NIHIL OBSTAT: Rev. Fr. Leo Nilo C. Mangussad Minister of Liturgical Music IMPRIMATUR: DATE: + Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales, D.D. Archbishop of Manila 30th October, 2007 7KH1LKLO2EVWDWDQG,PSULPDWXUDUHRI¿FLDOGHFODUDWLRQVWKDWDERRN RUSDPSKOHWLVIUHHRIGRFWULQDORUPRUDOHUURU1RLPSOLFDWLRQLV FRQWDLQHGWKHUHLQWKDWWKRVHZKRKDYHJUDQWHGWKH1LKLO2EVWDWDQG ,PSULPDWXUDJUHHZLWKWKHFRQWHQWVRSLQLRQVRUVWDWHPHQWVH[SUHVVHG 7KH\GRQRWQHFHVVDULO\VLJQLI\WKDWWKHZRUNLVDSSURYHGDVDEDVLF WH[WIRUFDWHFKHWLFDOLQVWUXFWLRQ Alejandro D. Consolacion II Misa Inmaculada Concepcion for cantor, congregation and mixed voices; with brass, percussions and organ VOCAL SCORE Copyright © August 2007 by Alejandro D. Consolacion II Published and Owned by the Manila Cathedral-Basilica. All Rights Reserved It is illegal to photocopy music. PUBLISHED BY : Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception MANILA METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL-BASILICA Cabildo cor. Beaterio, Intramuros, Manila Tel.: 527.1796, 527.3889, 528.3876 Fax: 536.0192 Mobile: 0917.400.9131, 0928.743.0067 E-mail:, © Alejandro D. Consolacion II 2007 Published and Owned by the Manila Cathedral-Basilica All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing from the publisher/owner or as expressingly permitted by law. Inquiries concerning reproductions outside the scope of the above should be sent to the publisher/owner . Permission to perform or to record the works (except in the course of divine worship) should be obtained from the Manila Cathedral-Basilica. First published 2007 Cover design by Matthew Niel Hebrona Cover is a detail of 6W$QQHRIWKH,PPDFXODWH&RQFHSWLRQcirca 1627 Composer’s photo by Ferdie Espeleta Music originated on Sibelius INSTRUMENTATION (a) Large Ensemble: 3 Trumpets in Bb 2 Tenor trombones Bass trombone Tuba Timpani and Percussion (2 players) Organ E6LPSOL¿HG(QVHPEOH 2 Trumpets in Bb Timpani and Percussion (1 players) Organ PDWHULDOVDYDLODEOHRQUHQWDOVRQO\ CONTENTS HG l na igi Or ¿ SOL 6LP MISA INMACULADA CONCEPCION Panginoon, Maawa Ka 1 55 Papuri sa Diyos 4 57 Alleluia 22 64 Santo 27 66 Misteryo ng Pananampalataya 29 68 Dakilang Amen 30 68 Ama Namin 30 69 Aklamasyon sa Ama Namin 34 71 Kordero ng Diyos 35 71 Mary Crowned with Living Light (QWUDQFH+\PQ 38 73 Remember, O Mary Immaculate 2IIHUWRU\+\PQ 41 74 Holy Mother of our Savior &RPPXQLRQ+\PQ 44 76 Holy Mary, Now We Crown You )LQDO+\PQ 48 78 MARIAN HYMNS FOREWORD Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception MANILA METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL-BASILICA CABILDO cor. BEATERIO, INTRAMUROS, MANILA, PHILIPPINES Tels. 527-1796, 527-3093, 527-3889, 528-3876 Fax: 536-0192 Alejandro D. Consolacion II‘s new composition, entitled 0LVD,QPDFXODGD&RQFHSFLRQ, launched at the 2nd 0DQLOD&DWKHGUDO%DVLOLFD3LSH2UJDQ)HVWLYDOLVDIUXLWRIDQLQVSLUHGHIIRUW,QDZD\LWLVWKH¿UVWE\SURGXFW RIWKHQHZO\UHVWRUHG3LSH2UJDQRIWKH0DQLOD&DWKHGUDO%DVLOLFD0&%DQGD¿WWLQJUHYHODWLRQRIKRZ0&%¶V acknowledged role as the launching venue of new liturgical compositions in the Archdiocese of Manila becomes a functional reality. Indeed, in restoring the historic, half-a-century-old MCB Pipe Organ to its original form and function DIWHU¿IWHHQ\HDUVRIYLUWXDOGHPLVHZHLQWHQGHGWREULQJEDFNWKHULFKPXVLFDOWUDGLWLRQRIWKH0DQLOD&DWKHGUDO which in the 1960s and ‘70s was home to big concerts, generally featuring popular liturgical songs. Central to our objectives is to make the pipe organ an instrument of inspiration, its wonderful sounds a compelling invitation to talented local musicians, especially conductors and composers, to come up with more songs that are best sung with the pipe organ accompaniment. It is important to note that the MCB Pipe Organ is the biggest in Southeast $VLDDQGLWEHKRRYHVXVWRJRWRJUHDWOHQJWKVOHYHUDJLQJRQLWVKLVWRULFDOYDOXHDQGFXOWXUDOVLJQL¿FDQFH Our decision to make the Manila Cathedral-Basilica Pipe Organ Festival an annual event emphasizes MCB’s desire to echo resoundingly the continuing call for greater support to the MCB Pipe Organ and the challenge for PRUH OLWXUJLFDO FRPSRVLWLRQV WR ¿QG WKHLU ZD\ WR JORULRXV HQQREOHPHQW ,QFLGHQWDOO\$OHMDQGUR¶V SURSRVDO WR come up with a new song and launch it at the 2nd MCB Pipe Organ Festival came at a time when the CathedralBasilica was conceiving the plan of commissioning someone to compose a Marian liturgical song that would ¿UVWEHKHDUGDWDQGEHDGRSWHGDVVRPHNLQGRIDQLGHQWLW\VRQJRIWKH0&%ZKLFKLVD0LQRU%DVLOLFDRIWKH Immaculate Conception. In a way, he came as a handy catch, and we commissioned him to the projects thereby. 7KHFRLQFLGHQFHLWLVLQVSLULQJWRSRLQWRXWLVDFRQÀXHQFHRISXUSRVHRIDVKDUHGGHVLUHWRJLYHJORU\WR*RG through the marvel of music and the magical melody of the soul. Through the annual MCB Pipe Organ Festival, we hope to offer a continuing venue for the launching and popular propagation of more compositions of this kind in the future and from different composers. Our invitation continues and we await more responses. (SGD.) MSGR. NESTOR CERBO Rector PREFACE The Manila Cathedral-Basilica is not only the seat of the bishop; it is also the center and the inspiration for the liturgical life in the diocese. “Liturgical services are not private functions, but are celebrations of the Church, which is the sacrament of unity, namely the holy people united and arranged under their bishop.” (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrocantum Concilium n. 26) Bearing this in mind and the organ being the perfect instrument to be used in the liturgy, the Cathedral had its pipe organ restored in 2006 and organized a yearly festival wherein the focus is the liturgy. Special attention is given to the music performed during the celebration of the Eucharist on December 8, this being the feast day of its patron saint, Mary the Immaculate Conception, and December 10, the anniversary of the dedication of the PostWar Manila Cathedral - Basilica. For a long time, the singing of a choir during the liturgy eliminated the participation of the assembly; the people were simply to listen. With the initiation of the 2nd Vatican Council, the possibility for the community to participate became evident. The advent of contemporary/new music eventually eliminated the art-music of the choir. The highlight of the Second Manila Cathedral-Basilica Pipe Organ Festival (2007) is the newly composed Mass in Tagalog together with a set of Four Marian Hymns by Alejandro D. Consolacion II. The Mass is written for congregation, cantor and choir with organ and brass. The diversity of talents present in the Church is recognized resulting in a festive and rich harmonious accord. In most parishes, the Ordinary of the Mass is entirely sung by the congregation. In this composition, however, the community, cantor and choir alternate, accompanied by the organ. A healthy balance between listening and participating is explored in this composition, adding a rich polyphonic music to and thus enriching the simple congregational singing. The alternate singing becomes the outward evidence of a church, working as the Body of Christ, with its many parts making up a single unit. May this 0LVD,QPDFXODGD&RQFHSFLRQ encourage the many choirs in our parishes to sing in Four Parts (Mixed Voices), challenge the quality of playing among our organists, and enjoin the congregation to participate and be one in worship. (SGD.) LEO RENIER /HR5HQLHULVDSURIHVVRURIVDFUHGPXVLFDW0DU\KLOO6FKRRORI7KHRORJ\+HZDVWKHIRXQGHUDIRUPHUFRQGXFWRU DQGSUHVHQWO\WKHDUWLVWLFGLUHFWRURIWKH/DV3LxDV%R\V&KRLU+HVHUYHVDVDFRQVXOWDQWIRUWKHDQQXDO3LSH2UJDQ )HVWLYDODWWKH0DQLOD&DWKHGUDO%DVLOLFD 7KHFRPSRVHUZULWHV It was March 2007 that I received an invitation from Msgr. Nestor Cerbo, rector of the Manila CathedralBasilica (MCB), to compose a congregational mass for the use of the Cathedral. It was also during this time that I received my new appointments as Titular Organist of the Union Church of Manila and as sub-organist at the MCB. Being offered this chance to write works that will highlight the glorious Cathedral organ was also a good opportunity for my dream of composing works for choir and organ to come into fruition. I am deeply humbled and honored for this possibility. Since this is a congregational mass, writing simple melodies that will be easily remembered by the community was my goal, melodies that will stimulate the senses and uplift the congregation to join in singing with one accord in the worship of God. The 0LVD,QPDFXODGD&RQFHSFLRQ is written in two versions. The original is for Cantor, Choir and Organ with RSWLRQDOEUDVVHQVHPEOHDQGSHUFXVVLRQV7KHVHFRQGLVZULWWHQLQDVLPSOL¿HGIRUP±IRUFDQWRUFRQJUHJDWLRQ and keyboard. This may be used in small churches that do not have choirs to tackle singing in voices. I wrote the accompaniment for organ, later on transcribing the original organ part for a keyboard instrument to give consideration to churches that use the keyboard or piano. The inclusion of chords above the piano accompaniment will be useful for amateur organists and will encourage other instrumentalists to join in worship. 7KHPXVLFFRPSRVLWLRQRIWKLV0DVVDFFRPSDQLHVWKHPRRGRIWKHOLWXUJ\7KHXVHRIWKHRUJDQHYRNHVGLJQL¿HG feelings in the celebration. The cantor leads the community. The choir parts were written in simple harmonization encouraging both amateur and professional choirs to showcase their God-given talents. The last section of this book includes four hymns for Mary, the Immaculate Conception. I wrote these to preserve hymn singing during the liturgy. I personally believe that the teachings of the church and its theology are located in hymns. Hymnody has been my mission for the past year after being made aware of the weakening of hymn singing in churches not only in the Philippines but also worldwide. Most of the Marian text was drawn from the Liturgy of the Hours. It is my fervent hope that parishes will be able to utilize all these works, the 0LVD,QPDFXODGD&RQFHSFLRQ and the Marian Hymns, to enrich their church worship and for the community to be able to participate more in the liturgy. My deepest gratitude I give to the people who have contributed wholeheartedly to this mission, namely; Msgr. Nestor Cerbo, for his dedication and enthusiasm in propagating the liturgy through music; Leo and Donna Renier, for their perpetual support and guidance; Cealwyn Tagle, for his continuous and enduring encouragement especially in organ music; Ferdinand Bautista, Holland Buela and Jonathan Ayson, for their constructive listening and editing of the initial music score; Matthew Niel Hebrona, for his creative graphic designs; Ferdi Espeleta, for sharing his talents in photography; Jean Arevalo, for her uplifting lyrics and for patiently and meticulously SURRIUHDGLQJWKH¿QDOPXVLFVFRUHP\IDPLO\IRUDOZD\VORYLQJPHLQJRRGWLPHVDQGLQEDGDQGWR$OPLJKW\ God, the source of all wisdom. 