coefficient method for vertical loads, horizontal loads and inclined loads, ENERGY THEOREMS: Introduction, Strain energy in linear elastic system, expression of strain energy due to axial load, bending moment and shear forces Castigliano’s first theorem-Unit load Method. Deflections of simple beams and pin jointed plane trusses. Deflections of statically determinate bent frames. Three Hinged Arches-Introduction-Types of Arches-Comparison between Three hinged and Two hinged Arches, Linear Arch. Eddy’s theorem. Analysis of Three hinged arches. Normal Thrust and radial shear in an arch. Geometrical properties of parabolic and circular arch. Three hinged circular arch at different levels. Absolute maximum bending moment diagram for a three hinged arch. Analysis of propped cantilevers and fixed beams, including the beams with varying moments of inertia, subjected to UDL, central point load, eccentric point load, Number of point loads, uniformly varying load, couple and combination of loads shear force and bending moment diagrams for propped cantilevers. Analysis of fixed beams, including the beams with varying moments of inertia, subjected to UDL, central point load, eccentric point load , Number of point loads, uniformly varying load, couple and combination of loads -shear force and bending moment diagrams for fixed beams- Deflection of fixed beams, effect of sinking of support, effect of rotation of a support. IV V Unit Lecture Number I II 4|Page Introduction Continuous beams, Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments- Analysis of continuous beams with constant and variable moments of inertia with one or both ends fixed-continuous beams with overhang. Effects of sinking of supports. Derivation of slope-deflection equation, application to continuous beams with and without settlement of supports. Analysis of continuous beams with and without settlement of supports using moment distribution method. Shear force and Bending moment diagrams, elastic curve Introduction maximum SF and BM at a given section and absolute maximum S.F. and B.M due to single concentrated load U.D.L load longer than the span, U.D.L load shorter than the span, two point loads with fixed distance between them and several point loads-Equivalent uniformly distributed load-Focal length. Definition of influence line for SF, Influence line for BM- load position for maximum SF at a section-Load position for maximum BM at a section single point load, U.D.L load longer than the span, U.D.L load shorter than the span- Influence lines for forces in members of Pratt and Warren trusses. Topics Planned to cover Learning Objectives Course Content Delivery --- Lecture Wise Break-up of Topics I SPELL 1 & 2 Introduction of frames and Types of To understand the importance of structural frames –Perfect-Imperfect and analysis, types of frames and static Redundant Pin jointed Frames determinacy. 3, 4 & 5 Analysis of determinate pin jointed Compute reaction components of the frames using method of joints for determinate frame and forces in members. vertical loads, horizontal loads and inclined loads. 6, 7 & 8 Analysis of determinate pin jointed Compute reaction components of the frames using method of sections for determinate frame and forces in members. vertical loads, horizontal loads and inclined loads. 9, 10 & Analysis of determinate pin jointed Compute reaction components of the 11 frames tension coefficient method for determinate frame and forces in members. vertical loads, horizontal loads and inclined loads. 12 Introduction, Strain energy in linear Define strain energy. elastic system 13 expression of strain energy due to Application of strain energy method for axial load, bending moment and shear different types of structure. forces 12 Castigliano’s first theorem State and prove first theorem of Castigliano. 13 Unit load Method Concept of force method for analysis of statically indeterminate structure. 14 Deflections of simple beams and pin Computation of deflection beams and pin jointed plane trusses jointed plane trusses 15&16 Deflections of statically determinate Computation of deflection for statically bent frames. determinate frames. 17 Introduction of Arches, Types of Define and types of arches Arches 18 Comparison between Three hinged Identify three-hinged, two-hinged and and Two hinged Arches, Linear Arch hingeless arches 19 Eddy’s theorem State and prove Eddy’s theorem. 20 & 21 Normal Thrust and radial shear in an Evaluate Normal and radial shear in an arch. arch Unit Lecture Topics Planned to cover Number 22 Geometrical properties of parabolic and circular arch 23 & 24 Three hinged circular arch at different levels. Absolute maximum bending moment diagram for a three hinged arch. III 25 Analysis of propped cantilevers subjected to UDL 26 Analysis of propped cantilevers subjected to central point load 27 Analysis of propped cantilevers subjected to eccentric point load 28 Analysis of propped cantilevers subjected to couple Deflection of propped cantilevers 29 Learning Objectives Evaluate Properties of Parabolic and circular arch. Analyze three-hinged arch. Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams for propped cantilever subjected to UDL. Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams for propped cantilever subjected to central point load. Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams for propped cantilever subjected to eccentric point load. Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams for propped cantilever subjected to couple. Evaluate deflection for propped cantilever beams. II Spell Analysis of fixed beams subjected to Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams central point load for propped cantilever subjected to central point load. 31 Analysis of fixed beams subjected to Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams eccentric point load for propped cantilever subjected to eccentric point load. 32 Analysis of fixed beams subjected to Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams UDL for propped cantilever subjected to UDL. 33 Analysis of fixed beams subjected to Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams uniformly varying load for propped cantilever subjected to uniformly varying load. 34 Analysis of fixed beams subjected to Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams couple for propped cantilever subjected to couple. 35 Analysis of fixed beams subjected to Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams combination of loads for propped cantilever subjected to combination of loads. 36 Analysis of fixed beams subjected to Be able to draw shear and moment diagrams varying moments of inertia for propped cantilever subjected to varying moment of inertia. 37 Deflection of fixed beams Evaluate deflections for fixed beams. 38 Effect of sinking of support, effect of Analysis of sinking of support. rotation of a support. IV 39 & 40 Introduction Continuous beams, Derive three-moment equations for a Clapeyron’s theorem of three continuous beam with unyielding supports. moments 41, 42, 43 Analysis of continuous beams with Analyze continuous beams having different & 44 constant and variable moments of moments of inertia in different spans and inertia with one or both ends fixedundergoing support settlements using threecontinuous beams with overhang moment equations. 45 Effects of sinking of supports Analysis of sinking of support. 46 Derivation of slope-deflection Derive slope-deflection equations for the case equation beam with yielding supports 47 & 48 Slope-deflection equation, application Analyze continuous beams having different to continuous beams with and without moments of inertia in different spans and III 5|Page 30 Unit Lecture Number Topics Planned to cover settlement of supports. 49 & 50 Analysis of continuous beams with and without settlement of supports using moment distribution method v 51 Elastic curve 52 53 Introduction maximum SF and BM at a given section and absolute maximum S.F. and B.M due to single concentrated load U.D.L load longer than the span 54 U.D.L load shorter than the span 55 & 56 two point loads with fixed distance between them and several point loads 57 & 58 Equivalent uniformly distributed load, Focal length. 59 & 60 Definition of influence line for SF, Influence line for BM- load position for maximum SF at a section-Load position for maximum BM at a section single point load, 61 Influence line for U.D.L load longer than the span 62 Influence line for U.D.L load shorter than the span 63 & 64 Influence lines for forces in members of Pratt trusses 65 & 66 Influence lines for forces in members of Warren trusses VI. Learning Objectives undergoing support settlements using Slopedeflection method. Analyze continuous beams having different moments of inertia in different spans and undergoing support settlements using moment distribution method. Be able to draw elastic curves for continuous beams. Able to draw shear force and bending moment to single concentrated load for moving loads. Able to draw shear force and bending moment to UDL longer then the span for moving loads. Able to draw shear force and bending moment to UDL shorter than the span for moving loads. Able to draw shear force and bending moment two point loads with fixed distance for moving loads. Evaluate Equivalent uniformly distributed load and Focal length. Study various definitions of influence line and Draw shear force and bending moment for single point load. Able to draw shear force and bending moment for UDL longer than the span by using influence lines. Able to draw shear force and bending moment for UDL shorter than the span by using influence lines. Draw the influence line for forces in members of Pratt trusses. Draw the influence line for the truss member force for forces in members of Warren trusses. UNIT WISE ASSIGNMENTS: Unit I II III IV 6|Page Assignment Assignment Details No. 1 Analysis of Frames - Textual questions and objective questions Energy Theorems- Textual questions and objective questions 2 Three Hinged Arches- Textual questions and objective questions Propped Cantilever- Textual questions and objective questions 3 Fixed Beams- Textual questions and objective questions Slope-Deflection - Textual questions and objective questions 4 Moment distribution- Textual questions and objective questions Claperoyn’s Theorem- Textual questions and objective questions V 5 Elastic Curves- Textual questions and objective questions Moving Loads- Textual questions and objective questions Influence Lines- Textual questions and objective questions Prepared By: Mr K. Govind Goud, Assistant Professor HOD, CIVIL ENGINEERING 7|Page
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