LIVE WIRE April 2015 IBEW 602 NEWSLETTER Message from the Business Manager Greetings My Brothers and Sisters, We’ve all heard the sayings, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”, and “There’s no time like the present to start”. They are the things we say when we need to change or start motivating ourselves for a long, hard battle. Sometimes we have to stop and look back at where we came to remember where we need to be in order to reset our focus. The IBEW was started by a few men and women who realized that we need ALL of those around us to be strong. A few were never going to revolutionize the industry. A few were never going to be enough to create a workforce. A few were never going to be enough to create the IBEW! It’s time to stop and take a look at how we became WHO we are and WHAT we stand for: Union, brotherhood, solidarity, loyalty, integrity, and craftsmanship. These are not just words. They are the foundation on which we stand; the creed that we live by!! We CANNOT let these ideas die in vain or just fall by the wayside. My brothers and sisters, we are at the crossroads of which path our brotherhood will take. If we do nothing, our Union way of life will continue to slowly dwindle out and become an era of the past, only to be taught to our children’s children in school about what we used to be. We like to think of ourselves as a great and strong Union, but in fact across this great country of ours Union labor is only doing about 15% of the jobs that are out there. That means that 85% of our country is being built by non-Union companies. Eighty-five percent! If that doesn’t make your blood boil, then you’re dead!! Continued on back page... “I'm always looking for ways to bring passion for Union Labor back to our local. Tell me what Union labor means to you.” - Robert Melton In This Issue Message from the BA From Organizing From the Dispatcher Service Pins From the President SPS From the JATC 1 From Amarillo Membership Development In case you haven’t heard, we have signed a site specific agreement with JBI Electrical Systems on the Sam’s Club project at I-40 and Soncy behind Home Depot and Conns. They are an open shop contractor out of the Dallas area. This project has led to several new members and a potential for more in the months to come. I have been meeting with multiple open shop contractors and discussing site specific agreements with them. I am letting them know that this allows them a “try it before you buy it” option and offers our members a chance to show them why they want to be signatory. If you personally know any open shop owners or managers, do me a favor and let them know about this option or help me get in touch with them. If we can get our foot in the door to some of these open shop contractors, I feel that they will gradually become more receptive to unionized labor. Local 602 gained 73 new members in the months of January, February, and March. A good portion of our growth comes from those of you in the field whether in a plant, on a construction site, or out on the line. For this I thank you. Now more than ever, I need everyone’s help and continued efforts. I am creating an organizing committee and I need members from all divisions of the local. I understand that everyone’s lives consist of work and family and I realize that many of you don’t have a lot of time to volunteer. I am not asking for large commitments from anyone, but if I can get little favors here and there, we can unlock our true potential. If you are interested in helping out give me a call at (806)316-2663 or shoot me an email Our number one priority is to grow from the inside out. We have staggering numbers of non-members and we need to find out WHY these brothers and sisters have dropped membership and HOW to bring them back on board. In Solidarity, Marcus Lundegreen From the Dispatcher Hello Again Local 602, The good news is that we have stayed extremely busy throughout the jurisdiction since the last issue of Live Wire was sent out. The only down side is that with everybody as busy as they are sometimes it makes it difficult to man the smaller projects. But all in all we are doing a fine job of manning our work. Work in the Outside Realm is really starting to fire up, especially down south in the Midland area. Be sure to check the Job Call page at and also call the Job Line at 376-4143 to stay up to date on all the latest manpower requests. Also I encourage you to stop by the Hall when you have an extra minute or two and let us know what you have going on right now and also what you have coming up in the future. As always I hope everybody stays safe out there as we work into the warmer months of the year. Fraternally, Drew Downs 2 From Lubbock First of all, the Lubbock Unit would like to Thank All of You that have been and will continue to be at the Union and Unit Meetings. We, as Staff Members along with the Officers of IBEW Local Union 602, will be inviting all of our past members and non-members of the Trade to join with us and take an active part in the Union for the benefit of all Electricians throughout this great country. We would ask all Units, Facilities, Shops and Jobsites of the IBEW Local Union 602, that if there are Non-Members working in the Trade where you are working, that you as a Union Member would talk with them about becoming or re-joining the Local, and remind them that they only get out of this Organization what they are willing to put in to it. We understand that everyone has issues at various times, but we would like to let everyone know that all of the Staff of IBEW Local Union 602 are here to help with any issues you may currently have or issues you may have had in the past. The Lubbock Unit will be starting the ”Foreman Development” series very soon, along with “OSHA 10”, “Continuing Education” for Licenses renewal and “Code of Excellence”, for any and all Union Members. Be sure and check the web site for Dates and Times. Please make an effort to invite a Brother or Sister to the next meeting in your area and bring them along. So in closing we would like to invite you to call us, or come by and visit with us in person and to invest in your future in the Electrical Trade by participate in the Union Meetings. Thank all of you for your interest in OUR UNION because together we can make it better for all of us. Gilbert Salazar Membership Development/Assistant BA Mack Ray Membership Development/Assistant BA From Midland Another short note from the Midland office, to all the brothers and sisters past and present. We at local 602 are always in need of qualified help, from the CE/CW classifications, apprentices and journeymen level. Organizing help is needed from all members of IBEW 602, call your family and friends and let them know the opportunities and benefits the union has to offer. If you’re working alongside someone that hasn’t become a member yet, encourage and inform them the benefits of doing so. Make sure you stay current on the latest news and updates on our new website for the three offices. The Midland office has full employment and getting into book 2 both inside and outside divisions, from commercial projects to new sub stations ,distribution upgrades, new transmission lines and windfarms. Help get the word out about our organizing efforts. IBEW Objectives: To encourage all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions. Until next time. 3 Scott Little Assistant BA/Membership Development IBEW Local Union 602 Staff would like to congratulate the following Active and Retired members for their years of Service. It would be an honor to present your Years of Service Pin and certificate at the Regular Meeting, which is on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. 5 years of service: Manuel A. Altamirano, Donald Sherman, James C. Walker, Robert E. Westbrook 10 years of service: Stephen L. Bailey, Jaime Cruz, John Perez, Michael R. Schreur, Joe L. Trent, Filemon G. Valdez 15 years of service: William D. Ingle, Jamie R. Lloyd, Craig S. Paxton, Cody G. Potter, Phillip Reyes 20 years of service: Tony K. Davis, James G. Inman, Robby E. Rogers 25 years of service: William R. Bass, David Carrillo, Julio Garcia Jr., Gregg D. Long, James C. Mercer, Joseph D. Padilla, Terry R. Smith, Tink Stewart, Billy G. Tosh 30 years of service: David N. Ingles, Jerry Whitfield 35 years of service: Ronald J. Barnett, Vinson R. Blackerby, Cecil W. Gwyn, David L. Smith 40 years of service: Leonard C. Bauer, Ricky D. Jones, Mark L. Moore, Garry A. Reed 45 years of service: Robert Swan 50 years of service: William, J. Bell, Reagan Cox, Jerry L. Hooks, A.D. Shaffer, William C. Smith 55 years of service: Joe N. Crow, Jimmie B. Estes, Lowell D. Folkner, M.L. Pierson Jr., William C. Shellberg Jr. Robert B. Stultz, Edward N. Whitehead 65 years of service: Charles D. Hulsey We’ll begin to mail out pins in the next couple of weeks. If you would like to have yours presented at the meeting, please call the hall so we can hold on to it. Thank you all for all your hard work!!! Stephanie Pantoja, Front Office Manager Tina Brown, Front Office Assistant 4 Dues and Death Assessments: Payments: You can now pay dues, death assessment online at When making a payment online, please make sure and enter your First and Last name and Telephone #. If you only enter your first name, there is no way of us knowing who to post the payment for. If you don’t have access to the internet, you are more than welcome to call the Hall, and make a payment. Also, if you receive an Arrears letter, online payments must be made no later than 4:30p.m., on the last day of that month. Death Benefits: It is very important that Death Benefits are current so that the Beneficiary can be paid in a timely manner. Local 602’s current DB is #192, Brother David Comer. Notices are mailed to participants of the Death Benefit Fund. Once notified, please pay the required fee of $5.00 each death. *Note: Read all notices carefully, there are times we do inform you of two or three deaths on one notice. Please call the Hall if you are unsure if you have a balance or if you haven’t been receiving notices. Members Record: It is important we have your correct information on file. This includes; new mailing address, contact number, beneficiary, etc. If we don’t have the correct info, it’s a sure bet the International Office, NEBF, Health & Welfare and Annuity Office don’t have it either. Please email or call any changes to: Stephanie Pantoja Tina Brown (806) 376-9945fax: (806) 376-9407 From the Podium 3/25/2015 Hello Brothers and Sisters, let me introduce myself. My name is Gus Wilson, card #D710842, I am the new president of Local 602. I am proud to have the opportunity to serve each and every one of you. At the time of this writing, our Brothers and Sisters at Xcel Energy and Metal Trades at Pantex are in the middle of arbitration and contract negotiations. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers at this time of uncertainty. I am happy to see the increased attendance at the local's general meeting. Lets keep the enthusiasm going! Be safe and take care of each other! In Brotherhood Everyone Wins! Your Brother, Gus 5 From the Training Director As of this writing, we currently have three apprentices not working in the Amarillo area. However, the need for apprentices in the Lubbock and Midland area will increase over the next several months. If any one know of a good applicant in those areas, please give them our contact information. We take applications every Monday through Thursday from 1 PM to 4:30 PM at the Amarillo, Lubbock, and Midland Halls. Or at nay other time by calling and making an appointment. Minimum qualifications are 17 to apply (18 years old to work), high school diploma or GED, and a valid drivers license. Everyone applying will be required to take the Aptitude Test. We are currently conducting continuing education classes for license renewal as well as OSHA, Code of Excellence, and the Foremen Development Series. Go to or for more information. Also, anyone interested in becoming an instructor please send me a current resume. As openings become available, I will contact anyone interested about an interview with the committee. For the Committee, Paul Salazar Upcoming Courses: 2015 Electricians Continuing Education Class: Amarillo (200 S. Fannin St.): Saturday May 9, 2015 Saturday July 11, 2015 Lubbock (405 50th Street): Saturday May 16, 2015 Saturday July 18, 2015 Midland (1002 Liberator Lane): None Scheduled *Cost for the class is $30.00 and members must have a paid up dues receipt.