7KDWLQDOOWKLQJV*RGPD\EHJORUL¿HG ALEJANDRO D. CONSOLACION II commissioned by the Manila Cathedral-Basilica for the 2nd Pipe Organ Festival MISA INMACULADA CONCEPCION for cantor, congregation and mixed voices; with brass, percussions and organ Panginoon, Maawa Ka ALEJANDRO D. CONSOLACION II Voices Organ p espress. Sw. Ped. cresc. mp Ka. Pa - no - on, ngi - no - on, - ngi - no - on, ma - a - wa ma - a - ma - a - wa wa Ka. Ma - a mp cresc. SOPRANO ALTO - TENOR BASS mp cresc. © Copyright 2007 Alejandro D. Consolacion II Published/owned by the Manila Cathedral-Basilica Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL. wa Ka with CONGREGATION Ma - a Ka. Pa - ngi - 14 Pa p legato Ch. 8' and 2' 8 CANTOR SOLO Moderato ( q = c.105 ) - wa Ka sa - a - poco dim. - poco dim. sa a - 2 CHOIR only 23 mf espress. min. Kris Solo - Ka. Ka ma - a Sw. Kris - a - dim. p - - to, ma - Ma - a dim. - wa Ch. 8' and 2' p Sw. Ka. min. Kris wa - ma - a p Ka. Man. Ped. sa wa to, - cresc. cresc. mf 39 mf espress. wa to, 3 31 a - 3 DESCANT SOPRANOS 47 mp espress. Pa ALL VOICES and CANTOR unis. mp espress. Pa - - ngi - no - on, ma - a ngi - no - on, ma - a - wa - Ka. Pa - wa Ka. Pa ngi - no - on, ma - a - ngi - - wa 54 no - on, ma - a - Ka. Pa - wa Ka, ma 61 Ka, sa a ngi - no - on, - - ma - - a a - - wa Ka. Ka. with CONGREGATION unis. poco cresc. min. Ma - a wa poco cresc. Ma - a p wa Sw. p - wa 4 Papuri Sa Diyos CANTOR Jubilant ( q. = c.70 ) Voices Organ Pedal mf sempre marcato Gt. pu - ri sa Diyos sa Ka - i - ta - a - san, at sa mp lu - pa'y sa Diyos sa Ka - i - ta Pa - ka - pa - ya 2. Pa - pu - ri mf 13 Sw. 2. with reeds. 1. 6 1. a - san at sa lu - cresc. pa - an. cresc. - - pa'y ka - 5 20 pa - ya - - an. 34 lu - pa'y f sempre marcato Pa - pu - ri sa Diyos sa Ka - i - ta ANTIPHON mf unis. CHOIR and CONGREGATION Gt. pa 27 - a - san at sa Gt. brightly Sw. ka - pa - ya - pa - an. Pa - pu - ri sa Diyos sa Ka - i - ta - 6 41 div. a - san at sa lu - pa'y ka - pa - ya - ff pa - an. div. 48 ff ff sempre marcato mf CANTOR 1. At sa 7 54 lu - pa'y ka - pa - ya - pa - an Sw. mf Pi - nu - pu - ri 69 f with CONGREGATION Si - na - f Si - na Ka f - sam - ba sam - ba Ka Ka na na - min, - ra - ngal Ka na - min, Ka Ni - lu - lu - wal - ha - ti cresc. Ni - lu - lu - wal - ha - ti na - min, Di - na trmpt. - min, Ped. 61 sa ma - nga ta - ong may ma - bu - ting ka - lo - o - ban. Ka na - min, na - min, Gt. f Sw. 8 77 Pi - na - sa - sa - la - ma - tan Ka Pi - na - sa - sa - la - ma - tan Ka na - min da - hil cresc. cresc. sa da - ki - na - min da - hil sa da - ki - la la 84 Mong Mong kal - kal wal - wal ha - - ha - ti - an. ff ti - an. ff ff marcato ff - cresc. 9 90 ANTIPHON mf unis. sa Diyos sa ka - i - ta Pa - pu - ri 97 a - san 104 ka - i - ta div. Pa - pu - ri sa Diyos sa div. mf brightly ka - pa - ya - pa - an. at sa lu - pa'y - a - san at sa lu - pa'y ka - pa - ya pa - - 10 110 ff CANTOR mf 2. Pa - ngi- an. ff ff marcato 118 no - ong Diyos, mf Ha - ri ng Ped. 126 no - ong He - su - kris - to, Pa - ngi- Bug - tong na A - nak, poco cresc. La - ngit, Diyos A-mang Ma - ka - pang - ya - ri - han sa la - hat. Sw. 11 134 f with CONGREGATION Pa - f ngi - no - ong f Pa - ngi - no - ong Diyos, Kor - de ng f Diyos, Kor - de - ro ng Diyos, ro - Diyos, A- A- 142 nak nak ng ma, A - nak ng ng A - A - ma, f A - f nak A - ng A - 12 150 ff ma. ff ma. ff ff marcato 157 ANTIPHON mf unis. Pa - pu - ri sa Diyos sa ka - i - ta - a - san at sa lu - pa'y mf unis. ka - pa - ya - pa - an. 13 165 div. Pa - pu - ri sa Diyos sa ka - i - ta - a - san at sa lu div. - pa'y ka - 172 pa - ya - pa ff - an. ff 178 poco rit. poco dim. ff marcato 14 Andantino ( q. = c.52 ) 182 p CANTOR ng ma - nga ka - sa - la - nan ng I - kaw na nag - a - a - lis Andantino ( q. = c.52 ) Sw. p legato 189 I - kaw na nag - a - a - lis mp unis. Ma - a - wa Ka sa a - min, ma - a - wa Ka sa ng ma- a - min. mp unis. mp moving CHOIR and CONGREGATION san - li - bu - tan, 15 196 nga ka - sa - la - nan ng san - li - bu - tan, mp unis. Tang - ga - pin Mo ang a - ming ka - hi - li - ngan, 201 na na - lu - luk - lok ff with conviction ff sa ka - nan ng A - ma, mf ff with conviction CHOIR I - kaw ONLY li - ngan. mp unis. tang - ga - pin Mo ang a - ming ka - hi- Ma- 16 207 a - wa Ka sa mf Man. mf rit. min. mp Gt. f marcato Ped. Jubilant ( q. = c. 70 ) a - a - min. Sw. mf Ma - a - wa Ka sa 214 Ma - a - wa Ka sa rit. a - min.___ mp TENORS and BASS mf 3. Sa - pag- 222 kat Sw. mf I - kaw cresc. la - mang ang ba- nal, I - kaw la - mang ang Pa - ngi - no - on. mf I - kaw Gt. f 230 la - mang, Sw. O He - su - kris - to, 237 f with CONGREGATION f Ka - sa - ma Ka - sa - ma Ped. f 244 ti - an ti - an Sw. ang Ka - ta - ng Es - pi - ri - tu San - to, ng Es - pi - ri - tu sa as - San - to, sa - Ka ta - a - san. - lu - wal lu - wal Trmpt. - ha - - ha - Gt. f ng Diyos ng Diyos Ka 17 sop div. Gt. A - ma, A - A - ma, men, ng Diyos A - men, ng Diyos A- A- 18 252 A A ma, - men. ma, - men. ff SOPRANOS DESCANT 259 CHOIR, CANTOR and CONGREGATION f unis. Pa - pu - ri sa Diyos sa ka - i - ta f Pa - pu - ri FINAL ANTIPHON sa Diyos, Pa - pu - ri. - f sempre staccato a - san at sa 19 266 At sa lu - pa'y ka lu - pa'y Pa - - ya - Pa pu - ri. Lu cresc. a - san - at sa Lu cresc. - pa'y pa'y ka sa Pa - pu - ri sa Diyos sa div. - pa - - pa ka pu - ri - div. pa - an. pa - an. ka - i - ta - Diyos, - 272 pa - ka - pa - ya - ya - pa ya - pa - - 20 278 an. an. 285 poco a poco cresc. A - men. ff poco a poco cresc. A - men. ff poco a poco cresc. ff A- A- men. men. ff 21 292 fff A fff A non rit. fff - - men! men. men. non rit. A - A - 297 men! sfz 22 Alleluia 1. Jubilant ( q. = c.70 ) Voices Organ Pedal Gt. lu - ia, Sw. al - le - Al - le - lu lu - - ia, al - le al - le ia, - lu - ia, 2. al - le lu Al - le - - mf 13 CANTOR 2. f sempre marcato mf 6 1. - ia. - lu - ia. 21 With CONGREGATION Al - le - lu mf - Al - le - lu mf - Al - le - lu lu lu lu lu - - - - ia, ia, - le al - le ia. - ia, ia, al - le lu - ia, - - lu - - ia, lu - ia, lu, ia, al - le lu - ia, al le - - le - - - le - - - - - al - al - al - ia, ia, lu - ia, - lu - ia. Al - le - lu al - le - lu - ia. - - Al - le - lu al - le - - - al - le - al - le - Al - le Al - - - lu - ia. - lu - ia, le - lu - - - al - le - le ia, - al - le ia, al - le - lu - ia. lu al - - - 27 al - le - Al - le - lu ia, mf al - le mf ia, - Al - le - lu 23 ia, al - le - lu - ia. Al - - - le - lu - ia, 24 33 al ia, al al lu - - - - ia, al al le - - - - le - le - - - 38 le - - - - - - - - le lu - ia. lu lu - - ia. lu ia. - "Ma - pa - lad ang ma - nga ia. ia. Sw. Nag - - mp legato lu wi - ka ang Pa - ngi - no - on, CANTOR ta - ong nag - 25 42 ti - ti - pon sa A - king Al - le - lu - lu Al - le - lu - - mf Al - le - lu - mf Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - ia, al ia, ia, al al - - - lu - ia. al - le - lu lu - ia, le - lu, al - le ia, le - lu - ia, - al - le - lu - ia, mf - mf Al - le With CONGREGATION Al - le Nga - lan." 45 cresc. al - le al - le - lu - ia, le - lu - ia, al - le al - le - - lu - lu - - - lu - - lu - Gt. mf Sw. 26 52 ia. ia, Al - le - lu al - le ia, - lu - ia. Al - le - lu al - le - lu - ia. al - le - lu - ia. Ped. le Al - lu - - lu - le - - lu - - - lu - - lu lu - ia, lu - - lu le - lu ia, - - - ia, al - le al - ia, al - al - ia. - ia. - - lu - ia, - al - ia. - ia. - - - - - - - poco rit. - le - lu - ia. al le le Al le al - le ia, Al - le 58 al - le ia, - ia, al - le - lu - ia. - ia, rit. poco ia. ff 2 2 27 Santo Triumphantly ( q = c. 115 ) Voices Organ 10 CHOIR and CANTOR f proclaiming San - to, San - to, f Ped. ri - han, Na - pu - pu - no ang la - ngit at 18 CHOIR to, Pan - gi - no - ong Diyos ng na ma- ka -pang - ya- ka - lu- wal - ha - ti - an Mo. cresc. Ho - sa - na, ho - sa - na sa mf Ho - sa - na, ho - sa - na sa ka - i - ta - a - san. Ho - sa - na, ho - sa - na sa ka - i - ta - a - san. Pi - f with CONGREGATION f lu - pa - Trmpt. Gt. San f ka - i - ta - a - san. Ho - sa - na, ho - sa - na sa mf ka - i - ta - a - san. Pi - mf 28 27 CANTOR and CHOIR nag - pa - la Nga - lan ng sa ang na - pa - ri - ri - to ff with CONGREGATION Ho - ff Ho - sa - sa - na na ka ho - sa - na sa sa - na, sa ka ka - - i - ta i - ta ka - i - ta rall. - - i - ta - sa ho - sa - na ff sa ff - a a rall. a - san. a - san. - - san. - - - san. ho - Ho - sa - na, Ho - sa - na, - on. - poco cresc. Pa - ngi - no - sa - na, 40 34 poco cresc. ho - 29 Misteryo ng Pananampalataya Moderato maestoso ( q = c.90 ) Cantor Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Organ 6 f Man. Kris - Si Kris - Ped. Man. to'y na - bu - hay. to'y na - bu - hay. Si Kris - to na - ma - tay. Si Kris - to'y na - bu - hay. na - ma - tay. na - ma- tay. Si ay Ped. Si Kris - to Gt. ay ay Si Kris - to f Si Kris - to f f f CANTOR with BASSES Trmpt. with CONGREGATION Man. ay ba - ba - lik sa wa - 30 12 ff Si Kris - to ff kas ng Kris - to ba - ba - lik sa ay ba - ba - lik sa wa - kas ng ff - pa - na hon. wa - kas ng pa - na - hon. rit. ff pa - na - hon. ay Si rit. Ped. Dakilang Amen Moderato maestoso ( q = c.90 ) Cantor Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Organ f A a - men. A with CONGREGATION Trmpt. f A a - men. - men, Man. men, f - - men, a - men. f Ped. A - Man. 31 6 A - men, a - Ped. - men, a - - ff ff men. men. - men, - men, men, a - men, a Man. a - men. A a - men. A - - - men, ff Ped. - men, a rit. a - ff men. A - men, a A men, a A - men. 12 A - men. men. rit. - 32 Ama Namin Voices Organ Andante ( q = c.67 ) mf Sw. mf espress. 12 Mo, lu - pa pa-ra ng sa la - ngit. 17 ka - nin sa a - raw - a - raw. At pa Big - - yan Sun - din ang lo - ob Mo po ka - mi nga - yon Ped. Ma - pa - sa - a-min ang ka - ha - ri - an Mo, di - to sa Sam- ba - hin ang Nga - lan Mo, Sw. Ch. A - ma na - min, su - ma - sa - la - ngit Ka, 7 CANTOR. CHOIR and CONGREGATION ng a- ming ka- ta - wa - rin Mo ka - mi sa a- ming ma- nga sa - la, pa - ra 33 22 nang pag - pa - pa - ta - wad na - min sa nag - ka 27 ming - ka - sa - la sa a - min. i - pa - hin - tu - lot sa tuk - so, at i - ad - ya cresc. dim. ma, sa la - hat ng ma - sa f ka - mi mf - sa - h'wag Mo po f sa la - hat ng ma- sa ff sa- - ma. ka - f mf unis. f cresc. cresc. Mo 33 mf unis. At dim. f poco cresc. poco cresc. 34 Aklamasyon sa Ama Namin Andante ( q = c. 67 ) Cantor Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Organ 5 f ti - an, ti - an, Sa - pag - kat sa 'yo f Sa - pag - kat sa 'yo nag - mu - mu - la nag - mu - mu - la ang ka -pang -ya - ri - han ang ka -pang -ya - ri - han at kal - wal - ha - at kal - wal - ha - f f with CONGREGATION Ped. ff mag - pa - sa - wa-lang hang - gan. ff mag - pa - sa - wa-lang hang - gan. ff A - A - men. A - men. men. A ff - men. 35 Kordero Ng Diyos Voices Organ Pedal CANTOR Andante religioso ( q. = ca. 42 ) mp espress. Kor - de - ro ng Diyos na nag - a - a - lis Sw. mp legato espress. mf legato san li - bu- tan, with CONGREGATION Ma - a - wa Ka, ma - a - wa Ka mf legato Ma - a - wa Ka, ma - a - wa Ka mf legato ng ma - nga ka - sa - la -nan ng sa a - a - mp min. Kor - de -ro ng Diyos na nag- min. CANTOR sa 6 Sw. mp 36 With CONGREGATION a - a - lis ng ma - nga ka-sa - la- nan ng san-li-bu - tan, mf legato 12 Ma - a - wa Ka, ma - a - wa Ka 18 min. mf legato CANTOR Kor - de - ro ngDiyos na nag - a sa a - cresc. mf - a mf legato Ma - a - wa Ka, ma - a - wa Ka sa - a - lis ng ma - nga ka - sa - la - nan ng san - li - bu - tan, I- I- min. 37 23 pag - ka - lo - ob Nin - yo pag - ka - lo - ob Nin - yo sa a - min sa a - min 28 p ang ang ka - pa - ya - pa - - poco rall. ka - pa - ya - pa poco rall. an. an. mp That in all things, God may be glorified!!! August 28, 2007 Mary Crowned With Living Light 38 ENTRANCE HYMN Words from the Stanbrook Abbey Additional words by Jean C. Arevalo Organ Moderato semplice ( q = ca.100 ) f Man. 7 Alejandro D. Consolacion II Ped. ALL VOICES 13 19 In our fal - len race, Hea- ven sings your praise, © Copyright 2007 by Alejandro D. Consolacion II Published/Owned by the Manila Cathedral-Basilica Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL. Word. all. Free from sha - dow, you Ma - ry mag - ni - fies Mys - te - ry of Fa - ther, Son and ref - lect your name Tem - ple of the Lord, Lift us when we fall, Shel - ter of the Mo - ther of us li - ving light, of our God, Place of peace and ho - li - ness, Who were named, u - pon the Cross 1. Ma - ry, crowned with 2. Vir - gin Mo - ther (Choir and Congregation) mf sin - less life, Ho - ly Ghost, ple - ni - tude of grace. through e - ter - nal days. 25 f broaden Ma - ry crowned with f broaden li - ving light, li - ving light, Hand - maid of His Son, 36 the Lord, Cho - sen Mo - ther 30 of Sa - viour of us all. 1. Ma - ry, Mo - ther of His Son, Cho - sen from us all. 1. man. 39 40 2. 41 all. 2. 45 48 rit. Remember, O Mary Immaculate 41 OFFERTORY HYMN Text based on St. Bernard's Memorare Paraphrased by Msgr. Nestor Cerbo Alejandro D. Consolacion II Allegro e legato semplice ( q = ca.130 ) Organ mf 7 Ped. CANTOR or MALE VOICES mf fluidly 1. Re - mem - ber, 13 ne you - con - fi - dence, Im - ma - cu - late Mo - ther to ver was humb - ly known, come, Im - ma - cu - late we ry it - that Ma Vir - gin, O such great that a - ny - one Im - ma - cu - late who comes to Vir - gin, be - 42 19 pro - tec - tion was left your fore you we stand, cresc. 25 32 course to you. pray for pray for O sor- row- ful. ted. us who have us who con - ceived with - out sin, pray for us, re - re - Ma - ry have O as - sis - yet cresc. - sin, Ma - ry con - ceived with - out un sin - ful With Choir 43 39 pray for pray 44 1. us. 48 1. 2. 2. 2. With Holy Mother Of Our Savior 44 COMMUNION HYMN Words by Jean C. Arevalo Voices Moderato e dolce ( q = ca. 85 ) Organ Alejandro D. Consolacion II Mo - ther of our 10 beau - ty and the grace 15 Bles bes - towed on are you, you. Ho - ly Mo - ther of our a - mong all wo - men, is your Ho - ly Oh how great in you, From Spi - rit dwells sed the - Sa - vior, mf sempre legato 5 SOPRANOS mf dolce and ALTOS Sa - viour, God had cho- sen you. 21 O Bles - sed vir - gin, your 31 Mo - ther of your faith is e - ver - las - ting, heart God, re - mai - ning e - ver O Bles - sed - cu - late. Lead us with your Ma - ry, 2nd time to gen - tle hand to ry, Ma - Im - ma Im - ma -cu - late 45 Ma - ry, 26 Christ, His On - ly 46 36 Son. we 2. Ho - ly Mo - ther of our 41 Sa - vior, SOPRANOS and ALTOS mf ask your in - ter - ces - sion, Come and help your chil - dren, who 46 seek From Ho - ly Mo - ther of our you, 51 ALL VOICES to rise from shame. a - mong Ped. all Sa - viour, Bles wo - men, - sed are you. God had cho - sen 56 Christ, 47 His On - ly Son. 60 rall. Holy Mary, Now We Crown You 48 FINAL HYMN Text by Melvin Farrell, S.S. Alejandro D. Consolacion II FANFARE Stately ( q = ca. 80 ) Organ 4 Solo Tpt. f Ped. 7 11 fff cresc. 19 15 ff mf OPTIONAL INTRO 49 VERSE 1 (Choir and congregation) f 23 Andante ( q = 90 ) ALL VOICES 1. Glo - rious Queen, look down in kind - ness, while be - fore your throne we stand, 29 Watch our homes and guard our land. 35 No - ble Vir - gin, f may our tri - bute win your love Bring God's bles- sing to your chil - dren, Ho - ly Ma ry, now we crown you, Ho - nored Queen of and gain us grace. all our race; mf VERSE 2 (Choir only, in harmony) 41 2. Gate f of Hea - ven, (Organ doubles voices) you were Mo - ther to the King of heav'n dim. and earth; dim. 50 45 mf poco cresc. Now, be Mo - ther to to your sub - jects, your In our souls, give Je - sus birth. mf poco cresc. 49 Ho - ly Ma - ry, 53 f now we crown you, Ho Vir - gin, may our tri - bute f of all f 61 race; win your love and gain us grace. cresc. our FANFARE 2 57 - nored Queen No - ble cresc. 66 3. Queen of f while Mold our hearts 74 CHOIR SOPRANOS Ho - ly No Ma - ry, ble Vir - gin, No - ble Vir - gin, we crown you, may our tri - bute Ho - nored your love and win your love and all our Largamente ff gain us grace. us grace. ff A race; A ff - men. - men. race; Queen of a - bove. our all gain Queen of Ho - nored homes our our tri - bute win may reach God's love, now we - Till of His glo - ry gran - deur now we crown you, 78 speaks the Ho - ly Ma - ry, ALL OTHER VOICES seek to cre - a - tion Ped. 70 Man - kind, 51 VERSE 3 (Choir and Congregation) f ALL VOICES that in all things God may be glorified!!! October 2007 commissioned by the Manila Cathedral-Basilica for the 2nd Pipe Organ Festival MISA INMACULADA CONCEPCION version for Cantor, Congregation (Unison) and Keyboard Panginoon, Maawa Ka Voices Keyboard Moderato ( q = c. 108 ) p legato Pa - ngi - no - on, ma - a mp Ka. Pa - ngi - no - on, ma - a - wa Ka. Pa Fm Eb9 15 - wa Ma - - Ab/G a Fm7 wa - wa Gsus Kris Cm Cm/Bb 3 - © Copyright 2007 Alejandro D. Consolacion II Published/owned by the Manila Cathedral-Basilica Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL. to, Ab mf sa a Fm7 ma - a G ngi - no - on, ma - G - mf espress. Fm9/D Ka CANTOR min. Ka, 23 with CONGREGATION a Ab Cm/Bb Cm Cm cresc. 