* 6 WHERE ARE WE HEADED? Time absolutely does not stand still, it’s hard to believe that we are already in the second quarter of 2015. Many things are changing and many things more need to change. As a membership we are going thru a great transition, many of our older members are retiring or preparing to retire. We are seeing an exodus of our new journeymen leaving. I believe that the new journeymen are leaving because our contract is subpar compared to many other Union Contracts. The Company is refusing to acknowledge that they have a problem. The 5% cash balance retirement is terrible, we have been informed that the insurance plan that we currently have is one of the worst in the Country, and many of our job classifications are well below the National Market. It is my opinion that that is the reason our young journeymen are leaving. Much of our experience is going out the door and isn’t being transferred to our newer journeymen because the Company is waiting too long to fill the vacancies being left by our retirees. The Company is too FRUGAL to pre-hire. Our dedicated employees that work on Substation Construction and Construction Services are ensnared and being kept from transferring into Local Departments, because they can’t afford to let them go. So what is happening, The Company is hiring people off of the street to fill these local positions. I believe that these Local Positions should be awarded to the dedicated employees that work in Construction Services and Substation Construction and let the new hires take their place in the field. Of course the Company management’s response is “that is the way it has always been. I paid my dues out there”, go figure!! The Company is always asking the membership to think out of the box when it comes to doing things faster and safer, but their response to our issues is “THAT’S THE WAY WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE IT. ’ There is something very wrong with the way that is being handled. At our next Negotiations, we need to go after this change hard. When I was still working with my tools, I heard many of our younger employees state that they don’t believe that we really need a Union, the federal government would make the Company do the right thing. Boy are they in for a rude awakening!!! We currently have 709 Union members out of 814 bargaining unit employees. Our strength at the Hall comes from you!!! You are the Union, we have to start working on our non-union employees. Our strength is in numbers and it is time these non-union employees quit riding on our skirts. You work with these guys every day and you can make a difference on how many members we have and how members we don’t have. Many of our non-members are judging the Union because of the past, well the past is gone and all we have is the future! It’s time we stood together. There many rumors out there and many misunderstandings about what is going on at the Union hall and everything else in general. I say quit hiding behind your phone, and your computers and COME TO THE UNION MEETINGS!!! Every member is welcome and entitled to their opinion, and your opinion counts, but come and get the facts. We have 26 unit meetings every month, surely you can make it to one of these meetings. Many are held at your facilities or in close proximity to where you work and live. I have heard that it isn’t CONVENIENT FOR YOU, you need to remember that what goes on at these meetings affect all of us. The Construction branch only has one meeting a month and if they don’t make it to the monthly meeting, then they have no say so in the affairs of our Local Union. Our Xcel employees have many more opportunities to stay connected. Come to the meetings and hear the truth and then you don’t have to pass on rumors. We are a BROTHERHOOD let’s start acting like one. Your Brother, Mike Andrade 7 Message from the Business Manager (Cont. from the front) As our forefathers did, we must rally to the belief in Union labor! We must work to gather our members to return to what made us what we are. Every day when we go to work, “WE” as Union brothers and sisters should be talking to everybody who will listen about the need to bind together to join as one Local. At work or at home, anywhere you go! You don’t have to knock on doors or talk union 24/7, but you can show people what you believe in by wearing IBEW clothing, and sporting IBEW pins, stickers and buttons. Let’s all stand up and show the world that WE ARE PROUD TO BE IBEW MEMBERS. We want everybody who works in the field to join us. All of “YOU” are ambassadors of the IBEW. The only way we grow is if we ALL work to organize. Yes, we have organizers here at the hall, but they can only contact so many people. An army of organizers is what we need, an army of voices for the IBEW. Our forbearers did this, and we need to work just as hard to get our Union strength back and reclaim our market share and stature in this industry. “Today is the first day of the rest of our UNION’s life”. LONG LIVE THE IBEW!!! Contact Us IBEW 602 200 S. Fannin Amarillo, TX 79106 (806) 376-9945 Visit us on the web at Scan the code below to sign up for a digital copy of the newsletter. Robert Melton IBEW: The Right Choice for your Future! IBEW 602 P.O. Box 143 Amarillo, TX 79105 PLACE STAMP HERE 8
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