8 ALEJANDRO D. CONSOLACION II CANTOR - Eb/G wa 2nd time to - - G cresc. Ka. 56 29 Kris - ma G/F 35 a - to, Fm wa Ab Ka. Ma - a wa a - - Fm7 - ma - G G7 to, sa Gsus4 G Ka - Cm9 - Fm7 min. min. Cm Kris Fm/D Cm 47 Ka. wa with CONGREGATION 43 - dim. p a Eb9 Ab9 - 57 Papuri Sa Diyos Voices Keyboard Jubilant ( q. = c. 70 ) ANTIPHON pu - ri Eb sa Diyos sa Eb/d Eb sa 22 an. Eb mf marcato Diyos sa Ka - i - ta - a - san Ab Eb/G cresc. Cm7 at sa Eb/Bb lu - pa'y Fm ka - Ab Pa - pa - Pa - Bb7 Ab/Eb Gm7 cresc. Db/F ka - pa - ya - pa - an. lu - pa'y mf Eb Cm/Bb Eb/d 2. Eb 14 pu - ri Ab/Eb ka - i - ta - a - san, at sa Cm7 Eb Bb/Eb mp 1. mf marcato 6 CANTOR AND CONGREGATION ya - Bb4 Eb9/Bb Fm/Bb pa - CANTOR 1. At CANTOR 2. Pa - ngi - Ab/C Eb Bb Eb Bb/D Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb sa 58 30 lu - pa'y ka - pa - ya - pa - an no - ong Diyos, Eb mf Ha - ri ng Ab/Eb ong Bb7 44 na - min, nak. He - su - Ab/C - na - Eb/Bb sam - ba Pa - ngi - no - f with CONGREGATION kris - to, min, Ka na - min, ong Bb Eb f with CONGREGATION Si - na Ka Ab/C Pa - ngi - no Eb Pi - nu - pu - ri Eb may ma - bu - ting ka - lo - o - ban. La - ngit, Diyos A - mang Ma - ka - pang - ya - ri - han sa la - hat. Ab/Eb 37 sa ma - nga ta - ong bug - tong na A - Di - na - ra - ngal Db/F Ka Ni - lu - lu - wal - Diyos, Kor - de - Bb Cm Gm Ab Cm f 51 ha - ti ro Ka ng na - min, Pi - na - sa - sa- la - ma - tan Ka A - ma, Diyos, A - nak ng 59 na - min cresc. da - hil f A - Gm Ab Fm7 Ab/G Eb/G 58 sa da - ki - la Mong kal - wal nak ng - ha ti - an. ff - ff A - ma. Ab Bb/D Fm7 Bb Eb Ab/G 64 mf marcato to ANTIPHON to ANTIPHON Eb Bb Ab/C Bb/D Ab/C Eb Eb 60 70 Andantino ( q. = c. 52 ) p CANTOR I - kaw Ebm Bbm/Eb p legato Ebm Db/Eb Ebm Bbm/Eb 76 Ebm Ebm Abm/Eb Ebm Ebm/Db Cb Db/Eb a - min, sa Abm ma - a - wa Ka Ebm/Bb ng ma - Ebm with CONGREGATION nga ka - sa - la - nan ng san - li - bu - tan, Ma - a - wa Ka sa Ebm na nag - a - a - lis Db7/Eb CANTOR a - min. I- Ebm with CONGREGATION 82 mf kaw na nag - a - a - lis Ebm Db/Eb ng ma - nga ka - sa - la - nan ng san - li - bu- tan. Tang - ga - pin mo ang a - ming ka - hi - li ngan, Ebm Ebm 88 Db/Eb Ebm Abm Cb/Gb mf I - kaw na na - lu - luk - lok cresc. Db/Eb Ebm Ebm/Gb Ebm/Bb CANTOR pin mo ang a - ming ka - hi - li - ngan. Abm tang - ga - ff sa ka - nan ng A - ma, Ebm Ebm Db/Eb Ebm ma - 95 CANTOR mp rall. with CONGREGATION a - wa Ka sa a - min, Ebm mf marcato 1. Ab/Eb 110 la - mang ang 118 ang ka - Pa - ngi - no - on. ta - as - ta - a - san. Fm7 Bbsus4 Bb CANTOR mf 2. cresc. 3. Sa - pag - kat mf I - kaw Eb Eb/Bb Cm7 Ka - sa - ma O He - su - kris - to Eb/D - mang, Eb mf f with CONGREGATION la - mang ang ba - nal, I - kaw la Eb/Bb Cm/Bb Fm7 Bb7 Eb Db Bb7 f Bbmsus4 Eb Eb Bb/Eb min. Cb/F a - mp I - kaw Ma - a - wa Ka sa Ebm Jubilant ( q. = c. 70 ) Eb Cb/F mf a - min. Cb/F 102 ma - a - wa Ka sa 61 ng Es - pi - ri - tu Cm7 San - to, Gm Ab Bb7 Cm f 62 sa Ka - ng Diyos lu - wal - ha - ti - an ng Diyos A - ma, A - Cm Gm Ab Fm7 men, A - ma, A - men. Eb/G Fm7 Bb7 Eb Ab Ab/G 140 Eb 147 pu - ri Bb7 Bb/D Ab/C Eb sa Diyos sa ka - i - ta CANTOR and CONGREGATION mf Pa - Eb mf marcato FINAL ANTIPHON Ab/C Bb/D - a - san, at sa lu - pa'y ka - pa - ya - Fm7 Eb/D Ab/C Eb/Bb Eb Db/Ab 63 153 pa - an. 159 lu - pa'y ka - sa Diyos sa Ka - i - ta pa - ya - pa - Eb/G Ab Eb/Bb Ab/Bb 167 an. 174 a - men, Fm7 a - san at sa mf marcato men, Fm/Eb Ab/C Eb Bb/D Eb Bb/D Ab/C Eb Ab - Eb A- Eb/D Ab/C Eb/Bb Fm7 cresc. Eb Pa - pu - ri Db7 Ab Bb a - Eb4/G men, Db7 64 180 Keyboard Cb Eb9 Jubilant ( q. = c. 70 ) ff Eb sfz 1. 2. Eb Bb/Eb Ab/C Eb/Bb lu - ia, Eb 13 Al - le - lu Db Bb7 - ia, al - le Eb/D Eb al - le Cm7 ia, - Eb/Bb Db lu - ia, Cm7 - lu Ab/C al - le Eb/Bb Eb/G Ab Al - le - Eb - ia. Eb - lu Bb7 Bb7 CANTOR al - le - lu - Eb/D mf marcato Alleluia 6 A - men! Voices - ia. Eb 65 21 CANTOR and CONGREGATION Al - le - lu Db/Eb 27 ia, al - le - - Al - le - lu ia. Eb - 34 lu Fm7 pa - Bb7 - Gm ta - ong Ab ia, - - to 2nd ending al - le - lu - ia, Nag - al - Gm7 Fm7 "Ma - Ab wi - ka ang Pa - ngi - no - on, nag - ti - ti - pon sa Eb/D Cm7 ia. lad ang ma - nga le CANTOR Eb Cm7 40 - - Fm7 Gm7 al Eb/G Eb Ab Bb7 le lu - ia, Bb7 Eb lu - Fm7 Eb/Bb Eb/G Ab Db/Bb A - king Nga - lan." Eb/G Al - le - 66 44 lu - ia. Absus4 Fm7 Keyboard Fm7 lu - ia. Bb7 Eb no - 14 ong Diyos na San - to, San - an Mo. to. Pa -ngi - Db la - ngit at CANTOR and CONGREGATION lu - pa Fm7 Ho - sa - na, ho - sa - na Absus4 Bbm - E/G# Db/C Gb Db ka - lu - wal - ha - ti to, Gb ng ma - ka -pang - ya - ri - han, Na - pu - pu - no ang C# - Db CANTOR San - Santo 7 le Triumphantly ( q = c. 115 ) Voices Al - le Bb7 Eb/G 2nd ending Ab7 Db sa 67 21 ka Gbm - Ab7 sa - na, sa Nga - lan sa ka sa ka - i - ta a ng - i - ta C# - - a - san. - Pa - ngi - no - - Bbm on. Absus4 - Gbm Ab Gb CANTOR i - ta - a - san. Pi - nag - pa - la E/G# Ab/Db Gbm - ho - sa - na Db Ab Ho - sa - na ka Gbm Fm7 40 CANTOR and CONGREGATION na - pa - ri - ri - to sa Db Ab 34 i - ta - a - san. Ho - sa - na, ho - sa - na 28 ang san. Db Ab Ho - sa - na, Db ho - 68 Misteryo ng Pananampalataya / Dakilang Amen Voices CONGREGATION Si Kris - to ay na - ma- tay. A men, a - men. Si Kris - to ay na - ma- tay. Si A men, a - men. A - Keyboard bu - hay. men. Si A Kris - - to'y men, a Si A Kris - to ay men, Si A Kris - to - Kris - to'y na men, a - CANTOR CONGREGATION kas ng pa - na - hon. - men, a men. na - bu - hay. men. 12 CONGREGATION 7 CANTOR CANTOR ay men, ba - ba - lik sa a - men. A ba - ba - lik sa a - men, a wa - kas ng pa - na - hon. men, a men. wa - 69 Ama Namin Andante ( q = c.67 ) Voices Keyboard Bbm9 Bbm F/Bb F/Bb 11 Ab7 16 yon DbM7 Bb/D Bb di - to sa Eb a - raw - Fmsus4 Ebmsus4 Big - F Ebm a - raw. At Ebm/C Mo po ka - mi nga - Bb yan Cm la - ngit. Bbm EbM7 Bbm9 Ma - pa - sa - a - min ang ka - ha - ri - an Mo, Bb/D lu - pa pa - ra ng sa ng a - ming ka - ka - nin sa Sun - din ang lo - ob Mo, Ebm7Bb Nga - lan Mo. Bbm Sam - ba - hin ang Bbm9 la - ngit Ka, Ebm7/Bb Fsus4/Bb A - ma na - min, su - ma - sa - 6 CANTOR and CONGREGATION pa Bb/D - ta wa - rin Mo ka Asus4 A7 70 20 mi sa pa - ra nang pag - pa - pa -ta - wad na-min a - ming ma - nga sa - la, C F Dm 26 h'wag Mo po ka - ming Bb/F Dm7 Eb9 i - pa - hin - tu - lot sa sa Ebm9 Eb/Bb tuk - la - hat - sa - a - min. At ng ma - sa Ebm/Bb so, at Eb/G - sa - ma, sa Dm7 Gm F/A Eb/G Ebm/Gb la - i - ad - ma. Bb sa nag - ka - ka - sa - la sa ng ma - sa Bb/D Gm hat 34 Eb/G Bb#4 ka - mi Mo Bb9 30 ya Bb Aklamasyon sa Ama Namin Andante ( q = c.67 ) Voices Keyboard Eb/F F7 Bb9 Bbaug pa - sa - wa - lang hang - gan. Bb/F sa 'yo nag - mu -mu - la ang ka - pang - ya - ri - han at kal - wal - ha - ti - an, Sa - pag - kat 6 CANTOR and CONGREGATION A Eb F7 - Keyboard Bb/A Eb/G mag - A Eb/Bb men, Eb/Bb Bb - men. Ebm7 Bb Kordero Ng Diyos Andante religioso ( q. = ca. 42 ) Voices 71 CANTOR Kor - de - ro ng Diyos na nag - a Ebm Abm/Eb Ebm Abm Eb Db/Eb Eb - a - lis ng ma - Db/Eb 72 nga ka - sa - la - nan ng san - li - bu - tan, Eb Gb Ma - a - wa Ka, ma - a - wa Ka Db 1. 10 min. Ebm Kor - Ab7 15 san - li - bu - tan, 20 an. Eb Bb Eb Ab/Eb Eb9 - Fm7 Ab/Eb Kor - de - ro ng Diyos na nag - a ka - lo - ob Nin - yo Eb Ab - Ab a - min Cb a - lis Eb/Bb ang Fm7 ka - pa - ya - pa Eb/Bb - Ab/Bb Eb2 ng ma - nga ka - sa - la- nan ng Abm - Ebm Ab Eb/G Bb7 Eb/G - Cb Fm sa a Ab/Eb I - pag min. CONGREGATION Eb/Gb Eb/G Abm CANTOR sa Bb 2. CONGREGATION 5 That in all things, God may be glorified!!! August 28, 2007 73 Mary Crowned with Living Light ENTRANCE HYMN Words Wordsfrom from Stanbrook Stanbrook Abbey Abbey Additional words by byJean JeanC. C.Arevalo Arrevalo additional words Alejandro D. Consolacion II Moderato semplice ( q = 100 ) Bb Voice Keyboard Gm/F ho - li - ness, pon Bb Bbaug Db Ab Mys - te - ry us all. Fa - ther, Son and Free from sha - dow, you Ma - ry mag - ni - fies Eb li ving light, © Copyright 2007 by Alejandro D. Consolacion II Published/owned by Manila Cathedral-Basilica Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL. Cm7 F7 Hand - maid of the C7 Bb/D F/Eb Lord, Cho - sen Mo - ther F7 grace. days. Eb ple - ni - tude of through e - ter - nal Bb9/D Hea - ven sings your F9 - Gm ref - lect Your name Dm In our fal - len sin - less life, Ho - ly Ghost, Ab the Word. Ebm7 of of peace and Gb/Bb Who were named, u - Place of of Ma - ry crowned with D/F# the Lord, we fall, F Mo - ther race, praise, D Shel - ter Bb Tem - ple of Lift us when F/C F li - ving light, of our God, Db Eb C/E the Cross, 17 Gm Gm/F 12 Gm 1. Ma - ry crowned with 2. Vir - gin Mo - ther 6 F/A Bb/D Eb of His Son, 74 23 Bb/F Sa - viour F7 Bb all. Ma - ry, Mo - ther of us Eb Bb/D F/Eb Eb Bb Cho - sen from us all. F7 of His Son, Bb/F Remember O Mary, Immaculate OFFERTORY HYMN Text “Memorare” Textbased based on on St. St. Bernard’s Bernad's "Memorare" Paraphased ParaphrasedbybyMsgr. Msgr.Nestor NestorCerbo Cerbo Alejandro D. Consolacion II Allgro e legato semplice ( q = 130 ) Verse 1 D Re - mem -ber G/B A/C# D a - ny - one who comes Vir - gin, that ne G/B G/B A/C# to your D ver was it known, was left A7 that D un - as - sis - O G/B G/B D pro - tec - tion A - 2. D Im - ma - cu - late Ma - ry 14 2. 1. 7 1. ted. D7 O 75 22 G A7 D7 course to you. G/B us, O A7 D us. for such great D come. A G/B pray Verse 2 Mo - ther, to A be - fore we humb you you A Vir - gin, G/B G With D for Im - ma - cu - late D re - C Im - ma - cu - late con - fi - dence, G/B Bm7 who have Em7 us F#m7 sin, with - out D pray con - ceived ry A/G Em7 - G/B pray for Ma C sin, G Bm7 48 42 35 F#m7 Ma - ry con - ceived with - out 29 A/G - ly D we stand, 76 54 G A7 sin - ful yet D D7 sor - row - ful. D O Refrain us. Holy Mother of our Saviour COMMUNION HYMN Words by Jean C. Arevalo Alejandro D. Consolacion II Moderato e dolce = ( q = 85 ) Verse 1 great Ab is Cm your Cm Bles Db sed are you, Bbsus7 be -stowed on you. dwells in you, Bb7 from Ab a - mong Bb/D Mo - ther of our Oh,how Eb Ho - ly Eb/G Bb7 Bb Fm7 C/G Spi - rit the - Ab/C Ab and the grace Cm/Bb Sa - viour, Cm Fm Gm7 beau - ty Sa - viour, 11 Eb/G Bb/D Ho - ly Mo - ther of our 6 Eb Gm7 Cm all wo - men, 77 Refrain 16 O Gsus4 G7 mai - ning e - ver vir - gin, your your faith is e - ver - las - ting, Bb Bb7/Ab re - Gb im - ma - cu - late. heart Eb/G O Bles - sed 2nd time to Ma - ry, Mo Abm Bb7 Eb Christ, His On - ly Fm Db7 - ther of Bb Ab and help your Gm7 gen - tle hand Eb/G Cm Db chil - dren, who to Cm/Bb Sa - viour, Cm Cm Mo - ther of our Come Bb/D Ho - ly Eb/G us with your Verse 2 Eb Lead Ab God, Son. Eb/G your in - ter - ces - sion, Abdim Fm Ma - ry, ask Bles - sed Ab F Cm Ebm Eb/G you. 37 Ab 32 Eb God had cho - sen 27 Bb7 22 Fm seek we to rise from 78 42 Ho - ly Mo Bb/D - ther of Bb Sa from Eb Cm7 sed are Fm7 Bb God had - wo - men, Eb/G you. Eb/Bb cho - sen Ab Abdim Eb Christ, His On - ly Son. Coda Fm Bles all - viour, a - mong Faug Ab Fm Eb/G you, our Cm 50 Eb shame. 46 Bb Holy Mary, Now We Crown You FINAL HYMN Words by Melvin Farell, S.S. Alejandro D. Consolacion II Andante ( q = 90 ) F Bb/D 1. Glo - rious 2. Gate of 3. Queen of Queen, look Hea - ven Man - kind, C F F/A down you while in kind - ness, were Mo - ther, cre - a - tion Bb while be - fore to the King speaks the gran - your of deur G/B throne heav'n of C we stand, and earth. God's love. 79 5 Bring Now Mold C/E F God's bles - sing be Mo - ther our hearts to to to seek - dren, - jects, - ry Watch In 'til our our we your chil your sub His glo Bb F/A Bb homes souls reach and give our F/C C7 F F/Eb guard our land. Je - sus birth. home a - bove. Refrain Bb/D Ho Eb - ly Ma 13 Dm 9 A/C# Bb/D No - ble Vir - ry, Eb Bb now we Cm7 gin, may our tri Ho - nored Queen of all D Eb bute win your love Gm7 - Dm7 F Gm crown you, - F7 C7 F our race; F Bb and gain us grace. that in all things God may be glorified!!! October 2007 SELECTED SACRED WORKS OF ALEJANDRO D. CONSOLACION II CHURCH ANTHEMS May God Guide Each Step IRU0L[HGYRLFHVRUJDQ Aba Ginoong Maria O Salutaris Hostia IRU0L[HGYRLFHVXQDFFRPSDQLHG Alleluia IRU0L[HGYRLFHVXQDFFRPSDQLHG Pater Noster Ave Regina Coelorum IRU0L[HGYRLFHVXQDFFRPSDQLHG IRU66$$XQDFFRPSDQLHG Version for mixed voices is different for treble voices IRU7UHEOHYRLFHVVWULQJV Behold the Wood of the Cross Pange Lingua IRU0L[HGYRLFHVNH\ERDUG Dona Nobis Pacem IRUSDUWFKRLUSLDQRRURUFKHVWUD IRU0L[HGYRLFHVXQDFFRPSDQLHG IRU66$XQDFFRPSDQLHG Regina Coeli Cantate Domino IRU0L[HGYRLFHVXQDFFRPSDQLHG IRU66$RUJDQ IRU6$7%NH\ERDUGRURUFKHVWUD IRU66$NH\ERDUGRURUFKHVWUD Materials for orchestra is suitable for both versions IRU7UHEOHYRLFHVVWULQJV Salve Regina IRU66$$XQDFFRPSDQLHG Christ our Light Sing to the Lord Child’s Prayer Tantum Ergo IRU7UHEOHYRLFHV IRU6$NH\ERDUG IRU6$7%XQDFFRPSDQLHG *RGRI,Q¿QLWH&RPSDVVLRQ Veni Creator Spiritus IRU6$7%RUJDQRUVWULQJVDQGKDUS IRU66$RUJDQ IRU6$7%XQDFFRPSDQLHG I Will Magnify Thee, O God and my King Kyrie IRU6$7%RUJDQRURUFKHVWUD IRU66$RUJDQRURUFKHVWUD Materials for orchestra is suitable for both versions IRU0L[HGYRLFHVRUJDQ MUSIC FOR THE EUCHARIST AND SERVICES IRU6$7%RU66$SLDQRRURUFKHVWUD Misa ng Pagbabalik-loob Let Christ Into Your Life IRU8SSHUYRLFHVSLDQR IRU6$NH\ERDUGRURUFKHVWUD Worship the Lord in Beauty of Holiness Mass of St. Scholastica IRU66$SLDQRRURUFKHVWUD IRU6$7%SLDQRRURUFKHVWUD Lord God, our Father IRU6$7%XQDFFRPSDQLHG IRU66$RUJDQ Music for the Holy Eucharist, No. 1 IRU6$7%RUJDQRURUFKHVWUD IRU66$RUJDQRURUFKHVWUD Materials for orchestra is suitable for both versions IRU&RQJUHJDWLRQRUJDQ Music for the Holy Eucharist, No. 2 IRU&RQJUHJDWLRQRUJDQ Lord Jesus, Sun of Righteousness Nuct Dimitiis Mary’s Lullay Te Deum IRU0L[HGYRLFHVRUJDQ IRU0L[HGYRLFHVRUJDQRUVWULQJV IRU6ROR%DULWRQHDQG&KRLURUJDQ IRU0L[HGYRLFHVZLWKEUDVVSHUFXVVLRQVDQGRUJDQRURUFKHVWUD For Inquiries: Alejandro D. Consolacion II (+63915) 861-8013 / (+63920) 920-2289 (+63922) 825-5326 / (+63922) 837-5326 ALEJANDRO D. CONSOLACION II enjoys his dual career as Organist and Composer. He studied piano under the tutelage of J. Greg Zuniega. Professor Armando Salarza also contributed to his musicianship as his pipe organ teacher. He studied composition under Manuel Maramba, OSB and Dr. Jonas Baes at the St. Scholastica’s College, where he was a recipient of the Sister Baptista Battig Music Scholarship. AJ, as Consolacion is fondly called, is regularly invited to write music for the International Bamboo Organ Festival, the San Agustin Music Festival and the National Music Competition for <RXQJ $UWLVWV 1$0&<$ +LV SUROL¿F FRPSRVLWLRQV YDU\ IURP small to large-scale chorale works, music for solo instrument, chamber music to orchestral and full length musicals. His chorale works are widely performed not only in the Philippines but also in the whole of Asia. His Alleluia (2002) was premiered by the Asian Youth Choir at the Pablo Casals Hall in Tokyo, Japan and was performed in and won Second Prize at the Sacred Polyphonic Category by the University of the East Chorale at the 2003 Guido d’ Arrezo Choir Competition held in Italy. Consolacion’s Child’s Prayer (2006), Four Marian Antiphons (2005), Ave Verum (2004), Dona Nobis Pacem (2004), Pater Noster (2002) and Three Eucharistic Prayers of St. Thomas Aquinas (2001) are among the chorale works well-loved and popularly included in the repertoires of Filipino choirs. Harmonia Ltd. in Japan did publications of his music. His music for Violin and Piano Nocturne (2005) and Tanz (2005) were commissioned competition pieces for the NAMCYA. AJ has been the composer-in-residence for and accompanist of the Mandaluyong Children’s Choir since 2004. The Las Piñas Boys Choir, who regularly commissions him, premiered most of his works for treble voices during the yearly International Bamboo Organ Festival. As an Organist, he was invited to perform for her Royal Highness 4XHHQ6R¿DRI6SDLQGXULQJKHUYLVLWWR0DQLODLQ+HUHJXODUO\ performs as a pianist, organist, accompanist and conductor for small and large crowds here and abroad. He held the position as Organist for the Spanish Baroque Organ at the San Agustin Church (19992001) in Manila and the Church of the Holy Trinity in Forbes Park, Makati (2001-2007). Presently, he is the Titular Organist of the Union Church of Manila and Sub-Organist at the Sanctuario de San Antonio Church in Forbes Park, Makati and the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros where he also teaches and trains organists. AJ is widely known and respected for his gift of improvisation attributed to his lush harmonies, chant-like melodies and witty syncopated rhythms, which give his works a unique spiritual language. Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception MANILA METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL-BASILICA Cabildo cor. Beaterio, Intramuros, Manila Tel.: 527.1796, 527.3889, 528.3876 Fax: 536.0192 Mobile: 0917.400.9131, 0928.743.0067 E-mail:,
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